88-7 M�MITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PAUL Council �..r � CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 -/ BIUE - MA;oR . File NO. �� � Cou il Resolution Presented By ��!�� Referred To_ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, pursuant to he requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.705, Subd. lc ( ) , the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes the following schedule for 'its meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9: 00 A.M. Council Cham ers Third Floor ity Hall and Courthouse COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays i Goswitz j Long In F vor Rettm�n �7 Agai t BY Scheibel Sonnen V�ilson JAN - � 19$ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ncil S eta By �R'�'�"e-- /�'' ��'�'�-C�'e'u'� �'Z'—z8�� ? B}� A►pproved iVlavor: Date � � '" t i��� Approv Mayor for Sub ' sio to Cbuncil By p�tiSNED J A N - 9 1988 • �K Y wNITE .-CITV��CLERN��. ... . �. � , ; PINM - FlNANCE � .. � �I TY 'F� S�A I 1�TT PA�U L `'�Council �h . . j�. �r ' . . CANARY-- DEPARtMENT � . FIIC . �V. �� ��� � +' , $IUE. .-MAY:O�it..: � � � . . ,'��'�� ��y � Coun. .il Reso��tion _ Pres���ea.sy ����°. _ . Re�rred To - Com�ittee: Date Quf of FCommi�fitee By Date �ES4LV�b, p�rrsnaot �s t� reqa#rea�ewts a���i�et�t�a►ta �tatntas �. S�tion �171.7lS, Sa#8� lE( � s the Cau�eti2 0� t�bs Cit�► ot a,siet � . - Fael l�zebT establ iat�es .t�re' fol laviog sc�tvi� for i�s �t���,�ga� ; . , . _ , . '�e�sdays a�ad 3'��rada�►s . . . • 9.t� lt.M. _ . . , . _ . ��i; cb : . . , �,' Th i z� �l oo� ��,p �al l sa!! Cot��t.�c�vse � " �-a _ . � �, - <'� - � , _w, � �: i� f._ COUNCILMEN Requested by Depertment of: Yeas � Nays � � In Fa or � , • � '� Again t sY � , �� . • . ' � �Q� ''!� '� �8 Form Appcoved by City Atto�ney - Ad�ted by Council's Rate _ Ger{ified Pas�ed F►y .ouncil S etary ;.� BY , " � . ,: . . ____. . , ; i/f� � 1V _ � �►PP . ved by Mavor. Date ' .�^�� �q._ �pproved:by Mayor for'Submission�•' t.�o�Council . , , , , Y :. ' 1 `. ' .,- ,:: ---�. B �,....�-•�.�.� --r.�r �� , . , �.��-7 �...-'-� � .�I°_ Q11677 � Council Researc� DEPARTH� • � �A � � , ' ° Jos h Hannascf� CONTAGT ' , , 29$-4t6� PHONE , � � 12 29 7 DATE ASSIGN Ni3i�BER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (S�ee averse side.) _ Department Director Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services �Di ctor � City Clerk _ Budget Director ,_ - _ City Attarneq _ TOTAL �1iTMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: _,;_, (Clip all locations for signature.) W I H � (Purpose/Rationa].e) � This Resolution proposes a tWic a week schedule for Council meet�ngs, but at g a.m. instea� of. at l0 a.m..,� a . previously req.uired. REFERENCE: Glty Charter Sec. 4.04 and City Administrati e Code, Sec. �5.03• Previous meeti.ngs 3X +�eek. NOTE: Changing time from 10 !a. . to' 9 a.m. requires a Chartec ch�nge as the C#�arter specifies 10 a.m. This may ;re uire a City Attarney's optnion. JH C0 B U Y N SO AC S C none N C BUDG IV C ED C D T D: (Kayor's signature not required if und r $10,000.) , Total Amount of Trans�ction: I n ne Activity Number: Funding Source: ; ATTACHMEI�TS: (List and number all �tt chments.) � Resolution, ID 87-601 , 1 page ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulationis, rocedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they pr imetable attached? „ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORL�EY REVTEW Yes _�To Council resolution ire ired? R,esolution requiredY �Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required?; Insurance sufficient? _Yes No _Yes _No Insurance attached7 • . � . _. $tlN TO USL�' .'�' f��tN SHE�T , . . .. .J ww� ' . . .. - The GREEN SHEET has three PZJRP08ES: . 1. to assist in routisg docw��ts:;s�d i� securing required afgnatures; Z. to brief t�te �avieaers of de�cv�pe�s Qta .the impacts of apprqval; 3. to help ensure that necas'sary sup�tior�3n$ materials are pxepared and, if raquired, � attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enablea :revieMers to make decisions on the docwnents and elianinates follow-up contacts that maq delay execution. Below is the r�, eferrec3 ROUTING fot the five most frequent types of docwaents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) l. Outside Agency 4. Maqor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attornsy 6. Binance Accounting Note: If a C,iONTRACT amount is lssa that� $I0.000, the ?iayor's signature is nat required, if the depaxtmer�t director sfgns. A:con�ract must al�rays be signed by the ou�tside agency before routing through City offices. ADMINIS,�$,�A� I�Q�t�� (Butiget Revision) , ADMINI528ATIVE 01�,pBR (all others) 1: Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. Ci�y Attornay 3. Department Directoz' 3. l�ia�or/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Glerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Ftnance and liaaagament Services COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/(3rant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLIITION (all others) 1. Departmer►t Director 1. .Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorneq 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council � 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services The COST�BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AN}�,,�ffitSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of tha decision. Costs and ben�fits relate both to City budge� (General Fund and/or Special Funds) attd to broader financial impacts (cost to usars, homeowners, or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a descriptian of change or shift of Fu11-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional ' administrative proeedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals ase necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. �UPPORTING M�TERIALS. In the A�'TACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is aell done, no letter of trahsmittal need be included (uales� signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). ote: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurancs should be on�-,of the attachaients at time of routing. ote: Actions �hich require City Councii resolutions include contractual relationships wi�h other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds bq City; eminent domain; assumption af liability by City, or granting by �City of inde�ification; agreements a�ith state or federnl go�ernment under which they are providing �funding; budget amendments. . . �� ��`7 -------------------------------- AGE DA ITEMS -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ID#: 87-[601 � DATE REC: [12/29/8 � AGENDA UATE: C00/00/00� ITEM #� f 1 SUBJECT: [ESTABLISH SCHEDULE FOR COU CIL MEETINGS � C.R, STAFF: [HANNASCH ] SIG:[ CHEIBEL ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [12/29/87] ORIGINATOR:[COUNCIL RESEARCH ] CONTACT:[HANNASCH - 4163 ] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ � .S. RETURNED [00/UO/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTON ] C ] [ ] ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------