89-2199 WMITE - CiTV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L Council /\/� .�/1 CANARV - DEPAFTMENT �{ .�j( BLUE - MAVOR File �O. " 'v, /�� Counci Resolution ;; �, _ f � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (TD #55682) for renewal of a Gambling Manager's License by Donald A. Sperr DBA Harding Area Hockey at Sundance L:anes, 2245 Hudson Road, be and the same is hereby approved/�— COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond • Lo� In Fav ��� i RettmHn � B ' �he1�� Against Y Sonnen Wilson ��C, � g �� Form Appr v d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - Z- 5/��1 Certified Ya s Cou cil retar B3' gy. A►pprove y avor. ate _ �"' � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �'?�' B Y y p'l�{,iSl�D D�C � �; ► $9 . C�- gq�z� �9 ��.�. UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI TRATION DATE �� /� �� / �� /`� � � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Rece ved by Lic Enf Aud /1 /t� "?� �f ,�' Applicant �, D►��- j C{ /-r S'}7. -2 Y 1'" Home Address f J � +� � Rusiness Name ✓d-� rlo 1`i'Vt2� � �P`' Home Phone � -J l �' I '�/ y 1 / a-t- s � � Business Address �!n /��Q LQ �C,S Type of Lic.ense(s) �Gyy� �ln� Business Phone c�f�U � /�G� r (�( l:L�•nS� ��?`'I.E.Lv�-� �� G -� Public Hearing Date �°�' � I License I.D. �{ S��g � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �� ��0�� llate Notice Sent; �a �5� Dealer 4� �I�' to Applicant rederal Firearms �� �� Public Hearing DATE INSPE TIUN RE`JIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) COMMENTS A roved No A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� , Health Divn. ' , ��� , � Fire Dept. � � i N �� i � � Police Dept. I �� License Divn. � ������ � � /L.. City Attorney � ra.�y �, e � Date Received: Site Plan � �' �1 To Council P.esearch � o`,� S � ��] Lease or Letter + l� n Date from Landlord h"� y-t CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: � Workers Compensation: - New Officers: Stockholders: � , . . � � ��-a�9 � �s��a City of Saint Paul Department of Fi ance and Management Services � Licen e and Permit Division 203 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 APPLIC TION FOR LICENSE �':;:�:CASH CHECK CLASS N0. New Fienew ,� � � Date ,,���=� 19� .' Code No. Titie of License From ��—� 19�'0 �� '3� 19_LSr ^ , � � , �� ����� � � a, � ApplicanUComDany Name � 100 � ����dJ g�"��� ' 100 Buslnesa Name 100 � �a�s',���� �� � Business Address Phone No. : 100 � � � �� � / �U 100 Mail to Address Pho�e No. � 100 ��-d"7'C�GE-rG�j lX c �A��� / ManapeNOwner•Name 100 7�/-/�9�7 100 AlanagerlGw�er-Home Address Pho�e No. 4098 Applicatfon Fee 2, 50 Received the Sum of 100 � .�� ManageNOwner-City,State d Zip Code 100 Tot 1 100 � � License InspeCtor By: Signature oi Applicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration�ate , Minnesota State Identification No. C d o20 Social Security No. Vehicle Information: ' Serial Number Plats Number Oth@f: THIS IS A REC IPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application fo.r Hc nse will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zo�ing ordinanCe and Completfon of the inspections by the Health, Ff ,Zoniny and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS , s . n� �' /� l`�"` � �� � � � � � � �al�q ✓ DEPARTM�NT/OFFlCE/OOUNpI DJ1 IN TED Fi nance/�i cense � GREEN SHEET wo. 5 7 9 2 OONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE INI'iIAU DATE- —__ It�ITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 � Zu CITN ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU9T BE ON�UNdL AC�ENDA BY(DAT� IpUTINp �BUDpET pIpECTOR �FIN.a MQT.SERVICES DIR. 12-14-89 ❑�vo�coA�►esisT�rm Q (:n��n�il TOTAL#�OF BKiNATURE PA(iE8 (CLIP AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REWEBTED: Approval of an application for enewal of a Gambling Manager's License. Hearin Date: 12-14-89 Notification Date: 1�-27-89 REOO�ENDATWNS:ADVrov+W a FM�sct ti� OOUNCIL M OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i OOAiMA18810N _CIViI SERVICE COMMI8810N �� PNONE N0. _CIB OOMAAl1TEE _ _8TAFF _ C�AMENTS: _D18TRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTB WNK�i COUNdI OBJECflVE9 uimnnroo��.isau�,oP�ruHmr�wno,wnu.wn.n,wxe�s.wny�: Donald A. Sperr DBA Harding Are Hockey at Sundance Lanes, 2245 Hudson Rd. requests Council approval of hi application for a Gambling Manager's License. All fees and applications have en submitted. aov�wr�s����veo: If Council approval is given, Do a1d A. Sperr will manage the pulltab/ tipboard sales for Harding Area ockey at Sundance Lanes, 2245 Hudson Rd. o�ov�nrr�s iF�o- asnov,wr�s iF rar�o: �ouncil F�esearch Center UEC p 61989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/f�VENUE WOOETiD(CIRd.E ONE) YES NO FUNOINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBlR flNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � � � , � r 1 �'. � ` � � . NOTE: COMPLEFE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHAStNCi OFFlCE(PHONE NO.288-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Bdow are preferrod routlnge for the flve moet frequent typss of documents: COMTRACTS (aswmas autlw�ized COUNqL F1E�LUTION (M�end.Bdgh./ budpst exbts) Accept.OraMs) 1. Outside Agsncy t. DMortmsnt Director ' 2. IniNating D�partmsnt . 2. Budp�t Director 3. Ciy Attomey 3. CUy Mtorney 4. Mayor 4. �/A�ent 5. Financ��Nl�mt Svcs. Of�tor 6. ~dl�r Coundl 8. Finance F►ccouMing d. ChNf AccourNaM, Fin�Mgmt 3v�cs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ��, COUNqI F�80LUTION �and��NANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. In�tatin�D�p�nmeM�irector 2. Departmsnt 1lccounUu�t S. M�yor A�a�ant 3. Dspsrtmsnt Director 4, qty CbUhcil 4. Budgst Dirocta 5. City Clerk 6. Chief ACCOUntant� Fin d�Mymt SvCS. ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initi�Nnp D�putm�nt 2. Ciry Attomey 3. MayoNl�sNstant 4. City Gsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 3KiNATURE PA(iE8 Indicete the#of pa�a�which s�e�urss are required and li esch of thsse�es. .. ACTION REGIUESTED D�scribs what th�projsct/roquest sNks to aocompBsh in Mqar chronologi- � c�l order or o►der of imporhr�ce.wMchwer is rrwst appr�opri�tor dts istus. Do not write compkts sentenoss. Bepin each item in your IMt wqh a vsrb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complet�if tfts iss�e In question has b�sn preaeMed bsfore any body,pub11C • or p�ivate. 3UPPORT3 VYHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indfcate which Coundl obj�ct�re(s)Y��P��9u�wPP�bY��� ths key word(s)(F�IJSIN(3, RECREATION,NEKiHBORHOODB, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPARATION).(8EE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OP110N/LL A3 REGIUE3TED BY COUNqL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Expldn the sltue�ion or conditior�s th�cnaEsd a ns�d tor your proJect or roquat. ADVANTAQES IF/1PPROVED Indicate wMther tMs is simply an annual bud�st proceduro required by law/ chutsr or vrheth�tMrs are epsdNc wa in�ich ths CRy of Saint Paul and its citlzeris will b�nsflt f►an thia pro�t/actbn. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What MgsUve ailscb or major changea to exisUng or past proc�ses might this Droj�cUteqw�t Producs M IC is pessed(e.g.,traffifcc dNeys� noiee, tax ir�rbas�s or aasartNnb)?To Whom?When?For how long? DI�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED • 11Vhat will be ths nepativs oonNq�wnces if the promised nction is not approvsd?InabiUty to dNivsr a�vics?Contlnued hiph tnlflc, noise, aa�denf rate4 L.oes�rsvsnus? . FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you mu�tailor th�infamation you prcvide here to the isaue you are addressing, in gsneral yau mwt answer Mro questions: How much is it poinp to cost?Who is�oin9�PsY? '