99-1219Council Fi1e i� �q � a�°► ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 102917 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as Preseated By Reierred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is planning on implementing Municipal State Aid Street Projects in 2000 which will require State Aid funds in exeess of those available in its State Aid Construction Account, and 4 4VHEREAS, said eity is prepazed to proceed with the construction of said projects through the use of 5 advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account to supplement the available funds in 6 their State Aid Construction Account, and � 8 WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota 9 Statutues 16214, Subdivision 6 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 5820. 10 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested 12 to approve this advance for fmancing approved Municipal State Aid Stteet Projects of the City of Saint Paul 13 in an amount up to $3,OOQ000 in accordance with Minnesota Rules 88201500, Subparagraph 9, and to 14 authorize repayments from the following year's accruals to the Construction Account of the Municipal State 15 Aid Street fund for said city. _ � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � B aXeY � Bostrom � Coleman �� Har-is �� r�rr., � RP�fPf � , Adopted by Council: Date ��- aa- `��� AdoDt Certified by Council Secretary By: 4��. F Approved 'ny r: Date ���� By_ �/j'(� JC��� 1 Requested by Department of: E.TW/jab Public Works 11/29/99 By: VN� Form Apnroved by City Attorney � t! � `�' / . � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Public Works GOMACT PERSON 8 PHONE Ed Warn 266-b142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 11/29/99 InitlaVDa[e OEPAA'fMEM DIflEC�OR No. 102917 InNaVDa(e c«vcoun:a ����� „��N � �t��.�99� CfTYATTORNEY C�IYCLEEiK NUMBEHFOR /� ROIJTING ❑ FINANGIALSERVICES DI� ❑ FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG ��� ❑ MAVOR(OR ASSISTAMj�— ❑ Ed Wazn ❑ ❑ DiticRU ert ��-a9-: 1 {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution approving the use of advance financing from the State of Minnesota noi to exceed $3 million dollazs for the 2000 MSA Program. FiECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Rej¢ct (Fi) PUNNING COMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn everworked under a contrnct forthis department? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Isthis ventloL� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: '�" "" The City is planning on implementing MSA Street Projects in 2000 which will reguire State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid Construc[ion Account. �DVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED. The City will be able to maintain a positive cash flow in the capital spending accounts through the use of no-interest advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account. - ` ," p £ _ �a � c -`,-,z- -�-ta n'* �-'� .._s.�-a'%sFSau � '��v 0 ' 199� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. �.+�^� � � �� ��`��� 'k ;. .1 �.Si si `23 ti'. NSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The city's capital cash spending aceount could go into a deficit condition for a portion of 2000 necessitating short term borrowing of city funds that could otherwise be inves[ed. fO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �3 million FUNDING SOURCE MSA Advance Fundang FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPIAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITVNUMBER VaTiousCPLProi� VES NO i�CJf..�io3i ��e\�o`.�v1 .�+��i���� ��.;Y�;.:� l Council Fi1e i� �q � a�°► ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 102917 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as Preseated By Reierred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is planning on implementing Municipal State Aid Street Projects in 2000 which will require State Aid funds in exeess of those available in its State Aid Construction Account, and 4 4VHEREAS, said eity is prepazed to proceed with the construction of said projects through the use of 5 advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account to supplement the available funds in 6 their State Aid Construction Account, and � 8 WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota 9 Statutues 16214, Subdivision 6 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 5820. 10 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested 12 to approve this advance for fmancing approved Municipal State Aid Stteet Projects of the City of Saint Paul 13 in an amount up to $3,OOQ000 in accordance with Minnesota Rules 88201500, Subparagraph 9, and to 14 authorize repayments from the following year's accruals to the Construction Account of the Municipal State 15 Aid Street fund for said city. _ � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � B aXeY � Bostrom � Coleman �� Har-is �� r�rr., � RP�fPf � , Adopted by Council: Date ��- aa- `��� AdoDt Certified by Council Secretary By: 4��. F Approved 'ny r: Date ���� By_ �/j'(� JC��� 1 Requested by Department of: E.TW/jab Public Works 11/29/99 By: VN� Form Apnroved by City Attorney � t! � `�' / . � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Public Works GOMACT PERSON 8 PHONE Ed Warn 266-b142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 11/29/99 InitlaVDa[e OEPAA'fMEM DIflEC�OR No. 102917 InNaVDa(e c«vcoun:a ����� „��N � �t��.�99� CfTYATTORNEY C�IYCLEEiK NUMBEHFOR /� ROIJTING ❑ FINANGIALSERVICES DI� ❑ FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG ��� ❑ MAVOR(OR ASSISTAMj�— ❑ Ed Wazn ❑ ❑ DiticRU ert ��-a9-: 1 {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution approving the use of advance financing from the State of Minnesota noi to exceed $3 million dollazs for the 2000 MSA Program. FiECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Rej¢ct (Fi) PUNNING COMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn everworked under a contrnct forthis department? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Isthis ventloL� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: '�" "" The City is planning on implementing MSA Street Projects in 2000 which will reguire State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid Construc[ion Account. �DVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED. The City will be able to maintain a positive cash flow in the capital spending accounts through the use of no-interest advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account. - ` ," p £ _ �a � c -`,-,z- -�-ta n'* �-'� .._s.�-a'%sFSau � '��v 0 ' 199� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. �.+�^� � � �� ��`��� 'k ;. .1 �.Si si `23 ti'. NSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The city's capital cash spending aceount could go into a deficit condition for a portion of 2000 necessitating short term borrowing of city funds that could otherwise be inves[ed. fO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �3 million FUNDING SOURCE MSA Advance Fundang FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPIAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITVNUMBER VaTiousCPLProi� VES NO i�CJf..�io3i ��e\�o`.�v1 .�+��i���� ��.;Y�;.:� l Council Fi1e i� �q � a�°► ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 102917 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA as Preseated By Reierred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is planning on implementing Municipal State Aid Street Projects in 2000 which will require State Aid funds in exeess of those available in its State Aid Construction Account, and 4 4VHEREAS, said eity is prepazed to proceed with the construction of said projects through the use of 5 advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account to supplement the available funds in 6 their State Aid Construction Account, and � 8 WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota 9 Statutues 16214, Subdivision 6 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 5820. 10 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested 12 to approve this advance for fmancing approved Municipal State Aid Stteet Projects of the City of Saint Paul 13 in an amount up to $3,OOQ000 in accordance with Minnesota Rules 88201500, Subparagraph 9, and to 14 authorize repayments from the following year's accruals to the Construction Account of the Municipal State 15 Aid Street fund for said city. _ � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � B aXeY � Bostrom � Coleman �� Har-is �� r�rr., � RP�fPf � , Adopted by Council: Date ��- aa- `��� AdoDt Certified by Council Secretary By: 4��. F Approved 'ny r: Date ���� By_ �/j'(� JC��� 1 Requested by Department of: E.TW/jab Public Works 11/29/99 By: VN� Form Apnroved by City Attorney � t! � `�' / . � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL Public Works GOMACT PERSON 8 PHONE Ed Warn 266-b142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 11/29/99 InitlaVDa[e OEPAA'fMEM DIflEC�OR No. 102917 InNaVDa(e c«vcoun:a ����� „��N � �t��.�99� CfTYATTORNEY C�IYCLEEiK NUMBEHFOR /� ROIJTING ❑ FINANGIALSERVICES DI� ❑ FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG ��� ❑ MAVOR(OR ASSISTAMj�— ❑ Ed Wazn ❑ ❑ DiticRU ert ��-a9-: 1 {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution approving the use of advance financing from the State of Minnesota noi to exceed $3 million dollazs for the 2000 MSA Program. FiECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Rej¢ct (Fi) PUNNING COMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn everworked under a contrnct forthis department? YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Isthis ventloL� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: '�" "" The City is planning on implementing MSA Street Projects in 2000 which will reguire State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State Aid Construc[ion Account. �DVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED. The City will be able to maintain a positive cash flow in the capital spending accounts through the use of no-interest advance encumbrances from the general State Aid Construction Account. - ` ," p £ _ �a � c -`,-,z- -�-ta n'* �-'� .._s.�-a'%sFSau � '��v 0 ' 199� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. �.+�^� � � �� ��`��� 'k ;. .1 �.Si si `23 ti'. NSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The city's capital cash spending aceount could go into a deficit condition for a portion of 2000 necessitating short term borrowing of city funds that could otherwise be inves[ed. fO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �3 million FUNDING SOURCE MSA Advance Fundang FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPIAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITVNUMBER VaTiousCPLProi� VES NO i�CJf..�io3i ��e\�o`.�v1 .�+��i���� ��.;Y�;.:� l