89-2196 WHITE - CITY CLERK COURCII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . F�le NO. �/ � • � Counci esolutzon ���. Presented By �_�� Referred To Committee: Date 1��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (TD #71178) for a State Class B Gambling License by Ramsey Co nty Voiture 838 40 et 8 at 1129 Arcade Street, be and the same is h reby approved/�e�: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favo Goswitz Rettman � .�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson � :' ��ps DEC t � Form Approved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date - . Certified P s 'by Co ncil ret By /� By Approv Mavor Dat Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y'��SiS��---- _� B _ . � By � UEC 2 3198 . . . . � ��-a i�� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT A.DMINI TRATION DATE �� J u / / �` � b / INTERDF.PARTMFNTAi. KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Rece'v d by Lic Enf Aud Applicant }QamSP�l l. t D� _�� 3� Home Address f�� t �ih �� G�/ p �� Rusiness I3ame �t Home Phone (,(� 3�1 ' 73� Business Address Type of License(s) ��� g— �rr►bl�� Business Phone �►�ves-�-���r� Public Hearing Date � / License I.D. 4F � ( � � Ib at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha bers, 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4{ � l� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� �'�^ to Applicant � �' ��e?` � � rederal Firearms �� �I� Public He..iring DATE INSPE TIUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved No A roved � Bldg I & D � u�� , Health Divn. , N��. � � Fire Dept. � � i ��� l ' ' 1 �Yolice Dept. �Q� �a ' � � ((� � �� ���� License Divn. � � ��� Ze���� ; C`��� City Attorney � ��-��-�1 ' Date Received: Site Plan )� � b / �i To Council Research ! �—`�� — b �/ Lease or Letter G� Date from Landlord � � 31 � � • . • . City f Saint Paul � ��,�l�fp Finance and Management S rvices%License & Pe nnit Division I:VFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FO PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITA.BLE G�,MBLIVG G�.`!E I`: SAINT PAUL (To be used with the followi ;Vew A & C application, renew �, & C Licenses, and new and renew B in Private lubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organizati n which is applying for license Ramsey County Voiture 838 40 et 8 2. Address where games will be held 1 9 Arcade St. St. Paul� MN. 55106 Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applica ion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Robert E. Kin Date of Birth o7/o5/'Q (a) Length of time manager has been ember of applicant organization 4 yrs. 4. Address of Manager 1111 Kingsford lace St. Paul� MN. 5106 Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicati n is for 6. Is the applicant or organization org nized under the laws of the State of MN? Yes 7. Date of incorporation January 3 , 1980 8. Date when registered with the State f Minnesota January 31� 1980 9. How Iong has organization been in ex stence? Ten Years 10. How long has organization been in ex'stence in St. Paul? Ten Years 11. What is the purpose of the organizat on? For God and Country, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United Sta.tes of Amer ca an e er can eg on; o e oya to it's Welfaxe; to be Patriotic on Memorial and Armistice days� and bring into closer comradship e i.n v ua mem ers o is ra e a e erans organiza on. 12. Officers of applicant organization: � Name James Hunt Name Melvin Erickson Address 664 Ma.rtha Lane Woodb . 5125 Address 1228 Albemarle 5t. , St. Paul� 5511; Commisaxe Title Chef De Gaxe DOB 12 22 2 Title Intendant DOB 5/15/23 Name Cyril Reding Name Rich Nordquist Address 1079 ,+lilson Ave. St. Paul, 55106 Address 363 E. Lawson, St. Faul. 55106 Title Conductuer DOB 7�22�18 Title Cheminot DOB 9�2�34 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who are paid for Sel^ViCes t0 the organization. THE ORGANIZATION H ALL VOLUNTEER H�P Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separat sheet for additional names.) � . � . � ��0319"� 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names nd addresses of all members ot the organizat�cn. 15. In whose custody will organization' records be kept? Name Robert E. Kin Address 1111 Kin sford Pla.ce, St. Paul, 16. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: (Account requires two of the three authorized to sign all checks) Name Robert �,. King Name Melvin E�ickson Address 1111 Kingsford P1. � St. P ul� 55106 Address 1228 Albemarle St., St. Paul, 55117 Member of Member of DOB o7/05/39 Organization? es DOB 5/15/23 Organization? Yes Name James Hunt Name Address 664 Martha Ln. i�oodbur 55 5 Address Member of Member of DOB 12�22�32 Organization? es DOB Organfzation? 17. a) Does your organization pay or in end to pay accounting fees out of gambling fun s? yes XX no (Yearly audit as required by i�. Statute� b) If you do pay accounting fees, t whom will such fees be paid? No firm selected as of Name Address this date. DOB Member of rganization? c) How are the accounting fees cha ged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc:) • - - , Do not Frnow at this time. . 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of alI laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the opera ion of Charitable Gambling games? Yes 19. Attached hereto on the form furnish by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes all receipts, expen s, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations o have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepare , and verified by � Address who is the of the applicant organization. Name 20. Operator of premises where games wil be held: Name Arcade Pha,len Post 57? Ameri Le ion Business Address 1129 Arcade St. , S . Paul MN. 106 Home Address . . � �`���q� 'L1. Amount of rent paid by applicant or anization for rent of the hall: $175.00 Per Event � 22. The proceeds of the games will be d sbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the followin purposes and uses: Nurses Training, Children and Yout 23. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Yes 24. Has your organization filed federal orm 990-T? Y�� If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an wer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant asso iation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. Ramsey County Voiture 838 40 et 8 Organization Name Date��3�fs �i sy: � Manager in c arge ame � Organization Presi ent or CEO 5 5 " 9 < �� � � � � ^ � - _� � i ti � `� j � ^ '' '° ' a � � � A � o - A i1 � � � v :0 O' � '� � � ' I � � + r0 � � `C 9 � 3 �e � ^ ^ y � .]r 3 +_ ��n'+�"�'�i C T r0 r � C e+ � �+ � � 1 C �"..... � `! �0 r+ = e� r � _ A 1 s� t`" '� > y ;a ^t CrJ ti 3 �.Tv �' � ti � � 7 • � � � S 1 + 3 'r, > � � 3 3 r+ r0 m � � I ,� • I � __ — •�► `7C 3 3 �7 r i : � � ^. O I!+ � 7 S � � ? I � 3 � r► �t "«3 9 Jf � � �e a � ; ? ; a a ._ I - � �e � ^ � a t _ � ; � i = .� � �e : � � ?'> - ,� � A � . • .� � � t � ,� m �, � � � � 9 'd '< ; a 1 - .y � i � 9 = `� 'i v v .� r :,i' ^ y � — , "�� � � _ p � i� � � � ti � I I a r A 9 � ��Zti �� � T 9 �C .. '"� I ,! � � � : 40 �m 9 � If f': 1 �' r N S ' � ` '1 �x S I �, ^ � i � �� � 9 � �� � � � � s �s � I� �. � �a ( I � �' � 9 � ^> > � 3 � � y �' I � i f\NWWww■ i 9 C ''+ � �' A a o � ,.. s e a � ol — = r � A ZI ?� , � � � i � � i � ° _ � � 7 �i rr ' I � �O C ]O � � ; j � � 7 � �e .• � t 7 ---.___..,� — -___.__. ,....r_.______- � . , . .. �y 8'�-�1 qG ����8' ' City of Saint Paul Departme�t of F ance and Management Services � Licen e and Permit Division 203 City Halt - � •- St. Paul Minneaota 55102•298�5058 . ' : . APPLlC TION FOR LICENSE � CASH CHECK CLASS NO <, � New� Renew � _ � :' i � ; � t ,f i� . � �� '�. TT . �� •� �� ' J{...e" ` ♦ �.. ' - .. . � :z y oete 10-31� '��� , . . . . - , . . . : _ �._ . , . .. . �...: . , .:: . . ., . . . . . , . . ... ! Code No. • 7itte of License � • • ��From ��� 18�To -�vf "o�� 19� ; � r ' ' - � + � . ` 100 �/')'i G✓ l.� �l �� p � ApplleanUComPany N � jO e� 100 �i . ' .,l l 2�j �-�e��.d e, �-�' ' 100 �Iaineas Naiae . �� � �- `��i U. I, /�'I n .��lo� } -'�;Business Address Phon�Na ; 1� � ; 100 Mail to AdMess Phone No. ; . � d; � � 1� 7�b�o r�- � 1� � ►'� ti 3'�fl- 7.�?� ' ManapsdOwn�r•Name • ; 100 . � � 1 1�t n S�' d �l4�-e� , 100 Atanaper/Gwner•Home resa . Phorn No. � 4098 Application Fee - 2. 5� �,r Rscelved the Sum of 100 S� � ��C� �, !"l Y? ���D� � .� . MsnaqedOwner•City�StsN 3 p Cadr , 100 T al 100� • - : ' . .. � LiCensB InSp@CtOf � By: Sipnature of A nt BOnd• . _ . . . Company Name Poliey No. Expinlion Oats . lnsurance• � , Company Name Policy Na Expirstion Ost� � Minnesota State Identification No. � Socia!Security No Vehicle Info�mation: . , . S�rfal Number . .. st� umbK : .,. : . .: . ; Other . , . . . _ � THISiS:A�RE EIPT FOR.APPLICaTtON� . . . •�. . - ' �� �;�' ;. ' . THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TQ OPERATE Yotx applicatfon(or li nae wilt elther be gra�ted`or�e�ected subject ta the provisions ot the ionin4•.-�,• . t ordinsnet and complstfon of,tha inspectfons.by the Health�F Toninq and/or Lic�nsa lnsp�ctoro. :i�,;�'•. � , .. .. . .. .. .. , , .. . , ,,. ,; � _ • � - . � . , : t . � .. . ' . �'- � `�s , 4�.t . �. ..1 '. , .. '�. t . ;. : .i `,: .:�.t� ., ",. . 'L :F-t ..,.:.i �. + ..' .t.yY . • : . - ' ' ' � ,$15:Q4 CHARG�� FO a�L .RETURNED�CHECKS - r '� ' ! . �' '� zr='s, ' � x, ,• �1 S ,� �� ' , r e� t . � �-�7 �.+ . .t, • y j t . ���</. � i. l (. "�`: —f i.'t I:Il'•�1 . '�' �.°. 1��. }.. .;^t t �� J �...'�� .�j�'' ,��� 4 c ,i�X+. ' f _ _ 7 .� � .i. A' '1 . ,_. >(.^ �1JY.'Y�.l. '-" ." . Y ' ��l1.�w,r. ` � ' . .. � ' � �`�� ; . . " . . ' . ' '' . . `.� �..s l'`�s �'° • . : _ - . ' . � �� G�' �. . � . � °� �� `l�`J � i/1-�9 �' �, / �� . � �9 a/9� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNqL DATE INiTIATE Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5 4 7 5 WNTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INmw OATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 Nu� �CITY ATfORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTIN3 �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MaT.BERVICE8 DIR. 12-14-89 ❑AAAYOR cOR"��T"^"n ��D.unci 1 TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REOUE8'TED: Approval of an application for a State Class B Gambling License. Notification Date: 11-16-89 Hearin Date: 12-14-89 RECOMMENDATIONS:MP��(N a►�(� COUNCN.C MI'TTEE�EARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ OOMMIS810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A�YST PNONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: —a����o�� — RECEIVFp �,���,��,�«,���E�„�� 2�� INIT1ATiNK�PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Whsro.Wh»: CITY CLERK Robert E. King on behalf of Rams y County Voiture 838 40 et 8 at 1129 Arcade Street requests City Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Lic nse. Proceeds from the pulltab sales " are used for nurses training sch larships and youth activities. All fees and applications have been ubmitted. nnv�wr,�oes iF nPr�o: If Council approval is given, Ra sey County Voiture 838 40 et 8 will operate a pulltab booth at 1129 rcade Street. DI8ADVANTAGEB IF APPROVED: DIBADVMITAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �,our�c�i kesearch Center NOV 2 01989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE QN� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NWABER FINANpAL INF�MATION:(EXPWN) dw