89-2183 WHI7E - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �J CANARY - DEPARTMENT � `\ -//� BLUE - MAVOR File �0•.���- �./ `l 1 � ou i Resolution ,--�;� _Presented By _��' �--�� Refer To __Committee: .Date Out of Committee By Date LOT SPLIT WI H VARIANCE APPxOVAL FOR JOItI E BAUEK WHEREAS, Marjorie Bauer, has sub, tted the attached proposed lot split for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Departtent of Planni g and Econo�ic Develop.ent and Public Works have reviewed the proposed lot sp it located at 1487 Edgerton Street, as described on the attached survey; and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split m ets the require■ents of Chapter 67.304 of the Zoning Code, except for the lot f ontage of 50.00 feet required in a R-3 zone and ■inioub lot size of 6,000 aq re feet: and WHEREA3, notice of public hearin before the City Council was duly pnblished in the official neWSpaper of the ci and notices were ■ailed to each owner of affected property and property s'tuated wholly or partly within 350 of the subject property; and WHBREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was held on Nove�ber 16, 1989, where all interested parti s were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and reco��endation concerning the lot split with variance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, hat the City Council accepts and approves the lot split located at 1487 Edgert n Street, variance for the lot frontage and eini,um lot size; and BE IT FURTHEB KE30LVED, that a c py of this resolution will be eailed by the City Clerk to the applicant at 1 87 Edgerton Street, St. Paul MN 55101, Planning Ad�inistrator and to th Zoning Adoinistrator. COUNCILMEN Yeas DilnonCi Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz � In Fav r Ldng Rettman � Agains BY �� :�:.:.i�- Wi1SOI1 D�� � ?� '� Form A ro�ved by Cit ttor y Adopted by Council: Date s a Certified Ya s Counc' : r BY By A►pprov iVlavo : Date � � Appr ve by Mayor for Submission to Council "�,�-- _�-c�-- By p� U E C 2 3 989 � 89485 20/29/22 BAUER, MARJORI ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING C0 . 5811 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone (612) 541 0500 SURVEY FOR• MARJ4RIE BAUER SCALE: ONE INCH EQUALS 0 FEET SURVEYED: August 24, 1989 DRAFTED: September 7, 1989 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NORTHERLY PARCEL Lot 1, JOHN NEIHART'S ADDITION, Ramsey County, Minnesota. SOUTHERLY PARCEL Lots 1 and 2, Block l, F RRAR�S ADDITION, Ramsey County, Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOURCE: We have surveyed the above described property whic the client claims to own or appears to own from various government records. We make no representation t at the client does in fact own the property nor that a search of the records has been made to determine the extent and nature of his holdings. If there is any doubt concerning the accuracy of the legal desc iption, competent legal counsel should be retained to perform a title search and issue a title opinion f r our use in preparing the survey. EASEMENTS: We show only those easements which the client inf rms us of or which we happen to become aware of through other sources. The survey does not purport to sho all easements and improvements. STANDARD SYMBOLS AND CONVENTIO S: "o" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bearin State License Number 10535 set, if "o" is filled in, then denotes found iron monument. CERTIFICATION• I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the Stat of Minnesota. �,_� � Samuel G. Parker, R.L.S. No. 10 35 r��, �_: f,. ✓' � v/ �� � / `' 1� � � \ / �� ♦ ��; ' � � O .i� . . �� ; "$.�3� � I r��^i,;; : ; 6' �� • � �23, 36 E Y A ' r``` _ /��•����`_ '.I �I / i��•� / � W= � ��� j � I ^_ �Q � ' /�~�"�,�_ -r.� � y� �< �t,J ��, • n O7 °� ��^! / ��-i O�dp ♦ a' ? �;° ERL PAR�E�- _: ,, i � ' .; , .; ,, . N��� 4 Sq.FT --, "� � %�', .. � � � 33 �� ��� <�G� %� i''� � M 6� .� „ � � ' � � J�� %f %„ N I � .� �� - S.88°'L��30"W. �-i�'`� ' - " ►3a -- � .•--- � --- .60--- ' � ; ---�.�:"; '--- � " � Mf- ; A o C � ' lJ0 �°,� 20�ALl.EY Whife .� ;,, '-r� ; � 3 .85 20.45 ; �'N �e�� _ ; ,1-,_ •�: ^1� 1 _'�° 2-Stor4 Fram�e�. _ � � S ------- �-�'ti�a----- -Dwe�7-ir�tg--� -r=;-g �� �-=1 , �;� + 5.6�#1485 g. 5 �;� d Od - �� �� � � � �, � � w ? �,A;✓;��; � �-•;•-., � � �^ SOUTHERLY � ; � �,, J , 1' -r ; � i N �ai�g« PA R C E l.. � ' `•-' ' ,,^ a ' ' -' '' � _, ' _- -' S 293 SQ. rT�T. ' .� ,, o � � --'' ` p� �� l�1 i �-� , , �,� .__ --- I I"1.66--- ---- ^ �'� �„� �'^,� 20 '--S.88°2a'30"W. • �` �".� , �.�` ; 33 �" I I TOTAL AREA=11,427 SQ. FT. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED. J OB N0. 89485 . � �A�._ "=',�7_. � �'�;P; "y`� �. :�. .,.� •$CiTY Ope [ ` t • �� �. :;'��,'CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ���„���„� ti DEPART ENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a� °11 �� � ha DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 186� 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RfCEIVED October 20, 1989 �j 2e7�� CITY CLER�S Mr. Albert B. Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: This letter is written to confirm the hearing date for a final plat: Applicant: Marjorie Baue File Number: SBD #377 Purpose: Lot split with v riance Legal Description of Proper : 1487 Edgerton Street SW corner of Edgerton & Wheelock In order to allow time for the ma'ling of appropriate notices, please schedule the hearing date as soon as possi le after 11-23-89. Our preference would be 11-�89. ��� � � 30 I will phone you within the next w days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, .1...��.,��.�"• � .� � Daniel K. Bayers Zoning Section cc: file SBD #377 cc: Mary Jean � _,�' ` � � � � 1�F8TICE F PUBLIC HR.�iitING The St.Paul City Council wi hold a public hearing to consider the requestoi � Marjorie Bauer for a lot split wi var�auce for�l89 Ed�ertdn Stre�t(3W cvrner �Edgerton and Wheelock), on No mber 16, 1989 at 9:00 A.M.in the City Counc�i Chambers, 3rd floor City Ha . Dated October 24, 1989. - ALBERT B.OiSON,City CZerk ( tober 2$, 1989) _ _ . �X� � �/� � NOTICE O PUBLIC HEARING Ttre St. Paul City Council will h ld a public hearing to consider the request of rlarjorie ,Bauer for a t split with variance for 1487 Edgerton Street (SW corner Edgerton and W elock), on November�; 1989 at 9:00 A.M. in the City Council Chamber , 3rd floor City Hall. Dated October 24, 1989 �. Albert B. Olson City Clerk (Octo r 28, 1989) . - � ��-� I�� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFI�UNCIL OATE INITIA D PED - PLANl�lIMG DIVISZON ll�z�� � GREEN SHEET NO. 7O`J2 C�ONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Charl es L. McGui re 288-3364 �N � �P�TMENT DIRECTOR �cm oouNC�� �M� qTV ATTORNEY �CT'CLERK MUBT BE�1 COUNCIL A(3ENDA BY(DATE� R01111N(i BUOOET OIRECTOR FIN.d MOT.SERVIC.ES OIR. As soon as practical ��u►voRcoR�ss�sr�wn [��,ouncil R�esearch TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 1 (C.LIP ALL OCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION F�WESTEO: Adopt resolution to formalize City Counc'1 action taken November 16, 1989. REOOMMEND�TIONB:MP►aro W a Rsi�(R) COUNGL MITTEE/NpEARdi F�PORT OPTWNAL _PLANNIt�Ki OOMM18810N _dVIL SERVIC:O�AMISSION ANALYST PNONE 1�. _p8 O�AMITTEE _ _ A sT� _ coM�Nrs: _���� _ CITY �TT�RN� SUPPORTB WNKMI OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 INITIATINQ PROBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNfTY(Who.Whet�Whsn.Whsr�.WhY): Resolution formalizing action recommende by staff and taken by City Counc�l following a public hearing on �Jovember 16, 1989. ADVANTAfiES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTMiE3 IF APPROVED: ������ ���� �I1Y CLE�.� DISAOVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROYED: l;ounci! Research Center NOV 3 01°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOM = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNaNO 80URCE ACTIYITI/NUMBER FlNANGAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W