89-2177 �NHITE - CITV CI.,�ERK � PINK -'FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L Council. �'] /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � ` y �/ � / BLUE - MAVOR � " C �nc l Resolution ` Presented By � �� Ref o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINA IONS AND FINDINGS NECESSARY TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY AT 683 HAGUE (HOUSING DEVE OPMENT) , SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 8 AREA WHEREAS, on June 22, 1989, the City Council considered a petition from neighborhood residents alleging a n isance which existed on vacant property located at 683 Hague Avenue; and WHEREAS, 683 Hague is a building co sisting of fifteen (15) 2-bedroom condominium units, the building has been boarded and secured by the City due to the hazardous condition it was i and after the owners failed to adequately secure it; and WHEREAS, the City Council was info ed on June 22, 1989 that the YWCA was proposing to purchase this buildin as part of its transitional housing program (if funded) for women and c ildren as an extension of the Lexington Avenue Program and further action der the nuisance building ordinance should be temporarily delayed; and WHEREAS, 683 Hague has continued to remain vacant with no successful resolution for redevelopment, and e property continues to be vandalized, in hazardous condition to city reside s and a blighting influence on the neighborhood; and � WHEREAS, due to the extensive title problems and the length of time the building has remained vacant with action by existing owners, it is likely that the City would have to address this building under the nuisance ordinance at a later date; and WHEREAS, in order to proceed with is acquisition, a Public Hearing was held before City Council which identifi this property and allows testimony for or against such undertaking, this not" e, was published in the paper November 16, 1989, with a public hearing before ity Council on November 30, 1989, with all property owners being notified by rtified mail of the hearing; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Planning and Economic Development In Fav r _ __ Against BY -�!`��_ �� �� Form Approved by City Attor ' y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY / g�, t�pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approv Mayor for Sub s on to Council BY - – — BY - . � � , . � 1- a � j� WHEREAS, negotiations have failed nd eminent domain will be necessary to clear out existing title problems nd provide marketability, also a ninety (90) day quick take will be neces ry in order to secure possession of the property and minimize further det ioration of the structure which may make it infeasible to rehab; and to minimi e further hardship to adjacent property owners and neighborhood residents s a whole. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by he City of Saint Paul, in view of the foregoing hereby adopted findings hat the public acquisition of 683 Hague Avenue legal described as: Condominium Number 144, St, lbans Terrace Condominium, Unit No. B-1, B-2 and B-3 Condominium Nwnber 144, St. lbans Terrace Condominium, Units No. 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203 204, 301, 302, 303, 304 in the Summit-University District Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in accordance with these findings: 1. That the Vacant Building Ini iative and Redevelopment Plan for Summit University together with Min esota Statutes 469.012(7) and 469.017 which includes acquisition and cle rance rehabilitation of housing considered to be a blighting influence n the surrounding neighborhood due to its degree of obsolescence, over rowding would not be undertaken or made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing and including housing for low/mo erate income families be accomplished without the financial aid so ght and to be provided under this activity. 2. That the City Wide Redevelop ent Plan which includes the Summit-University Redevelopm nt Plan which boundaries include the property at 683 Hague and wh ch acquisition is hereby approved will afford maximum opportunity, onsistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole, for th provision of new housing by redevelopment of the existing housing by p ivate enterprise. 3. That in accordance with the ousing and Community Development Act of 1974 and Minnesota Statute 1 7.52 all acquisitions undertaken by an acquiring Authority, which A thority shall provide all relocation assistance, services, paymen s and benefits in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistanc and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (24 CFR 42 and 570.1 CDBG re ulations contained in HUD Handbook 1377, effective April 1, 1989) . 4. That, acquisition of the pro erty herein may be acquired by direct purchase or exercise the pow r of eminent domain together with a quick-take action. WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L Council OLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. � ` � �/ �� " �y Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S. That, pursuant to Chapter 5 8, Laws of Minnesota 1984, it is hereby certified that said propert meets the conditions of Minnesota Statutes Section 273.73, Subdivision 11 and are exempt from property taxes under Sections 272.02, Subdivisio 1, clause (7) and 469.040, Subdivision l, until sold for private rede lopment. 6. That acquisition of the pro rty herein identified is necessary in order to remove conditions of bli t which exist in the Summit-University District 8 area and to carr out the necessary redevelopment to provide housing for low/moderate in me families. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Planning and Economic Development Goswitz _� In Fav r Long � Rettman _ � __ Against BY �A c �A- '���� Scheibel Sonnen ��Q ��C Q 7 AycJ� Form Approved b City Atto ne� Adopte��'y�ouncil: Date \�,, Certified I?a• •ed by Council Secre ry BY gy. � .�'�.��'.�?'` J t#pprove 'Vlavor• � Appr by Mayor for Su iss Council �..�� B �g�.� D E C 1 � 19 9 , tSf� E C 2 319 9 r . . � �� a �7� �PARTMENT/OFFlCE/WUNqL DATE IN ATED pED GREEN SHEET No. 3 3 5 7 CONTACT PER80N d PHONE �Nmw�1TE INITIAUDATE PARTMENT DIRECTOR �(�TY COUNCIL Sheri Pemberton 3358 � � q7Y ATTORNEY o'1 ❑cm c��uc MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.&'7fA0T.SERV�CES DIFI. �MAYOR(OR ASSiBT TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES e1. (CUP A L LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATURE) "�ON��DcHold Public Hearing (Novembe 30, 1989) to make determinations and findin�s necessary for the Housing an Redevelopment Authority to acquire the property at 683 Hague Avenue. REOOMMENDATION8:Approvs(Iq a RsJsct(F� C TTEE/1�8EARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL PHONE NO. _PWNNINO COMMIS810N _CIVIL BERVICE COMMISSION _pB OOMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ _DISTRICT OOURT SUPPOR7S WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 YO S�EEtCE Provide affordable housin INITUITINO PNOBLEM,18SUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,WMro,Wh�: On June 22, 1989, City Council conside eci a petition from neighbo idents concerning this vacant and hazardous b ilding (property vacant sin 1988). �fi�� C� � ��� ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: / Acquisition of this property will mini 'ze further deterioration of the structure which may make it infeasible to rehab; minimize further hardship to ad�acent property owners and neighborhood as a whole; pr vide rehabilitation creating affordable housinp, for low/moderate income families. Approved by City Council sitting as th Housing and Reclevelopment Authority Board by Resolution 89-11/13-4. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: ���w �COsi�.9 CtTY CLERK DI8AOVANTAQEB IF NOT APPF�VED: The structure remains acant, continues to deteriorate and create neighborhood problems. Extensive title problems make it impossible for an outside develop r to acquire the property privately (this has been attempted for the past six months). �OLlCICU �C:SGr�YC�'1 (i�8� ��� u l 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 340,000 CpgT/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRCLE ON� � No FUNDING SOURCE New Housin Development Fund ACTIVITr NUMBER��'�3'�.�3l�4IA "O$3�` - �yW� flNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Housing and Redevelopment Authority of th City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �f/(! (Resolution 89-11/13-4) . . �f_ �; 1`� :I . i - 1�Z'. D NOUSIN6 AND REDEYELOPMENT AUT ORITY OF TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMI�IONER8 DATE November �, 1989 RE6ARDINe AUTHORIZATION TO SCHED LE A PUBLIC HEARING AND SUBSEQUENTLY PROCEED WITH ACQUISITI N OF PROPERTY AT 683 HAGUE (HOUSING DEVELOPMENT) , SUMMIT-U IVERSITY DISTRICT 8 AREA BACKGROUND � On June 22, 1989, the City Council considered a petition from neighborhood residents alleging a nuisance whic existed at vacant property located at 683 Hague Avenue. Property had first een noted as vacant in April, 1988. The building consists of fifteen ( 5) 2-bedroom condominium units which are owned by three (3) parties. Due t past foreclosures, the title problems on this property are nwnerous. The b ilding has been boarded and secured by the City due to the hazardous conditio it was in and after the owners failed to adequately secure it. The City Council was informed on J ne 22, 1989 that the YWCA was proposing to purchase this building as part of ts transitional housing program (if funded) for women and children as an exten ion of the Lexington Avenue Program. The YWCA was awarded a Transitional Ho sing Grant for this program from HUD and has been attempting to secure purc ase agreements from the three (3) property owners. They have been negotiatin with the owners and seem to have been successful with two of the parties in control of ten (10) units, but have been unable to secure an agreement with the owner of the remaining five (5) units. At this point, HUD has advised the YWCA that, unless site control is secured shortly they will have to find ano her suitable structure or lose their funding. 1 . � .. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL BAC GROUND In 1988, the YWCA had applied for federal grant under the Transitional Housing Program for funds to acqui e and rehabilitate a building on Lexington Avenue. The YWCA made a presentat on to District 8 at that time, since City funding was also being requested. Subsequently the YWCA was later notified that they did not receive the gran . In May, 1989, the YWCA decided to gain apply for a federal grant for the Lexington property since it was st 11 on the market, but did not request City funds. During HUD's initial revie , they advised the YWCA that the application as submitted was ineli ible because the Lexington building was occupied and would result in displ cement. HUD advised the YWCA that unless a suitable substitute building could be found within five (5) working days, their proposal would be rejected. With HUD's assistance, two buildings were identified, 683 and 698 Hague, and were noted as suitable for the program. The property at 698 Hague had a pu chase agreement, 683 Hague was available and the initial contact with owner indicated willing sellers. The YWCA had agreed to make a pres ntation to the District 8 Council on the Program if they could secure a pur hase agreement on 683 Hague. CURRENT STATUS The YWCA has put an extensive effo t forward to secure 683 Hague with no final resolution on site control. The p operty continues to be vacant, vandalized in hazardous condition to city res dents and a blighting influence on the neighborhood. Due to the extensive title problem and the length of time the building has remained vacant with no action by isting owners, it is highly likely that the City will have to address this uilding under the nuisance ordinance at a later date. As the Board is aware, Federal fund ng is becoming more and more difficult to obtain for any projects, and with f nding already approved, it seems extremely advantageous for us to try and secu e these proceeds for City improvements. 2 As noted above, time constraints ve been placed on these funding proceeds and some immediate action needs to be taken both to try to secure the funds for the City and to resolve a ma�o detrimental neighborhood problem which was originally brought to the Council' attention by a neighborhood petition in May, 1989. The YWCA will proceed to make a pr sentation to the neighborhood and the District Council in an effort to s cure their support for the Hague property as a substitute for the Lexington roperty which was previously presented to District 8. In order to proceed with this acqu sition, a Public Hearing must be held before City Council which identifi s this property and allows testimony for or against such undertaking. This no ice, if approved, is scheduled for publication in the paper for Novem er 10, 1989, with a public hearing before City Council on November 21, 1989. All property owners will be notified by certified mail of the hearing. As indicated above, negotiations h ve failed and eminent domain will be necessary to clear out existing ti le problems and provide marketability. A ninety (90) day quick take will al o be necessary in order to secure possession of the property and min mize further deterioration of the structure which may make it infeasible to re ab; and to minimize further hardship to ad�acent property owners and neigh orhood residents as a whole. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting suthorization o proceed with the acquisition of 683 Hague Avenue, Summit-University District 8, only subsequent to a public hearing being held before City Council. e funding to undertake this activity is recommended through the New Housin Development Fund in an amount not to exceed $340,000. This amount incl des acquisition, property maintenance insurance and other costs that may be incurred until disposition, to be reimbursed from sales proceeds. A resolution is attached for your onsideration and approval. Sheri Pemberton Victoria Murray 3 . . � � � , ai � 7 R E S 0 L U T 0 N N 0. 89-11/13- RESOLUTION SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZING �I ACQUISITION OF PROPER AT 683 HAGUE (HOUSING � DEVELOPMENT) ,SUrIl�IIT-UNI ERSITY DISTRICT 8 AREA WHEREAS, on June 22, 1989, the Cit Council considered a petition from neighborhood residents alleging a isance which existed on vacant property located at 683 Hague Avenue; and WHEREAS, 683 Hague is a building co sisting of fifteen (15) 2-bedroom condominium units, the building has been boarded and secured by the City due to the hazardous condition it was i and after the owners failed to adequately secure it; and WHEREAS, the City Council was info ed on June 22, 1989 that the YWCA was proposing to purchase this building as part of its transitional housing program (if funded) for women and c ildren as an extension of the Lexington Avenue Program and further action u der the nuisance ordinance was delayed; and . WHEREAS, the YWCA was awarded a Tra sitional Housing Grant for this program from HUD and has been attempting to secure purchase agreements from the three (3) property owners without a succe sful conclusion; and WHEREAS, extensive effort has been ut forward to secure 683 Hague with no final resolution on site control, a d the property continues to be vacant, , _ vandalized, in hazardous condition o city residents and a blighting influence ; on the neighborhood; and � WHEREAS, due to the extensive title problems and the length of time the building has remained vacant with n action by existing owners, it. is likely that the City would have to address this building under the nuisance ordinance at a later date; and WHEREAS, Federal funding is becomin more and more difficult to obtain for any projects, and with funding already pproved, it seems extremely advantageous for us to try and secure these proc eds for City improvements; and WHEREAS, time constraints have been placed on this funding and some immediate action needs to be taken both to tr to secure the funds for the City and to resolve a major detrimental neighbo hood problem which was originally brought to the Council's attention by a nei borhood petition in May, 1989; and WHEREAS, in order to proceed with t is acquisition, a Public Hearing must be held before City Council which iden ifies this property and allows testimony for or against such undertaking, th"s notice, if approved, is scheduled for publication in the paper for Novemb 16, 1989, with a public hearing before City Council on November 30, 1989, ith all property owners being notified by certified mail of the hearing; and WHEREAS, negotiations have failed a eminent domain will be necessary to clear out existing title problems a provide marketability, also a ninety � (90) day quick take will be necessa in order to secure possession of the property and minimize further deteri ration of the structure which may make it infeasible to rehab; and to minimize further hardship to ad�acent property owners and neighborhood residents as a whole. 8IZ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, in view of the foregoing hereby adopted findings that the public acquisition of 683 Hague Avenue legal described as: Condominiwn Number 144, St. Albans Terrace Condominium, Unit No. B-1, B-2 and B-3 Condominium Number 144, St. Albans Terrace Condominium, Units No. 101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204, 301, 302, 303, 304 in the Summit-University District 8 Redevelopment Area is hereby approved in accordance with these findings: 1. That a public hearing is hereby requested to be held before City Council on November 30, 1989 concerning the acquisition of this property. 2. That the Vacant Building Initiative and Redevelopment Plan for Summit University together with Minnesota Statutes 469.017 which includes acquisition and clearance rehabilitation of housing considered to be a blighting influence on the surrounding neighborhood due to its degree of obsolescence, overcrowding would not be undertaken or made available for redevelopment, nor would the provision of new housing and including housing for low/moderate income families be accomplished without the financial aid sought and to be provided under this activity. 3. That the City Wide Redevelopment Plan which includes the Summit-University Redevelopment Plan which boundaries include the property at 683 Hague and which acquisition is hereby approved will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole, for the provision of new housing by redevelopment of the existing housing by private enterprise. 4. That in accordance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and Minnesota Statute 117.52 all acquisitions undertaken by an acquiring Authority, which Authority shall provide all relocation assistance, services, payments and benefits in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (24 CFR 42 and 570.1 CDBG regulations contained in HUD Handbook 1377, effective April l, 1989) . 5. That, acquisition of the property herein may be acquired by direct purchase or exercise the power of eminent domain together with a quick-take action. 6. That, pursuant to Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota 1984, it is hereby certified that said property meets the conditions of Minnesota Statutes Section 273.73, Subdivision 11 and are exempt from property taxes under Sections 272.02, Subdivision 1, clause (7) and 469.040, Subdivision 1, until sold for private redevelopment. 7. That acquisition of the property herein identified is necessary in order to remove conditions of blight which exist in the Summit-University District 8 area and to carry out the necessary redevelopment to provide housing for low/moderate income families. 8. The HRA budget is amended as follows: L LG . Current Amended Bu_ dget Chan�es Bud e�t � SPENDING PLAN 132 New Housing Development Fund GL-132-36410-0551 Unspecified Rental Sites 335,000 (340,000) 15,000 P6-132-36410-0551-64426 683 Hague Avenue 0 340,000 340,000 Net Change to Spending Plan p 9. That, upon City Council appr al of the acquisition of this property, it will be publicly advertised r developer interest in rehabilitation for affordable housing units in cordance with the approved neighborhood procedures. 10. That, staff continue to assis the YWCA in researching the potential of other vacant structures that ight be acceptable for their proposed pro�ect, f ; ��___ ozz . p .' .• . ' i . . - . . .. • - ��'__ _ e f, :: � �� �����" - ,i ' � ��� � ��. � _ _ �� �� . � __i �► �,���i ��� :, �� ��: .. '�iS= -_ �' � � " - �� � .. . ' _ � � � t , . � _ . �� .�� ��_� T ! - � _ :., �_ -J .� � � � � ��:�� .. � � �� ! � � � . � �.. w - .� -' _ " +► 1 -- ■l:; � = � z� _ � -� — ,� �� �°`�� � � . ' � lol �� :- � .� — � � = _� �� � -� �,�- ~� '� � �� , � :;� � �� _ � ,_ _ � � ;�,:� �C � � � .,_= �= � � ��' � � � �� �� y � �� � ��� �� �� � � ,� r � — � �=��, � � I ` �� � � a r�rr� � � �= �■. .� � � � �� � � V � u. � ' � ' �� ■ '� l��� �� � '�� ► •i � C �� _�••�� - � �C�\'� � � .� � _� �� � °� �. �.r . 1�� :� �� � _� � � � _ �_ � �� . �' � �?.`. � _ ._ __ �E . -�� � � - :- - .. �� �: � .� • � � s ,• ��' !��� — �g �� � �i w ��i '� �'!�+ "���� �-..�1.� � � �� �� t �'1 ! _ � � �� �� I� �� �� ��, _�_�,. �� ��� . � �� ; �� — = J� � _ �i • � � tt ��I !��J� � � � f s �� ��'.�. � ■ � � 5 �� ��� �gi � • ,�� �� � ••_� ,n I��e •�— �_ � ' i � i� � � � � �� �m � �� �� •� ��� - � I. _ �� _ _ �_� '_ � > � '�'�' •�iw �'� T� • � � •;.�� c� '" T. ..e.�. � �� � � �� Q �` �� � �� Z� �� °� �Of L�,� . r--� .� � � � ��. � '�.� � � I � � �� � � � f� �) -u d � A �� '� '�� � � ��I � — �� � ;• � � ■ g� _� � , � � � � +tl y �� � +A �� � y � � , ��� � �� � �� �� j� '° � .: w � � _ r��� . � � .� � ,, z� �ti � �I"� e � � �,�►-� � '� � -� ■ •.. � d .�� �. � � : A • . ' - • . c��� � ,� g- �/r" ��� � �`__.: We, the undersigned res'dents have experienced repeated complaints in our ' neighborhood due to act'vities at 683 Hague Avenue. These complaints include, the continued lighting influence this property has in our �C�Q � neighborhood. The buil ing 'is vacant and continues to become more of an !•\ � e sore each day, wit windovs out, persons .illegally using the building (-Gv ,y�� ��nd continued hazatdou condit'ions. �1e believe this property is a public (�v �, ,J\� nuisance and hereby re uest that the City Counci�l place this matter on its � \ P � agenda for a public h aring as so�n as possible. � RECEIVED ��� . O� �. . M4� 0�1989 CI;Y CL£!�K . 1 . 0«ner 2. Owner-Occupant 3. Tenant , tJame Address . � w, R �. �,,..� a-s -���i c�e _ �'-�--� .. ���-., � 7zs N � C�� � � . _ :, - . . � 7a� Lz � . .. 7at kA-6U� �Z } . � � �- � �, 64 �a _ �a�. . . . � G,,, i� � a- . _ " ' 1 t�8`3� „� � 2� . . . � . . . 'd�l/'� _ � /� / ��/ ,�_� �� �. . . . . . . . J �� �� :. . . . 2 �. . . . . . . � , �� �✓, , � 1� . �. . . ���. . . . . Q '�� (/YYC�� fn O� �"�0�.9-ti� �� . �� � . ,.�' � :�� (^�' i� (� � � � �] , G'9s .-�-�,�--.� G,� � �,�� ._ >�'-��L+-etcr� ,l,�C-� � 7�' ��'��u.�� CZ.�u �z� . . . . .. — � . ,� - . . . . . . . - . f,-;_ i��c c C. ( L ,�1� / �%�� � �/ �� . . . ' .�� � �c �a�c/', CrG� � \ v� uv'� . . ,.� ,�;��G �5��, �.;�S- � S����'��./,.� ��J �� _ � : ��d �Q,'►�a-�t�c�-�.. ��.�. �_ ���11�-_-� l. ,t �. . . je l-n�--;�C,;,. .�ly� '�"L J . .� . i l� '��-�..._ �L / �f) � /'c'? ��L.7 l:�J� . . . . . . , � . � �,Z �,� � , 2� . � : • a! � �/ J � / � �C �,�7 ��1� � ,, �y_ � � � Q . .o. . .� � � . : . � � � � ' � ��- �� � � r 7 . .. � � a.:, �i 'r .,. ,�i�j�', '�\ . � .. :,�•. .. ' , ..... . . .�' O C Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TMENTAL MEMORANDUM � DATE: November 17, 1989 �C��VFn T0: �� �V171�89 FROM: Sheri Pemberton� C��Y C��Ri� RE: City Council Public He ring Attached is a copy of a Public Hea ing which was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press/Dispatch and St. Pau Legal Ledger on Saturday, November 18, 1989. Please place this Public Hearing o the City Council Agenda for November 30, 1989. A City Council Resolution i being routed for signatures and will be forwarded to you by the City Attor ey's Office, prior to the City Council meeting. Thank you. SAP:lk Attachment cc: Phil Byrne Jim Hart Vicki Murray : .. � . _ � �� NOTICE OF PUBLIC H ING UPON PROPOSED PROPERTY °` ACQUISITION OF A P CEL OR TRACT OF LAND IN THE �� � SUMrIIT-UNIVERSITY D STRICT 8 REDEVELOPMENT AREA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Public Hearing before the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, in the Council Chamber , City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday November 30, 1989, at 9:00 a.m. Central Standard Time, upon the proposal o the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to acquire by purchase or exercise the power of eminent domain, on a parc 1 or tract of land located at 683 Hague Avenue, as more specifically addre sed below, under the provisions of the approved Summit-University Distric 8 Redevelopment Plan. Upon said PubTic Hearing, the Coun il shall consider whether the acquisition of the property identified by stre t address and legal description as follows: Address,: 683 Hague Avenue Legal Description: Condomin' Number 144, St. Albans Terrace , Condominium, Units Nos. 101, 02, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204, 301, 302, 303 and 304; Condominium Number 144, St. bans Terrace Condominium Unit Nos. B-1, B-2 and B-3. Above property is further des ribed as: Buel and Mackubin Outlots in Township 29, Range 23, the So th 60 feet of the North 110 feet of the West 113 feet of the part Eas of Lexington Parkway and South of Rondo of Lots 9 and 10, Ramsey Cou y, Minnesota; is necessary or desirable in order o carry out the objectives of the Summit-University Redevelopment Pl , District 8, and whether there is a feasible method for relocation of i dividuals, families and businesses as a result of this acquisition, if any. At said Public Hearing all interested persons may appear before and will e heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of this identified prop rty. Dated this 17th date of November, 1 89. ALBERT B. OLSON CITY CLERK