89-2171 I � �� � � y��' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCkL' ILE N�:. ' ��/ ✓ FINAL ORDER _ ~ � _ , By , . ....... t.� ; .,_ . , F'e No. lassi Voting In the Matter of eoastractins tha insto�/Ysatera �rsa ttora Sa�w�er Proaact Ward Eoanded by l�ebraska, ifiae t Yarlara�, Ma�bin and M�rion. S under Preliminary Order � ��v � approved �� —aG�� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, there ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dire ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com etion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shail report the same o the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �~N 9 1990` Yea�i�ond Nays Goewitt Certified as e y Council Secretary Lorig $,v.�,� ��q.��jF.G In Favo By .s�s�a�r�,2�-r��r a+� � � �j�y,uLC. Against -��/��!��� �sl"°� JAN 1 0 �990 Mayor P1�L1SNE0 J AN 2 01990 p�,�N� JAN 2 7 1990 T .t. . . � � t ;� .•�• � � � � . ��,f�' �': . w : E L�H v R sT 1�'• - - - - ,c� t• on ��i•-�:;.�,� '�~:�J. . ,,A• : �• +'1: �•-1�. C�rErFRr �'� },:. • ���"��.�r . ,� w �: ��4:'• �4 a � . � tJ . 3 • ,� � ..�'. . 3 � j ��� ��� �� e w► .. . �.: .:.. � . . � � .... • � � �•' � � l � � � � 1 1 � � . ~ � , •� . r • Mrir � • � � �i� � � � � M= w � .. � � � ]. • .� „a � ... Z N4Te m :a,'pr: � � Y �� ���� 1°- •i ( . � J � � 1 ��. . 1 � VI � � . � . � j :���t � �� ' > � � d,`+ '� 'r�� • w. COT TA�E � • � ,.. '�"� ' i � "'s • '' .� r .� ''r"-�'�"i s� *. . � r�,,�• � • �'' � •• , ? ���� l � '� i : F ' ��• 1i. (� . . • ���• r� •.ti� .'1 �� •`� ~ W • . � lY � � ' �•� � � � � � .: M u � .. �+- � � _ A � - • - �� . . .. _ .. � �. . < �- M� �� , � � _ � � i w �fti�t�N� '•� � • � � 1r p � o • .,�' - � s — �:. .. _ + � f e M� J t s .�� � �/ ��' � i = � � � •2u�.zEa� ya sE �Cep amES ay� uo •y�•y 00�6 - OE�B �0�3 TTEH ��?� 8TZ �oo� u ��aCo.zd siy� uo suoi�sanb a�nu�w �ssT �Cus aaMSUS o� ajqsTis E aq �TiM 33Ezs �C�?� `osTy srvoils�n� £TS7-86Z �s�uaiussassd LLZ9 Z6Z :uoi��n.z�suo� •mEa�o.zd �s�aaa�s paZio 3 �u�nsd szq� .zapun passasss uaaq sEq apis �.zous aq� �Eu� p pinoad passassE aq �ou ZT�M s�oj zau�o� Tsiauapisaa 3o apis �u Z aq� uo �aa3 OST �5��3 auZ •�uiu�is s aucho ��aadoad 30 �ua�zad OL u�zr, uoz�i�ad fq �oo3/OZ'Z$ �E aTqE ZEAE sz �ui�q��T ME3�S �uag �003 az8nbs .zad 5L0'S �TE?��aunuo� �003 aZqBSSasss �ad OS'£S :s�uamssassy �ui�u�i7 �003 azsnbs �ad £p•� :jei�uapisag �003 alqessasss �ad 00'6TS :�uamssasse .zaMaS uuo�S :s�uau�ssassy u�nEd �aa.z�s ��- ���% N � ST. PAUL CITY COU CIL C���. � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTIDN City Council District ��5 Dear Property Owner: _ District Planning Council 4�6 File No. 18581 18582 P U R P O S E � To decide whether to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to be known as the ARLINGTON/WESTERN AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT bounded by Nebraska, Wheelock Parkway, Mackubin, and Marion. A N D �so, to decide on whether to proceed with the ARLINGTON/WESTERN PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT, including a bituminous paving, LO C A TIO N _ �oncrete curb and gutter, concrete driveways and outwalks, and a lantern-style lighting system for the streets listed on the reverse of this notice. RECFIV�R ��2 419�9 � .�. Tuesday, December 12, 1989, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G � city Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House -----------------------------=------------------------------------- Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Courx House at 9:00 A.M. If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will �iw1 �t NC���'+ b� assessed against �enafitted properties after ratification. The ������ estimated assessments for this project are as follows: IN F O R MA TIO N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS for Storm Sewer $ 900,000 Paying 825,000 Lighting 120,000 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE • $1,845,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: Assessments $ 283,000 Federal Grants and Loans 150,100 State Grants and Loans 181,700 Sewer Revenue Bonds 860,200 Capital Improvement Budget (1980) 370,000 TOTAL FINANCING $1,845,000 .� _-� - ��- ��a��� 7. 1/9/90 Final Order: Imp oving the following Approved streets with a bi uminous surfaced with roadway, concrete curb and gutters, amendments concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting s stem: Parts of Arundel , Cohansey, Cottage Cumberland, Galtier, Nebraska, Western and Wheelock Parkway. All to be known a the ARLINGTON/WESTERN AREA STREET PAVIN AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public Works wil be recommending that a number . 1/9/90 Final Order: For construction of the Approved ARLINGTON/WESTERN AREA STORM SEWER with PROJECT. Area is bounded by Nebraska, amendments ' Wheelock Parkway, Mackubin and Marion Streets. Also, c nstructing sanitary, storm and water s rvice connections if requested by prop rty owners. 9. 1/9/90 Final Order: Imp oving the following Approved ` streets with a bi uminous surfaced roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting s stem: Parts of Beech, Margaret, E. Sixt , Clarence, Etna, Birmingham, Hazel ood, Barclay, Germain, Kennard and Fland au. All to be known as the KENNARD/BEECH AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public Works is recommending that a number of streets be �- deleted) . 10. 1/9/90 Final Order: For constructing the Approved KENNARD/BEECH ARE STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area bounded by M nnehaha Avenue, Johnson Parkway, E. Fourt Street and White Bear Avenue. Also, co structing sanitary, storm and water s rvice connections if requested by prop rty owners. 11 . 1/9/90 Final Order: Acq iring permanent utility Approved easements between Colvin and Sunnyslope Lane for the FAIR IEW/MONTREAL STORM SEWER PROJECT. 12. 1/9/90 Final Order: Acq iring permanent utility Approved easements between Morgan and St. Paul Avenue for the FA RVIEW/MONTREAL STORM SEWER PROJECT. T e north 138.85 feet of vacated Wheeler S . as vacated between Blocks 3 and 4, G andport Addition. � 2- � ' . . Members: ��"'a��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair Janice Rettman „u�uuiiu OFFIC� OF FI� CITY COIINCIL Tom Dimond nn ��;n, . Date: December 20, 1 89 - � Com ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utiliti , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air 1, Approval of minut s of November 15, 1989. Approved 2. 12/19/89 Vacation: Petitio of Knox Home Center, Laid over to Inc. for the vaca ion of part of 1/17/90 COTTONWOOD AVENUE between Prior and Fairview. Purpos is to clear title of building encroach ents. � 3. 1/9/90 Vacation: Petiti n of City of Saint Paul Approved to vacate an aban oned sewer easement in Block 4, Hazel Pa k Addition. 4. 1/16/90 Vacation: Petiti n of the H.H.H. Company Approved for the vacation f part of the alley in Block 13, Hager's Subdivision, bounded by Albemarle, Rice, vy and the Burlington ' Northern Railroad Purpose is to combine existing parcels lus proposed vacation into one s,ite. 5. 1/16/90 Vacation: Petitio of James and Ann Laid over to Carlson, et al fo the vacation of part of 1/17/90 the alley in Bloc 13, Highview Addition bounded by Beechw od, Saunders and Howell . Purpose is to enl rge a single car garage into a 2-car gara e. 6. 1/9/90 Final Order: For constructing the Laid over LARPENTEUR/JACKSO AREA STORM SEWER indefinitely PROJECT. Area bo nded by Larpenteur on the north, Soo Li e Railroad on the west, Burlington Northe n Railroad and D.N.R. Right-of-way on t e south, and: Interstate 35E on the east. Also construct .storm, sanitary, and wat r service connections, if requested by p operty owners. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLO R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ae . ��- ,�/�'/ ABY OR�EB R � Council File No:89•1937-By Jan' Rettman— In the A+Istter of constructing the Ariington/Western Area Storm'Sewer Project bounded by Nebraska,Whe lock Pkwy.,Mackubin aAd Marion in Voting Ward 5. . �'he Council of the City of Saint sul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, a d having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report an tbe same is hereby approved' with no � altematives,and that the timated cost thereof is�9pD,ppp;financed by Assessm�eats $67,000; Sewe Revenue Bonds$501,200; State �rants and , Loans$181,70U and Federal rants and Loans$150,100. 2. That a public hearing be h d on said.iihprovement on the th day of �C er 1989 at 9:00_0�l k a.m.,in the Council Chamb�ers o �Iali an our ouse u`il g in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public esring be gYven to the ? persons and.ia the ' marmer provided by the Ch rter, stating the time and piace a#hearing, :; the nature of the improvem t and the total cosf thereo#as estimated. � File No. 18581 - Adopted by the Council Octnbe 2S, 1989. ` Approved October 27, 1989. fNove ber 4-10, 1989) � , - , � �` �/�'/ � � �����a. ' , CounciI File No.89-193�--$�3" 3ee Re`tfirnan-• . ; In the Matt�r of co�st ' the :4riington/Wesiern Axea S�torr� 'Searer. ' �'roject bou�ded by Nebrai��� . ' 'lock Pkwy.,Mack�bin and Marifln in Votieig Ward 5. . ie. i __ : The Council o�the Citq of Sa', t Paul having received t�e re�ort oi Lhlie 1ldayat". ' �� npoa the above impmvernent,. d havfng consfdered saiti re rC"-}ierets resolves: . I�, , r`: _. i That the said ;report a d the.satY� is `2�eseby a proved wi#�. no. '° , alternatives,and'that the tim�ted cos�theze�i��p„pp0}finat�c�d'by � Assesameats 587,000; Sevr Revettue.B�sds;5a!1.20n; �tat��.�aut"s at►d : ` Lo$ns$181,700 and Fe�de Gra�ts az�d�.oans�15b,100. 2. That a public hearing.be ad on said improveaaent o� . 2th�y#��, ; _��� 1989' at 9.00 o'c c�ck e.r�:.�a E�e Cr'ou�c;L,C�bess o , ' �, `�� ,�" , �;�# � , .� �_-� �'.F ±�9'f7'!J'. .Y�...�� d =. £a ��aq,��,a'K 5,t1�..� +t r�'� 5� f}l�,�;.-.�L3.."X.p,b$� �P Y�he��""ui3c��c�' ��� �.�� _ �-°- ��,��� _ -- �' L6, BSS. APProved October.2?, 1�9. ' (l�tov be�4-10,�19$g) ' . ♦ �— �� ' RE .10/ 1i�9 DEPAfiTAIENT/OFF�CE/COUNCIL INI Public Works Departmerrt o�.s, 989 G R E E N S H E ET No. 1324 INITIAIJDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER90N 8 PHONE �pEpARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Thomas Kuhfeld 298-5317 "��" []cmrnTroa�v �cma�r�c Oty NUMBER ��': M�llSt bEUIII (;1ty Y�erk's C2 IIO ORDER� ❑BUD(iET01RECTOR �FIN.AAH3T.SERVICESDIFL �� MAYOR(ORASSISTANTI Q ('.rninril R TOTAL#k OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 (CUP AL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATUR� "�., ACTION HE�UESTED �;n Hold a p�blic hearing and final order for the 1990 ARLIN TON/WESTERN STORM SEWER PROJECT. �',, �f� 1.:,. - �'.�:Lv � /��'�� . /d���'/ � /� G S � P�'AI�IMENDATIONS:Approve(A)p Qejecl(R) COUNCIL MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONA _PLANNINO COMMI3SION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �IYST pHpWE Np, _CIBCOMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ COMMENT3 _DISTRICT COUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 08JECTIVE7 � Sewer Separation � INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,NMAT,WHEN,WHERE,VYHY): _ Sewer separation is mandated by the Minnesota Pollution Controi Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency through the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit. pproving this final order will allow for the construction of this necessary sewer separation project. _ AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: : There will be area disn�ption due to construction. �:{„ .�yi :.4 DISADVANTACES IF APPROVED: iY. !., ' �.. �ir. �� � �' ' o�snov�wraces�Nora�ROVeo: Construction will be delayed with possible penafties by the s te and federal govemment. �: t :° TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION= 1�845,000.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE S@WAf Se�dfatl0�BUd9et ACITVI'TY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOHMATION:(EXPLAIN► � f�� �> �i� � J