89-2164 - ' ` :�'�-.� 1.��..��,f,�_ �,��� , : _ • � , � � . WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl�I1C11 CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PALTL 91UE - MAVOR File NO. �� �/�� rdi dnce �\' _ 13� � 1 Ordinance N O. Presented y — Referr �C�n� l'L``���i Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Adminis-trati e Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 of the Ad inistrative Code to reflect the current epartment organizat,ion and to include Cable Communications into Citywide Informati Services , Property Managemen�t into the unicipal Assessments � and Real Estate Division, and to c�eate a new Risk and Employ e Benefit Managernent Division. THE COL�PdCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDRIN: Sec ion l . Tha�L Section 5 . 01 , Subd. ( ) of the Saint Paul Adminis�trative Code is hereby amended as follo s : 5ubdivision 1 . Department established. There is hereby established an executive d parLment of the City of Saint Paul to be known as �the de, ari,ment of i inance and manage- ment services. The head o such department shall be the director, who, prior to su h appoin�ment , shall possess such qualifications as the council may by ordinance pro- vide. The department of f'nance and management services shall be organized into th divisions of p�e�e���-�aa�agP- �e��; accounting, treasury, purchasing, assess�e��s-a�d �aa�t�a��eris municipal asses ments and real esi,ate manage- ment, license and permit a ministration, ar3d-ela�a-p�e- eess��� citywic�� infori�nati n services , and risk and employee benefit managemen . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of: Fletche� <,{ � � Drew In FBVOc Masanz r NiCOSia - B �� scnetbei Against Y TedesCo Wilson For Approv d by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � �Y � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr by Mayor fot Submi i n to Council By B � � �.�1, ,%,//� ��; Sect ' on 2. That Section 5. 01 , Subd. (2 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by deleti g said subdivision 2 in its entirety and placing in lieu the eof the following: Subd. 2 . Departmental Func ions. The deparment shall be responsible for providin the following services : citywide accounting, auditi g, payroll , banking, in- vestments , debt administrat on, purchasing, acquisition and disposition of public p operty, leasing of property, public improvement and publ ' c maintenance assessments , preventive maintenance of b ildings , license admini- stration, interdepartmental data processing and com- munications , risk exposure nalysis and employee benefit management. Section 3 . That Section 5. 01 , Subd. 3 o the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows : Subd. 3. Director, powers a d duties. The director of the department of finance and management services shall be appointed by the ma or with the consent of the council , and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The director s all be accountable to the mayor and, subject to hi /her supervision and control , shall administer th affairs of the depart- ment. S/He shall have gener 1 authority and control over all departmental staff nd shall oversee the proper fulfillment of all ta ks and duties assigned ' to the department. S/He sha 1 have the power to pre- scribe such rules and regula ions as s/he deems neces- sary or expedient for the pr per operation of the department and to that end s all keep her/himself informed of the latest admin' strative practices . The director may designate , ith the approval of the mayor, an employee of the de artment of finance and management services to perfo m the functions and duties assigned to the direc or by law during the absence or disability of the director. The director 2. - r•i h /� / , .�� �J � � / l.,�t �7`'_ shall have the power and d ty to take all personnel actions , including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees , including super isory personnel , within his/her department, and sh 11 supervise their per- formance . Sec ion 4. That Section 5. 01 of the S int Paul Administrative Code is further amended by deleting sub ivision 4 and 5 thereof in their entirety. Sec ion 5. That Chapter 5 of the Sain Paul Rdministrative Code is amended by deleting Section 5 . 0 thereof in its entirety. Sec ion 6 . That Section 5 . 03 of the S int Paul Administrative Code is amended as follows : 5. 02 �.-93 .- Division of counting. Within the department of finance and anagement services there shall be a division of ac ounting. Under the super- vision of the director , t e accounting division manager shall be responsi le for : (1 ) Managing Be�e�e��r3Q- r�d-a�a�r3�a��}r3g a central system of accounts f r all departments and agencies of city gov rnment . (2) Managing Be�e�ep}r-ig- �d-r�a�r3�a�rr3��g a system of auditing of all c ty expenditures. ( 3) Managing Be�e�e���g- r�d-�a}n�a�rri��g a system of recording all cit rec�ipts and deposits . (4) Managing �s�ab�}sl�}ri -ar3�-�aa�r��a�r3��g such accounting programs s may be necessary for the maintenance of c unty, state , and federal aid, grants , and loa s . 3. .I1� _.. ��.{�� �° `:�' (5) Serving as the official custodian of a�� deet��xer3�s ,- agreements , nd contracts ar3�-be�ds , as authority for paymen s or receipt of monies e�ee��-as-�ke�-�e�a�e-� -�ea�-es�a�e. (6) Certifying availability of funds for all depart- mental expenditures. (7) Managing �s�ab�}sl��r�g-a d-r�a}��a}r�}�g a payroll and payroll deduction s stem for all city em- ployees . (8) Managing �s�ab�}sY��r3g t e procedures for main- taining uniform records of all employees ' work hours , vacation, sick 1 ave , pension, and social security. (9) Rss}s��r3g-�l�e-bt�dge�-d� ee�e�-��-�Y�e-p�epa�a�}e� a��-a�a�agex�e��-e�-��ie-e ' ��-bt�dge�;-��c�t�d��g �eqt�}�ed-pe�}ed}e-e�ie�l� -e�-�epa���e��a�-bt�dQe�s a�d-pe�}ed}e-p�e�e-es�� a�es-�e�-a��-�epa���aer��s a�d-age�e}es-e�-�ke-e�� .- (9) f�9� Managing A4a�x�a�rr3}r3Q a ystem of inventory control of all city dep rtments and agencies in ccordination with th division of purchasing. (10) f��-} Developing such systems as are necessary to assure that the city ac ounts are kept in accordance with general y accepted accounting principles for governme tal units . Secti n 7 . That Section 5. 04 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows : 5. 03 �.-9�.- Division of Trea ury. Within the department of finance and management se vices there shall be a division of treasury. The c ' ty treasurer shall be the person employed as the treas ry division manager. Under the supervision of the direc or , the treasury division manager shall : 4 � �� _;� ' - ..�/ ( "'� (1 ) Perform all functions as collector of any and all city taxes . (2) Receive all moneys d the city for fees , per- mits , fines , bills , d other b���s sources . (3) Receive funds entrus ed to any city department or agency. (4) Manage Ge���e�-ar3d-s e��}se the deposit of money and the relate banking activities of the city. ( 5) Manage Be�e�e�-ar3d-r� }��a�r� a cash management program, including t e purchase and sale of city investments. (6) Maintain custody of 11 city investments and funds including bond and notes . (7 ) Provide for the disb rsement of city funds. (8) The city treasurer s all act as treasurer of the Saint Paul Polic Relief Association and as city liaison with all employee pension associations . (9) Coordinate the plann'ng for, and issuance of, city debt. (10) Establish and mainta n control and administra- tive records for the management of outstanding debt . (11 ) Issue summonses for arking meter and other parking violations i such form as is approved by the Ramsey County Municipal Court, and establish a system o receiving parking meter receipts . 5. . . . , ����- �iG � Sect ' on 8 . That Section 5.05 of the Sa' t Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows: 5.04. �.-A�.- Liivision of Pu chasing. Within the department of finance and m agement services there shall be a division of purc asing. Under the super- vision of the director, the urchasing division manager shall : (1) Make all purchases of terials, supplies , equipment and services , including construction, including personal ser ices upon request, for the City of Saint Paul , and Ramsey County;-ar3� ��de�e�de��-Sel�ee�-B�s€ �e�-Ale.--C��.- (a) Prepare or approve 11 specifications for the purchase of mat rials, supplies, equip- ment and services . (b) Obtain bids and pro osals and place orders in accordance with xisting statutes , ordi- nances , resolutions , and executive orders using open, legal , nd predictable procedures. (2) Maintain records of all purchases b� from vendors and copies of all bids, specifications , and pur- chase orders. (3) Purchase jointly with o her governmental units and provide purchasing ervices to other govern- mental units through jo 'nt power agreements as approved by the city co ncil . (4) Establish and maintain central office supply facility and such other central services as authorized by the mayor for the common use of all city departments an agencies , and maintain proper accounting and i ventory control of such facility in coordinatio with the division of accounting. 6 . . � �,_ � �� �J (5) Sell all surplus mat rials, supplies , and real property declared as surplus by the mayor and not of use to other epartments and agencies within the city. An employee of the city may bid for surplus mate ials , supplies or real property to be sold. Al1 sales of surplus property shall be to the highest responsible bidder and conducted by the division :under such procedures and by su h means as shall give no individual or corpor te bidder an advantage not available to all Upon the request of a bona fide charitable educational , religious or fraternal nonprof t organization, as determined by the co ncil , surplus materials and supplies , exclud ng real property, may be transferred to such haritable, educational , religious , or frater al nonprofit organization for a nominal or no onsideration upon a reso- lution of the counci determining that said transfer of surplus nd/or obsolete materials and supplies is rela ed to the function of government, serves a public purpose , and is for the benefit of t e community as a whole. However, this paragr ph shall not apply to any surplus and/or o solete materials and supplies whose sale s directed by other applicable law with he proceeds of such a sale being pledged s ecifically to the city or other entity. Se tion 9 . That Section 5.06 of the aint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows : 5 .05. �:AC.- B}�a�s}ex-e�- ssess�e��s-a�d-�a��a��e�s= Real Estate Division. Wi hin the department of finance and management services t ere shall be a ���r�s}er�-e� assess�er3�s-a�d-�a�taa��e real estate division. Under the supervision of the di ector, the real estate division manager shall : 7 . ;�� �'~ ��/�3 � ��� A4a���a��-a-�e�ap�e�e-ee ��a��e�-e€-a��-e���r- eva�ed-�ea�-es�a�e-�e-� �t�de-a-s�rs�ex�-��de���g a��-p�e�e���-a��-g�e�e� �-}��e�es�s-e�-�}��.- ��� Ma�r��a}r3-a-s�s�e�x-e�-p� ��rfl}�a��-r3ege�}a��er�s a�d-}��es�}ga�}e�-�e�-� e-sa�e-e�-ae�t�}s}��e� e€-�ea�-p�epe���-b�-��e e}��-a�d-�e�-��ie-�a- ea��e�-e�-s��ee�s-a�d-p ���e-vaa�s;-��e��d}�g-a ��e�ed��a�-s�rs�e�-�e-�r� �e�►e��-��ie-a�qt��s}�}e� e�-p�e�e���-wke�-r�eeess ��r;-�l��et�g�i-ea��r3er3� dex�a��-p�e�eed���s.- (1 ) Function as an agent fo the city and other units of government in connec ion with all real estate matters including, but ot limited to, acquisitions , disposals (vacations ) , eal property appraisals; maintain the permanent ecords of citywide real estate and assessment m tters and coordinate a citywide property manag ment system including the following functions : city-owned real property preventive maintenance ystem, real property capital improvement plan and pr jects of city-owned real property, real property space allocation plan, and a citywide energy and s curity system. (2) f3� Manage P�dr-�}��s�e� th assessment program relative to the assessment of be efits in connection with the construction of loc l improvements , pursuant to policy as establishe by the council of the city of Saint Paul . (3) Manage the apportionmen and collection of cit council authorized servi ce charges . f�� F�eeess-pt�b���-1�ea��r3Qs �e-be-�ie��-b�-�Y�e-e}��r eet��e��-�e�a�}�e-�e-ass ssrx�eri�s;-ee�de��a��e�s; ser�}�g-ap�ea�s ,--�a�e��- ��e�ses;-s��ee�-�xa���e�- a�ee;-deFae�}��e�-e�-da� e�et�s-��}�����s-a�� st�r�x�a��-aba�e�xer��s .- (4) Manage the collection o city council authorized abatement costs. 8 � �.f _ �,� (� � . .: (5) Manage Se���e�-a�d-st�p ���se through certification and assist in the colle tion �eee}��;-ar3d-x�a���er3ar�ee of assessment receivabl accounts . Issue and main- tain records for sewer onnection permits , advance payments for sewer and AC charges. Upon request to the division, a pers n shall be permitted to inspect and copy record concerning assessment receivable accounts and the estimated costs of pending local improveme t assessment projects . Access to these records shall be provided at a reasonable time and pl e and without charge to the individual . If th division is asked to pro- vide copies of the dat , the actual costs of pro- viding the copies will be borne by the individual making the request. I the division is requested to calculate , compile r make copies of assessment data concerning proper ies not owned by the re- questing party, the di ision shall provide the appropriate service wi hin a reasonable time of the request and requir the requesting party to pay the actual costs o making, certifying, and compiling the informat ' on requested. The pro- cedures used to proces these requests , and the calculation of the act al costs of compiling and copying this informati n shall be determined by the division and appro ed by administrative order . Secti n 10 . That Section 5. 07 of the Sa nt Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows : 5 . 06 . �.-9�.- Division of Li ense and Permit Administration. Within the department of fi ance and management services there shall be a division o license and permit admini- stration. Under the superv� sion of the director , the license division manager sh 11 be responsible for : (1 ) Managing P�e�}d}�Q-a�d r�a�r3�a�r��ng a system of processing city busine s licenses and permits (except building permi s ) to achieve a coordinated process of administrat ' on. 9. � � ;�� ' �� �� �r� (2) Rcceptance of all appli ations for business licenses and permits , r quisite processing through the various cit departments and agencies , the final pre aration of reports to be submitted to the cit council , and the issuance of receipts fo all city business licenses and permits . (3) Management �s�ab��s�iFae� of uniform require- ments and standards for all business licenses and permits and the mai tenance of a complete records system. (4) Management A4a}ri�er3ar-i�e f departmental records and the keeping and upd ting of departmental statistical reports and inspection reports for all license and permit dministration. (5) Providing a license ins ection unit , which shall make such inspections a are required by law and report all license viol tions to the �}eer3se-ee�- ����ee-a�d�e� city coun il in coordination with all proper city departm nts . Secti n 11 . That Section 5. 08 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended as follows : 5. 09 . 5 . 08 . Division of Ba a-F�eeess}r3� Citywide Information Services . W thin the department of finance and management s rvices there shall be a division of �a�a-p�eeess �g citywide information services. Under the sup rvision of the director , the citywide information services division manager shall be responsible for (1 ) approving ar��-eee��}na� '�g all data processing, cable , and all other el ctronic communication activities for the city which affect more than one city department . f�� s�pe��}s}r�g-e�-a��-e��� e�e�a��e�s-��-da�a-p�e- �ess��g;-}�e�t�d��Q-des� �}�Q,--p�eg�a�x�x}�g;-}r�p�e- �e����g;-a��-xaa}r3�a}�}� -a��-da�a-p�eeess��g s�ts�ea�s-va��l�}ri-�l�e-e��� 1 � � �_ � �� �/ G � {-�� �e��►��a���g-a��-���� da�a-p�e�ess��g-ee���ae�s ,- �es}��s ,--a��-p�eg�a }�Q-spee�€}ea�}e�sT f�� eee�d}�a�}�g-a��-e}� -da�a-p�eeess��g-ae���}�}es w���-e�l�e�-ge�e�r�r�err� a�-xrr3��s-e�gage�-�r3-st�el� ae�}�}�y�.- f�� p�e����r3Q;-va��13-�ke- ss�s�a�ee-e€-�l�e-e}�� a��e��e�,--€e�-eex3��� �ee-rn�}�13-a��-s�a�t��e��r �eqt���ex�e��s-ee�ee��'�Q-��ie-ee�€}�e���a�}�� e€'-���e��a��e�.- ��,� de�e�x�}���g-�ke-e}�} s-�e�g-�e�x�-da�a-��eeess��g �ee�sr (2) Administration of an cable communications fran- chises and providing related services necessary to the development of t e cable communications system. (3) Administration of al City of St. Paul telephone services. Sec ion 12 . That Chapter 5 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding the f llowing new Section 5.08 : 5.08. Division of Risk and Employee Benefit Management. Within the Departmen of Finance and Management Services, there shal be a division of risk and employee benefit man gement. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : (1 ) Identify, measure, c ordinate, and recommend funding alternatives for (a) all City property/casualty risk areas, including ins rance purchase, contract review, self-insurance, reco dkeeping, and compliance pro- cedures ; (b) all cit wide loss control and safety programs designed to prevent and/or reduce loss of city resources , incl ding employee and public safety and property asset p otection; c) all employee and retiree benefit plan , including health insurance, health maintenance o ganizations, life insurance , dental insurance, em loyee assistance programs , un- employment compensat on, employee wellness programs (other than police a d fire programs) , and related benefit programs; and (d) city tort liability and workers ' compensatio claims. 11 . WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 /� J� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL �J '9�' BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. ` �/� Ordi �nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (2) Provide medical and te hnical advice to enhance the effectiveness of a occupational health program includin retu n to work--limited duty programs , job health/f' tness standards , pre- placement physical exa inations, sick leave monitoring, and the em loyee wellness programs . Secti n 13 . This ordinance shall take e ect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval a d publication. 12. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher c o,eW [n Favor ` Masanz Nicosia g scneibe� Against y Tedesco Wflson Form A rove by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr by Mayor for Subm' i 1 By '��,-WH11�E�-+ CITV..CLERK . . . . .... � „..: � � :.,. .';. ... _ +`i � � - . "p/NK - �FINANCE � - � - :�` . - �� � CAN�NV�—OE�ARTMENT . �ITY OF ' A��� PAUL Council �- `.: � 4�� P�, � Bk.UE —MAYOR ' - . . . . . . . `.. Ff12 , NO. . ' � , 0 7 W �I`V`. Ordinanee N 0. ��-� Presented By � � � �`Referred To _ Cammittee: Date _^ - � Out of Committee By Date - � - � ,,. , ,� ��e �.+a�+c� � �.�a� �m+� tQ � • i�a�s /�t _� � .... t.�eas�a �s r�-. a�sa �r � , , sec�ti i#. Tt'�is a� �sli t� acr� at�d !r� 3rt� fo�r�met 30 � �to� , �; - at�c! iti'l�tr i ti p�asa',�rr, aPPs+o�1 �iC�'ti+ct�t. � 3� i ,. . ; f . � ,. ::.,+^> x;.': �CM . - ,x• _... *� � � _..;�,�-• i�' � �, �'. -g, - � . � � � � . . . .. � � . .;t. s _i: . . . .. � . ., . . . . - }��� - . � � � � . . . � ��� � - -. �. � _�`�� ,; . . . . . .R � . . ` . . � � � . � "6 = � � 1� � � � �: « ,�, COUNCILMFN Reques�ed by Department of: . � z "���s �`�����, t�'aqs s � ` ,�� � ,� k `_. 4 w_ o�.w In Favor � � _ . � , ��112 � ��� • scr�i N Against gy . :`'..� `�^`` �< <.�,� ,.. - � ��c .� . � Tsdesco . Wilson _ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� = f �fi- Certified Fassed by Gouncil SeerEtary BY _„ �. _ .�,c„t.' _By � �� __, � � , Approved bg Mayor: Date• ��, APPrdve� by Mayor r $ubmissiontts�e„mci� _ - � , � ;% B�� . .. . �� J f . �,J,� . � 3 �� � �� - .. .� - � . S . . . ,"x, , , �r� �� � �� R44 piTt QpO.' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° " OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � ����im � ,� �v a �••• EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota SS102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 9, 1989 ���� 1 � �� M E M O R A N D U M - - � � - , �..__ __... __._..___-----.___.__ TO: Ron Guilfoile Risk Management FROM: Terry Sullivan Assistant City Attorney RE: Administrative Code Chang s Enclosed please find the proposed ordinance regarding the amendment of the Department of Finance and anagement Services. I have made the three amendments that you re ested. They are on Pages 6, 7 and 11 respectively. If we ca be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. TS:jr , • � Enc. � � � �- �/� � OEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED Finance Department 11-24-89 GREEN SHEET NO. 5579 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE — INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE PARTMENT DIRECTOR �CiTY COUNqI Eugene Schiller/Ron Guilfoile �� AITORNEY Q} CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL Af�ENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO Q UDOET D�RECTOR �FtN.8 MOT.SERVI(3E3 DIR. � AYOR(OR AS818T � TOTAL#OF SIGNATUAE PAOES �- (CLIP ALL LOiCAT NS FOR 81GNATURE� ACTION REWEBTED: Amendment to Chapter 5 of the Administrative ode. , RECOMMENDATION8:M�+UU o►�I�I� COUNCI{. ITT E/RE�ARCH pEPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO COMMI8810N _CIVIL SERVI�OOMMI8810N ANALYST PNONE NO. _q8 COMMIT�EE _ _BTAFF _ COMMEN7'8: � —WSTRICT OOUFIT _ SUPPORT8 YYlH(�I COUNqL OBJECTIVE? N O V N �7 .75.7 INITM11NCi PF�LEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(1Mq,Wh�t,WMn,Nlhsre,Wh�: Changes in service delivery for vario�� $�i�ithin the Finance and Ma.nagement Services Department which have occurred over he past three to four years. Examples: Elimination of School District from Purchasin , changing name of Valuations & ,Assessments to Real Estate, adding citywide telephone ser ices to CIS, add Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division. ADVANTAOE8 ff APPROVED: Administrative Code will accurately reflect s rvices provid�d by Finance and Management Services as changed by the City Council throu h previous actions. DIBADVMITA(iE8 IF'�APPROVED: None. �C� �rV�e� ClTY CLERK DISADVAMAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The Administrative Code will not accurately flect the duties and responsibilities of the Finance and Management Services Departme . i�ouncil I�esearch Genter. U t C 011989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = None COST/REVENUB 9UDOETBD(CIRCIE OIO� YES NO FUNDING SOUf�E NIA ACTIVIT1f NUMBER N/A FlNANCIAL INfORMATION:(EXPLAII� �t� v-