89-2151 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINAN�E COVnCII /j CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PALTL � �/ / BLUE - MAVOR (�{`� File N 0. � uncil Resolution �. � _ Presented By Ref Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date j1ItE�2EAS the I•linnesota State Agricultur 5ociety (Stat� Fair Board) iias graciously offere� to the St. Paul Pol 'ce Department various facilities on tne State Fair�rounds for tlie training of the IC-9 Unit's dogs, and W'PIEREAS, the State Fair Board has only aslced that the City �ay a pro-rated share of electrical costs and that tne City ii�demnify tize 5tat� Fair Board aaainst claims arisino out of the City's use of their facilities during the neriod of time of Pdovember 27 - Decemb r 8, 1RB9. NOLJ, TItLuErORE, BE IT P.ES(�LVED, the Ci y of St. Paul h�reby pled;es to inaersni fy and 'nold harmless the I�innes ta State ?air Board frorn any and all claims ariisnp out of the City' s usage of State Fair facilities a� above recitec� and attributable to the negliQ nt acts of the City of St. Paul Police Departr�leni. 's IC-9 Unit ann its agents t the lirnit of the i�lunici�al Torit Ciaims Act. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays 'o""W Dimond �o�l� R�a�Orig _� In Favor s�ne;b�roswitz Q _ Against BY �, �V�[.w'�-�-G��- �� - � wf�son QE�,' Q? Form Ap by City orne Adopted by Council: Date ��' l Certified Pa ed by Council Secretary BY c gl, � � � Approved y : vor: a e ���v Appro y Ma or for Submissi c' By - — BY �1i�lED U E C 16 198 . . � �� ��a,�7 pEpARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIA Police ���z$ 9 GREEN SHEET No. 5„�,5 8 OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Lt. Benson 292-3525 �� cm�rro�er c�TV aeRK MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUOOET DIRECTOR FIN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818T TOTAL#�OF 81G1NATURE PAGES 5 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N REQUE8TED: Execution of the attached contract nd resolution for use of facilities for K-9 Training on the Minnesota tate Fair Grounds. REOOMMENDATIONB:Approw(lU a Re�sct(F� COUNqL MITTEEIRESFARqI REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO COMMIS310N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PF�NE NO. � _CIB COMMITTEE — COMMENT3: —�"� — ru n 2 91989 _DIBTAICT COURT — SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? gJL�1�' F� INITIATINQ PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,Whsn,Whsro,Wh�: The Minnesota �tate Fair Board re ires indemnification from any and aIl claims arising out of the Ci y's usage of the facilities during training. ADVANTAQE3 IF APPROVED: The St. Paul Police Department ill be allowed to utilize these facilities in the training of the K 9 Unit's dogs. DI8ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: RECEII�'r� None �V� �1� C11 Y I;LtKK DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The iacilities will not be availabl to the city for training. �:ounci� I�t�s�a;c,� Cente� �JOV 3 0 �°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION G�ST/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBEIP4100 FlNANqAL INFOFiMA710N:(DCPLAII� � � � � � ��-ais� � MINNES�TA ST TE ��� � Nove�ber 22, 1989 Lt. Lester Benson St. Paul Police Department Canine Unit 100 E. llth St. St. Paul, i�Iinnesota 55101 BY THIS AGREEMENT, The Minnes ta State Fair authorizes the St. Paul Police DepartLnent access nd use of the Minnesota State Fair Empire Commons and first floor of the 4-H Building for the dates of November 27 - I7e ember 8; 1989 during the hours of 4 p.m. - 1 p.m. , Monday th ough Friday. The St. Paul Police Departmen will be responsible for electrical consumption and any and all c sts incurred by the Minnesota State Fair as a result of this usag , including but not limited to all property loss and/or damage t State Fair property caused directly or indirectly by the St. Paul olice Department, its agents, employees, guests, participan s or attendees. It is further agreed that the St. Paul Police Department shall hold harmless and indemnify t e Minnesota State Fair from liability incurred on account of any cl im of personal injury or property damage suffered during the pe iod of November 27 - December 8, 1989. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR "The undersigned understands and agrees to the terms of this lease agreement." , BX L � ' BY M / IT ���',��� G�,C�i�;.� -� ITS DATE ���Z Z— �� DATE: (SEE ATTACHED) �,o�.,.,�. Minnesota State Fair ,���, Como Station, MN 55108 '4'�,��'"` 612-642-2200 �• � . . � (.��a�61 , Approved as to Form: ayor, C' y of St. Paul _ 6/,�A� _ 1/l!!'�/i i 7H ,Iv,�,,� '�� Chief, St. Pau o�ice—bepart�ment Assistant City Attorney � Director, Management and Finance and Management Services MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURE SOCIETY: y: Its Date . . . �i�a��r �; �* MINNESOTA ST TE ��, � Nove�ber 22, 1989 Lt. Lester Benson St. Paul Police Department Canine Unit 100 E. llth St. St. Paul, i�iinnesota 55101 BY THIS AGREEMENT, The Minneso a State Fair authorizes the St. Paul Police Departnent access nd use of the Minnesota State Fair Empire Commons and first loor of the 4-H Building for the dates of November 27 - Dec mber 8; 1989 during the hours of 4 p.m. - 1 p.m. , Monday thr ugh Friday. The St. Paul Police Department will be responsible for electrical consumption and any and all co ts incurred by the Minnesota State Fair as a result of this usage including but not limited to all property loss and/or damage to State Fair property caused directly or indirectly by the St. Paul olice Department, its agents, employees, guests, participant or attendees. It is further agreed that the t. Paul Police Department shall hold harmless and indemnify th Minnesota State Fair from liability incurred on account of any cla m of personal injury or property damage suffered during the per od of November 27 - December 8, 1989. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR "The undersigned understands and agrees to the terms of this lease a�reement." BX. �L ' � �,/ILG� ` , BY �i.�1�L� IT �' � �i � , ni`�r';�� �{,aC�i1F%L•� � ITS Z�7 'f ��C/' DATE J/l? Z- �� DATE: l!- 2� �g T (SEE ATTACHED) .o..,,, E�' �. Minnesota State Fair :��,. Como Station, MN 55108 ya1�•`�" 612-642-2200 '�" ,� � , - (;?,,IC�I"�Z/�/ M L Approved as to Form: ayor, y of . Paul ` ��jJ�✓�C (��%�e` vc.(: (.t,(��� ��� /'/ Chief, St. Paul Police Department Assistant City Attorney Director, Management and Finance and Management Services MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURE SOCIETY: y: Its Date , MINNESOTA STA E ���'�"� � ��, � Novenber 22, 1989 Lt. Lester Benson St. Paul Police Department Canine Unit 100 E. llth St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 BY THIS AGREEMENT, The Minneso State Fair authorizes the St. Paul Police Departnent access d use of the Minnesota State Fair Empire Commons and first loor of the 4-H Building for the dates of November 27 - I7ec ber 8, 1989 during the hours of 4 p.m. - 1 p.m. , Monday thr gh Friday. The St. Paul Police Department ill be responsible for electrical consumption and any and all co ts incurred by the Minnesota State Fair as a result of this usage, including but not limited to all property loss and/or damage to State Fair property caused directly or indirectly by the St. Paul lice Department, its a�ents, employees, guests, participant or attendees. It is further agreed that the t. Paul Police Department shall hold harmless and indemnify th Minnesota State Fair from liability incurred on account of any cla' of personal injury or property dama.ge suffered during the per'od of November 27 - December 8, 1989. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR "The undersigned understands and agrees to the terms of this lease agreement." , ; � ,. L B� G � ' BY �I�t���rL-!��,�,�� • `� � c..o IT ?� ITS �j,�.'� �� �� � —� DATE /�/�Z 2- �� DATE: �� ' 2�~ � S —� (SEE ATTACHED) �.o�.,.�. Minnesota State Fair , Como Station, MN 55108 � a..�,y p`d' 612-642-2200 . . • � �'"'— _ ._; �- Approved as to Form: Mayor, y of St. Pau c 1/v ��� 1.�,� � Chief, St. Paul Police Department Assistant City Attorney . Director, Management and Finance and Management Services MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURE SOCIETY: y: Ics Date