89-2146 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COURClI � /(/� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT / / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �` , C uncil esolution '�- � � Presented By Refer �� --'�r�� Committee: Date �� � � � � Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Res lution establishing the rate of pay for Selec ion and Validation Specialist in the Sal ry Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti n. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay or the title of Selection and Validation Specialist be set at the ate set forth in Grade 14, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees n—Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen tion; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this re olution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. �'�� � h ,��, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b De artment of: Yeas Nays v�mona FFICE OF PERSONN D LABOR RELATIONS i.o,� � [n Favor reo� Rettman v sche;bei _ Against ��.� w7son D�C � 8 � Form A rov d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•ss Counc.il ret ry By By A►ppro d y �Navor: Date � 9 � Approve Mayo for S ' sion to Council By B �L�Ep ,lAN 61990_ � � - . . . .� ���y���� CITY OF AINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMEN AL MEMORANDUM TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Chair Fi ance, Management and Personnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director ' �l�C'�"'.Y DATE: November 13, 1989 RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Recomm nded Change in Employee Salary Rates ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Se%ction and Validation Specialist DATED: 11/7/89 Regrade Existing <;XJ�;::;Create New Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting XX' Tota�Costs Change in Costs General Fund 0 0 32,026 8,327 Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund Other: Other: Other TOTALS 0 0 32,026 8,327 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In General Fu d. Money Availabie In A Vacant Position In Authorized Bu get: Money Available By Underspending Appropriations For ther Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For Speciai Fund Is Attached Other: NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: I�crease Property Taxes By: Increase Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For. �X:>::Other. Money available in requested se�vices approrp iation(0200's)lor"assessment centers" COMMENTS: There are no approved Re's/or this position title in the 1990 Ma r's Proposed Budget.l/budget authority is�ransferred from a services appropriation(0200'sJ to salaries(O f00's),some level o/Re will added. The'Next Year'cost ligures assume 1.0/te. Assuming one new Re,entry level posi[ion(step A),hiring 1/1/90,and 2.5��6 COL for 7990.Calculation: ((1178.47'13)+(1225.02'13))"1A25 1990 iringes at the budgeted rate o/26�i6 of salaries. cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson D partment/Office Director: Rafe Viscasillas Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/SEL SPEC 13-Nov-89 • , t r . /�/��2���7`� (�� �� ✓S L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offi e of Personnel and Lsbor Relations C1sss fication and Compensation Division 2 5 City Ha11, Saint Pau1, MN 55102 612-298-4221 October 31, 1989 Dave Kigin, President Saint Paul Classified Confidentia Employees Association 265 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Kigin: It has been determined that the ti le and class specification of Selection and Validation Specialis should be created. I have attached a copy of the class speci ication for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of re eipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not ear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolu ion to establish the rate of pay for this title in Grade 14 of the ofessional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in he Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � . � Sheryl Le, Personnel Manager Classification and Compensation Div sion I hereby waive the time remaining o this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and lass specification. ---=- � ° 3 � 8 D igin Date . �� C� �- �i�� 17. Resolution 89-2052 - changing the ate of pay for Fire Approved Communications Chief to Grade 46 S ction I06 of Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. (Ref rred from Council November 21, laid over December 4) 18. Resolution 89-2111 - adjusting the rates of pay for Approved Special Employment titles as listed in Section IIB of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen ation Resolution. (Referred from Council December 5) -.. .--- _. ._.,_. ._ .�..._� --- - ____ ._._ _.__ _.. ._._.. ._ _. _._ . _.....---�.... __ ___. �� 19. Resolution 89-2146 - establishing r te of pay for Approve��,� F Selection and Validation Specialist in Grade 14, � Section I03 of the Professional Emp oyees Non- j Supervisory Standard Ranges in the alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Referred from �%y/ ''' Counci 1 December 7) -���� 20. Resolution 89-2178 - changing the r te of pay for Approved Employment Programs Manager from Gr de 20 to Grade 23, Section ID4 of the Professional Emp oyees Supervisor Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan nd Rates of Compensation Re�olution. (Referred from Cour�cil December 14) 21. Resolution 89-2145 - approving and atifying agreement Approved with St. Paul Supervisor's Organiza ion. (Referred from Council December 7) � : l �j� ., . .. �� �-�-�.Y . DEPIW'TwAENT/QfFtCE/ NqL DATE INRIATED Personnel & Lab r Rel ati ons 11/07/89 GREEN SHEET No. 5���� �le y��a te N x4221 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR i� � �CITV OOUNqL �s� CITY ATTORNEY GTY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUflNO BUOOET DIRECTOR FlN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � TOTAL#�OF 81QNATURE PAG�ES (CLIP ALL LOCA IONS FOR SIQNATUR� 'ACTION REGUEBTED: Establi;shes the rate of pay for a new class (.S lecti�on and Validation Specialist). - � HEOOMMENDATIONB:APP►�U)o►�le�(R) COUNqL M RCFI t�PORT OPTIONAL _PIANMIN(i OOMM18810N �qVIL SERVI�COMMISSION �p,,'{�Ij ;� � �`�� RE F P . � � } k �qB COMMITTEE _ r _�� �ME�: �!0 V 17 1989 ������V� � {�'f:t�l�l�Lt��r,�. t'�f.r�L. N0�29i989 SUPPORTS WIiICH COUNCIL�IECTIVE9 �,•,. CI�Y INITIATINCi PROBLEM,188UE,OPPOR7UNRY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Wh»: This was initi�ated by the Office of Persannel nd Labor Relations to establish a classified title with the capa6ili�ti'es and 6ackground to evelop and conduct assessment center testinn and to conduct quantitative test validity stud es, ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: The Office of Personnel dnd Labor Relati'ons will be able to develop valid assessment centers inhouse without havi:ng to routinely co ract with outside organizations. D18ADVANTAOEB IF MPROVED: None. The cost wi:ll he transferred to salary a d benefit costs from the $46,000 which is currently 6udgeted for assessment center tes ing. �t��EEi/�� �''��'� � 1989 B�v��x urrlCE DISADVANTACiEB IF NOT APPROVED: The City will have to continue to contract for evelopment of assessment centers. �ouncil Research Center NOV 2 71°89 : TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = NOne /REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNp�Np gpupCE A IVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��V