89-2140 WHITE - CITY CLEFK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �j; ��,/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAVOR File �0. `� �f' - , � C ,nci Resolution �� � Presented By r ed Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That app1ication (ID #19623) for a Class A Gambling Location Cicense by Wallace's Westsider, Inc. DBA Wallace's Westsider at 429 S. Robert Str et, be and the same is hereby approved/ denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond � [n Favor ; Goswitz : Rettman B s�he;be► � _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson ��C � y �89 Form Appr ved by City tor ey Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pa: ed by Council Secreta BY / ��y� gy, � Approved y av . D 195� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B' -- �v ��.rl By p�g�D D E C 16 19 9 . ��a��� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINIS RATION DATE �� / � �l �v !�1 � I INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn ocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �(,��,(',��5 �t/�SfS�c1.Pr r� Home Address �14� � C-F-y �D i3— /`'I��er,�o�p�J Business I3ame G(,��I � GPS ��5� ,�- Home Phone `� � � �y � " -" Business Address �a�-j �p. �pbP✓� � Type of License(s) ��SS �' ��imb/��� Business Phone �O C�`�"i vn Public Hearing llate ��- � � 1 License I.D. 4F �� �a3 at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� llate Nutice Sent. Dealer 4� to Applicant ����9 Federal Fi.rearms �� Public Hc:aring /0—�C'" rS�� � t s-t 3 r��� DATE INSPEC IUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �( ���( ,�'y ! d/� Health Divn. � �lA� ' � Fire Dept. i � � �!'���,��� D � ! Se r�`� � /0 � �S y Yolice Dept. I �v � �/� i License Divn. � ���,��y � v��. City Attorney � lv��,� �� a�� Date Received: Site Plan j 0 1 ln � I c� � To Council Research �/ ��— � 1 Lease or Letter Date from Landlord , ' . , . � TC BE C MPI.ETED BY BAR OWNER ��/—a�ya Application No. Da e Received By 1- CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARIT LE GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled ut with a tqpewriter or bq printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partn r, by each person who has interest in excess of Sx in the corporation and or association in which the name of the license . will be issued. THIS APPLICATION I SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) i�J�.Q�� . r r��C,'�r,%/` : ;i 2. Located at (address) '`,�r� � . J�;���s=�,;, `j , 3. Name under which business is opera ed �Z�/����r�,� r ,/���5 f �,i .r;i� /Q.� }" 4. True Name ,4/i�< i r��►/ /�%�C_' r�:� /`f,L Phone ��/- �)�/� (First) (Middle (Maiden) (Last) .� `r 5. Date of Birth � .T� Place of Birth j j `%t/%� (Month, Day, Yea ) � / i � 6. Home Address ���/ ' /_�� (� - ,-� �� /}) � F��%i�r_��� Home Phone �j����7`��'7`-1 �S!C�� 7. Have you ever been comricted of an gambling violations? !�!--� �- 8. List licenses which qou currently h ld at this location. _ �. l�:;�o�., �/C'�iUC'� `� o,,� S�z c� .�. ,� �C��: ° /.��/' /��t=S ,�h'��1� 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE TfiE GAMBL G BOOTH WILL BE LOCATID ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MA ERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I herebq state uader oath that I have aa ered all of the above questions, and that the information contaiaed th�rein is true and corzect to the liest of mq knowledge and belief. I hereby atate further uader oath that I ave received no money or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, ia connection wi h thia license, from anq person by waq of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other t alreadq disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minaeaota ) � ) as . County of Ramaey ) � Subscribed a wo befo e me this �,, , ;�i�/ry :��: (Signat re of Applicant) '�ay o f 19 � Notarq blic, y ount , Minneaota f A�wAAAAA1aA�,�A�qOq� ���� SHANNON OE JONKER ''�,� My C ission expir s � I g : �OT RY PSEV C0UN7Y�TA � � k � � M�Co►nmissron Expires Sept. 16, 1991>' �►Mlrevs�rvver�,�� � �r�r�nrox . . . ._ . _ . . ---�*-�--.----t-=-. - �------,�.......... - , . ;_. �,. j 96�3 � ; City fo baint Paul Depa�tment of Fi ance and Management Services (� �[ � Licens and Permit Divislon . L�0 i��T� 203 City Hafl St. Paul, tnnesota 55102-298-5056 � � :r. .:; � =APPLIC TION FOR LICENSE . ' CASH CHECK CCASS NO. �� - New. ' Renew . � .-, _ ,'•::+ = � � . 1� �, � � . . .. , 'r �. - . ..,i � . . . Date ��� �� �19.� . Code No. Title of L(cense , - Erom ��—� . 19�0 . .���l 1g� • �. � . '� ' , _ . 100 � � �.� � � �PPIIcsnUCompany Name ' , 1� ����.�i�D�, � • - 1(� Busln�ss Name �, ° . . too �; /r�o7 c� o� �� � �� �L Businsss Addrsss Phon�No. .. 100 . �� _ 100 Mail to Addresa PhoM No. 100 Mana4�r/Owner•N 100 100 AlsnayenGwner•Hom�Address PAon�No. 4098 Application Fee 2 � � Rece ved the Sum of 100 " �Q . ' ManayalOwner•Clry.Stat�S Zfp Cad� , : 100 Tot I 100 - '�t..�� �'w LiCe�se Inapector By: Signatu�e ot Applieant ��Bond• Compa�y Name PoBcy No. Expiratfon Oate � Insurance• Company Name PoHcy No. Expinti0n D�te . '; Minnesota State Identificatton No '`� 7 Social Secu�ity No. _ . _ � ,� Vehicle Information: . - Sui�l Numb�r lat� wn0a Other . _ . � . ;'• ° . THIS.IS.I�REC IPT FOR APPLICATION.` � .- : . . � � :3 THIS IS NOT A"LICENSE TO OPERATE Your•appltcatfoa torlice se wiR either be gnnted or rejected subjeet to the provisbns ot the zoni�q _.�,' � ordinanu and eomplstlon o(ths Inspectiona by.the Health, Fir ZoninQ and/oc Licsnss Insp�ctors. -,1 t . . _ _ ` . c . ,� . . .. ; .., . _ � .. .._ � ,.., , . ,_ , . , � . _ :i S �.. '. . . � ',.�15.00 CHARG�.FOR LL`RETURNED' CHECKS . � �:� - � , �� � � . � � �. � .. � .. . , « y. . ..�i. - �J. - � . -./ . { � . : : � 4 i • -� ` � .� � ��,�qGa.3 . . �:.} � � = . . , . - . _ , . r�.t.�., . ) i�_� c_ ad � .�_� ��' . . . ---- - - , . . , - - , � ���a'�o TO BE COM LETED BY BAR OWNER . I underscand ancl will uphold the ord nance amending Chapcer a0� of chc St. Paul Legislative Code (Incoxicac ng Lic�uor) . I further understand thac failure �o conmly may resulc iq che siispension or revoca�ion oti . , On Sale Liquor � d corresponding ticenses. �� ( �� 4—iL�c.�l' ` /�'�i"T � c� L.� Signature � � � CU� �C���- :� � %�-C��-� �� ,��c .��. EsLablishment �- 3 � -� % oatz Recurn co: - Licen�e w Pernic Division Room :U3. Cicy liall Sc. Paul , �IN SS1U2 Please retain the attached ordinance fo your records. 3/36 � � _ ���a�� 5���► ��u i �►� COu�-G►i �U�L1.� ��� _R:!1.�TC Iv�OL��� . ���E�i��E F�'LT�A�ZO�' R�cE►vE� ' �T2 oi98.9 � R CITY CLERK _'_"_. ,_y�. � _ � � �. Dear Property Owner: L 19623 � Application for a Class A Gambling Locat�on license. This license will al ow the liquor establishment to lease �U�d S�", space to a char table organization (West Side Booster • Club) for the s le of pulltabs and/or tipboards. ,�, }?�j�_G'��j� Wallace's Wests'der Tnc dba Wallace's Westsider Ld�'��=�L� 429 South Rober Street � 12-5-89 9:J0 a.�. � _��,t L� � �.r`� - C:? Cauae�� ' ers, 3r� i"?avr C+c7 �a:.= - Cau.:-. ausa 3y �c.�.sa aaa �-�c �i�-:s+on, �7e�ar—_e:c oc = -,rca -�: � -- �rag�eaz Sa cas, 3aa� Z03 C_::, ?al� - Caur= �usa, �0`�_�i.. S L�� sai=t ��L, w{ oca �n8-��56 � • '�� aaca �ag 6e c�aa�e� *r�c�aut �e canseac �a/ar 1:.e�:?e�gs oz Cse L.�cs�sz �� '==T� II:�r'-s'o�e. L= su�a1st=d �:a= pecc c��? t�e C=�: C-==�� � a==-== zC =-°a-.��?t_ �� vau *.-►�a c�u�:...--��=oz. • C,."� "' -�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNqL DATE MIITIA D Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5 4 5 6 INIIIAV DATE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PER80N�PHONE �pEPARTAAENT DIRECTOR �CRY COUNqL Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 � ��ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ �BUDOET dRECTOR �FlN.31�T.SERVICE8 DIR. 12-5-89 ❑MAVOR(OR A881STANT) [���1 TOTAL�OF 81GNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE) ACf10N RE�UE8TED: Approval of an application for Class A Gambling Location License. Notification Date: �,�-�,4-gg Hearin Date: REOOMMENDATIONS:MP►a+(N o►�J�(� COUNCIL MIT'fEE/REBEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVIL SERViCE COMMI88WN ANALY37 PHONE NO. _CIB OOMMITTEE _ _�,� _ COWIMENTS: -DISTRICf OOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN(�OUNpL OBJECTIVE7 INRIAT1Nfi PR�LEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsre,Why): Wallace's Westsider- T-� Westsider at 429 S. Robert Street request� ���` plication for a Class A Gambling Loca �w the liquor establishment to lease spac ;ide Booster Club, Inc. ) for the sale 'ees and applications have been submi �g, Fire, Police and License have iven ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: I � If Cou, ( `tsider, 429 S. Robert Street will bE organization for pulltab sales. �/ REC�IVED DISADVANTA(3E8 IF APPROVED: -= C►TY CL�kK DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMSER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � �