89-2132 �---,\ 31 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. — FINAL ORDER �,... � � . BYi'�.��t"'�-�-,�`""'g�c� , File No. 18569-6 Votir�g In the Matter of constraetioa of iLary, atora and �ater service coanectians, Ward if request�d by tlu gro rty ova�s. for t�e casbiaed sewer s�paration pro3ect kaaNn as the Pai ewJl��loatreal Ares Sew�r aad Street Psving 3 and Lightias Pro�ect. .,. � under Preliminary Order � approved `� `�' d " The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, there ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dir ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com letion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same o the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date DEC2 � 1989 Yeas Nays Dimond Certified Passed by Council Secretar � � In Fav r By �_ Rettman `� Agains y � Scheibel Sonnen � � Mayor ��- �EC2L PUBII� D E C 3 � 1989 ���p J AN 6193�} �,,�,��Nq� , � • . �� � . �„���„ (,��-�i3� Pub]�ic wo�ks 9-ZO s9 GREEN SHEET No. 5,�,?4 co��cr�d� 920- ❑o�,wn�xr oa�croA ❑«n►cowra� Pat Byrne 296-6171 - Paul Blum � ��,��Ey ��� �usT ee oN couHCU�na�er ron�t 1061�?��89 nounNO �euooer ou�croR ❑�n+.a rar.s�s ap. Must be in City Clerk's ice no ���pn�srMrn � �n»nril Re TOTAL A►OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS F�i SIGNATUR� �cnoH ac�cu�a Hold public hearing for the 1990 Fairview Montreal CSSP Project and Street Paving Project to construct a separated sewer system, water and sewer service connections, street improvements, and a lantern style street lighting syste . File No. 's 18558, 18559 and 18569-6 RECaAAMENDAT10N8:Approw(A)a RN�(R) COUNClL M�1 i�PORT _PLANNINO l:OMMIS810N _GVII SERVICE�ON ANALYST PFIONE N0. _p8 f)OAAMITTEE _ �STAFF _ �M _018TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNpI 08JECTIVE7 Better Nei hborhoods Sewer Se ara ion iNmnnru;PROe��.issue.o�TUNrtv(vnw,wna wn.n,wn«..wMg: The sewer separation program has been app oved through the CIB process ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: Will reduce Combined Sewage Overflow (CS ) to the Mississippi River during heavy rains. Reduce street and basement flooding. Improve neighborhood appearance. Improve safety due to increased lighting . pSADVANTA3E8 IF APPROVED: Z�enty year assessment levy against prop rty. Temporary traffic disruption. Requires removal of some trees. as�ovvMrr�s iF Hor�aovEO: This is part of the City's National Poll tion Dischage Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Not proceeding with this work may result in penalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 3,685,000 ��E��o(��q,� � No Assessments $315,000 �Npi�gp�p� 1990 Ca itol Im rovement Bon s ���p FlNANGAIINFORAAATION:(D(PWM $235,000, State and F deral Grants $882,000 and Sewer Revenue Bonds $2,253,000. See Engineering Report . - - • � ��q-a�3� PR ARY OSDER� _ �: d '�r Council File No. 89-1858—By R.oge J. Goswitz— ``�� "3��; � � In the Matter of construrtio of sanitary, starm and .w�ter service connections, if requested by the roperty owner, for the combfned sewer ' separation project known as the irview/Montreal Area Sewer �nd Street ' Paving and Lighting Project in Voti g Ward 3. . The'�ouncil of the City of Saint ul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, an having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1. Ttiat the said report and tbe same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the - tii�tated cost tliereot is per eonneclion ' financed by assessments, tary,storm and water service conne�tions are assessed at cost per cotuz ion. _ 2. That a public hearing be ha on said improvement on th 6�h of ��989.at 9:00 dcl a.m.,in the Counci2 Chambers o e y 'Aa an ourt f[�ou�se Buildf g in the City of Ssint Paul. 3. That notice of said publk h ring be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Cha er,stating the ti�n�e and place of healriag, the nature of the improveme and the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18569-6 ' Adopted by'the Council October 2,1989. � Approved October 16, 1989. (Octobe 21-28, 1989) � . . � (,�c�'�a�3�- PREI.II4H �RY ORDER � Counfil File No. 89-1858—By Roger . Goswitz— f In the Matter of construction f sanitary, storm and water service connections, if requested by the � perty owner for the combined sewer � separation.project kr�ov�n-as the Fa iew/Montreal Area Sewer and Street Paving and Lighting Projzct in Votin Ward 3. ' ' �'`` -- ' = � The Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 havirig received the re�kirt of the Mayor,, t upon the above improvement, and having considered saic� report, hereby � resolves: _ i 1. That the said report and t e ssme is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the imated cost thereof is per connection financed by assessments. Sani ,storm and water ser.vace connections are assessed at cost per conn 'on. 2. Thatl a public hearing be had n said impTavem,ent on�h 5th day of Decet3n er ' ,in the Cowacil Chatn rs o e i y a an ou ouse Buildin in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public:b 'ng be.given xo the psr�c�unzs„�,d i�.�he. manner provided by the Claart , stating the�ime am�,�Ir�e o�Fiear7xig, the n�ture o#the improvement nd the total cost thereoi'"a`s estimated: File No. 18569-6 . Adopted by the Eouncil October 12 1989. � Approved Oetober 16, 1989. , (October 1-'�6�.Y8i8.9)