99-1211ORIGINAL Presemea By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has been requested by the Departrnent of 2 Public Works - Sewers Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City, 3 and 4 5 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a fmancing and spending p3an 6 for the capital expenses, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that 9 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $18,000 in excess ofthose estimated in the 1999 budget; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33146 - Environntental Peanits & Planning 0131 - Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0283 - Rental - Vehicles CURRENT BUDGET Commtitee:Date: �o���.�.E# ��l -��.�� GREEN SHEET # 1 OI 1�J�J � u �I� 1 CHANGES BUDGET 0 18,000 18,000 0 18,000 18,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 18,000 18,000 �� G:�FM�QTVf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 1 28 �ORiGINAL 29 aq ,�.�� 30 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 1999 31 budget. 32 33 Requested by: Divisio of arl and � atio By� ° �� � 9 Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: � Adopted by Council: Date: �a ��"�"�`� AdoptSon Certified by Council Secretary � � �� � -� � � �. - i � �Ll�l/ �__!!/ !�.f _ Form tlpproved by City Attorney� �: `�/LJz1w�-*-c� 1—�l�r,��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� By: ���Lf/ G:�F'N1�QTUf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 2 l DEY�TMENT/OFRCE/COUNGL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET � y � NO. 101177 12/10/99 qq _1e., INITIlLL/DATE INITIALIDATE Ed Olsen 632-2413 � DEPARTMFNTDIRECTOR _�CITYGOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBQi F CITY AT70flfJEY _dT' CLEHK flWT�NG MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) onow ? RNANCIAL SStVECES DIN. 4 Deoartment Accounta�rt ASAP 3 MqYOR fOR A$$ISTANT) OFS - Accountina TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL lOCA710N5 FOR SIGNq71JRq ACIION RE¢UESTED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufiiicient funding at the budget control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1999 Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (860). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or Rejec[ IRI _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A S7AFF DISTRICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEt Y9RSONAL SHiNCE CONTRAMS MUST ANSW92 TNE FOLLAWINd QUESTIONS: 1. Nas tNS persoNfirm evn worketl vder a comratt for thc depertmerrtT YES NO 2. Has thrs penoNfirm ever been e aty employee? YES NO 3. Does [his p¢rsoNfirm pwseu a skill no[ normally possevsed by any current city employee? YES NO Expldn dl yn erowen on xpenm ahee[ eM ettach ro qreen sheet. INITIATING PR08lEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M/M, What, 4Vh¢n, Where, VJhyl: To provide adequate funding to comply with a request from the Department of Public Works - Sewer Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: To provide more efficient use of City resources. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: None DISADVAIJTAGES IF NOT APPRO VED: Utilization of City resources will be minimized. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S �H2OOO wNa�xosounce Parks & Recreation Grants/Aid - 860 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN) (CIPCLEONq YFS NO ncmnn Nunnsac 33196 � ���^�'i �ss�arcE: ��nt�r G:\FM\QT�Jf3\ W P\greensheetadmin 860.wpd '�-�-: ' z` .r,�• ✓ ORIGINAL Presemea By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has been requested by the Departrnent of 2 Public Works - Sewers Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City, 3 and 4 5 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a fmancing and spending p3an 6 for the capital expenses, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that 9 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $18,000 in excess ofthose estimated in the 1999 budget; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33146 - Environntental Peanits & Planning 0131 - Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0283 - Rental - Vehicles CURRENT BUDGET Commtitee:Date: �o���.�.E# ��l -��.�� GREEN SHEET # 1 OI 1�J�J � u �I� 1 CHANGES BUDGET 0 18,000 18,000 0 18,000 18,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 18,000 18,000 �� G:�FM�QTVf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 1 28 �ORiGINAL 29 aq ,�.�� 30 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 1999 31 budget. 32 33 Requested by: Divisio of arl and � atio By� ° �� � 9 Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: � Adopted by Council: Date: �a ��"�"�`� AdoptSon Certified by Council Secretary � � �� � -� � � �. - i � �Ll�l/ �__!!/ !�.f _ Form tlpproved by City Attorney� �: `�/LJz1w�-*-c� 1—�l�r,��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� By: ���Lf/ G:�F'N1�QTUf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 2 l DEY�TMENT/OFRCE/COUNGL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET � y � NO. 101177 12/10/99 qq _1e., INITIlLL/DATE INITIALIDATE Ed Olsen 632-2413 � DEPARTMFNTDIRECTOR _�CITYGOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBQi F CITY AT70flfJEY _dT' CLEHK flWT�NG MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) onow ? RNANCIAL SStVECES DIN. 4 Deoartment Accounta�rt ASAP 3 MqYOR fOR A$$ISTANT) OFS - Accountina TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL lOCA710N5 FOR SIGNq71JRq ACIION RE¢UESTED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufiiicient funding at the budget control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1999 Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (860). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or Rejec[ IRI _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A S7AFF DISTRICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEt Y9RSONAL SHiNCE CONTRAMS MUST ANSW92 TNE FOLLAWINd QUESTIONS: 1. Nas tNS persoNfirm evn worketl vder a comratt for thc depertmerrtT YES NO 2. Has thrs penoNfirm ever been e aty employee? YES NO 3. Does [his p¢rsoNfirm pwseu a skill no[ normally possevsed by any current city employee? YES NO Expldn dl yn erowen on xpenm ahee[ eM ettach ro qreen sheet. INITIATING PR08lEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M/M, What, 4Vh¢n, Where, VJhyl: To provide adequate funding to comply with a request from the Department of Public Works - Sewer Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: To provide more efficient use of City resources. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: None DISADVAIJTAGES IF NOT APPRO VED: Utilization of City resources will be minimized. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S �H2OOO wNa�xosounce Parks & Recreation Grants/Aid - 860 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN) (CIPCLEONq YFS NO ncmnn Nunnsac 33196 � ���^�'i �ss�arcE: ��nt�r G:\FM\QT�Jf3\ W P\greensheetadmin 860.wpd '�-�-: ' z` .r,�• ✓ ORIGINAL Presemea By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has been requested by the Departrnent of 2 Public Works - Sewers Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City, 3 and 4 5 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a fmancing and spending p3an 6 for the capital expenses, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that 9 there aze available for appropriation, funds of $18,000 in excess ofthose estimated in the 1999 budget; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33146 - Environntental Peanits & Planning 0131 - Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0283 - Rental - Vehicles CURRENT BUDGET Commtitee:Date: �o���.�.E# ��l -��.�� GREEN SHEET # 1 OI 1�J�J � u �I� 1 CHANGES BUDGET 0 18,000 18,000 0 18,000 18,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 18,000 18,000 �� G:�FM�QTVf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 1 28 �ORiGINAL 29 aq ,�.�� 30 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 1999 31 budget. 32 33 Requested by: Divisio of arl and � atio By� ° �� � 9 Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: � Adopted by Council: Date: �a ��"�"�`� AdoptSon Certified by Council Secretary � � �� � -� � � �. - i � �Ll�l/ �__!!/ !�.f _ Form tlpproved by City Attorney� �: `�/LJz1w�-*-c� 1—�l�r,��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� By: ���Lf/ G:�F'N1�QTUf3\WP\99municipal.wb3 Page 2 l DEY�TMENT/OFRCE/COUNGL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET � y � NO. 101177 12/10/99 qq _1e., INITIlLL/DATE INITIALIDATE Ed Olsen 632-2413 � DEPARTMFNTDIRECTOR _�CITYGOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBQi F CITY AT70flfJEY _dT' CLEHK flWT�NG MUST BE ON COUNqI AGENDA BY (DATE) onow ? RNANCIAL SStVECES DIN. 4 Deoartment Accounta�rt ASAP 3 MqYOR fOR A$$ISTANT) OFS - Accountina TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL lOCA710N5 FOR SIGNq71JRq ACIION RE¢UESTED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufiiicient funding at the budget control level of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1999 Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (860). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or Rejec[ IRI _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A S7AFF DISTRICT COUNQL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEt Y9RSONAL SHiNCE CONTRAMS MUST ANSW92 TNE FOLLAWINd QUESTIONS: 1. Nas tNS persoNfirm evn worketl vder a comratt for thc depertmerrtT YES NO 2. Has thrs penoNfirm ever been e aty employee? YES NO 3. Does [his p¢rsoNfirm pwseu a skill no[ normally possevsed by any current city employee? YES NO Expldn dl yn erowen on xpenm ahee[ eM ettach ro qreen sheet. INITIATING PR08lEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M/M, What, 4Vh¢n, Where, VJhyl: To provide adequate funding to comply with a request from the Department of Public Works - Sewer Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: To provide more efficient use of City resources. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: None DISADVAIJTAGES IF NOT APPRO VED: Utilization of City resources will be minimized. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S �H2OOO wNa�xosounce Parks & Recreation Grants/Aid - 860 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN) (CIPCLEONq YFS NO ncmnn Nunnsac 33196 � ���^�'i �ss�arcE: ��nt�r G:\FM\QT�Jf3\ W P\greensheetadmin 860.wpd '�-�-: ' z` .r,�• ✓