89-2127 � ----� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN FI E NO. — I � AMENDED FINAL ORDER � By e o. 18580 Voting In the Matter of improving the following streets with concrete curb and Ward gutters, a new bitumino 5 surfaced roadway, concrete driveway 2 aprons and out walks, b ulevard sodding and a lantern sytle street lighting system: *Alice Court *Alice Street from Chero ee to Ok�io Cherokee Avenue from A1 ce to Ohio Hall Avenue from George to Winifred Robie Street from Stryk r to Hall W. King Street from Win low Street to Stryker Avenue Delos Street from Hall venue east to cul-de-sac. *indicates below standa d street width To be known as the Conc rd/Congress Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. under Preliminary Order $9-1g22 approved October 10, 1989 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has condu ted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Cha er; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obje ions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completi n of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate aii expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to t City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date DEC2 + 1989 Yeas Dimond Nays �� Certified P ed by Council Secretary �'�'�g Re t tman In Favor By Scheibel . Sonnen � Against �}�,� �' Mayor �E� 2 � � p�� D E C � 0198� _ . ,, , � . RE 11/28/89. ��'�il/���/•�� DEPARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNCIL � ' DATE INITIATED ���I� Finance/Real Estate Division 11/28/89 GREEN SHEET No. 'N'�A� CONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE � EPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298-5317 ��� � ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNqL AQENDA BV(OATE� 1 H9 ROUTINO � UDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES Dlq. Must be in City Cle k s � no � Y���,�i�,� 0 CoLncil later th n noon Mon�a � TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAtiES 1 (CLIP ALL�OCA ON8 FOR SIQNATUR� ac�na�r�ouesreo: public Hearing 12/5/89 Amend the CONCORD/CONGRESS STREET IMPROV MENT PROJECT (File ��18580) to include two additional streets for paving: West King Street from Winslow to Stryker and West Delos Street from Hall east to ul-de-sac. Original green sheet 4�5170 RECOMMENDA170N8:MP►�NI o►�i�1� COUNCIL COMM i�PORT OPTIONAL ANAI.YST PMONE NO. _PUWNIN�COMMISSION _GVIL SERVIC:COMMISSION _�qB�MIMI7'1EE — WAAMENT8: _�„� _ VED _DI8TRICT COURT _ ��,��,����E�,�, NOV291989 1. Safer and better nei hborhood �wrwnNa P�eM.issue,oPPOaTUNmr�uuno,wnu,w�,w►»r..w�m: I tKK , !. ; �ao streets to be paved were inadvertently left off the orig�.nal project papers. They need t be approved and -added to the o�riginal project in order to be compl ted. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: Paving of these two streets ill improve thair safety and appearance. DISADVANT/U�ES IF APPf�VED: Improvements to these stree s will create assessments for the owners of the properties af ected by the project. ws�nv�r�r�oES�raT��oveo: Streets would have to be p ved at a later, less advantageous time. �ouncit Research Center N OV 2 81989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 26 963.IZ CpBT/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �a�� assessments on added streets ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIALINFORMATION:(E%PWI� Original estimated proj ct cost included amounts needed for the paving of these streets. Ad� tments to original funding sources will be made to ma.ke up for the addi ional amount of funds obtained through these � e . ' ` ` - . RE 9/�7/89 o��er�r,o�c�couNa� �• a►��earu►reo Finance & Management /Real Estate 9/25/89 GREEN SHEET NO. �Ji�� ooNr�cr�so�a�E � �r anecron �cm cou� Peter White 298-5317 �� � �rraa�r (T�crrrc�c �����«,�„�N�►��►� 106���9 '�° p °��°" p�..�.��. : ust be in City Clerk's ce no � �p�,�$r�wn Q Cnnn�i j R TOTAL M OF SitiNATURE PAGE8 �3 (CUP ALL LOCA FOR SIGNATURE) �cnoN�cu�a Construct a separated storm sewer and sanitar sewer system, water and sever connections and reconriections, street improvements and a laat rn style street lighting system in the Concord/Congress Area Sewer and Street Paving and Lighting Project. File No. 's X90—S-8056 18580 and 18569-5. FiECOMMENOATIONS:ADP��W o►R�t(RI COUNCIL REPOiiT OPTIONAI _PLANNINO COMMISSION —CIVIL SEAVICE COMMI8810N ANALYST PIIOIE N0. _CI9 OOMMfiTEE __ . �_STAFF _ OOMME!lTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ $UpPORT3 WMICM CWNpL OBJEC�VE7 Better Nei hborhoods Sewer Se ara ion �Hrtunrio�oe�M,issue,o�TUNm�wno,wnu.wn«�.wi»�..wny): The sewer separation program has been approv d through the Capital Improvement Budget Process. This is the fifth year of the Comb ned Sewer Separation Program. �ov��es iF�Prnoven: Project will reduce combiaed sewage overflo into the' Mississippi River during heavq rains .s well as improve appearance of neighborho d with new streets D18ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Benefitted property owners will have assess ents payable via property taxes ois�ovMrr�s�Nor�Pr�o: This part of the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. To not proceed with this work may result i penalties. l� �OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i C08T/REYENUE�IIDGETED�E ONEI �� NO * FtJNDING 80URCE ACTIYIT�NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMIATION:(EXPWM * See Summary of Engineering Recommend tions for financing information. � : ._ ��i-�l��J � L . � �, 13. 1/9/90 Final Order: Acquirin permanent utility Withdrawn easements for the FAI IEW/MONTREAL STORM SEWER PROJECT. Parts of Lot 16, Block 16 and Lot 29, Block 15, Lanes Highland Park Addition. Also, temp rary construction easements. (Easements not needed - order to be withdrawn. 14. 12/21/89 Ratification of Award of Damages: For Approved temporary constructio easements over and across the westerly 5 feet of the easterly 60 feet of L t 16, Block 4, Rice Street Villas in conj nction with the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AR A STORM SEWER PROJECT. 15. 12/21/89 Ratification of Award of Damages: For Approved temporary constructi easement over and across Lots 10 thru 12, Block 2, Griebe and Brewsters Additi n in conjunction with the MARSHALL 16. 12/21/89 Final Order: Improv ng the following Approved streets with a bitum nous surfaced with roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, amendments concrete driveway ap ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding an a lantern style street lighting syst m: Parts of Alice Court, Alice Street, Cherokee Avenue, Hall Avenue and Robie Str et. All to be known as the CONCORD/CONGR SS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT (Order Amended) . (Laid over in Commit ee 11/15/89) . 17. 12/21/89 Final Order: For e structing the Approved CONCORD/CONGRESS AR STORM SEWER PROJECT. with Area bounded by Mis issippi River on the amendments north, King Street n the south, Orleans Street on the west nd Eva Street (extended) on the e st. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requ sted by property owners. (Laid over in Committee 11/15/89) . � -3 N' �:�;'rs�ar_.>.^ :�:.,:•;.. - -` . -r�'_.,�.. s . .,a..,-:v-^a.d^_...x..: r .. � . -e,t ars� e ��/9] ... .. • �".;i:. ;-... .� a.-•.....,�. .. a,.,.:.� . r�;a y�•o•r-r..de�ark'°�r*e,K_t 'r-„y^',,,-R-'+-. .i@;n:;Y`!#t?'€ ".h.r'R-av:�Y'�����/-�• .,..�c.Y.;x. . � � . . . � . . . . . . ._ . .. . . .. _. .... -. , _.'1�C �.. ciTV oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. — oS / ' �� F I N A L O R D E R .-.'"`_� t,.. � r,., , � B� �� °� . File No. 28580 Voting In the Matter of �roiing the follrnria� strtat vith sconezete eurb and gutt:rs, a Ward � bituainoas sarfaced roadt�a.q, c ncrete drivexa� agroas: and c�t wlka, 2 botilerard s�ddia� and a lant�rn st Ie atreet lightin„� systeas *Alics Cr>nrt *Alice Street fros t�erotes to 8hi Ct�erokee Avsnu� fro� Alie� to tRsi Ball lvanne fralt George to SiinifY Robie STreet fr� StYq,iur to Aall *indicates belaa •tsndard street dth To be Icao�ra as the Con�ord/Co��r� Atea Stre:t Paviag and Lig}itiag 1'roject. / , ; , ' ��� � � • , ��� under Preliminary Order — �O O1�a approved �� ��� _�� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has cond cted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Ch rter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obj ctions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefor , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sai t Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directe and authorized to proceed.with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the comple on of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to e City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the CouncIl: Date . Yeas ��pa� Nays �p��s Certified Passed by Council Secretary I.�j �t�gn In Favor By Schaibcl So�an Against �u�� Mayor f .� �. � � � . ' � RE 9/27/89 �e�_�,a� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/OOUNqI � DATE INITIATED Finance & Ma.nagement /Real Estate 9/25/89 GREEN SHEET NO. 5�N�7� CONTACT PERSON�PHONE DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298-5317 �� arv nrron�r 0 crrv c��nc MU3T BE ON COUNqL IK�ENDA BY(DATE) 1 Q/��$9 ROUTING BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's 0 ice no MAYOR(ORA8SI8TANn Q Cn�mcil R TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PA�iE8 �3 (CLIP ALL LOC IONS FOR 81aNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Construct a separated storm sewer and sanitar sewer system, water and sewer connections and reconnections, street improvements and a lant rn style street lighting system in the Concord/Congress Area Sewer and Street Paving and Lighting Pro�ect. File No. 's X90-S-8056 18580 and 18569-5. iiEOOMMENa►rqNS:Mw�W a�l� COUNqI COMM Rq1 i�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINCi COMMISSION _CIVIL BERVI(:E COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ OOMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ BUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Better Nei hborhoods Sewer Se ara ion INITIATiNO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When.Whsro.Wh»: The sewer separation program has been approv d through the Capital Improvement Budget Process. This is the fifth year of the Comb ned Sewer Separation Program. RECEIVED f �291� ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: G Project will reduce combined sewage overflo into the Mississippi River dur�n,g heavy rains as well as improve appearance of neighborhoo with new streets DISADVANTACiES If APPROVED: Benefitted property owners will have assess ents payable via property taxes . �. .. J"�"�. �'- �J ) � � �^�f�� vi�i l� � p:�j- DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: This part of the City�s National Pollution ischarge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. To not proceed with this work may result i penalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� �YES� NO * FUNDINO SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� * See Summary of Engineering Recommenda ions for financing informa.tion. r '' � ' ' C�� o?/•?� � SUtgIARY OF ENGINEER NG RECOI4IENDATIONS CONCORD/CONGRESS SEWE SEPARATION PxOJECT PROJECT N0. 90-S-80 6 (P-8051. V-8051) REPOxT PREPARED - September 8. 1989 � NEIGHBORfi00D INFORMATION ETING - November 9� 1989 PUBLIC HEARING - November 28. 1989 PROJECT: Construct a storm sewer system and s nitary sewer modifications to accomplish sewer separation and provide water and ewer service connections and reconnec- tions, in part of the Riverview Se er System. The area is bouaded by State Street, Plato Blvd., Orleans Street. d King Street. Also included is a section of the storm sewer north of Fillmore Avenue that was delayed from the Starkey/Plato project. The project is part of the CSSP program. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served b a combined sewer system. During peri- ods of moderate to heavy rainfall there have been reports of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding pr blems. During flood periods� combined sewage is pumped over the floodwall t the Mississippi River. A number of the streets within the project area have an oiled roadway surface with no curb. The driving surfaces a e fair to poor and roadway widths vary because of lack of curb. Some street segments �ithin the roject area have curb. However. attempts made to salvage old curb when reconst ucting road surfaces have been unsuc- cessful in the past; therefore, v are proposing to remove existing curb and construct ne� curb and gutter on oile streets. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Sewer separation �ill be accomplishe by the construction of storm sewers in the project area. A good porti n of the construction will be located on easement areas. Street improvements, street lighting and se�er constructioa are proposed for the following streets: Alice Street from Cherokee to 0 io Cherokee Avenue from Alice to 0 io Hall Avenue from George to Wini red Robie Street from Strqker to Ha 1 Street improvements and street ighting only are proposed,for the following streets: Robie Street from Hall to Humb ldt Alice Court Page 1. CONCONGR ' � . ' � � ' � �,��1�?/a'I , _ . (Concord/Congress Sewer Separation & Pav'ng) , As shown on the attached project map, a few of oiled streets are not proposed to have storm sewer improvements and ill not be improved in 1990. These were cut back due to budget constraints unde the paving program. Storm sewer construction and restoratio in kind is proposed for the right of waq and easement area along the follo�i g alignments: Starkey Street from Plato to Conco at Isabel Concord Street from Isabel to Stat Robert Street from Concord to Stev s Colorado Street from Starkey to Wa asha Delos Street from Starkey to Wabas a Congress Street from Humboldt to C ncord Humboldt Avenue from George to Con ress George Street from Humboldt to Liv ngston Livingston Avenue from Concord to sabel Stryker Avenue from George to Rob Bellows Street from Congress to D los Charlton Street (extended) from I abel to the north through easement to Water Street George Street from Ohio to Charlt n King Street from Winslow to Stryk r The new storm sewer construction s part of a long-range storm sewer project , which will result in a separated st rm and sanitary sewer system for the Riverview area. The street and ghting improvements proposed would compli- ment the storm sewer construction. w bituminous roadways vith concrete curb and gutter are being proposed. All drive�ay aprons will be rec nstructed with concrete and a ne� concrete outwalk will be constructed for each home. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded. A new energy efficient sodium vapor lighting system will be in- stalled. Trees will be planted in t e boulevard areas as needed to reforest the area. One boulevard tree is planned t be remaved during construction of the proj- ect. The location and description s as follo�rs: Location No. Tree Size Species Reason for Removal ,� Starkey @ Concord 1 8' dia. Mountain Ash Storm Sewer Construction Page 2. CONCONGR . ,- , . . : . . , . . . . . �� a�a� ' (Concord/Congress Sewer Separation & P ving) Trees to be removed in easement areas re as follows: Location No. Tree Size S cies Reason for Removal Starkey - 200' So. of Plato 4 6"-12' dia. C tton�ood Storm Sewer Construction Starkey-Colo. to Delos 10 3"-6' dia. C ttonwood Storm Sewer Coastruction Charlton Ease- ment from Ohio to Isabel 21 4'-8' dia. A h & Locust Storm Sewer Construction Charlton Ease- ment from Fair- field to Ohio 6 4" dia. B sswood Storm Sewer Construction 1 18' dia. E m Sto rn► Sewer Construction �The following trees are proposed to b removed and transplanted nearby: Location No. Tree Size S ecies Reason for Transplant Starkey at Delos 3 6'-8' high P nes Sewer Coastruction ALTERNATES: To do nothing vould be inconsistent ith the City' s committment to separate the combined sewers and to impr e existing oiled streets. Constructing sewers without street improvements h s not been effective in the past. i.n that the existing oiled streets are ot capable of withstanding the construction activity necessary to construct the sewers, and merely restore the trench areas. Improving the road�ays i conjunctioa with sewer construction will save time. money and inconvenience 1 ter. POSITIVE BENEFITS: With the completion of the City's se er project, the chance of sewer backups into basements and surface fTood ng will be reduced. aad after rainleader disconnections. sewer backups into basements will be eliminated. Combined sewer overflows into the Mississi pi River will be reduced.�� General improve- ment of the public right-of-waq in c njunctioa with street construction will enhance and add quality to the eighborhood. Street oiling vould be elimi- nated on nev bitumiaous roadways. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with cons ruction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption �ill be present. Page 3. CONCONGx • � - _:� : � � . � . � ��a��7 � (Concord/Congress Se�er Separation & Pav g) SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: � , Permanent easements will need to b obtained for the storm sewer in various locations where right-of-way is not ava lable. TIME SCHEDULE: The project will begin in Maq, 1990 and be completed ia October. COST ESTIMATE: � CONCORD C NGRESS AREA Sewers (S-8062) $2.500,000 Paving (P-8047) 188.000 Lighting (V-8047) 50,000 Easements � 20.000 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.758.000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: CONCORD ONGRESS AREA Federal Grants & Lo ns $ 463.000 State Grants & Loan 382.000 Sewer Revenue Bonds 1,505,000 Mn/DOT 170,000 CIB 171.000 Assessments 67,000 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.758.000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact: Tom Ruhfeld (298-5317) Marvin Sorvala� Bonestroo� Rosene, Anderlik & Assocs. (636-4600) RECOigIENDATION: The Department of Public Works feel that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering recomm ndation is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, � Tom Eggum Director of Public Works Page 4. CONCONGR �'�11 'j r � �� ��_ , - � ! ■ �' , � _ � � I i�� ! -� ` , ' , � ■�� y �-��` , !S !�!' - �rl�r�� .. . � 1 � � .. ;� , ► _ � . , :�� � , �.� ' / V � :. � ` � j/�1� � � � � \ � � '' � , �, �P, � �I'�I�� ir* e� '�_ _ t , = � � - 1 ' ,��i . �� s'�1 �IIIlIfI ;; � � . : , � . t�������1�! ! ' � � � � . ;;� , � .,�►„ � .,�, . .:�l... \ . ,_� � � �� ��: � ���;: ��;.. �. .� ���'"�� ,�<:: _;�,;: �� � �� � ^ry� .'�� � (� ' �� �+��... '( .`,��� �'� � — i� .�'i�� �•. �;�' � � , �► `� �, , '� ��, . � "��1 "' ��� :� �,; � . � �►� �� , e� 0�..__ , : �'iii i�-�. �', � - � �` �� I��' �� . � _ � ,���II�N i .�.1 ��� . �� .. � : , , � �� i - f . � _� � , u� � - ,� � � . i `'� � �, ` L ��°�� � 11 . � _ � � ,�• � , tl ` , ,- J�� � I � � =� � j ► . �.�KII �� f � � � � ��..� , ,� �� _ � � �.� � - i�� r �►�. ,� � I� � , : :. , � _ _ ,� ,_lll .��nt� � . ��l111���� � yi pv �� 1 �� Q . �� � � ,� � � � __ . ����i �i�o ��,� ,� _ __ � �► � :� w� . _ Y _ - : - � I � - - ,�' : �� � _,n- i 1 - - � � �II � L� �-���� ' . �•��.�i�11■ � ' :� I �I II I I '' � . •�:,��� . , , � _ �► ,� � �.���,� �� - .�h�'� � �- �t��►��'� ' , . ', � ' jy �• + . �f '• ' ���� �,,� Q / �/� ✓ . �J .�� � . . , � � •� �^ � �� a� • � . /, �.i '"�� \ �,•� f � �N • / � --w� ' \ 7� b�� �. '•► � � � r4�MT i� y � \�► • p� � �:� ��,. V 0 .' , ,r ` ` q° r , �� cJ� �F� �� � • '%' •-+r'� • ' �� � '.� . �� • ... :. . /. ' .,. ..�• BL�D' �': / �` -:�� S ''�� P� to 4. '' � a��,�! � .�:. •.,��. � ' \\* , � ' � P�' � �� �' � � •� •gr ��".Gy "w 4,�'! LVO.c"\ �` � �-� '• � 4.y / '�" �� r T 8 � � Y � St� � 1^ ��v i �.�'`,��� �.;� • 3 Q�P��� 9� 9'��� N \ , � � '� . � oo � y y !� � :�: .`.• / �,��'Vj!''�..�fi � \ ."/�VI'�t{1'�,F�6�p,�/�f � a f �\0 ''� . r��� i i .t .. \' :� �, ,;l ,�����.1;''j�,:�j1,�* Q � � W000-ST. �: �n �r` � .,r r• ' ,'!'fn...,�,�. �; P r� OLO 4J' '� �� '' +.' y`� r:' ''� W. C 101i AD � , '� ��{• �.��� ���;,• �; � � _ � •OE LO o . ��1�r '" ,�, ;� �p � z a �' s � 11� ►' � � f '� � J � O � r. ��. U p � [�� �' .t(.�' ISABEL—� ST� �(� rISA'B W SL �'�!�. ' �,�, .�: �,."• � � U� /L� � LJ � � .•.(�,y�' �. �, � pV�• . CONGRESS � _ � �,�( , 4/ � I ( ' 1 ;. . . , � � ' � � ' � U U :�,,w�',r �y� �p5 Gtf';`.� � W. IN ��.�r'" • '��� ST• E� y ^ � � P � G / : : SCH � �yT � w H091E • (�" ' v � o �.� U ❑ � ��� rt,e. ��:, S , "` � 6 E 0 R G ST � I'—" � � � a � � - .rE'�'�tC"Ra �v I I� a ST • � � I D � ❑ �STEVENS � E'; E � �..wir u/i:+ a,� ��� � � c ` � W N �':+ T � �� -• � E. �.KING T �A 5 . KING � �� C,,'-1 I� `�. � I l t^��LL� 1M. �j,< P1 R C TT - ' J z Y ' .• �„� h �---�+ L--.�J L —' 4K R W�3D�' � � .E. ,, C.� R � �vso�:� 5� a r� J y � z =�,� •� mJ �° ' i � � o � �� r� fi � T� �n r�� �.��`�1y.i�!^� I //� �1 ( ..� 01�ir� I / y CONCOR / CONGRESS IRIV t�2D) ' STREETS TO 8E OILED C� 0.5 Y��S PAVED IN 1990 PAVED � 0.0 YILES OILED STREETS — pAVING OELAYE � p� M��Eg SEWEH CONSTRUCTION .����. ON STREETS TO 8E ECONSTRUCTED 0.3 �II�ES '�� ON"OTHER" • (REP IR TRENCFn 1.8 �IILES 1990 . .. . � : � t ' - w I• . � , ST. PAUL CI Y COUNCIL `�� C � �� PUBLIC HEA ING NOTICE ��y-a,��%� PUBLIC IMPROVEME T CONSTRUCTION City Council District �62 Dear Property Owner• District Planning Council ��3 ' File No. 18580 X90-S-8056 To decide whether to p oceed with construction of a storm sewer to P U R PO S E be known as the CONCOR /CONGRESS SEWER SEPARATION AND PAVING PROJECT bounded by the ississippi River on the north, King Street A N D �n the south, Orleans treet on the west, and Eva Street (extended) on the east. Also, to decide on whether to proceed with the CONCORD/CONGRESS stree improvements and a lantern-style lighting LO C A TIO N system in connection w th the following streets: Alice Court (1 ss than 30' in width) Alice Street f om Cherokee to Ohio (less than 30' in width) Cherokee Avenu from Alice to Ohio Hall Avenue f m George to Winifred Robie Street f om Stryker to Hall Tuesday, December 5, 1 89, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall Court House ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- Please note that the P blic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and evelop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wed esday, November 15, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at :00 A.M. If the Council approve this project, a portion of the costs will FINANCING be assessed against be efitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessments or this project' are as follows: INFORMATION ESTIMATID CONSTRU TION COSTS for Storm Sewer $2,500,000 Paving 188,000 Lighting 50,000 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $2,738,000 ESTIMATED FINANC NG: RE�E��F� Sewer Revenue Bo ds $1,485,000 Federal Grants a d Loans 463,000 ���10�� State Grants and Loans 382,000 r t�� Capital Improvem nt Budget 171,000 �-��� G�- Mn Department of Transportation 170,000 �' Assessments 67,000 TOTAL FINANCING $2,738,000 Street Pavin As essments: Normal Width - $ 9.00 per assessable foot Below 30' in Wid h - $17.00 per assessable foot Li htin Assess nts: $3.50 per assess ble foot NO STORM SEWER SSESSMENTS The area affected by this storm sewer project has been previously assessed or storm sewer separation benefits. There will therefore be no storm sewer assessments for this project. The firsr. 150 feet o the long side of residential corner lots will not be asses�ed provid�d that the short side has been assessed under this aving of oiled streets' progran:. ._. �,,, ._ — ' Canstruir',,�� 29c-o277 Assessments: 298-�4513 �:;��ESTIONS Also, City staff wil be available to answer any last minuCe questions on this pr ject in R���m 218 City Hall fr•om 8:30 - 9:00 . A.M. on the same da as the hearing. i J C�`/—���� — � ` i�� ��Y � � \'• � CDNC�QRD/ W �'`'r �•�° ..� � '�� 'I �.(�� � � � ��/�►��rr�7 +,�, ' �A� '�w 3 � ' S�WER y J�' • . N 9 ' . � ' , r��� Ra �a 5 9� �' �� O� ;+R �� �' � w� �� ' �` .� �� `� � � �.' � AH� PAVt NCs « , ,� "' I � ' �;.� O♦�'� ',�� � — , PiZO.TECT ��� i�Q Q • ��,.<° 7 �*�� •� ` � � w000—�r. +fo �A • � y y � rt OII� � < .p�LO �' • = r �t � � �J � �`� `J 1 , � • ���R I�'f,1 E�E�( ,�;. t�J L�J� E`r S��«• ' � �� � � ,� � � � oc� M � oa n � o �.� J LJ � U l��� u � �� STORM SEWER �► �s� � , I� ��� , � ❑ .• � � �U � �'��," '`��•v�`, CONSTRUCTION t. � � Tll AREA ] U ��� a � o -�- - i n r—�r�r--� :����,,,►�, �. r—,� ' ; �rr K��r , �.���• �� J �"1 i-��..i� �-� r _ _ i •" � ;�' �,� �. -- r. %�. s ' W/N/PRED . ��, 2 , .�.. ,�'.• .✓'a.,a� � � I t ' .� '' ;j • j ;��_ ' � ��.- -/ •>, �' '� 3 , �° +' ' �- , ,; - -�� _ '� % e '}. � �'�`� �� �1�� Ro��� .�� � ! .' �s'� � ,� I - � •.,�• .•�`.• . •—. . .i I .:}}:•:...,., s '.. .. ! ' • ti' •.-�:.:��;�'':. . .:;��,::�;i_ �`_ �•`•.': L • ! _ ,. �__ .i 3 ' � •- •• ---�" -r�'':: J��- ; � '' ,,a'��" .�-� - _ ' � ,i �e —;;,_ '�• . . .. �.Y. ,. '` '' 0 � ((/ •�' J`.� ,� ♦ • �t � k E.O �p'�� '`.�'�' , �,4 t j' � � • � � � : . .. , y� \� • �f� '� � ` ' � � A �.~... " ��}. � ' 'J�:�� � • � i ..`� nc ,', ,OV' •� ,, � , 1 , , g .1 �A !� �� ,� -�-`�-- -�- j _ ;. �I � 'r • � IY/NI/,ILO J► t � ,t� -� K 1 ' � � �� � �►•• N .. ..'� � • i � t• y. �. v • • •'• _ � �; / • e G i r a � � STrs�!'7 I�Tr�"7.• .• � . `� N � � •1'TAl��7 C� • ' � � 1• . � N � . .• .� � ' ' � � . � .. . Q ` , . . , . � PAVING AND LIGHTING � Rob►E Y ,* IMPROVIIKENT AREA —;W� �.. �� . >� � 3 :. � �� Shouiii you request a new storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer connection or water connection, it will be assessed at actual cost per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to develop soon, we suggest that you request that we construct these connections at this time. To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apartments, commercial, and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connection, and you should request a connection stub from the main -sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For some information, call the Sewer Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292-6247 (commercial property). Notice sent November 3, 1989 by t::e Raa1 Estate Divisian Finance & Management Services 218 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . . �/������ PR Y ORDEB � ,' Council File No. 89-1822—By Roger J Gaswitz— In the Matter of improving the ilowing street with concrete curb and gutters, a new bituminous surfaced �adway, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks,boulevard soddit�g and a lan rn styl�street lighting system in Voting ; Ward 2: ' 'Alice Court . *Alice St. from Cherokee to Ohio Cherokee Ave. from Alice'to Ohio , Hall Ave. from George to Winifred • ' ' ftobie St. from Stryker to Hall *indicates below standard street widt To be known as the ConcordlCongress rea Street Paving and Lighting Project. The Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 having received the iveport of the Mayor upon the above imprnvement, and aving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and t e same is herebT approved with no alternatiwes,and that the est' ated cost thereof is$238,000,finanaed by Capital Improvement Bonds$ 1,000 and Assessments$87,OOU. ' 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 5th da nf December 1989,at 9:00 o'clnck .m.,in tk►e Couacil Chambers o'�e y'� a ou ouse i2din in the C�ty oi Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public he ' g be given to the persons'and in the manner provided by the Chart r, stati�fg the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and`tii�total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18580 Adopted by the Council Oetober 1 1989. : � Approved October 11. 1989. (October 21-28, 1989) ► � . . '`(J •����' PRELIMI AR,Y ORDER Council File No. 89-1822—By ftoger Goswitz— In the Matter of improving the ollowing street with concrete curb and gutters, a new bituminous surfaced oadway, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks,boulevard sodding and a la ern style street lighting system in Voting Ward 2: •Alice Court •Alice St. from Cherokee to Ohio Cherokee Ave. from Alice to Ohio xail Ave. from George to Winifred Robie St. from Stryker to Hall •indicates below standard street width To be known as the Concoid/Congress �a Street Pav The Council of the City ot Saint Pa �����t' upon the above improvement, and n�v��i��jv�������tyO► resolves: t considesed �p� �,� 1. That the said report ana th same is herrbr �p�y�y;� ��� � alternatives,and that the estim ted cost therco(ls=�,ppp,nu�� Capital Improvement Bonds al 1,000 and q���entt fa7,ppp, � 2. That a public hearing be had n said improvement o� the St ds December, 1989,at 9:00 o'clock .m. in the Council Chambers o � tr ui in e City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hea 'ng be given to the persons and in the manner provided-by the Chart r, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement nd the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18580 Adopted by the Council October 10 1989. Approved October 11, 1989. (October 1-28, 1989) � • - Members: CITY OF � INT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - ,,,,��,,;;,; . Janice Rettman ,,,� ��;ii OFFICE OF TFI CITY COIINCIL , Tom Dimond Date: November 15, 1989 Committ e Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, nd Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chai 1. Approval of minutes of November 1, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 12/5/89 Vacation: Petition o 3M to vacate REANEY Approved 3-0 � AVENUE from Mendota t E. Seventh Street for the purpose of co structing a landscaped green spac and vehicle parking lot. 3. 11/21/89 Final Order: Improvi g the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitumi ous surfaced roadway, concrete cu and gutters, concrete driveway ap ns and outwalks, boulevard sodding an a lantern style street lighting syst : Parts of Geranium, Jessamine, ook, Lawson, Hatch, Front, Topping, Atwa er, Norton, Virginia, Farrington, Galtier, arion, Woodbridge and Albemarle. All o be known as the WOODBRIDGE/FRONT ARE STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 4. 11/21/89 Final Order: For co struction of the Approved 3-0 WOODBRIDGE/FRONT ARE STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area is bounded by R'ce Street, Geranium Avenue, Dale Street nd Sycamore Street. Also, constructing s nitary, storm and water service connec ions if requested by property owners. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOUR SAINT PAUL, T4INNESOTA 55102 �, e � - _ . ��_a�a7 = . 5. 12/5/ Final Order: Improving the following Laid over t streets with a bituminous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern. style street lighting system: Parts of Alice Court, Alice Street, Cherokee Avenue, Hall Avenue and Robie Street. All to be known as the CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 6. 12/5/ Final Order: For constructing the Laid over to CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 12/6/89 Area bounded by Mississippi River on the north, King Street on the south, Orleans Street on the west and Eva Street (extended) on the east. Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 12/5/89 Final Or er: Impr ving the following proved 3- streets with a bitum ous surf d 0, ith ' roadway, c crete curb gutters, amen t rete driv y aprons an twalks, boule soddin nd a lantern s street li 'ng sys Parts of � Maryland, Magn 'a, Ame Rose, Barclay, zelwood and Mec 'c. to be known ��`°� as NAZELWOOD/MAGNO ARE REET PAVING LIGHTING PROJEC . blic Works will be rec ending that Ames and azelw 8. 12�/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Approved 3- HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STORM SEWER 0, with PROJECT. Area bounded on the north by amendment Maryland from Barclay to 110 feet west of Herbert, by Magnolia from Johnson Parkway to Barclay, on the south by the RR right- of-way from Johnson Parkway to Hazelwood, a�l of Jessamine Lane, Ames Avenue from Jessamine to 150 feet west of Kingsford, on the west by Clarence from RR right-of- way to Magnolia and Barclay from Magnolia to Maryland, on the east by a line from Maryland to Ames approximately 130 feet west of Herbert to 150 feet west of Kingsford following a previously assessed storm sewer boundary. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. :� . .. 9. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improv ng the following Laid over to streets with a bitum nous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, concrete driveway ap ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding an a lantern style street lighting syst m. Parts of Pinehurst, Yorkshire Hampshire Ave. , Hampshire Court, Col in and Hilltop Lane. To be known as the F IRVIEW/MONTREAL AREA STREfT PAVING AND LI HTING PROJECT. 10. 12/5/89 Final Order: For co structing the Laid over to FAIRYIEW/MONTREAL AR A STORM SEWER 12/6/89 PROJECT. Area is bo nded by Eleanor on the north, St. Paul venue on the south, Howell and Fairview n the west and Davern on the east. Also c nstructing sanitary, storm or water servi e connections if requested by propert owners. 11. Final Order: For co structing the Approved 3-0 PORTLAND/ALDINE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area bounded by Selb , Fry, Princeton, and Fairview. Also cons ructing sanitary, storm and water servi ce connections if requested by propert owners. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/8 ) . 12. Final Order: For im roving the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitum nous surfaced roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, concrete driveway ap ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding an upgrade an existing street lighting syst m to a lantern style street lighting syst m: Parts of Aldine, Ashland, Fry, Hersch 1 , Pascal , Pierce, Portland, Saratoga a d Wheeler. To be known as the PORTLAN /ALDINE AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING YSTEM. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) . 13. 12/5/89 Final Order: Acquis'tion of certain Laid over to property for the WES ERN/ATWATER PONDING 12/6/89 PROJECT. (Laid over 'ndefinitely by Council 8/29/89) . 14. 12/5/89 Council Resolution: To consider the Approved 3-0 increase for the Se r Availability Charge (SAC) for 1990 from 575.00 to $600.00. a � - . . � � 15. Resolution 89-1939: An ordinance amending Laid over Chapter 157 of the Legislative Code by until deleting in its entirety Section 157.08 12/6/89 which prohibits vehicles standing on a street with a "for sale" sign. (Referred to Committee 10/26/89) . 16. Discussion: Snowbird tagging and towing. Laid over to 12/6/89 17. Resolution: An Ordinance amending the St. Laid over to Paul Legislative Code by adding a new 12/20/89 chapter pertaining to the franchising of communications systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/19/89) . (To be laid over for 1 month) . 18. Resolution 89-1783: An ordinance amending Laid over to 157. 15(1) of the Legislative Code February or pertaining to miscellaneous parking March restrictions and allowing "curb jumping" during the State Fair. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) .