89-2126 WHITE - CIT� CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII //� GANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL �(�/J BLUE - MAVOR File NO• _ �/-` � RETURN COPY TO ASSESSMENTS Council esolution ROOM 218 CITY HALL ��� � , �� Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date f��3 /�y Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , To comply with he Metropolitan Waste Control Commission ' s (MWCC ' s ) method of c arging local governing bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges , t e Saint Paul City Council , pursuant to Section 77 . 07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23 , 1973 (Chapter A-7 Administrative Code ) as amended , which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC) ; and WHEREAS , The Metropolita Waste Control Commission has increased the unit charges for he year 1990 from $575 . 00 to $600. 00 per unit ; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council esolution C.F. 260524 , adopted January 23 , 1973 , as amended, be nd the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SA unit charge from $575. 00 to read $600. 00 per unit ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , That his amending resolution shall take effect , be in force from and iter its passage , approval and publication. cr. sac/ 1 � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance and Managemen Services Long � [n Favor � Gosw;tz �be�� �_ Against B Director �-�- ' Sonnen ��3J � Wilson DEC 5 V � Form Appro d by Cit Attorney Adopted by Councit: Date � CertiEied Ya ed by Counc.il Secreta� By 6 � $ B}, ��,v ���,�-G�'..(.�,C:l/'a-✓ q c Approved ,Mavor Da v ' `�- !���� App d by Mayor for n� ouncil � � ,�,� oE c �s 19a9 � �v �i �Y����-,1,�'=� `r`�. :�:��-�� �� �✓ �L� � �.v��'�fs — /' � ,-� C��1-o��� � �. �/�O/�- , (.,.� • ' � Ietropolitan Waste Control Commission �ti� titcar� Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 _ 612 222-8423 September 25, 1989 ��C�l Y �� ; [��CEIV�D � ' v� SEP 281989 :�EP2719S9 �blic Wo�ks S�'e�# �-::ir��: � C17Y C'�CRK � � AL L C l TY MANAGERS —�""'"""" � RE: f990 SAC RATES Th/s Js to Info�m you that th Metropolltan Waste Control CommJsslon has fovnd It necessa�y to /ncrease the Sewer Servlce Avallabl ! ! ty Charge (SAC�� rate Dy S25 to 5600, effective January 1 , 1990 (Reso/ut/on Number 89-19�6) . � The SAC rate for the commu- nitles that do not have lntercept r sewers (those shared by two or more communit /es) was lncreased by $40 to 5430, a/so effect /ve January 1 , 1990. SAC !s col /ected from use�s who a connecting to the sewer sys- tem for the flrst time and from th se whose use of the system has lnc�eased. The SAC funds co/ /ecte pay for the debt Incurred to expand and Improve sewer faclllt ! s . These facJlltles provlde the sewer co/ lect/on and treatment service stlpulated fo� your community !n the Metropolltan Coun ll ' s comp�ehenslve sewer p/an . Please note: all SAC fees collect d by the community In 1990 are to be remitted to the Commisslon t the 1990 rate regardless of when the permltting p�ocess began . The rate to be charged !s the rate in effect at the t/me of paym nt . lf you have any questlons , p/e se contact Sandra Se/by at 229-2118. Your cooperatlon /n the past has been g�eat /y apprec/ated. Slncerely, �--� � ��G'[GL_ O. V�r✓ Gordon 0 . Voss. � Chlef Adminlstrator GOV:SLS:kmw L-92089C cc: Bullding Inspectlons Departme t Sandra Se /by , MWCC Equal Opportunity/Affir ative Action Employer � . . . � ���i-�ia� 9. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improv ng the following Laid over to streets with a bitum nous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, concrete driveway ap ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding an a lantern style street lighting syst m. Parts of Pinehurst, Yorkshire Hampshire Ave. , Hampshire Court, Col in and Nilltop Lane. To be known as the F IRVIEW/MONTREAL AREA STREET PAVING AND LI HTING PROJECT. 10. 12/5/89 Final Order: For co structing the Laid over to FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL AR A STORM SEWER 12/6/89 PROJECT. Area is bo nded by Eleanor on the north, St. Paul venue on the south, Howell and Fairview n the west and Davern on the east. Also c nstructing sanitary, � storm or water servi e connections if requested by propert owners. 11. Final Order: For co structing the Approved 3-0 PORTLAND/ALDINE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area bounded by Selb , Fry, Princeton, and Fairview. Also cons ructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by propert owners. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/8 ) . 12. Final Order: For im roving the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitumi ous surfaced roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, concrete driveway ap ns and outwalks, boulevard sodding an upgrade an existing street lighting syste to a lantern style street lighting syste : Parts of Aldine, Ashland, Fry, Hersche , Pascal , Pierce, Portland, Saratoga an Wheeler. To be known as the PORTLAND AIDINE AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING S STEM. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) . 13. 12/5/89 Final Order: Acquisi ion of certain Laid over to property for the WEST RN/ATWATER PONDING 12/6/89 PROJECT. (Laid over i definitely by Council 8/29/89 . 14. 12/5/89 Council Resolution: o consider the Approved 3-0 increase for the Sewe Availability Charge (SAC) for 1990 from $ 75.00 to $600.00. • � , 15. Resolution 89-1939: An ordinance amending Laid over Chapter 157 of the Legislative Code by until deleting in its entirety Section 157.08 12/6/89 which prohibits vehicles standing on a street with a "for sale" sign. (Referred to Committee 10/26/89) . 16. Discussion: Snowbird tagging and towing. Laid over to 12/6/89 17. Resolution: An Ordinance amending the St. Laid over to Paul Legislative Code by adding a new 12/20/89 chapter pertaining to the franchising of communications systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/19/89) . (To be laid over for 1 month) . 18. Resolution 89-1783: An ordinance amending Laid over to 157.15(1) of the Legislative Code February or pertaining to miscellaneous parking March restrictions and allowing "curb jumping" during the State Fair. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) . � Members: ���°?���° � � � CITY OF AINT PAUL Roger J. GoswitZ, chair � ,,,���,,;;,; . . Janice Rettman ��n� ��;�i, OFFICE OF T T CITY COIINCIL f� Tom Dimond Date: November 15, 198 Commit ee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Ch ir 1 . Approval of minutes of November , 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 12/5/89 Vacation: Petition o 3M to vacate REANEY Approved 3-0 AVENUE from Mendota o E. Seventh Street for the purpose of c nstructing a landscaped green spa e and vehicle parking lot. 3. 11/21/89 Final Order: Improv ng the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitum nous surfaced roadway, concrete cu b and gutters, concrete driveway ap ons and outwalks, boulevard sodding an a lantern style street lighting syst m: Parts of Geranium, Jessamine, Cook, Lawson, Hatch, Front, Topping, Atwa er, Norton, Virginia, Farrington, Galtier, Marion, Woodbridge and Albemarle. All o be known as the WOODBRIDGE/FRONT ARE STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 4. 11/21/89 Final Order: For co struction of the Approved 3-0 WOODBRIDGE/FRONT ARE STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area is bounded by R ce Street, Geranium Avenue, Dale Street nd Sycamore Street. Also, constructing s nitary, storm and water service connec ions if requested by property owners. CITY HALL SEVENTIi FLOUR SAINT PAUL, A4INNESO�I'A 55102 � e 5. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Laid over to streets witM a bituminous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern. style street lighting system: Parts of Alice Court, Alice Street, Cherokee Avenue, Hall Avenue and Robie Street. Al1 to be known as the CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGNTING PROJECT. 6. 12/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Laid over to CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 12/6/89 Area bounded by Mississippi River on the north, King Street on the south, Orleans Street on the west and Eva Street (extended) on the east. Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Approved 3- streets with a bituminous surfaced 0, with roadway, concrete curb and gutters, amendment concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system: Parts of Maryland, Magnolia, Ames, Rose, Barclay, Hazelwood and Mechanic. All to be known as the HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public Works will be recommending that Ames and Hazelwood be deleted) . 8. 12�/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Approved 3- HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STORM SEWER 0, with PROJECT. Area bounded on the north by amendment Maryland from Barclay to 110 feet west of Herbert, by Magnolia from Johnson Parkway to Barclay, on the south by the RR right- of-way from Johnson Parkway to Hazelwood, all of Jessamine Lane, Ames Avenue from Jessamine to 150 feet west of Kingsford, on the west by Clarence from RR right-of- way to Magnolia and Barclay from Magnolia to Maryland, on the east by a line from Maryland to Ames approximately 130 feet west of Herbert to 150 feet west of Kingsford following a previously assessed storm sewer boundary. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. � �s� - ���a�a� DEPARTMENT/OFfICEl00UNdL DATE INITIATED Finance & Mana ement Services 10-25-89 GREEN SHEET NO. 5 �7 6 INITIALI DATE INI AUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHON DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNqL Roxanna Flink 292-7028 �� pTY AITORNEY CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DATE) ROU7INO BUO(iET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.SERVICEB OIR. MAYOR(OR11681ST � Council Research TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA IONS FOR SIGNATURE� • ACTWN REQUE8TED: Increase Sewer Service Availability Charge (S C) from $575.00 to $600.00 beginning January 1, 1990. (Refer to Green Sheet 5177 to set hearin dat to ratif SAC char e) RECOMMENDA7IONS:Approvs(AI o►�1�(� COUNqL COMM REPORT OPTIONAL RECEIVEQ _PUINNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N �� PHONE NO. _CIB COAAMIITEE — A �� MENT3: 9 —oisrpicr couRr — pEP�CE pF �F SUPPORTB WHICFI OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? �pYC�R`5 OF�I E hN p q�A EN1 p��°,}�N R »v INIIUTINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsro,Why): Letter from Metropolitan Waste Control Commis ion informing government agencies Eof new SAC Charge from $575.00 to $600.00 for 1990. The full SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. Therefore, passing the incre sed charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MWCC attached) ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The increase in SAC Unit Charges for the new ear is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. H wever, if the City of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $17,000.00 i 1990 if the same number of SAC charges are made as in 1989. DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Increase of $25.00 to property owner or build r from rate in previous year. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: City absorb the increase - additional cost to ity of $17,000.00 Counce! Research Genter fV OV 3 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE Sewer Availability Charl�e (SAC) ACTIVITY NUMBER 610-50018-0521 SAC FlNANGAL INFORMAl10N:(EXPWN) �� �� ,. �%l����.t�.:�`=��"`r`} ' `� - / , �r�� �D �✓�L/� �.1i,1��� — .�'r��/�"r±(,� C�(�"��a� � �- , �1, '��=� � ietropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Fark Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul. Minnesota 55101 _ 612 222-8423 September 25 , 1989 �C�I��� ; Ct!'CEfV�D � ` v� SEP 281989 :�EP 2�r1989 �b1ic 'J�Ic�fks S��'€�# �-:,iG�: � CIiYC'�ERK � (' AL L C!TY M.4NAGERS `"�"'" � RE: 1990 SAC RATES Thls !s to Info�m you rnar th Metropolltan Waste Contro/ Commission has found / t necessary to lncrease the Sewer Servlce Ava! labl ! ! ty Charge (SAC�� rate by 25 to 5600, effective January 1 , 1990 (Reso/ut /on Number 89-196) . � The SAC rafe for the commv- nities that do not have lntercepto sewers �those shared by two or more communitles) was lncreased y S40 to S430, also effective January 1 , 1990. � SAC !s co / /ected from users who ar connecting to the sewer sys- tem for the flrst t /me and from tho e whose use of the system has lncreased. The SAC funds co/ lecte pay fo� the debt incurred to expand and improve sewer facll / t ! s . These facllitles p�ovlde the sewer collecrlon and treatmen se�vice stipulated fo� your community In the Metropolltan Counc / ' s comprehens/ve sewer plan . Please note: al ! SAC fees co/ lecte by the commun/ ty /n 1990 are to be remltted to the Commission a the 1990 rate regardless of when the permltting process began . The rate to be charged 1s the rate In effect at the tlme of payme t . lf yov have any qvestlons , p/e se contact Sand�a Se/by at 229-2118. Yovr cooperation /n the past has been g�eat /y app�eclated. Slncerely, ' � •��G't GL_ c7. �J�rv Gordon 0 . Voss. � Chlef Adminlst�ator GOV:SLS:kmw L-92089C cc: Bullding Inspectlons Depa�tmen �� Sandra Se/by, MWCC � Equal Opportunity/Affirm ive Action Employer �a � �=9, �'°` � ��� �"'°:'���.�F�►��r .�����'�".� , Notice is hereby givea that a Public earing will be held on the�lla3�-cf /Hecember, t989 at 9:tlO o'elaock-A.Ad, in�t Saint Paul Cfty Cctta'icil Chambers, Ci�y' a an ourt House, St. Pa ,� , innesota, the pu:rpc�'se ot the Fublic Hearing being to co�ider Sewer�ce vaila�"�Tit��;harges for the year 2990 pursuant to Sectiori 77�0? of the �aiut ul_Legislative.Gocle: All interested parties may appear and be heard before t e City CounciL Dated November 14, 1989. ' ALBERT B. OLSON,City Clerk . {November , 1988) � ' �� ��a � � � co�cst�"ile xo..w-l�l�—H��J. : ' 1t��80�"iT�D. 3'h� io aoeord� !!�'1"�.�1 � �►Ltb.A�w� $+trvice Availabil3ty�fiarges,fihc Co�sc 1 does he set a pu}ilichearin��. ptoposed Sewer Service Availability arges for the year 1990 to be he�w Drcember 5, 1989 at 9:� a.m., in the C uncil Chambers, and the City Cld��t Y o pu is o sai earing;the publication of which isti�e �M at least seven days before the hea Asio�tod bY tbe C�eil i�itw��ilirr °�WW. - �i�iw�Mllov�b�e lb,IlN: - ,��:� � , � '; (I+1 �'��