89-2125 WNITE - CITV CLERK COUflCII (A/'� �i� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL y CANARV�DEPARr�1ENT Y B'LUE - MAYOR File NO• �1 • - RealrEstate Division Rm. 218 Council esolution (RM) (14-1989) /� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date 1���/�� Out of Committee By Date suits , actions , or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or dam ges received or sustained by any person, persons , or p operty on account of this vacation or petitioners ' se of this property, including but not limited to a clai brought because of any act of omission, neglect , or misconduct of said petitioner because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or egulation made in accordance with the law whether by t e petitioner or any of its agents or employees . 7 . That the petitioner, their heirs , and assigns , shall within 60 days of the pu lication date of this resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condition of this resolution and shall within the period(s ) spe ified in the terms and conditions of this resol tion comply in all respects with these terms and con itions . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond fj' c.o� / In Favor Goswitz Rettros° B sche;n�� _ Against Y Sonnen � w�u�o� r�-i c-�5 Adopted by Council: Date Q DEC a v �ggp Form Appro ed b City Attor y � � 1 Certified Pas ed by Council Secretar BY < gy �(�-!�`•4� A►pprove avor: D , V � � Approv y Mayo or 'ssion to Council By ` � V.,��- — � �'�. �gl� D E C 16 1989 � • � - � , . , �/� ���,,,��`y'' OEPARTM@NTIOFRICEICOUNCIL DAl'E INITIATED Finance/Rea1 Estate Divisian I1/14$9 GREEN SHEET NO. ���' CONTACT PER80N 8 PNONE INITIAL/DATE MIITIAUDATE D ARTMENT DiRECTOR �CITY OOUNpI Dick McCann 298-5317 N�� C AITORNEY � ' MU8T BE ON COUNqL Af3ENDA BY(DA7'� ROUTINO �B DOET DIRECTOFi N.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. M VOR(OR A8318TAN7] TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE PA�E8 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATI S FOR SIGNATUi� �cnoN�ouesreo: Approve resolution vacating Re ey Avenue between Mendota Street and East Seventh Street. RECOMMENDn7�s:MP��(N a�k� COIJDICN. RCFI REPORT OPTWNAL _PUWNINO OOMMISSION _GYIL SERVICB COMMIS810N ANALYST PN�IE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ COI�N�AENT8: _���Ar _ Public Wor s Committee meeting: November 15, 1989 ����OOUNGLO���� Council` he ring: December 5, 1989 Located in Council District 6 INITIATINO PROBLEM.18SUE.OPPORTUWTY(Who.WAet.WMn.WMro.Why): This vacation will permit 3M Company to combine the ���►�reet with adjacent land for the purpose of con:st cting a landscaped green space and vehicle parking lot. NOV 141g8g OffICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPqRTjy��NT OF FINANC� - ��VD MAfVAGEAAENT ADVANTA(iE81f�YED: It will significantly improv the character of the entrance to 3M's main complex at East Seventh Street. R�CE�YFh ����F,���: _ None. ��j� �� D18ADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVEO: Project would be withdrawn r significantly modified. Gouncii Research Center_ NOV 171989 � . ; TOTAL AMONNT OF TRANSACTION = 33,975.00 C08T/REVENUB BUDOETED(GRCLE ONE) YE3 NO wNOx�c�u� �c�v�rr Nu�t 001-0250-2833-000 FlNANpILL INFORMAl10N:(EXPWN) Above to be pa d to City for the vacation. d� ,.� , ,_ � Y �GJS,� t�" ' -�/�I DEPARTM@NTlOFFICE/COUNqI OATE INITIATED � Q F�;ance/Real Estate Division �_� GREEN �H�ET NO. ��V 1 ACT PERSON 8 PMONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Dick McCann 298-5317 ��� qTy AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT 8E ON COUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DATE� ROUTINO BUDfiET DIRECTOR ,�n PIN.3 MOT.BERVICEB DIR. MAYOH(OR A881ST � l.J� TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCA IONS FOR SK�IATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Approve resolution vacating R ney Avenue between Mendota Street and East Seventh Street. RECOMh1ENa►TIONS:Mv►ow W a Ry�t(Fn COUNGL EE/RESEARCFi i�PORT OPTWNAL _PLANNINO COMMIS�ON _CIVIL BERVIC:OOMM13810N ANALY8T PHONE NO. _cre c��rr� — 0 C fi .� j 1 y�i,y A s�rn� _ coM�rrrs: —u�rw�couFrr _M ' • � Public Wo ks Committee meeting: November 11, 1989 suPPORrs w►na+«�uuNa�oerECrnE� Located in Council District 6 Council aring: December 5, 1989 INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE.OPPOR'RJN�TY(Who.Whet.WMn.Whsro.Wh»: This vacation will permit 3M Company to c bine the vacated street with adjacent land for the purpose of constructing a landsca d green space and vehicle parking lot. ADVMITAOES IF I�VED: It will significantly imp ove the character of the entrance to 3M's main complex at st Seventh Street. ' RECEIV�'D OCT 2 71989 ois�wvMrr�s��o: OFFICE OF . TH�DlRECTpR None. RECEIVE� �4ND MAN�GE��N�FINANCE T SERVICES ���►� CITY CLERK ����F��: Project would be withdrawn r significantly modified. �ouncil Research Center. N OV 2 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS/1CTI0N t 33,975.00 �gT/pEyENUE StlDOETED(CIRd.E ONE) � NO ��� ��i��TM��R 001-0250-2833-00(3 Flwu�Cw.iNFOR�u►rroN:(�x�uuM Above to be paid to City for the va tion. �W � . , �' i�C %��_� �c 'd 1.�.5 �//,ii . � �. � � ,r1 '��� i; I��v>� i � WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � RealrEstate Division Council esolution Room 218 (RM) (14-1989) Presented By �".�� Referred To Committee: Date l�L ���9 Out of Committee By Date RE LVED, that upon the petition of Minnesota Mining and Manufactu 'ng Company, per Fin nce Department File No . 14-1989� that part o Reaney Avenue bet een Mendota Street and East Seventh Stree hereinafter des ribed, be and the same is hereby vacated and di ontinued as pu lic property. The vacated a ea is descr' bed as follows : All that part of Reane Avenue lying between Mendota Street d East Seventh Street in E. M. Mackubin ' s Additi to Saint Paul Also all of the ease t in the land necessary for the slopes , cuts , and ' lls , including the right of -^oval of lateral sup o t from subject land or '�r thereof occa io d by excavation thereof `� on of slo es i the �rading of said � �� wit in or djacent to said � a above. ' �� � `� following conditions : � � _ assigns ��� �'_' 1 ��� / _�,,,� - and � ;pair ��/� e , �� � ' nances COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays i of: Dimond �� [n Favor � � , Goswitz �f �h��� Against BY Director Sonnen � ��j Wilson ���3�. Form Approv ity Attorn Adopted by Council: Date C. Certified Passed by Council Secretary By O � By, A►pproved by Mavor. Date _ Approv by Mayor for Sub i ion �ouncil gy B _ __ ,,; . WNITE - CITV CLERK • . � . ..'�' �.� - � ._: f_ � . �.. . PINK - FINANCE � � ���- � � - COIIRCjl BLVERV - MAVPORTMENT �GITY �OF S � INT PAtTL F�te NO. , � �� �:�• Council esolution m.. u� U�4, t�4-19��, - � _ Presente� By •=�: ' - . , 1i�r<. ��- ;� Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date IE�S�L1f��, tHat upon tb• �titiaa et 3�iaa�aot� �iinia� and �:sasfatttnria� Co�psaj, p�r l�is�r a• ��ptrtr�►a! !i2• IIo. 14-19t�9, tkat p�rt o! xe�rn��r A�s�nns bat� sa '��adota 3tr�t+st tad aas� 3��eath �tr��t �er�iaatt�r d�sc ibsd, � a8@ the sa�s is ��rtb� ♦aaatld aad discontian�d as pab ic pre��rt�. �he racatsd ares is �eaori sd as follorss •11 that part'--ot �aaas At��t• lgi8g �st��tn �!eadots �tr�s� xsd Bae S�t�atD Str��t in �. 1!. �aakmbia'e aflditi�►n t� S:i.st Paul k Also all ot ��� sa��i�e+� t is th• l:ad sec�ssar� ter th• slcpae, ct���, aa�t ;ills, iaainfli�g tb� right ot re�o�sl of lat�rsl srp o�rt tro� s�bg��t land or rsmaindsr t�srfoi oaca ia�tad bs szsa�ation th�r�of � or oonstrnctioa of slo ��e i�, th� �raA�ias ot said � s16bt-oi-�ay l�iss zit ia �r:.�djao�at to •aid ♦acat�d ar�a d�seriD�d abct�. -` "x'his •aeatiaa sball b� ��D •ct to tbi-, tollo�riaa o�nd#tiosss l. That tb• p�titioa�r,, i e aQCOeesorr`„ aad assisws •�s12 tslca tha sssgoas Dilit� tor tba, p�i��t• op�ra.tioa, saial�aaae� anc! r�pair o#`�t�s stars •��r�r snQ astc� Daaias aad sball pa� �2i saate aa8 szg�as�a in ths ogfrat on, saiat*nan�e. aa!! r�pair ot t�• slor• �A�lP� aa aalah b�sis• �►hiah li• rithia 6h• Ta�aats+� ar� . Al2 op�r+�tioa, :alatsaaac�a, �a�t sap�at s��21 ba �za�ast�d in a000zda�tce xith aYl ap liaaDl• �od�s and ordi.naaasa � COUNCIL'MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond t.ong In Favor . Goswitz � �`, .aC �teama� Against By ...��. � t ., ,,..� ,�. Scheibei Sonnen - Wilson �". �orm Approv�d ti ity Attorn y , P Y ` c�:..� �,' �".;""�^"'"'� Ado ted b Council: Date F '� f; . `�,,.' l'` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��``"f� #`� � �`r �'� t{ �. By � . � . *� Approved by Mavor� ;pate Approve�} by.Mayor for Sub�ission,�to;Gouncil , - � . ,....._ � . : C , ._.�.-.-,�-�+b-�..�..,--.. .. ... j : - . ' .,:.. B y c Ct.. � �, t-.i:` _- ''_,^"'"+........ By Y - . . ��-,��� and to the satisfact on and approval of Public Works Sewer Engineer 2 . That the petitioner , its successors , and assigns shall pay all costs and ex enses for abandonment of the existing sanitary se er lying within the vacated area; said abandonme t to be subject to the approval of Public Works Sewer Engineer. 3. T at the petitioner, ' ts successors , and assigns shall pa all costs and exp nses for traffic re-signing requ' red as a result f this vacation. Removal and/or reloc tion of traffic signs shall be done by Public Works affic Divisio and billed to the petitioner, its successo s , and assig s . These costs must be paid within 60 days of ori inal billing. 4 . That a util ty easeme t be retained within the vacated area to prot t the i terests of Northern States Power Company, Gas ' vision. 5 . That the petitio er, its successors , and assigns shall pay the City $33 � 75 • 0 as compensation for this vacation which is ue nd payable within 60 days of the publication date of th ' s resolution. 6 . That the petitioner, i s successors , and aesigns , by acceptance of the term and conditions of this vacation agree to indemnify, de e , and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its off ce , and employees from all 2 � � �' 9 -���J _ _ WMITE - CITV Cl PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F S I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Return copy to: Council e lution Real Estate Division RM) (14-1989) Room 218 resented By Referred To Committee: Date f'l/�"/�/ Out of Committee By Date suits , actiona , cla' ms of any character brought as a result of injuries or amages received or sustained by any person, persona , o property on account of this vacation or petition ' use of this property, including but not limited to a c aim brought because of any act of omission, neglect , or conduct of said petitioner because of any claims r iability arising from any violation of any law o re ulation made in accordance with the law whether b the etitioner or any of its agents or employees . 7. That the petitioner, t eir heirs and assigns , shall within 60 days of the ublication date of this resolution file with t e City Cler an acceptance in writing of the conditi ns of this re olution and shall within the period(s ) a ecified in the terms and conditions of this res lution comply i all respects with these terms and c nditions . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Fina & Ma.na ement ervices ��g [n Favor Goswitz � ^�" Rettman B • �� s�he;n�� _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson ���_� Form Approve City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date g � �0 26 B 1 Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y gy, Approved by �Vlavor: Date _ Appco e by Mayor for Submiss' t By — B ` ,,� . _ . _ .'WHITE - UTV CLERK �� �. -' � � � . � � � PIN�F ..'- FINANC� G I TY O F S ����I NT PA U�L � Council �� � - � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � - � BIUE -MAYOR FIIB NO. '°�"�'� °'�' �'' Council esolution s..� �. �.� � �Z�� � � �I-�fb _ . r, Presented By r �"�� �� ' _ ,.,�, . Referred To Committee: Date ���`� ��� � Out of Committee By Date sn�ts. •atiaas, ala r�s af s�T ehar:atfr bror�ab�t as a . r�tsglt of la3sri.• �r •�aa�s rta�iT*+� a� aas�ala�d b1 �ny ��sson, p�rsoas � �roy�rt� bs acca�at ot tb�ia raa:tioa or g�titiaa ' us• ot �'ia prop�rt�. �.mmaltediag bat aot Ii=itad to a a alE bro�ght b�cs�s• ot an� �rat of a�s#.ssion, ss�Is�t, or cvsdiot ot seiQ p�titias+�s bsca�cs� of aay oiaias r i.aDilit� •rioi�� frod is� tieiatiQa o! aay lar a rs al�tiea �a�#s ta aoeord�aaca �r�tD th� Ias �rb�ther b t►a +�titt�ss�r �r ss� a� it• : ag�at• ar s�laJ��e�. ?. `:he� t�� ps�3tioasr, �E •ir k�rir aad •�siga�t, sasil •itb�a bQ ds�r� QS t3e� b3iaatioe dat• of t�is rssolutivn tils xit�` t Cit� C1�� :ffi sace�tasa+� 1� Yritin;� ai tl�• caadtt3 a c�t this r oi�tian a�,d shall �' Yithis t4• period(�� s" cifisd i� tL: t�rss asd o�ndition• o� thl� ra�s �tiaa �os�l� i ali rsspsata � rith #�as• t�rfas sad ce �1tf�ss. . �,� _ . � J t? . COUNCIL MEMBERS � 'Requested by Department of: , Yeas ,Nays Dimond � �� In �Favor � �� c3oswitz xe� ` ��t x� Scheibe� Against By €r---�...^-;, . . � t ,�t Di�t�r ��M Sonnen . - Wilson Form Approve City Attorpey Rdopted by Council: Date � , f /I / �f?... /� ?� 1��� CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY _._,._._... _._ By __ � Approved by Mavor. �Date Approved.by Mayor for�submission to�x1..�- By BY -- (� � � Members: �O?�'� ��� CITY OF AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � ,,,���,,,;,; . Janice Rettman �rn �r,u, OFFICE OF T � CITY COIINCIL Tom Dimond f Date: November 15, 198 Commit ee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Cha r 1. Approval of minutes of November , 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearinq Date 12/5/89 Vacation: Petition o 3M to vacate REANEY Approved 3-0 AVENUE from Mendota E. Seventh Street for the purpose of c structing a landscaped green spac and vehicle parkin lot. 3. 11/21/89 Final Order: Improvi g the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitumi ous surfaced roadway, concrete cur and gutters, concrete driveway apr ns and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting syste : Parts of Geranium, Jessamine, ook, Lawson, Hatch, Front, Topping, Atwat r, Norton, Virginia, Farrington, Galtier, arion, Woodbridge and Albemarle. All t be known as the WOODBRIDGE/FRONT AREA STREET PAYING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 4. 11/21/89 Final Order: For con truction of the Approved 3-0 WOODBRIDGE/FRONT AREA TORM SEWER PROJECT. Area is bounded by Ric Street, Geranium Avenue, Dale Street an Sycamore Street. Also, constructing san'tary, storm and water service connecti ns if requested by property owners. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'I'PAUL, MINNESOZ'A 55102 ��e + -. 5. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Laid over to streets with a bituminous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system: Parts of Alice Court, Alice Street, Cherokee Avenue, Hall Avenue and Robie Street. All to be known as the CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 6. 12/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Laid over to CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 12/6/89 Area bounded by Mississippi River on the north, King Street on the south, Orleans Street on the west and Eva Street (extended) on the east. Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Approved 3- streets with a bituminous surfaced 0, with roadway, concrete curb and gutters, amendment concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system: Parts of Maryland, Magnolia, Ames, Rose, Barclay, Hazelwood and Mechanic. All to be known as the HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public Works will be recommending that Ames and Hazelwood be deleted) . 8. 12�/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Approved 3- HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STORM SEWER 0, with PROJECT. Area bounded on the north by amendment Maryland from Barclay to 110 feet west of Herbert, by Magnolia from Johnson Parkway to Barclay, on the south by the RR right- of-way from Johnson Parkway to Hazelwood, all of Jessamine Lane, Ames Avenue from Jessamine to 150 feet west of Kingsford, on the west by Clarence from RR right-of- way to Magnolia and Barclay from Magnolia to Maryland, on the east by a line from Maryland to Ames approximately 130 feet west of Herbert to 150 feet west of Kingsford following a previously assessed storm sewer boundary. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. . . � ��, a��" 9. 12/5/89 Final Order: Impro ing the following Laid over to streets with a bitu inous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete c rb and gutters, concrete driveway a rons and outwalks, boulevard sodding a d a lantern style street lighting sys em. Parts of Pinehurst, Yorkshir , Hampshire Ave. , Hampshire Court, Co vin and Hilltop Lane. To be known as the AIRVIEW/MONTREAL AREA STREET PAVING AND L GNTING PROJECT. 10. 12/5/89 Final Order: For c nstructing the Laid over to FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL A A STORM SEWER 12/6/89 PROJECT. Area is bo nded by Eleanor on the north, St. Paul venue on the south, Howell and Fairview n the west and Davern on the east. Also c nstructing sanitary, storm or water servi e connections if requested by propert owners. 11. Final Order: For co structing the Approved 3-0 PORTLAND/ALDINE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area bounded by Selb , Fry, Princeton, and Fairview. Also cons ructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by propert owners. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/8 . 12. Final Order: For imp oving the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bitumi ous surfaced roadway, concrete cur and gutters, concrete driveway apr ns and outwalks, boulevard sodding and upgrade an existing street lighting syste to a lantern style street lighting syste : Parts of Aldine, Ashland, Fry, Hersche , Pascal , Pierce, Portland, Saratoga an Wheeler. To be known as the PORTLAND LDINE AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING S TEM. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) . 13. 12/5/89 Final Order: Acquisit'on of certain Laid over to property for the WESTE N/ATWATER PONDING 12/6/89 PROJECT. (Laid over in efinitely by Council 8/29/89) . 14. 12/5/89 Council Resolution: T consider the Approved 3-0 increase for the Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) for 1990 from $5 5.00 to $600.00. � , , 15. Resolution 89-1939: An ordinance amending Laid over Chapter 157 of the Legislative Code by until deleting in its entirety Section 157.08 12/6/89 which prohibits vehicles standing on a street with a "for sale" sign. (Referred to Committee 10/26/89) . 16. Discussion: Snowbird tagging and towing. Laid over to 12/6/89 11. Resolution: An Ordinance amending the St. Laid over to Paul Legislative Code by adding a new 12/20/89 chapter pertaining to the franchising of communications systems. (Laid over in Committee 7/19/89) . (To be laid over for 1 month) . 18. Resolution 89-1783: An ordinance amending Laid over to 157. 15(1) of the Legislative Code February or pertaining to miscellaneous parking March restrictions and allowing "curb jumping" during the State Fair. (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) .