89-2123 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF' S INT PAUL Council � CANARY -OEPARTMENT 4 BIUE -MAVOR File NO. • ��/� Ordi ance Ordinance r10. Presented By � � /V Referred To Committee: Date � '����"� Out of Committee By Date Sec ion 2. This rdinance shall tak effect and be in force thirty days from a d after its passage approval and publication. Sec ion 3. This ordin ce shall be eemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative C�e and shall e incorporated therein and given an appropriate ch pter and/or section number at the time of the next revision o the Admini trative Code. � .� `` \ •\ � � COUNCIL MEMBERS `� Yeas Nays Requested by Depar.tment of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�ne� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy By _ , .,. _,,` ° , 3 ,WHITE �.� CITY CL,�IiK � .. � .y _ � � '�+, , PINK � FINANCE '� 7� � 1 � . COIIIICll...� . . ' . . 91.,.UERr—MA.VOR�ENT � G1TY OF' S�. �.:����INT PAUL . : r�.�`% ,_.`;` .F�;' . - File N 0. � , � Ordi dnce o���nceNa ,� Pre�ented By ' � Ref�rred To Committee: Date � �. Out of Committee By Date �. , Sect cut Z. Ttiia ordinar�ca ahall taka ef!'�ct a�ct be in force thirty ; ,- dagrs fr�o� a� after its Passa9s, approval �id publi�at3o�. � Sect � s. . , ; This ordf�sance shall be a part of tAo Saint Paul �' Jl�air�istratiw Cod� � slsa2l ina�orporated Elaer�is� and gfven '�: an` appropriate chapter andlor aecti� nu�l�rr a� �he ti� ot' , the �ext cevision of the J�eriQis rativ�e Cod�. ` / �j; f ; , _ : ; � ,{ � _. ---�-• �;.. . �:. �� � � e�xr R � �1 i �. . `� � COUNCIL 1�IEMBERS - ; . Z Yeas Nays equested by Department of: Dlmond �� �n Favor „ Goswitz Rettman ��,�� Against BY sonnen � VV'�son � �t orm Approved by City Attorney . Adoptea by Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary ? BY � - ,$y Approved by Mayor: Date ppro ed by Mayor for Submission to Council . � By BY . ���9-��a3 ment, state government , or foundation grants that require a formal applic tion process , and receipt of which is acknowledged b the City Council . 2. Employee means any p rson who has an employment relationship with the cit in any way and in either th classified or unclas ified service. The term of�cer or employee shall not include a city council perso� or the mayor. 3. Doklations shall inclu e cash, checks or property of value`:... .,ti 4. This or�dinance does not govern donations of personal time to the �ity. � Section 41 . e�ari�-��er�-e� ae�-e�-�a�t�e.- S-ec-.---�1-. 03 . TY�i' s provis ' on shall not prohibit the city from accepti g donat ons . �'�-e}��--�r�-aeee�� a��--€o�r�t--0-f-- '�- '�e�-�e-t�e--��rl�3obv-i�rg--��e- �}s�e�s: � Al1 donations shall � re eived and accepted by city council action accor ing to reporting procedures established by the acT in' stration and approved by the city council . +, ,.,, 2. A.----R��-�-ti��-e�' ��t�-a��-�.���--ax�et�rn� e�-�-a3�xe-�-1�-��-be-�eee}�ed a�d-�T�.��---�r�-a�ee�dar�ee va��l�-p�epe�-a�d-aeee��ed-ae e�t����g-��eeesses .- B.-----A��--deria��e�s--s�ia�� -be--�e�e}�ed--ar3d--aeeep�e� b�-����-eeta�e��-ae�}e�.- S .- All donations shall e made public and subject to periodic audit. Section 41 . �ee.--�� .-8�.- When dealing specifically with approved activities related to budgeted progr ms and services , nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit in those cases or prevent the mayo or his or her designated person, or the council acti g as a whole or its desig- nated person, or any, cit department head or their designated person from s liciting funds on behalf of the city or on behalf of any city sponsored function 2 , � �C�°��.�-� or organization. Pde��-i -ee�t�i�d-ir�-�t���-��iap�e� ska��--ppo�i��i��--��- -��--Frta�o�—e�-�i-s--c��=-�ie�- des}g�ra�ec�-�r,--o�--a�r -��e-il--�e��er�-�r---�-i�--e� Y�e�-�3�a��d--�n�c�r�,--��e --sro-l-i�-i�-i�}-€t��-or�-be�ia�€ e�-��ie-�3��-o-r=�-beY�a�€-e -ar3�-e}��-sperise�e�-��zr�e�}e� e�--��ri��3� Nothi g contained herein shall prohib �t nonemployment re ated groups , organizations , or soci�ties of any type, from soliciting funds on behalf o��, the city or on ehalf of any city sponsored functions � r organization . The names of designees created by ither the cou cil as a whole, the mayor, or a depart ent head sha 1 be filed with the city clerk at the ime of the esignation. In those cases where the soli ited donat ons are under five hundred dollars ( $500) he design es may be filed by title. In those cases over f've hundred dollars ($500) the designee shall e filed specifically by name . Section 41 . ��ie-r�a�e -e�-d s�g�ees-e�ea�ed-��r-e���ie�-a ee��e��-��� -o-r--��ie -Fr� �t-o-�Y}e-��e��s}e�s e�--��i-��--�ee�3o�r,--� - r�i�--p�o}e��--e�--pt��pese e�--�ke--se��e��a�}e�;-- �� -��ie--be�}�r3��g--a��--e�d}�g da�es--e�--�l�e--�o���}�a� o -��a-��--�-�33�-�nr���i--�l�e e}��-e�e��-a�-�l�e-��r�e-e€- e-des�g�a�}e�.- �ee��eri-4� .- 05. Nothing contained in th s chapter shall prohibit or prevent any union rep ese ting any city employee from soliciting on behal o an activity directly related to that particula uni n and involving only members of that unit repr sente by that union, pro- viding that such funds sh 11 be used only for union purposes and not for an city purposes . Nothing contained in this chapte shall prohibit any such union from soliciting on ehalf o a city employees ' picnic . Notwithstanding the provis ' ons of his chapter, any charter department of th city, t e office of the mayor , and the city counci may ente� into a contract with a fund raising age cy to rai�,se donations or funds for department or ity wide �urposes . Such agencies must agree to be subject td audit by city appointed auditors at the equest of either the mayor or the council . � , �=�-a�a3 . � . DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITL4TED� Councilmember Kiki Sonnen 11/27/89 GREEN SHEET No. 5 3 3 3 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE �NITIAU W1TE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Moll 0'Rourke 298-5378 ��� pTM ATTORN�' ❑pTM c�r� MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DKf� ROUTMIQ BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA IONS FOR SI�iNATUR� ACTION REOUE3TED: Add a chapter to the St. Paul Administrative ode governing solicitation by officers and employees. REOOMMENDA710N3:Approw(A)a RsJsct(Fq COUNCIL COMMI EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERWCE COMMIS810N '��YST PHONE NO. _pB OOMMI7TEE — _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Wh»: - Confusion among .city employees regarding ci y solicitation policies. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: - Improves clarity of solicitation ordinance. - Improves compliance with solicitation ordin nce. � �'�� - Simplifies and shortens reporting procedure . I D18ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: � � � ..f"� DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: - Continues confusion among city employees, e e4 � �egarding solicitation procedures. ��� - Continues unintentional violations of solic tation 'arch G enter. J 2 71989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = -- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINC�80URCE -- ACTIVITY NUMBER -- FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �� � � , � � . . /�,�=�''�.�.�-: _ �- o�l 0�3 WHITE - CITV CLERK f PINK - FINANCE COZIIICll CANARY - DEPARTMENT C ITY OF S I NT PAUL � BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. Ordi dnce Ordinance 1��. Presented By � � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordi ance amending the Saint Paul Administrat ve Code by adding new chapter thereto overning solicitation city officers and e ployees . THE COUNCIL O THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect on 1 . That the Sa�t Paul Admin strative Code is hereby amended by adding a new hapter ident ' fied as Chapter 41 which shall read as follows : Chapter 41 . Soli itation b employees. Section 41 .01 . Soli itatio prohibited. No officer or emplo ee f the City of Saint Paul shall solicit any fun o property for any employer ` related or occupational re ated purposes . This shall include solicitation f r groups or organizations which exist because of an ployee/employer relationship and organizations which e sponsored primarily by ci�ty funds . Section 41 . Definitions. 1 . Solicit shall mean re uest ng donations of funds or property by any method Th' s shall not include any federal government, sta e gove nment, or foundation grants that require a f rmal plication process , and receipt of which is acknowl dged by the City Council . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by D artment of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibei A gains t By Sonnen Wilson Form A prove b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � � ' � l Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY J By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �. r ., . _ � r . � _ M/HITE - CITV tLERK -� � � -�� . - �� � � PINK .�. - FINANtE � � CiTY OF S ��INT PAUL Council � � ��� � � � CANARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File� NO. � Ol W Z ance �inance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date J�n Ac�inistrativ+e Qrdf ases�dinq t�a Saint Paul A�ainiatrat Code bT a�ddir� a n�r a2sapter �f�erreto rning s�o2lcf tativn , by ctty afficers and lc�eet. THL� CO�JitGIL � THE CITY t!F SAZlQ't` AEtL �3QES ORDJ►Z�/, Sactti I. "!l�at the Saint Pa�2 J�#r�i trati�►e Code f s l�rebg a�ended by addir� a r� c�apter 3c�ti isd as C1�aapt�r �1 �icb s�all ° resd as fsl le�a: �r 42. Sal#c#tatioe� by �spl+�y�es, Ssestiou �G1.Q1. Soli�i�ati�on it�t. !b officer c�r a�lc�y�ec � the City of S�aint Paul t sha�2 se�licit an� futsds c�r propertr for +s�yr' e�Pic�er ' r�2at�ad er cyc�c�n�io�al , re� tet! p�trp�ses. ?hia st�sll � inclucle sc►li�itatit�t for �s or crrqa�i�a�loans v�hich +�st aeca�se ot ar� ea�p o�/"a�P2t�r ralatf�ig a�d orgar�igatio�ns �#c� n. sp�or�ed pri�tril.�► b�y c�ty funds. Sectfv� iI, �f#.�titit�s. 1. 3oifeft s�da21 � stit�Q clo�a�ions tctitt !'nnds ar p�rtY b�' att�► aethod. lt�3.s �wll r�a►t ineltufe �7r �eaeral qcrverr�r►t, +�ta�.e �nrer�ewant, �r f�tio� qra�ts �t r�quir� a t`a I a�pl#.catia� prvt�ass, a�d recaipt af �ich 3s la�dg�sd D�y tha Cit�r Ccuncil. �=�: � COUNCIL MEMBERS '�' .�: Yeas Nays equested by Department of: Dimond �ns [n Favor Goswitz _ � �� �bei� Against BY i soHnen � Wilson orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ; ; Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' �- - -- - - gy _ '.. Approved by Mayor: Date pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � � . �r�.. � ,��� 2. Employee means any p rson who has an employment relationship with the cit in any way and in either the classified or unclas ified service. The term pfficer or employee shall not include a city council person or the mayor. 3 . Donations shall inclu e cash, checks or property of value. 4. This ordinance does not govern donations of personal time to the city. Secti 41 . .03. is provision sha 1 not prohibit the city from accep ing donations . �, \ Al1 donation� shall be rec ived and accepted by city council acti�� according to reporting procedures established by``•A.., the admin' stration and approved by the city council .`�.,, .� `,� 2. All donations `�,;shall b made public and subject to periodic audit. ` Section 41 . ��'�, ``5 When dealing specifical� with approved activities related to budgeted prog�, s and services , nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit in those cases or prevent the mayor r his or her designated person, or the council actin as a whole or its desig- nated person, or any city d artment head or their designated person from so ici ing funds on behalf of the city or on behalf of ny ity sponsored function or organization. Nothing con ained herein shall prohibit nonemployment rela ed g ups , organizations , or societies of any type , from oliciting funds on behalf of the city or on be alf of���. any city sponsored functions or organizations . The rlames of designees created by either the counc ' 1 as a `,whole , the mayor, or a department head shall be fil�d with the city clerk at the time of the de ignation.! In those cases 2. where the solicited donat ' ons are under five hundred doll rs ($500) the design es may be filed by title. In t ose cases over five hundred dollars ($500) the design e shall be filed spe ifically by name. . 05. Nothing contained in th s chapter shall prohibit or prevent any union rep esenting any city employee from soliciti�g on behal of an activity directly related to that particula union and involving only members of that` unit repr sented by that union, pro- viding that such` funds s all be used only for union purposes and not for an city purposes . Nothing contained in this ` chapte shall prohibit any such union from soliciting: on ehalf of a city employees ' picnic. Notwithstanding the pro'�,i ions of this chapter, any charter department of t�, city, the office of the mayor, and the city counci may enter into a contract with a fund raising age �� to raise donations or funds for department or i'�y wide purposes . Such agencies must agree to be s ject to audit by city appointed auditors at the equ st of either the mayor or the council . Sect ' on 2. This ordinance shall take effect a d be in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval a�d publication. . \ � � ;� ,�� �{ 3 - . � � . ��-�i � � _ _ , WNITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE � COUI1C11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. OrGGZ dnce Ordinance N0. Presented By • �O Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .� �`. \\ Secti n 3. ,`.. This o dinance shall be d emed a part of the Saint Paul Administrativ Code and shall b incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revisio of the Administ ative Code. > ,'� `'� '� � .` � \ ,,. ,� `.,\ ,� `,, '\ 4. COUNCIL MEMBERS ` Yeas Nays Requested by DepartmenY of: Dimond �� in Favor coswitz Rettman s�ne;nei Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WMITE — CITV CLERK ... .., � :,�.. � ^ . �` � � .. � . PINK-� � F�N�N�E � CITY OF INT PAUL-� �ouncil ��, � j, CANARY—OEPARTMENT � d' BLUE —MAVOR File NO. � � ' -i � '� --i • Ordi dnce Ocdinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date °t `' ` � Out of Committee By Date An A�f�fatrative Ord e �di� t.her Satnt Pau� �inistra va G+�ide by adding a �r c�apter thereto �rni�g s�]�icitat�t�a bq citq officers a� �oyeea. � ?H� Ct1�t�CIT. C�F �'HS CITY 4F SAI Pl4;,Ti. Dtl83 �Rt3AIl�i: 5!� +Dr� 1. . 'Thst the Sai�t. Pavl Adsi� �trati�e C�lee 3a l�eretry a�de�! �y addi»g a nar� c!�►ter it�n iff�ci as Chapter �1 �rhi.ch s�tl r+�ad as fol�orrs: - Cl�pter �t. 5�11�3.tatico� +e�lo�ses. Se�ti�n �ii.t�i Solicf`'tat#on �ro�ibifi�tt. � aftit�r ar 1 � f th� C i of Saint Pa�si : so ieit � rt ar ac� r ra a or a �d a. � -- e�►- --s�i--sa��# . ffi�j►—�-*�'—�l+b�Ft— + !—�'+--�hJ!`—�r11Nl� 9�--�IfA�l--�#--81l��-"� ' 'P--iN��B�—�---O��e�t#l�li� i��`�'—�Ri���h Y'�'118 ��Chi�l f.T14+�1+1��� �OZS.t'i��t��1!'1 f�►r gr�p� or or�ania�ati ' �ich exi:t rieea�se at - arr e�layeele�lay�er r+�el t fp amd �rqanisati�s - ?. xhich �re� �pc�s�ad pri�ari y�'�citr f�[�, ,a °� �ereti�on 41. fi�.ti�s. 1. Sc�►licit shall � re sti donaticins Qf !'s�da or Ar��` .��-. bY' +a�p' �rr • ' -a�sa�--� . ;--� �i �--�-�#wsns#a�--a�e#�sta�se--iyr _ a�-ss� Th�s aF�s1I � l�clv�de a�y federa2 gaw�,;Y*�-� COUNCIL�MEMBERS ' � ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor coswitz . Rettman ' ��;�� Against BY Sonnen �V'�son Y� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ j ; ; �' ! _ `.<'( Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY _. ; By , Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 1 By BY � . - • , - . :,.= , . � _, �WMtTfi — [i.TY CLERK•. „ � . .i� �'` �"'� ��. . � F: — F/�/#NCE. �"= . PINK .� '^ :::: � ' ` COW1C11 � c"""R." ^°��"'iT"'E"T . GITY OF S INT PAU�. aw� _M�voa>^ ; Filtr_ N0. : 1 _ � l ,_ _ , � j 0�d�n nce Ordinance N O. Presented By = _ .� Re�fe�ted T�o Commi:ft�e: Date Out of-��`" Date _ s,^� _ ��� � � _ '; �. Y� � ,�y } f � � � �: �» ��� .: _.. � �� �, l _ ?'hi�r � �. � �11. �e a part of tbre Sai�t Paul ,; �- A+c�r►inS � �i ,�- s�l � i�ocp�rrated f�rsin a�ard �iv�sn _ k: � aYP�.,,� P��'`��� �iar�. ` +a� �er �t the tise t,�t' _ , � aa�� ��' � � � '�'r��" �Q w �a� � f� �, i�t, �' .._ -. �„ 4 �� - � � € � �� � _ ,' - , +. `-� � . . . . �Y. � . � . . . .. .. . � . . � � � � � - ... .. � �".... � �'.Y . . e... . � � � � . . # . . . .. . . � . a . � � � - . . � - . . � � � _ �� � . . . � c.. - � . . � . . �: �. � _ ;��'' . . . . . .. . . . �n . � � � ��'i�', ji . . . . � �t� .. . . { � , � �-' . �' �� � !t. 4. � _ . � . :;< �. :.-�> ... , - COUNCIL 1viEMBERS Yeas � _ Nays _Requested by Department of: • Dlmond � �� In Favor coswitz ; Itettman s�nen�i Against BY --- Sannen �V'�Ison . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Passed �+ Coun�il Secretary BY By ` Approved by Mayor: Date Apgtoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � --- � �sr lo?_ - �' �na �:��-=����f-�I � 3rd � � �/ �' Adopted •' J�.3 '" �� _ . _ _ Yeas NaYs DIMOND _ �a��7 � � GOS[�1ITZ �l��� � _ _: - LONG � . _ � �1/�CG�6G� _ ��_ 1'C�'f`l�lA'tJ -��cl ti/E _ _ --W�rS6N MR. PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL