89-2121 � � City of St.Paul GOLJNCIL FIL NO. �. RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSM NT AND By FIXING TIME OF HEARING THERE N le o. 588-07 thru 588-10 Voting Assessment No. 3522 thru 3525 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost nd expenses for Sidewalk constructi n and/or reconstruction at the following 1 cations : 1 S-88-07 North side Ashland Avenue from N. Victoria St. (3522) to N. Milton treet 1 S-88-08 Both sides Aurora venue from N. Victoria St. (3523) to N. Lexingt n Parkway 1 5-88-09 Both sides Hubbard Avenue from N. Syndicate St. (3524) to N. Hamline Avenue 1 S-88-10 Both sides Marshal Avenue from N. Avon Street (3525) to Fisk Stree . Preliminary Order 88-599 approved April 28,1988 FinalOrder $8-856 approve� M�Y 31, 1988 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having consi red same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and e same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing b had on said assessment on the 16th day of January, 1990, at the hour of nine >X§�X�kR���� o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of . Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the t e and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the partic ar owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date DEC 5 �9 YeasDimond Nays Goswitz Certified ssed by Council Secretary Long ' Rettman In Favo B �� Scheibel ,�J Sonnen v Against ��' Wilson �t� (��C � �j �9g9 Mayor � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. �'4-��� FINAL ORDER --�- ' By �=':��� _�:,..a.�..�- � File No. 18'�S8 Voting In the Matter of constr�ting the Fairvie /Montrasl Stora ��nr Separation Pro�ect. ' . Ward �� is bo�dsd by Bleanor on tb� rth, St Paul Ava�rn� on the soa�h, 3 Barsll aa� 1►siri.en o� the wst Ha�arn oa th�e sast. i under Preliminary Order �a 6 � approved !O ' /Z V �� , The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conduct d a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Chart r; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objecti ns and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint aul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed a d authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the ity Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the CouncIl: Date p�c 211989 Yea��� Nays .�, Certified P ed by Council Secretar � �jyt�$ In Favor By 5ebeibel -� - g� Against .� Mayor ��� 22 � PUBLiS� U E C � C� 1989 p11B1.ISHED �APy 6-1990. . . ���ai�/ �PARTMENT/OFFl�'.EJCOUNGL • ' DATE INITIATED Public Works � . , 9-ZO-s9 GREEN SHEET No. 5 �,7 4 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE INI AUDATE 920- ❑ ,uxr��r a�croR �cm couNa� Pat Byrne 296-6171 - Paul Blum ��� � ATTORNEY �cmr a�c MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� 1 O�12�$9 ROUTINO ❑ �iiECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's ffice no � ro��oR�sr,�rm 0 C�,mc;1 Re TOTAL fi�OF SIGNATURE PA(iE3 3 (CUP ALL LOCA FOR SIGNATURE� ACT10N REQUESTED: Hold public hearing for the 1990 Fairview/Mont al CSSP Project and Street Paving Project to . construct a separated sewer system, water and ewer service connections, street improvements, and a lantern style street lighting system. F le No. 's 18558, 18559 and 18569-6 RECOMMENDATION3:Approw(A)a RsjeCt(H) COUNCIL COMM REPORT OPTIONAL ANALY3T �E�. _PLANNINO COMMISStON —pVIL SERVICE COMMI3810N _CIB COMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ �COMMENTS: _OISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE9 Better Nei hborhoods Sewer Se ara ion INITIATiNCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Wlw,IMiat,WMn,Wh�re,Why): The sewer separation program has been approved through the CIB process ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Will reduce Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) to he Mississippi River during heavy rains. Reduce street and basement flooding. Improve neighborhood appearance. Improve safety due to increased lighting OISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �aenty year assessment levy against property. Temporary traffic disruption. Requires removal of some trees. OISADVANTAtiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: This is part of the City's National Pollution Dischage Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Not proceeding with this work ma.y result in p nalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 3,6HS,OOO �T/pEyENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO Assessments $315,000 FUNDIN�i SOURCE 1990 Ca itol Im rovement Bonds �y�N��p FlNANpAL INFOHMATION:(EXPWN) $235,000, State and Federa Grants $882,000 and Sewer Revenue Bonds $2,253,000. See Engineering Report � b � � ��'+ � �U�J�J :�N�..�� � _ e. , � a � �����. � = w AV�. y i J ��J V'i - - �' � 0 � � � J �w �a 2M S�w�� � C�� � � '1�rzn� ►vA�E �ouN�A�.y � —. � 0 :::-.Q .:" ' ,� ' .� MIlLCl1��t � —� f � A SSESS ul E.N� �ouN 0 A2�� _ '�J ,�������.� y��OML�NO .�,� �, � �A v�. A rt n Lr G�r s - `v�►'�° s`'�s s . . �.� � [ '` t . aavE. C��g v- Gu�E�, �,,�Krs . . . . � � , �� G ; � > � � � � � MONTNEAL �` �ir.�t 1 R� �� 1Y/fN111[ .. .'•....,•..,� .. IRt,1Y i � Q :� o p . Q ��� ���K. � � f� w �+ v ` � � I � + � a �v � � ° • � 0 l M �Y� F ' � � IM • y� ' � ?��ORO�� y� <I t� EI M�' � � „�� � �R II�YLOt r�� � - �^N cs !'i s:��, �"' - . STREETS TO E.PAVED Pinehurst Avenue - Fairview to D vern Beechwood Avenue - Fairview to 6 7 feet more-or-less Saunders Avenue - Fairview to 66 feet more-or-less Rome Avenue - Fairview Avenue to 672 feet more-or-less East Yorkshire Avenue - Fairview to D vern Hampsl:ire Ave.^.ue - �arkshire Ave ue to Davern Hampshire Court - Hampshire Ave e to cul-de-sac Colvin Avenue - 400 feet more-o less west of Hilltop Lane to Davern Hilltop Lane - Colvin to Edgcum e To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (down pouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainle ders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pi e or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apartm nts, commercial, and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer con ection, and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the propert at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For s me information, call the Sewer Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292- 247 (commercial property) . Should you request a new storm sewer co nection, sanitary sewer connection or water connection, it will be assessed actual cost per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to deve p soon, we suggest that you request that we construct these connections at this time. Notice sent November 9� 1989 by the Real Estate Division Finance & Management Services � Room 218 City Hall . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . _ C ,� ST. PpUL CITY C�UNCIL ` y �ri�— C� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE �-�c,��� � PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION City Council District 463 Dear Property Owner• District Planning Council 4�15 File No. 18558 18559 To decide whether to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to P U R P O S E be known as the FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL STORM SEWER PROJECT bounded by Eleanor on the north, St. Paul Avenue on the south, Howell and AA'D Fairview on west, and Davern on the east. Also, to proceed with �r the FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT on the streets listed on the reverse of this notice. LOCATION REC�rv�o �VQVO�1989 ci�r; L�E�;� Tuesday, December 5, 1989 at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council C.hambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 A.M. If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will FINANCING be assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: IN F O R MA TIO N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS � for Storm Sewer $3,085,000 Paving 500,000 Lighting 100,000 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $3,685,000 EST�.4iILLL FI*I^�*?�IN�• Assessments $ 315,000 Federal Grants 482,000 State Grants 400,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds 2,253,000 Capital Improvement Bonds 235,000 TOTAL FINANCING $3,685,000 Street Paving Assessments: Storm Sewer Assessment: $19.00 per assessable foot Residential: $.03 per square foot (Paving, curb, and gutter) Commercial: $.075 per square foot $17.00 peP assessable foot (Paving only) Lighting Assessments: $3.50 per assessable foot Bent straw lighting is available at $2.20/foot by petition with 70 percent of property owners signing. The first 150 feet on the long side of residential corner lots will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under this paving of oiled streets' program. Construction: 292-6277 Assessments: 298-4513 QUESTIONS Also, City staff will be a�ailable to answer any last minute questions on this project �n Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. on the same da as the hearing. � � ` � � � � ���/ 18. 12/21/89 Final Order: Improving he following Approved streets with a bitumino s surfaced with roadway, concrete curb nd gutters, amendments concrete driveway apron and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system. Parts of Pinehurst, Yorkshire, H mpshire Avenue, Hampshire Court, Colvin and Hilltop Lane. To be known as the FAIR IEW/MONTREAL AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHT NG PROJECT. (Laid over in Committee 11/15 89) . 19. 12/21/89 Fina Order: For cons ructing the Approved FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL AREA STORM SEWER with PROJECT. Area is boun ed by Eleanor on amendments the north, St. Paul Av nue on the south, Howell and Fairview on the west and Davern on the east. Also con tructing sanitary, storm or water service connections if requested by property wners. (Laid over _ in Committee 11/15/89) . 20. 12/21/89 Final Order: Acquisi. ion of certain Approved, property for the WEST RN/ATWATER PONDING part PROJECT. (Laid over 'ndefinitely by B/Rosenthal Council 8/29/89) . (L id over in Committee Site 11/15/89) . 21 , Ordinance: Amending L gislative Code Laid over to deleting in its entir ty Section 157.08 1/17/90 which prohibits vehic es standing on a street with a "for sa e" sign. 22. � Snowbird Tagging and owing. Laid over to 1/17/90 23. Resolution� 89-2093: Authorizing proper Approved City officials to re onvey taxforfeited parcels to the State for area bounded by Maury, Greenbrier, N rth Street and Truxton. (Referred o Committee 11/30/89) . 24, Ordinance 89-2106: n ordinance amending Laid over to Chapter 113 of the egislative Code 1/17/90 pertaining to respo se time of complaints for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. (Referre to Committee 11/30/89) . � - -4- ' � ' ` � �� ��-���6 _. . _ .__ . _�__ ,-,_., _._ _ . ._... :..,..-p�iAiElF _ . _ , , . �, Council File No.89-1857—By Roger d.Gos itz— �n the Matter of constructing the airviewlMontreal . Storan $ewer Separation Project.Area is bounded by El or on the north,St.Paul Ave.ori the south,Howell and Fairview on the west and avern on the east in Voting Ward 3. 3'he Council af the City of Saint Paul ha ng recei�ed the report of tihe Mayor upon the above improvement, and �ayi co�idered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the is hereby :app�roved with no alternatives,and that the estimated st thereof is$3,085,O�,,financed by Assessments a155,000,Federal Grant.�482,000,State Grants$400,000 and Sewer�evenne Bonds$2>048;000• 2. lfiat a public hearing be had on s 'd improvement on the•,��f December 'clock_s.m;, xhe Council Chambers oi t e y �'�an Cdurt Hcuse Building in t e City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of,said public hearing e given to the persons and in:the manner provided by the Cha�ter, st tfng the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement and he total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18588 � Adopted by the Council October 12, 198 . . Approved October 16,I989. ' fOctober 21-2 1989) - �! � - � � ��a��� PftELIMII�f Y ORDE$ Council File No: 89-I85?—By Roger J. switz— In the Matter of constructing t Fairview/Montreal Star�3t�; �S��rer Separation Project.Area is bounded by El anor on the north,St.Patrt As�e:pnthe south,Howell and Fairview on the west a d Davern on the east in Voting Ward 3. The Council of the City of Sainf Paul ving reegived the report of the Mayor� upon the above improvement, �d ha ing considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report anri' !hp rne is hereby approved w�ith no alternatives,and that the estimate cost thereof is$3,085,000,financed by Assessments$155,000,Federal Gra ts$482,000,State Grants$400,p0p and Sewer Revettue Bonds�2,048,000, _ 2. That a public hear�ng be had on eid improve�ent on the 5th.da of ; D �' ' I ck a: ,in the Council Cha r,o , �"4l�T an ou , cuse ui ing in he Cityr of Saint Paul. 3. That.notice of said public hearin be given to the persons $rid in the manner provided by the Charter, ating the time and place of hesr}:�;, the nature of the improvement an the total cost thereof as estim,ated. File No. 1$558 Adopted by the Council October 12;19 . . Approvet€October 16, 1989. (Octbber 21-2 , 1989)