89-2111 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /`�/�1 �Y.NARY - DEPARTMENT +rf�Il l BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counci Resolution �� � � Presented By �~ � �'a �-�9 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Res lution adjusting the rates of pay for a number of S ecial Employment titles in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Pla and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by striking out of Section IIB, where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", the following: Lifeguard/Lifeguard (Ind or Pool)/ Water Safety Instructor lst 500 hours of emplo ent $5.25 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $5.50 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent $5.75 per hour 4th 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $6.00 per hour Groundcrew Member lst 1000 hours of empl yment $4.00 per hour 2nd 1000 hours of empl yment $4.50 per hour After 2000 hours of e loyment $5.00 per hour Refectory Helper $4.00 per hour Senior Pool Attendant lst 500 hours of emplo ent $6.50 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $6.75 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $7.00 per hour Swimming Pool Supervisor lst 500 hours of emplo ent $7.50 per hour 2nd 500 hours of empl ent $7.75 per hour • 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $8.00 per hour ( ontinued) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays OFFICE F PERSONNE D ABOR RELATIONS Lo� In Favor Goswitz s�ne;"n�� _ Against BY `�/2� Sonnen �� Wilson Form pprov d by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By ' gy. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved May for ubmi ion to Council By �' wMiTe - cirr CLERK COUQCII PINK s- FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L �a��I CdNA�RY - DEPARTMENT t9LUE - MAVOR File NO. Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- And substituting in lieu the eof the following: Lifeguard/Water Safety In tructor lst 500 hours of emplo ent $5.75 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $6.00 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent $6.25 per hour 4th 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $6.50 per hour Groundcrew Member lst 1000 hours of emplo ent $4.50 per hour 2nd 1000 hours of emplo ent $4.75 per hour After 2000 hours of emp oyment $5.00 per hour Refectory Helper lst 500 hours of emplo ent $4.50 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $4.75 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $5.00 per hour Senior Pool Attendant lst 500 hours of emplo ent $7.00 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $7.25 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $7.50 per hour Swimming Pool Supervisor lst 500 hours of emplo ent $8.00 per hour 2nd 500 hours of emplo ent $8.25 per hour 3rd 500 hours of emplo ent and thereafter $8.50 per hour FINALLY RESOLVED, that this r solution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period afte passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. � )� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b Department of: Yeas D�mona Nays � QFFICE 0 ERSONNEL A ABOR RELATIONS ��g [n Favor r-6os�ita Rettman �j ��_ s�neibe� A gai ns t BY � "-s°""e" ��"1'�/. Wilson Adopted hy Council: Date 2 a '� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P ss ouncil et BY sy Approv y Mavor: Date _ f1Ct` 7 �l � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By P'UBt.tSHED J A N 6 1 �� . � . _ . �F�-a��� :�OO: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM r 1 :1ri TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Ch ir Finance, Management and Personnel Committee � FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director `,�-t,,�.r, `��"��: �� DATE: November 2, 1989 RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Rec mmended Change in Employee Salary Rates ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Re%cto y Helper, Life Guard, Water Sa/ety lnstructor, Senio�Poo!Attendant, Slvimm g Pool Supervisor and Groundcrew Member DATED: 10/17/8 X7�`::;::Regrade Existing Create ew Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs ;XX>?Change in Cos s General Fund 3,863 56 Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Other: Special Services Enterprise Fund 3,028 44 Other: Watergate Marina 731 11 Other Seasonal Swimming 8,77p �27 Other: Oxford Pool 4,072 59 TOTALS 0 0 20,464 297 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Salary Reserve in Specified Contingency�n Gen ral Fund. Money Available In A Vacant Position In Authori d Budget: Money Available By Underspending Appropriati ns For Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For pecial Fund Is Attached Other: NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: z::X�:;:;:; Increase Property Taxes By: $3,919/or Phal n Beach and some undetermined amount/or the gene�al/und contribution to Ox/ord and the utdoor pools Increase Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: the Special Ser 'ces Enterpiise Iund Other: COMMENTS: Assuming minimal impact on 1989 as the swi ming season has ended. Approval will result in essentially a$.50 per h r increase/or these positions,which provides a percentage increase ranging /rom 3.75 to 6.25. The 1990 budget allows lo� 2.5�.b increase. Fringes were computed assuming that the mi 'mum payment of Medicare(at 7.45�.6 0/salaries)is al!that will apply.lt the employees hired qualily as certi(ied tor the pe sion plan,then city contributions for FICA(at 7.65��)and PERA(at 4.480.6)would be needed and the cost of this change would higher. The precise cost of the pension issue is impossible to project without knowing the number ol hired certilied employ s meeting the pension requirements. cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson Department/Office Director: Kathy Stack Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/SPECSERV 02-Nov-89 � � � � CO O f� .- N CO M � f� M � f� N � � f� st � O � � N � �A � � CO � �A 00 CV � (V � � (O f� N �A � R1 CO C7 QO .- N V F- I- • (D N 'd' O � tn t0 N .- N N O f� N O � O CO DO DO O � O QO .- � �Y O N � 00 T 00 M O f� � fV O O r M � � O �p O 1� N � O C`M') � � N DO M N � � � � O CO 00 � N QO c� O O � CO � a0 1� � O O � r- C'� fV O O ap O � O � tn h M aD 00 M N (D tn 0�0 i O � O CNO OMD � M �;,� Ch I� � .- r 1� � r M N 00 M C7 M I� I� N O O O O O N � O O O O O � C�p � � C�O '�V_ � c�0 � � M c� M N N N a � tn O O O O O �A aD O O O O O O0 N � � N OMO � N � a N N N � �A � O O O O O sT N O O O O O N N � � N � O N � � N N N N N 00 O O O O O a0 O� O O O O O O� � � � � � � � N N N N N M M CO O O O O Cfl M O O O O O c� M � � M (NO � M M c'� N N N ln �A N O O O O N CD O O O O O CO N N M � N � � � � � � � a N N N � y tA � M d f� st O O iA O iA N O O M o0 O c� G � O CV O O � � O N OMO n p�p N Cp M �F a�O p� v��i C7 M � �A I� M N M a O O O m c � � N O � � N � O O .i .� .� � � � � 7 � a � C� 7 n' � � U N p, � m Q � � T m � C C/) E � Cn E ` c fn E � � m �, ¢ � � H O n 5 °o g Fo- O Q � °� o � o � � _ � 3 = = T a 3 � � Ta � 3 � � v� � � o rn a� -o m rn a> rn = -a � o o, a� rn � i' � fC a0 C V >` � fU C U . r' >' � f0 � C �j �. O > fn � �p O > fn '� -d p ] (n � -� � n �i � � ° E � � C7 � . � � � (9 � o � � ` m � � � • O � >c6 ' O � c0 C � O � a � J �i (n Cn C7 CL J > Cn C7 � J > CA Cn C7 fn a` � w � � � J � � F'- � 1 Y W�--� � OD O CO 00 �e'� O � t� � � N 1--- � N N O N � ef � ►� H W m � 01 Q1 CO t� N O ; �O W C.' O � � O N M .�-� � � ` (\ Z U'7 � 'r - � N � �a""�"' � M � H �� m , , , J � � F—I--- � h tA 1� et t0 O ' O t+- � llf O N .--� N .-r � H � � � � � � i O � i � tD � O � p .-� i � M � � � .�r N � . � H � � � > � � � � � N � d' � �p .--� � . � .-� M � � � N � � N � � � � � M � � N � �l! � p .-� � . i N M � i � N � � yet 1 1 � 1 � � � 1 � 1 � ti 1 � M � � N � � � � � � � � � 1 � 1 � � 1 � M � � N � � I 1 � 1 � C7 � 1 1l1 r+ � M O � M .-r � . � M � � � � � c�,r �� t t: �:3 N ; ; r, , - � � . � , ,� N � , o r. � �n � �n � .--� � , , c.� � .--� . , „_; . N � � 1A � � � � � O � � � 00 � uY O O 01 N � O .-r � � M � .-y tC N .--� � N , N � � .� � � �A � � � � O i � � , , , 1� � O t� N O � O �--� � • • � M � N .-r i 'ct � N � � W � � � � O � � � 07 i �f t1'f c+�f � CO � .--� i . . . M � N M O � 4q � � .. � . . 4�� I ,� � }� ' � +� d S.- W � L vf � d N � C1 C +� tn � Q • � d r.r +� � �yA � � � Q r N � ' � N � O � U i S +� r- O Z�- W � � C7 o d 3 �-+F- . J � i�.. �d A G. Qf S.. Y-� I-- � O 7 N C V �'�--� ►r � +.� C7 1� •r- � Q F-- , ~ � d d � � � 7 W Q Cp i 4- 4- � C •� O Z , p � y .� ev N 3 L O �- ''� � G.' J 3 N N C.7 �Cd � � C��-a�ii 17. Resolution 89-2052 - changing th rate of pay for Fire Approved Communications Chief to Grade 46 Section ID6 of Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges. (R ferred from Council November 21, laid_.ov�.�._Recember_ ) .. . . .._ _,..._---_. _. _ _._.__. . ____._�. �.r,�,.________--.__--___,...._..__..._ __._...__�._. 18. Resolution 89-2111 - adjusting t e rates of pay for Approved � Special Employment titles as lis ed in Section IIB of the Salary Plan and Rates of Com ensation Resolution. '� (Referred from C mber ) __....:.y__.�-�-�.' 19. Resolution 89-2146 - establishin rate of pay for Approved Selection and Validation Special st in Grade 14, Section ID3 of the Professional mployees Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in t e Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (Referred from Council December 7) 20. Resolution 89-2178 - changing th rate of pay for Approved Employment Programs Manager from Grade 20 to Grade 23, Section ID4 of the Professional mployees Supervisor Standard Ranges in the Salary P1 n and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Refer ed from Council December 14) 21. Resolution 89-2145 - approving a d ratifying agreement Approved with St. Paul Supervisor's Organ zation. (Referred from Council December 7) . �:J r �. , ., - �. . � S� ��-�/<< DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJOOUNdL DATE INITIA Person el & Labar Relati,ons l0/1�/ GREEN SHEET No. 5���p� �T�T m ART�AENT DIRE�/.}��/7 �CITY COUNGL Sher'yl e/Mi 1 t tka x4221 (NTY ATTORNEY dTY CLERK �n Foa ❑ MUST BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DATq ROUTIN61 BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BEHVIf�B DIR. �MAY�i(OR ASSISTMIT) � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL L CATIONS FOR SIONATURE� ACTION RC-�UES'iED: This resolution provides for an across th board salary adjustment for several Special Employment titles. (These titles are not epresented by a bargaining unit, ) RECOMMENDATION3:App►ars(ly a Rsject(F� COUNCIL CO MITTEE/�ARp1 REPORT OPTI�IAL _PUWNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COAAM�I�IP � P�E�� � _CIB COMMITTEE _ / _BTAFF _ r��1�I�1 f i) • � _as,Aicr couAr — E.�` �C'(,'J , ' "� su�ao�swt+�couNa�oaiECnve� "���y��{'S ��i`� `�� `�: , ' � I��89 >°: �� ,�� INITU►T1N0 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI'TY(Who.Nlhat.Whsn,WMn,Wh�: ��,� Y�,����. Difficult to attract qualified ,job applica ts with a non-competitive pay scale. `� � ADVANTIUiES IF APPROVED: To increase the Parks and Recreation Divis on's a�plicant pool for these seasonal positions. �F�Fi�,�n ��4 ��T 1 DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: £R4 `1 For cost, see the attached memo from Vic W ttgenstein of August 28, 1989. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Lack of people to consider for filling the e seasonal positions. t�ounc�i kese��c� c���� NOV 2 0 "�y89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 24�G77.OO C08T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) 1