89-2107 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council A �/� � CANARV -OEPARTMENT �[ //�/ BLUE -MAVOR File NO. -• �� • Return copy to Room 218 � (CHAP64A) TK � Z��n`,P, �" ` Ordinance N O. l �Z�� � �__ �) Presented By , Referred To u'�' Committee: Date r���� ~�� Out of Committee By Date ln, ordinance a ending Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Administr tive Code pertaining to public improvement as essments, and adding a provision thereto which ould suthorise the acceptance of advance paymen s for pending assessments. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIIdT PAUL DOES OBDAIN: gCTIOH 1 . That Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following new section thereto : 64•Og. Pending A sessments ; Advance Payments. The department of finance nd management services is authorized to accept advance paym nts for pending aseessments for public improvements ap roved by the city council but for which the assessments ave not been adopted and certified for collection. Advan e paymenta shall not be less than one and one-half of the am unt of estimated pending assessment or the exact amount fo a known assessment . The director may adopt regulations overning the receipt of such advance payments , incl ding provision for application of the deposit to the ado ted assessment and refund of egcess amounts ; provided, ho ever, that the city shall not be required to pay any in erest for advance payments. ECTIOH 2. This ordinance shall t ke effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: D�mond nce & Man e eii rvices ��- [n Favor ��. �Rettman Director � Scheibel � Against By Sonnen �'1'i5lsed D�c �f s �� Form A ro ed by City tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s ed Council S tar BY By � r � Q Approve Ma L � ��l! Appr d by Mayor for Su mi o o C cil �'�.w�3� �E v � t; 198Q • . � " -:1 � i. . . � �(-./�� �V i �O`Y�// DEPARTM[NTbFFFI(�//COUNpL DATE INITIA D /�J�/Q/ F�nan�e Rea� Estate����s�on GREEN SHEET No. �����A�� " OONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE DEPARTMEMT DIRECTOFi CITY�U L Thoma. E Kuhf 1 298- 31 �� c�TM ATTOR"�' an'a�ac MUBT BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DATE) IIOU71N�i ' BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.i .BERVICEB pR. NA Mnvop�oR�ssisr � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOC TIONS FOR SIQNATUR� �c�noN�ouesrEO: Amend Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Administ ative Code to allow Real Est e Division to to accept advance payments for pending asse sm�nts. ooMMENw►r�oNB:Appmv.W u►Aek�( COUN6IL TTEE/RE�EIIRCM 1�ORT _PIANPNNO CGMMIS�ON _CIVIL SERVIC:COMMISSION ANALYST PNONE . qB COMMIII'EE ` x �� — ��: C 9 �oisrr�cr couRr _ M� '- .- ��,P 1(,E C1F r N�(ji su�oars�oouNa�oe�ecnve� ,�1 Y .'Vp �AN� ��7'OF tN��R iam�+nrro�oei.eM.�ssue,o�opTU�xnr�wno.wn.e.wn«�.wne�s.wi,y�: RVICE Currently we do not accept payments on pen ing assessments until the City Coune�il has ratified the assessment. People who sell roperty during this time have to deposit an excessive amount into escrow account to co er the pending assessment. Unless the new owner sends the bill to the title company, the money remains in limbo indefinitely. The proposed process of the City accepting �dv nce payments will be a benefit to both the buyer and the seller. . / �ov�r�s��PROVEO: . Advantages if approved is �'o minimized the amount of money needed for an advance payment and after the ratification of assessment, the surplus will be returned to the seller. as�wv�wr�s��ov�: Disadvantages if approved solely requires some additional effort on the City's part in accepting advance payments. The title co panies wi:ll receive less escrow from St. Paul accounts. � as�ov�r�s�Nor�+novEC: The old system of excessive escrows and s metime long delays in settling those ��iss would be continued. Council Research Center NOV 9 1��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = N�A COET/REYENUE WDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN�SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMOER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��V