D00728W!iite - CityClerk Pink - Finaoce Dept Carary " DePt City of Saint Paul CJ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTTtATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $ 90,320.00 $385 $ 0 $ 6,780.51 $ 54,352.44 ADMIN7STRATIVE ORDER� Consistent with the auihority yanted [o the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the rcquest of the D'uector of the Depar[ment of Executive Admiltistration to amend the 1995 budget of the Genelal fund, the D'vector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the follwoing manner: Current Budeet TO: 001-00155-0I11 001-00158-01 l l 001-00155-0816 001-00155-0856 001-00155-0857 �OM: 001-00156-0114 001-00157-0I11 001-00159-0I 11 001-00161-01 ll 001-00162-0111 $109,072.00 $325,111.00 $205,714.00 $140,301.00 $t92,773.00 ChgOee $SQ63622 $ 2�77.01 $ 6,000.00 $ 986.77 $ 5,000.00 No:��0�2� �te�5 Amended Bud�et $14Q95622 $388,254.01 $ 6,000.00 $ 7,767.58 $ 62,352.44 ($10,000.00) ($28,000.00) ($16,000.00) ($ 5,000.00) ($ 9,000.00) $ 99,072.00 $297,111.00 $189,714.00 $135,301.00 $183,773.00 Prepared by: Activity Msnager A ved by: Mayor f ��� i � ��i�� � � 1����9.5 ucstedby: DeparGnentDi'ector Date: n�r�� DEPARTMEMf/OFF[CFJCOUNCII.: DATE IPIITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 35013 Office ofHuman Resources 11-08-95 � NTACf PERSON & PHONE: p �� �� ark Robertson 266-6471 p�IGN DEPARTMENT D1R. I crrr covrrca 23a ��c�.. NUMBER C1TY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK � FOR BU1XiET DIR- � F[i�'� & MGT. SERVICE DIIL MUST BE ON COUNCII. ACENDA BY (DATL� ROUTING MAYOR (OR ASSf.) F��'AYtt2 � 11�CT, �— ORDER TOTA1. # OF SIGNATURE YAGES�,_(C1.IP ALL LO('ATIONS FOR SICNATURE) acrioN �uasren: To move salary doiars to cover 1995 budget cut; and to purchase furniture for move and PC computers for staff. RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PER.SONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER TEiE FOLLOWINC QUESfIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVII. SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has tlils person/fi+m e�'er worked under a contract forllils deparfinent? CIB CAMMITTEE Ya No STAFF ` 2. Hu lltis persodfvm evtt been a city employceT ^ DISTRICT COUAT Yes No SUPPOR7'S Wf IICH COUNCIL OB]EC1'IVE? 3. Dces ihis person/firtn possess a skill not normally �sed by a�ry curcrnt city employce? Yes No Ezplain aR ycs enswers on separate sheet and attsch to green sheet INTTL4TINGPAOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUN[TY(Who, The 1995 budget cut was taken totally in activity 00155 until we would detemune savings in other activities so they could contribute to cut. Additional salary savings would ailow us to make office purchases. v.arrrwces�Fnrrxoven: We would distribute the 1995 budget cut across activities with salary savings and purchase equipmentJfurniture with other salary savings. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ntsnnva,n racES cF xoT arrxovev: Administration's salary would be in a deficit due to the full 1995 cut being taken out. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 568,000 COSf/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDINC SOURCE: AGTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E7LPLAI� � V °7 }ZtI;tINtL NOU 13 �995 �lTY CLERK C�