89-2104 �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L COIIIICII /� /� GANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. __�/�/�/� BLUE - MAVOR unc l Resolution � � ���� . 33 � � • Presented By -- ' Referr Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution nd delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be pproved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are here y authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 9070-0111 , to : l . Louis P. Gravel , III , the s m of $1 , 100 .00 in full settlement of his claim of damages sus ained on or about August 18 , 1988 , as more particularly set ou in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on ugust 1 , 1989 . COU[VC[LMEN Yeas DlltlOrid Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz _� In Favor Long Kettman � __ Against BY — �� sonnen �j�V r� 0198 Gailson '� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' �—� Certified Vas ed by Council Secret ry BY f �By � ��'�� Approve Mayor: Date E� � 1989 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — _ BY p�t� D E C � 1989 ��� ����o� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIAT D 16 8 6 GREEN SHEET No. OONTACT PERSOM 6 PH�IE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR INITIAU DATE O CITY OOUNGL IN171AWATE _ p� �CRY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAl'� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECfOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STANT) � TOTAL#OF 81QNATURE PAC�ES (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR 81GNATURE� ACTION RECUE8TED: Resolution approving settlemen of claim against City of Saint Paul by Louis P. Gravel , III . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(N e►Rej�t(R) COUNCI�C MMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COAAMISSION —GVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ��Y� PF�NE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _BTAFF — _DISTRICT CaIRT _ SUPPORT8 WHiqi COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITL4TINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where.Why$ In July of 1988 , the City of Saint Paul Forestry Department sent a notice to claimant , Louis Gravel , III , requi ing the removal of a diseased Elm tree from his property; he removed the ree in August of 1988 . Mr. Gravel later learned that the Forestry Departme t has mistakenly issued the notice and , that in complying with their order , he had removed a healty 17 inch Elm tree. Claimant seeks reimbursemen for his tree and the cost of removal . Our office approves the settlement of Mr. Gravel ' s claim in the amount of ADV AQES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: Gouncil �esearch Center_ N 0 V 141989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � �pV13i�9 � � IT� c!EF� 51� �� �� G��� �`,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 1 O O O COBT/pEVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� �� NO ��� FUNDING SOURCE �9�7� ACTIVITY NUMBER �511 FINANGAL IN�RMATION:(DCPLAIN) �v