89-2098 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��//�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT t fllJ BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ' �� � Counci Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED by the Council o the City of Saint Paul that this Resolution expressing the inte tion of the City Council to take such action with respect to th Energy Park Project as will enable the Authority to finance envir nmental clean up action with respect to the Property thereby facili ating the sale of the Property to 3M is hereby adopted. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Department of Planning and Economic Development is hereby directed to initiate the creation of a hazardous substance tax increment subdis rict in the Energy Park Tax Increment Financing District, to negotia e an agreement with the Authority respecting imp?ementation and dministration of the subdistrict, and to make such other recomme dations to the Cou�.cil and Administration as to additiona action which may facilitate the sale of the Property to 3M and the accomplishment of remedial environmental action with resp ct thereto as soon as is practical . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor PLANNING AND ECONOMIC OPMENT i ` ' �_ Against BY ����"'� � ��� � . .�� � � Form Approved b ity Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date �f .� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By. A►pproved by Mavor: Date A ro b May f Submi 'on to Council� a (1 BY ��t�j�.._. : WMITE - GTV CLERK "� �� � � PINK ��- FINANC-E " C�11C1I �?� �� CANARV - DERARTMENT "" J �'� BLUE -�MAVOR . GITY �OF SAI�NT � PAUL- .File N0. � r �=� � ` �� - , � � � '��_, ,� � r�� � ` . �������r l�'����t�on }. �: - Presented By . . ,,... Referred To Committee: ..._. Date Out of Committee By Date ..$� t �lf�.1�! b�► t�r! �m�1 �' th� C��+f i1f $r�i�t Za�t t�at �s . R�itse3+� �iu� 1d�s �i►! t'!� d.�jr �t !w t�r us ' s� a�Riae�e����ti�ia► �!c P�ae,�+r�act ar sriil �►is +E'!�t �it,�r t�t � �i+r►!: � ' �� a!� �! ra�e� �d�#e ��r�t �a dM l�ns�prn�t! �► ..�i tsti� 'd�r ssl� � t� l�rtf !o �!t ' � � �� i, i � . . . .. . � �� � � �� �i � o� � � 'Dil�nr i.s �a�r 3�t�#�ta�► �r ea�a��rt.3�a o# s '�Ow �s'bsir�� i�� " 3an t�s �k '�wt �+� �,�� � J R � ����� � ��•'� '� � "�� r � ��1 �� � y � .� � � � � . . tta� ss i� � � �7' �itta�t �6rA ss'La �rl� t�t lro�rtt t�e � �6�r �1f�3�wwtt ai� z+rMdL�i �nri�l a�ef,aa rit�ii �a�ac+ as s�oa� ai ts . .,I"� ' y � � ,,� ,� ; � . . ,, �.. _ .� . 5 COUNCILMEN Reqnested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays � '� In Favo ° 1�1��'ii � �fIC OE�t�l��T ,�`� . r�� �! i�_ Against By � , . � �� ' Form Approved by City Attomgy �' : �:Adopted.by CousrCil:- �Date , . . , ;� ,-�`� . . �„ . yy*.:�'''�- Certified Passed by Council Secretary �Y � - By . Approved by MavQr: Date Appro.ved by Mayot fbc.,Submission to Council ~--�.o.,., .__. By � BY _ ��a��' DEPARTMENTIOFFICFJCOUNpL DATE INITIATED PED ;��...89 GREEN SHE No. 6 9 7 7 A� OONTACT PER�Ot�I i WWNE PARTMENT OIRECT � �CITV COUNpI Kat Lindblad 3309 �M�� pTY ATTORNEV [�cm c��c MIUST BE ON COUNdL/�(�ENDA BY(DAT� IIOUTING �B OIRECTOR �FIN. 1�y���3 DIR. 11-30-89 """Y����T� � ar TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAtiE8 2 (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR BKiNATURE) �` '�"O -��2 �" ACiION RECUEBTED: ' Adopt resolution to �acilitate sale of ET Systems, Inc. property to 3M and a:nitiate the creation of a hazardous substance tax inc ement subdistrict. r�oo�wo+► :�ppras t�U a►�1«�(� COUNC t�PORT OPTIONA� _PLANNINO OOMMIS�ON _CNIL SEpVIC�OOMMI8810N MIALYST PNONE NO. ' _CIB OONMiAITTEE _ _STAFF _ OOMMEN'1'S: _DISTRICT OOURT _ 8UPPORTB WNN�i COUNqL OBJECTIVEI MIII'IATIPNi PROBLEM.188UE�OPPORTUNIIY(VNIa�WhM�YVhsn�Wlwre�Mh+1Q: The �ort Authority has requested the Cit Council consider the creation of a hazardous substance subdistrict in the Energy Park Tax Inarement District in order to assist in financing necessary remedial action on t e ETA Systems, Inc. property which includes the former Koeppers Coke site. �v�wr�s��o: - Facilitates sale of ETA Systems, Inc. property to 3M. - Allows staff to i.nitiate creation 'of azardous sulastance subdistrict, which would provide a funding source for necessa remedial action. asnov�rrr�s��o: OISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE7. - Sale of ETA Systems, Inc. property � 3M - No funding source for necessary reme ial action. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION = COST/REVHNUE WOOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �aNO sou� �crvm�w� FlNANCU�L INFORMATION:(EXPWI� i �� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L Council CANARV - OEPARSMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / City-At'tny/JTH • • -----� . Co nc�l Resolution ������ Presented By ,��� �_� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ACILITATING SALE OF ETA SYSTEMS INC . , PROPERTY TO 3M WHEP.�AS , ETA Systems , Inc . , 3M Company and the Port Authority have reached agreement for the sale and purchase of ETA Systems , Inc . , Property in Energy Park; and WHEP�AS , part of the Prop rty consisted of a coke processing plant operated by Koeppers Cok Company which generated certain hazardous waste and groundwat contamination conditions on the Property; and WHEREAS , the Port Author' ty in acquiring the Property obtained trom 1�.oeppers an indemnificat'on for the costs of removing hazardous �aastes and monitoring and cor ecting groundwater contamination; and WHEREAS , in selling the roperty to ETA the Authority gave a similar indemnity to ETA and ill give such indemnity to 3M; arid T�THEnEAS , it appears prob ble that further remg�c��a.l action with respect to groundwater contam nation and hazardous waste removal must be undertaken and the Au hority is requesting City Council consideration of the creation of a hazardous substance subdistrict in the Energy Park Tax Increm nt District to assist in financing necessary remedial action; an WHE�EAS , the creation of hazardous substance tax increment subdistrict will require chan es in the Energy Park Joint Powers Agreement between the City an the Authority and other cooperative action on the part of the Cit ; now therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays /�.� �!�' �� PLANNING A E NOM C PM T In Favor Against BY �'�"' " ' ��— Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City ttor � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� By A►pproved by IVlavor: Date Appro by or for ission to C cil By WMITE - - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY O�'' SA NT ..PAUL . � Council (y^ � CANARY - DEPARTMENT pile . NO. � 'r��' �� �` � � . BLUE -MAVOR - `��"�'►r'� Council R s�`�t��� e ; r Presented,By , - , � Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By . Date ��� t �� � B?� 8Z$'�� .-. . •s !� '�"<u� �;6�5, � �S#3Mrit. I�., t�i� amMd !� 1Mr!'t i�e�'f.t",�► . � �d a�s� �laac �rr a�d �snr o� Etl �js�r, � ' ` Z1oa. . �P�"t!n 3a �sT�'a�s'k� _ � �AS, prs�t ot t�i +�ar�sist�d of a os� ps�r�3a� 'l�a� o�ea�d �► ��o�s " � ��d ar�acl�ria rrswr a�d a;e+w�ef�a�arr t�iint�+oa +�andi� a►s �6s ��►: +� � ` t�l�'1s, ttr lbart ��s�2�t�r �rd#sf.� .t� lrv�p+acEjr ob�rat+�d � � lre� �ia� aa fi�dr�i��at�a #� +�e�sts ot �i� �a�r�� � �astaa� aa�d �mi�ao�t� aerd` �t� , s � �S, i� se�.l� `!�r► ips ut�► !� Jl�oaci g,�a�r+� a � ati�dLar l�i� to B3'J► �d � �� swrel� �ity► t�a�; aid �, it a�ssa gra'b�ab3�e t'�t l�r�ac s+w�rd3,a1 ar�ei� �rith �et t� ���r �aoat�'�ns �od b�s�s+l�r� ��ar�:s s�l �mat b+�r +�a�+�n a� e� is s�e3ni tY't7�' �a�I s �amri��at�oa �f t� �s���t3� e�f i�► � �r l�st s�c ��iu�rat trie� e� a�r�t 3� �aar,� s�+wd�#,s�l aQt�� aad �. E'[� �r�a erf a� tas i�sm�swrr�t - s��lS�at �rltl s+�i�t +�� t� �T � � � � 1��r�t �r�a t'� C'��► �l�s�'.tT �d a��C e�sop�ra►#i�e . a� ou tht p�rt o!' �hs CYt�r t . , b�s i� COUNCILMEN . Y;: �' � � � Yeas Nays �. . ;=' �;�"- *�"':� ''�t✓ Requested by Department of: . ;'!' ,�:�r.� �"� M.� � €�O�IIC ����l1�' �`- In Favor ,� . '— � F E:>'! ' ....,..:�' ..i -.� f. .. . �: Against By ° `..- -•--��-- • Form Approved by City �ttorne� N , Rdopted by Cour�c►1: .Aate _ '. . ., ; , , . °' , � ';..�'�'�' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'''� " By Approved by Mavor�_ Date Apprwved by Mayor for Snbmission to Council . BY By