99-1207ORIGINAL Council File # qR - \ a•0� Green Sheet # 101203 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date t3 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable qambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education Hayden Heights Youth Alliance Lexington/Hamline Community Council Lower East Side Football Margaret Booster Club Merriam Park Booster Club Midway Area Youth Athletic Club St. Paul Science Fair Support Group Sports For Life $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,690.00 $ 509.00 $2,000 .00 $2,000.00 $ 673.00 $1,692.00 $1,114.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 By: ed y Department of: � ��'CE �j/��� Adopted by Council: Date �� -�a `��o� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by Cit�Attor��e_y'1 i / By: _ „�GC- / : /�,�y,ui Approved by Mayor for Submission to .� \ DEPARIMINf/OFFN'.FJCOUNGL DATE INRIA7ID / Parks and Recreation 11/30/99 GREEN SHEET � P10. 101203 CONTACTPQ250NANDPHONE WfilALIDAlE INRIPL1DAlE qq ��,(�j'� —+ � Eric Thompson 651-266-6362 ��\ n 1 oEaaznaarrarsECroa 4 crtvcouwa� �UMBQ2FOR L CRVA7TORNEY S CliVCLERK DIIi1NG MUSfBEIXJODUNqLAGENDABY(DA7� � � 3 Flw,rrcvasoxv�swR. 6 Parks-Thanoson A.S.A.P. Mnv«a c«=ass�srnr+n TOTAL# OF SIGNA7URE PAGES_ (CL1P ALL LOCAT70N5 f-0R 516NATUR� AGTION RE�UE5IEQ Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECAMMENDATONS App�v+e (y a Re�at (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � �y��������underaconbaettorMisdepartmeM? _CIB COMMff1EE A Youth Fund Board ves No A�� 2. Has �ha persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee� — — YES NO DISTRICTCOUNdL _ 3. DoesihispersoNfi�mpcsescas7tiN�wtno�mallYP�ssedManYCUnmtcM1yemptoyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTIVE? VES NO El�plain ail yes answers on sepa�ate sheet antl aCaeh to grean sheet INrtIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfiV (Who, What, When, Where, Wh»: The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling organizations to eligible community based non-profit organizations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVAMAGES If APPROVED improved programs for: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education (youth art murai programs), Hayden Heights Youth Alliance (`99-'00 basketball program), LexingtoNHamline Community Council (holiday field trips), Lower East Side Football Association (fielmet repfacement), Margaret Booster Club ('89-'00 basketbal{ & fie{d trips), Merriam Park Booster Club (basketball 8 volleyball), Midway Area Youth Athletic Club (giris' junior Olympic volleyball), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group (science competition supplies), Sports For Life (life skills clinics). OISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN(AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ps r,,, _ � A6m�.a'.' �'Cr_�:e'.,',a; �;5';t'yP Poor quality youth programs. ��� ? � 1��� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION ��.3.704.00 �TIREVENUEBUWETED(pRCLEON� YES NO wNOiNC sounce P-3399-33179-545-33000 ACTNISRNUMBER -�• -+� .. , _ . FINANCIALINfORMATION. (EXPlA1N) � ORIGINAL Council File # qR - \ a•0� Green Sheet # 101203 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date t3 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable qambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education Hayden Heights Youth Alliance Lexington/Hamline Community Council Lower East Side Football Margaret Booster Club Merriam Park Booster Club Midway Area Youth Athletic Club St. Paul Science Fair Support Group Sports For Life $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,690.00 $ 509.00 $2,000 .00 $2,000.00 $ 673.00 $1,692.00 $1,114.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 By: ed y Department of: � ��'CE �j/��� Adopted by Council: Date �� -�a `��o� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by Cit�Attor��e_y'1 i / By: _ „�GC- / : /�,�y,ui Approved by Mayor for Submission to .� \ DEPARIMINf/OFFN'.FJCOUNGL DATE INRIA7ID / Parks and Recreation 11/30/99 GREEN SHEET � P10. 101203 CONTACTPQ250NANDPHONE WfilALIDAlE INRIPL1DAlE qq ��,(�j'� —+ � Eric Thompson 651-266-6362 ��\ n 1 oEaaznaarrarsECroa 4 crtvcouwa� �UMBQ2FOR L CRVA7TORNEY S CliVCLERK DIIi1NG MUSfBEIXJODUNqLAGENDABY(DA7� � � 3 Flw,rrcvasoxv�swR. 6 Parks-Thanoson A.S.A.P. Mnv«a c«=ass�srnr+n TOTAL# OF SIGNA7URE PAGES_ (CL1P ALL LOCAT70N5 f-0R 516NATUR� AGTION RE�UE5IEQ Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECAMMENDATONS App�v+e (y a Re�at (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � �y��������underaconbaettorMisdepartmeM? _CIB COMMff1EE A Youth Fund Board ves No A�� 2. Has �ha persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee� — — YES NO DISTRICTCOUNdL _ 3. DoesihispersoNfi�mpcsescas7tiN�wtno�mallYP�ssedManYCUnmtcM1yemptoyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTIVE? VES NO El�plain ail yes answers on sepa�ate sheet antl aCaeh to grean sheet INrtIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfiV (Who, What, When, Where, Wh»: The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling organizations to eligible community based non-profit organizations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVAMAGES If APPROVED improved programs for: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education (youth art murai programs), Hayden Heights Youth Alliance (`99-'00 basketball program), LexingtoNHamline Community Council (holiday field trips), Lower East Side Football Association (fielmet repfacement), Margaret Booster Club ('89-'00 basketbal{ & fie{d trips), Merriam Park Booster Club (basketball 8 volleyball), Midway Area Youth Athletic Club (giris' junior Olympic volleyball), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group (science competition supplies), Sports For Life (life skills clinics). OISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN(AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ps r,,, _ � A6m�.a'.' �'Cr_�:e'.,',a; �;5';t'yP Poor quality youth programs. ��� ? � 1��� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION ��.3.704.00 �TIREVENUEBUWETED(pRCLEON� YES NO wNOiNC sounce P-3399-33179-545-33000 ACTNISRNUMBER -�• -+� .. , _ . FINANCIALINfORMATION. (EXPlA1N) � ORIGINAL Council File # qR - \ a•0� Green Sheet # 101203 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date t3 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable qambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education Hayden Heights Youth Alliance Lexington/Hamline Community Council Lower East Side Football Margaret Booster Club Merriam Park Booster Club Midway Area Youth Athletic Club St. Paul Science Fair Support Group Sports For Life $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,690.00 $ 509.00 $2,000 .00 $2,000.00 $ 673.00 $1,692.00 $1,114.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 By: ed y Department of: � ��'CE �j/��� Adopted by Council: Date �� -�a `��o� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by Cit�Attor��e_y'1 i / By: _ „�GC- / : /�,�y,ui Approved by Mayor for Submission to .� \ DEPARIMINf/OFFN'.FJCOUNGL DATE INRIA7ID / Parks and Recreation 11/30/99 GREEN SHEET � P10. 101203 CONTACTPQ250NANDPHONE WfilALIDAlE INRIPL1DAlE qq ��,(�j'� —+ � Eric Thompson 651-266-6362 ��\ n 1 oEaaznaarrarsECroa 4 crtvcouwa� �UMBQ2FOR L CRVA7TORNEY S CliVCLERK DIIi1NG MUSfBEIXJODUNqLAGENDABY(DA7� � � 3 Flw,rrcvasoxv�swR. 6 Parks-Thanoson A.S.A.P. Mnv«a c«=ass�srnr+n TOTAL# OF SIGNA7URE PAGES_ (CL1P ALL LOCAT70N5 f-0R 516NATUR� AGTION RE�UE5IEQ Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECAMMENDATONS App�v+e (y a Re�at (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLON7NG QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � �y��������underaconbaettorMisdepartmeM? _CIB COMMff1EE A Youth Fund Board ves No A�� 2. Has �ha persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee� — — YES NO DISTRICTCOUNdL _ 3. DoesihispersoNfi�mpcsescas7tiN�wtno�mallYP�ssedManYCUnmtcM1yemptoyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTIVE? VES NO El�plain ail yes answers on sepa�ate sheet antl aCaeh to grean sheet INrtIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfiV (Who, What, When, Where, Wh»: The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling organizations to eligible community based non-profit organizations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVAMAGES If APPROVED improved programs for: Como Park Zoo & Conservatory Education (youth art murai programs), Hayden Heights Youth Alliance (`99-'00 basketball program), LexingtoNHamline Community Council (holiday field trips), Lower East Side Football Association (fielmet repfacement), Margaret Booster Club ('89-'00 basketbal{ & fie{d trips), Merriam Park Booster Club (basketball 8 volleyball), Midway Area Youth Athletic Club (giris' junior Olympic volleyball), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group (science competition supplies), Sports For Life (life skills clinics). OISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN(AGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ps r,,, _ � A6m�.a'.' �'Cr_�:e'.,',a; �;5';t'yP Poor quality youth programs. ��� ? � 1��� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION ��.3.704.00 �TIREVENUEBUWETED(pRCLEON� YES NO wNOiNC sounce P-3399-33179-545-33000 ACTNISRNUMBER -�• -+� .. , _ . FINANCIALINfORMATION. (EXPlA1N) �