89-2092 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC-E GITY OF S INT PAITL Council /� LANAfiV t DEPARTMENT /y/ 2 � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. • �D�`� - � RETURN COPY TO Real Estate COUnC ' esolution Division - Room 218 p21 ( Presented Hy Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , on July 18 , 1985 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution ratifying Assessment C F. 85-957 , did authorize proper City officials to levy the assessments against benefitted properties for the reconstruction of sidewalk on the so th side of W. Seventh Street from Douglas Street to McBoal Street with Integra Curb , Finance File No. S-11165 ; and WHEREAS , the property know as 106 Douglas Street and legally described as follo s : Samuel Leeche ' s Addition t the Town of Saint Paul Part Southeasterly of W. S venth Street of Lots 6 and 7 and north 50 feet of Lots 8 and 9 , Block 9. was assessed for the above improveme t at the commercial rate ; and WAEREAS , after a recent eview of the parcels by the Real Estate Division , it was found that the fron age of Lot 8 , Block 9 , of the above legal description, should have been assess d at the residential rate; and WHEREAS , the sub� ect pr perty was reassessed in the amount of $4 , 197 . 33 in Council Resolution, Co ncil File No. 89-1965 , passed by the City Council on October 31 , 1989 ; whi h is the amount that should have been assessed on July 18 , 1985 , if the c rrect calculation of residential frontage had occurred ; and WHEREAS , since July 18 , 1 85 , $965. 88 has been paid on the original principle of $4 ,829. 48 , and $1 , 370. 0 has been paid in interest; and 1 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays LongltZ [n Favor Finance and Management Service��rl Rettman 'rector ���� Scheibel Against Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Appr y Mayor for Su ' si tw�6ouncil By WH17E - C�TV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COU�ICIl /{/y�/� n j',ANA�V�% DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PALTL � �(% /�/ BLUE -MAVOR File �0. � • _ ✓� 0�� RETURN COPY TO REAL ESTATE DIVISION - ROOM 218 �ouncil esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date.. Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , after relating back to the reassessed amount to July 18 , 1985 , there has been an excess payment of interest in the amount of $179. 40. WHEREAS , this excess interes payment should be applied to the new reassessed principle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV D , that the original assessment was changed from $4 ,829. 48 to $4 , 197 . 33 an excess interest paid will be applied against the outstanding principle. (reassess . cr) 2 , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Finance and Management Se .vices Long � �n Favor ��. •_ �-+ _ Rettman d Against B ' rector � Sonnen Wilson �QV i Q �� Form Approv City Atto e Adopted by Council: Date �^ l G� Certified ed by Council Secretar BY sy A►pprov y A�lavor. Date_ ` Appro Mayor for Sub issi to C ci� By ��� c E c � 1989 C��1�09� DEPARTMENTbFFI(�ICOUNpL DATE INI'I'IATED Finance/Rea1 Estate GREEN SHEET NO. ���� OONTACT PER80N a INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Peter White 298-5317 � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �cm c�ouNa� �� CITY ATTORNEY (� CITY CLERK �i1SC E b2 111C'�ity (:12�1C'S 1� I i e9no �� BUDOET OIRECiOR FIN.8 MQT.BERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ABSISTANT) �_ TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA ION8 FOR SIGNATURL� 'P" ACTION REpUE8TED: Approve the attached council resolut'on. � NpV -f 1989 �,,..t �oarM�►�s:�.w«r�c�n c:ou� � � _PIANNI1�Ki COMM18810N _pVIL�RVI�COMMI8SION µ�� PHONE NO. _p8 COMMIITEE _ A sr� _ co�erns: N —asr�ncr oourn — OFFEt;� ��= i t-iE ������;�iUR BUPPORTS YVHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Nei hborhoods Ward 2 ���+���`p��`-��� �� ��ti��CE i�nnnnroo�.issue.oP�TUNmr�wno.w�w.wnsn.wi,ere.wny�: ^• � 106 Douglas Street was inco rectly assessed. RECEIVEn �'�� CITY CLERK �����o: Property will be asses ed correctly. asnov�wr�s��raAOVEO: Amount which_would have come from assessments must now come from 1986 PIA funds. D18ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPFiOVED: To not approve the resolution would le�ve an incorrect assessment on the property. �;ouncs� t���earch Cen�e� � NOV � ty89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TFiAIiSACT10N = �H11.SS) (�gT/REV�IUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO F�+ox�c�sou�cE 1986 PIA ��mn� 807-62966-0799-00000 Fl"""���"rON:�"� $632.15 Principle '�`''''� 179.40 Interest $811.55 Total ��/