89-2090 WMITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C1I _PINK . - FINANCE � CANARW- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L 4 � BI.UE -MAYOR File NO. I O f D � , uncil Resolution , � Presente y err o � Committee: Date l r � 3��� � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointments/re ppointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named persons to ser e as members of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Bud et Committee (CIB) . REAPPOINTMENTS Merrill Robinson, S.D. 63, P.D. 11 Tom Gmeinder, S.D. 65, P.D. 8 Toni Baker, S.D. 67, P.D. 1 APPOINTMENTS Paul Savage, S.D. 63, P.D. 12, ap inted to the seat previously held by Rebecca Monsoor Cassidy. Andrea Hart Kajer, S.D. 64, P.D. 5, appointed to the seat previously held by Judith Kincaid. George Johnson, S.D. 67, P.D. 2, ppointed to the seat previously held by Lloyd Peterson. All terms for the above a ointme ts and rea ointments will ex ire November, 1992. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DIMOND Nays LONG _ Z ,[n Favo �� RETTMAN � Against BY SCHEIBEL �N �p� WILSON �C L $ i� Form ove y City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s b Co ncil ret BY � By .� A►ppr Mavor: Date � 9 � 9 Appro y Mayor for Sub� ' io to C PUBLtSN�D J A N 6 1 9 0 � . _ _.__ _ ._ _- _ _ �� -a�9� ��y , • �i CITY f SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTM NTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President James S heibel Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the Mayor:,, DATE: November 16, 1989 RE: CIB APPOINTMENTS & REAPPO NTMENTS Attached is the resolution appoi ting and reappointing members to the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital I rovement Budget Committee. Following is a listing of the Senate Dist icts and Planning Districts they represent. Reap�ointments Merrill Robinson S.D. 63 P. . 11 Tom Gmeinder S.D. 65 P. . 8 Toni Baker S.D. 67 P. . 1 A�pointments � Paul Savage, S.D. 63, P.D. 12, ppointed to the seat previously held by Rebecca Monsoor Cassidy. Andrea Hart Kajer, S.D. 64, P.D 15, appointed to the seat previously held by Judith Kinkead. George Johnson, S.D. 67, P.D. 2 appointed to the seat previously held by Lloyd Peterson. Al1 terms for the above people xpire November, 1992. Mayor Latimer requests your app oval of these appointments/ reappointments. Applications or the new appointments are attached. Do not hesitate to call if you ave questions. OLP:drm Attachments cc: Council Research J'm Murphy A1 Olson, City Clerk T msen Aichinger, CIB Staff [for Council Agenda] � ,�,� � ����.��,�.�.�� �_�o9a i� - i�-� � � 8. Resolution 89-2088 - amending t e 1987 CIB budget by Laid over adding $8,000 to construct a fe ce along the north side of Wood Street to reduce t e amount of dumping taking place in a ravine border ng Wood Street. (Referred from Council November 30) 9. Resolution 89-2148 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved transferring $3,490,270 from Co tingent Reserve Specified ($3,378,879) , Conting nt Reserve General ($21,391) and Work Simpler Prog am ($90,000) to activities as listed for salary needs, and adding $211,119 to the Spending and Fi ancing Plans for 1989 salary needs. (Referred f om Council December 7) 10. Resolution 89-2180 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved transferring $2,675,515 from th Downtown and 7th Place Tax Increment Debt Servic fund to the HRA Downtown & 7th Place Tax Incre nt Redevelopment fund. (Referred from Council ecember 14) 11. Resolu*ion 89-2181 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,000 to the Financin and Spending Plans for City Attorney Tort Liabili y settlements. (Referred from Council Decembe 14) 12. Ordinance 89-1917 - amending S ction 125.02(a) of the Laid over Legislative Code pertaining to street obstruction permits. (Referred from Counc 1 October 24, laid over November 13) 13. Ordinance 89-2123 - amending t e Administrative Code � Laid over by adding a new chapter g�ver•n ng solicitation by city officers and employees. (Refe red from Council November 13) l4. Ordinance 89-2164 - amending C apter 5 of the Adminis- Laid over trative Code to reflect curren department organization and to include Cable Communica ions into Citywide Information Services, Property Management into the Municipal Assessments and Real Estate Division, and to create a new Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division. (Referred from Coun il December 12) ----.,_.___ ---_..__..._.__m. . _,_____ __ i'�5.- Resolution 89-2090 - approving the reappointments of Approved �, � i� Merrill Robinson, Tom Gmeinder and Toni Baker and the �, �` appointments of Paul Savage, drea Hart Kajer and � � George Johnson to serve as me ers of the St. Paul �� �� Long Range Capital Improvemen Budget Committee, terms '` �_ to expire November,_ 1992. 16. Resolution 89-2051 - establis ing a salary range under Approved the 1989 Fire Supervisory Sta dard Ranges and establish- ing rate of pay for Fire Disp tch Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Comp nsation Resolution. (Referred from Council Novemb r 21, laid over December 4) . J �i ��r_�oy� ��►�E�b��,�,Na� DATE INiT1ATE GREEN SHEET Na ��� Mayor Latimer' s Office 11/15/ 9 4 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Ora Lee Patterson/4323 ��� ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINd UDGET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. A.S.A.P. MAYOR(OR ASSIST/iNn � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAQE� 1 (C�IP ALL L ATIONS FOR 81ONATURE) ACT10N REfJUEBTED: Approval of appointments of Paul Sav ge, Andrea Hart Kajer, George Johnson, and reappointments of Merrill Robins n, Tom Gmeinder and Toni Baker to the Long-Range Capital Improvement B dget Committee. Terms expire 11/92. RECOMAAENDATIONB:APP��e(N o►�(R) COUNdL EE/RESEARCH i�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _dVil�RVICE COMMISSION �� �NE =� ^^ - _ . ._� _q8�MMITTEE — R —8T� — °°""""E"�: Pl��V 1 � i989 —����,� — ��QV 1 � 1°89 $���,�,�,����o�E�, �I T Y ����;��� r INfT1ATINO PROBLEM.IBSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whe4 When.Whero.Wh�: RIE�n NI�2�i�9 ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPF�VED: t kK DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: �ouncil Research Center. , NOV 171989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = /REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE A IVITY NUMSER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(DCPWN) ^/ W�