89-2083 wrHiTe — c�rr CLERK COU[ICII G� �O� . PINK � FINANCE � .i GANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF A I NT PAU L File NO• l� 3LUE —MAVOR PED/Job Creation raining� uncil Resolution � Q� � .. �.O � % Presented By Refe Committee: Date �j ���` �� Out of Committee By Date Pag 1 of 2 WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, through the U.S. Department of La.bor has recently awarded funds to the Cit of Saint Paul for the implementation of a Summer Youth Employment Program (S P) . WHEREAS, Swnmer Youth Employme Program performance and expenditures has recently surpassed expectation i the City budget. WHEREAS, An increased level of pending authority is needed. WHEREAS, The mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget, a d WHEREAS, The mayor recommends t e following changes to the 1989 budget; Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 345 GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PROGRAM 36541 JTPA - SUIYIl�SER YOUTH 3111 JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP 533,500 18,362 551,862 ACT 533,500 18,362 551,862 r COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��°d Plannin & Eco omic Dev 1 �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman ��et�� Against BY sonnen Wilson Form Ap ved by City ttor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY gy. Appr v y Ma fo Subm� ion to Council A►pproved by Navor. Date — � . By `,�-'�Y•r� �H�p JAN 5 iy94_ WHITE - C�TV CLERK ,✓, ♦ PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF AINT PALTL Council �/qJ� M CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. O�O{J�� BLU - MAVOR PED�Job Creation & Training Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pag 2 of 2 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget SPENDING PLAN 345 GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PROGRAM 36541 JTPA - SUI�Il�IER YOUTH 0558 Transfer to Planning & Economic Development Operating Fund 55,800 1,836 57,636 0547 Payment to Subcontractors 477,700 16,526 494,226 NET CHANGE 533,500 18,362 551,862 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED � L' Director, Department of Finance Budget r ctor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond � Planning & Economic Development � � �ng In Favor _r�,�z Rettman Scheibel � Against BY �£eeiw�t Wilson -�� � 8 � Form App ed by City ttorn y Adopted by Council: Date —�w Certified Pa•s d Council r BY gy, "�-- � � Approv May r ubmis3iqn to Council Approve 1Aavor: ,�C 9 � B �, __. � n�; y ��C--� PuBUS�ED ;%�r� b 1 y 9Q ��ao�.� ' ' Members: ,,� �'y � ,° Bob Long, Chair 1 ,�,x���,:� < CITY OF �AINT PAUL Janice Rettman ,\�'g �'1'� � Tom Dimond OFFICE OF HE CITY COUNCIL RfiV�'t'•:i t=i i �c�����9 COMMITT E REPORT Cii`,' C�Ef:� FINANCE MANAGEMENT ND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE DECEM ER 18, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of December 4, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-2083 - amending t e 1989 budget y AGproved adding $18,362 to the Financing and Spending Plans , for PED-JPTA-Governmental Emplo ment & Training �' Program. (Referred from Council November 30) f^/� _____- --____- 3. Resolution 89-2085 - amending t e 1989 budget by Approved adding $4,841 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for Police Special Investigations. (Referred from Council November 30) 4. Resolution 89-2179 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $30,281 to the Financing nd Spending Plans for Police-Confiscated and Uncla'med Monies. (Referred from Council December 4) 5. Resolution 89-2188 - authorizing proper City officials Approved to save and hold suppliers harmi ss from any and all claims arising out of City's use of vehicles from Metro-Porsche Audi , Midway Chevr let, Whitaker Buick and Kline Oldsmobile. (Referred from Council December 14) 6. Resolution 89-2086 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved adding $3,175 to the Financing a d Spending Plans for Property Management Fund-Hill Street Warehouse. (Referred from Council November 0) 7. Resolution 89-2087 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $31,811 to the Financing a d Spending Plans for Property Management-City Hall Annex Operating. (Referred from Council November 3 ) CITY EIALL SEVEN H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a� .ae � Y . i �- � T . �� ���ec'��I o�d� ; DEPARTM[NTlOFFlCEJCOUNqL DATE INTIA I'ED/Job Creation & Training 10/�7/ 9 GREEN S�N NO. ����A,� CONTACT PERSON d PHONE - DEPARTMENT DIRECTGR �CITY COUNqI Harriet Horwath c,TV nrro�ev C]cnv c�eFm MUBT BE ON COUNpL AQENOA BY(DAT� BUpQET pIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 OIR. November 10, 1989 �_�YOA co��sr�rn � William Patton . TOTAL A�OF SIONATURE PAGES��nP� (CLIP ALL L TIONS FOR 8KiNATCJR� ACTION REOUE8TED: s�.a"��a4*t Signature to attached Council Resolution "`��,�•;:°-,� ;-�, N�V ��' RECOI�pdENDA '1►DP�(N«�(R) REPORT _PLANNIPKi(`AMMISSION _qVIL SERVIC:COMMISSION A�Y� _pB COMIMITTEE _ ' �.. _STAFF _ OO�MdENT6: _DISTRICT COURT _ • SUPPORTS WMlqi COUNqL OBJECTNE9 INI'MM11N0 PROBL.EM.188UE.OPPORTUNITY(1Nho�VVMt�Whsn.Whsro.Mlh�: . Approximately five thousand eco�omically d'sadvantaged 5aint Paul residents under age 21 are in the labor force. Many have a poor ork history and low level basic skill and would benefit from work experience and basic Sk' ���rE�ning services. IV N� 1 � 1969 , ADVANTADEB IF APPFiOVED: Over 485 needy youth will reeeive work exp ience, tutoring, basic skills training and management services. ����� ���� DISADVANTK�ES IF APPROVED: /'�( y� � � � �11�`�I� .. . . . . None RE�£IVFp , t!�pV �f 198 BLp� 9 o�ovMrr�oes x�rar�rrnovEO: C£ Services will not be reimbursed. i;ouncil I�esearch Center NOV 171989 TOTAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION : i$,364 T�����q�,E o�q ,� Job Trainin Partnershi Act II- 3 41 � FUNDM�K�SO{JRCE CTIVITY NUMSER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPI.AII� ��