89-2082 WHIYE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �j �/ CANARV -DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �� v`Ov � - BLUE - MAVOR � C� nci Resolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: -- Date Out of Committee By Date �r7FiEREAS, t9innesota Election aw 204C.36 provides that a losing candidate for nomination or lection to a municipal office may request a recount at the can idates' s own expense when the vote difference is greater than llowed for a recount without cost to the candidate; and V�HEREAS� The City Clerk ha ,? ermined that the cost of a recount for one precinct is 0 and the cost of a city-wide recount is �6; now, the efore� be it !?j SO� RESOLVED, That for a recoun at the expense of the candidate the bond, cash or surety �ha 1 be in the amount of $3,000 for a district recount and $21,000 for a city-wide recount. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas .�iiII1�N� Nays Goswitz � (n Favor Long Rettman �_ Against BY Scheibel Sonnen � +1�� 2 � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified ed by Council Secretar BY By A►pprov 1Aavor: Date �V � � � Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� _ BY ° - " �9a9 �g�� u E C �