89-2072 �4 y3 ` M e CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. —��/� FINAL ORDER - � By >' ` File No. �85 7 ,N Voting In the Matter of ccinstr�ctiag the id�/Front Ares Stos� Sswr Pro��ct. Ward (btea �.s bo�d�d b� �ice St t, 6eranimE A�en�, D�al.s Street aad 1 i� 5 �7�se Straat) � ; 4 ' f under Preliminary Order — �` approved ���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has con cted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City C rter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obj ctions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefor , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sa' t Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directe and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the comple on of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to e City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date N�V 2 1 �� Yea�Nays C�Nrits Certified assed by Council Secretary �tttt�� � In Favor Q.t�� � s��.��i Se�s �_ Against i133.� Mayor �t� �EC � 19ag ��� D E C 9 1989 ' - _ � - � ��—ao��-- DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Pub��� Works 9/20/89 GREEN SHEET r,o. 1 � INITIAU DATE �INRIA DATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIHECTOH �CITY CWINCIL TOIII Kuhf eld 298-5317 Na MBER FOR CITY ATfORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA 8Y(DATE� C��26 8(3 ROUTING BUDf3ET DIHECTOR �FIN.8 MaT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's Of�ice no ORDER MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n 0 (;rninril Re TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGE 3 (CLIP ALL LOC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: Construct a separated storm and sanitary s er system, water and sewer connections and reconnections, street improvements, construc a lantern style lighting system in the Woodbridge/Front Combined Sewer and Street P ing Project. File No. 's 18577, 18578 & 18569- RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) COUNCIL COMM EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINCi COMMiSSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE _ �_STAFF _ COMMENT3: _DISTRICT COURT Ward 1 and 5 SUPPORTS NMICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 Better Nei hborho ds Se r e S INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whero,Why): The sewer separation program has been approv through the Capital Improvement Budget Process. This is the fifth year of the Comb' ed Sewer Separation Program. ADVANTAOE$IF APPROVED: Will reduce combined sewage overflow to the 'ssissippi River during rains RECEIVED SEP 2 �1989 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�1`� C�EC�� None � COL�i;Cii n �=��r•ch Center, SE 21 i°a9 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: This is part of the City's National Pollutio Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Not proceeding with this work may re ult in penalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(CIRCLE ONE) �YES � NO FUNDIN(i SOURCE * ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �k'See Summary of Engineering Recommendations or financing information . � � ST. PAUL ITY COUNCIL � ������ C �� PUBLIC HE RING NOTICE c� �' '�- PUBLIC IMPROVE ENT C�NSTRUCTION City Council Districts 1 and 5 Dear Property Owner: District Planning Councils 6 and 7 File No. 18577 and 18578 To decide whether t proceed with construction of a storm sewer to P U R PO S E be known as the W00 BRIDGE/FRONT STORM SEWER PROJECT for the area bounded by Atwater treet on the north, Como Avenue on the south, AA'D . Western Avenue on t e west, and Rice Street on the east. Also, �r street improvements in connection with the WOODBRIDGE/FRONT SEWER SEPARATION AND PAVI AND LIGHTING PROJECT including bituminous L O C A TIO N roadway, concrete c b and gutter, and lighting. All driveway aprons and outwalks ill be reconstructed in concrete. Boulevards on the streets list d on the reverse of this notice will be graded and sodded. Tuesday, November 21 1989, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chamber , Third Floor City Hall - Court House -------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item an develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bri g any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on W dnesday, November 15, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House a 9:00 A.M. If the Council appro es this project, a portion of the costs will FINANCING be assessed against enefitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessment for this pro�ect are as follows: IN FO R MA TIO N ESTIMATED CONS RUCTION COSTS: Storm Sewer $4,458,000 ZOTSS E�osauuty� � nsd �uiss asnog a.zno� - TZB �C�?� 8TZ sa�zn.zag �uaiva�su� �g a�usui3 uotsiniQ a�B�sg T ag aq� 6q 686T `£ zaqu�anoN �uas a:�i�oN •(�C�.zadozd Tai�.zaunuo�) L+IZ9-Z6Z zo (�C�zadozd jEi�uapisaa) +7Z09-Z6Z �E uoistniQ aMag au� TjE� �uoi�su�.zo�ui a�uos .zo3 •.za�ET pa1T8�suZ �i ansq o� �so� zaq�iu �CTTBZ�us� qns s pions o� ami� s�q� �s ��zadozd aq� o� .zaMas uism aq� moz3 qn�s uoz��auuo� s �s nbaa pZnoqs no� pue `uo���auuo� .zaMas m.zo�s a�Basdas s azinbaz TTiM s�uipjinq Tsiz�snput puE �Tei�zaanuo� `s�uaut�zsds amos •�utpTinq .zno� 3o zoiaa�ui aq� qBn zq� sui�zp �oo� .zno�C 3t zo adtd puno.z��apun us o� ��auuo� s�nodsuriop aoiza�xa i pa��auuo� azs s.zapsaTuis.z s��utpTinq ,zno� •.zaMas [C�E�iIIES au� moz� pa��auuo�sip aq �snm (s�nodsur�op) s�apBaTuiE� jZ8 `sa�spuEm Tszapa3 pus a�e�s q��M �jduio� o� pus mBZ o.zd uo��8.z8das .zaMas anz��a33a uE aznsut oy •aut�� siq� �8 suoi��auuo� asaq� ��n,z�suo� aM �su� �sanbaz no� �su� �sa��ns aM �uoos doTanap o� usZd no� u��qM �C��ado.zd ______" __'.'_ _._f __ ______________ __`_ _�1 __ _ _- _- - _-__ -_._ _ i J 'U"�.J L �� ' ' �U �J U �J�J� •J L�J L � • 3 i ' MARYl,ANO a � � � a �� �� �C� C � � u o o v�����c� C �b „ , �'� M w � Oi i�N1iY ,w�Rrpat��td � �Ji� ���it�l lNR f .�� � ( w. n � ° � � � . . � _ �� �� C� . . . . . � �-�Q � n� . � w. K .+ >:: U � :•:: •::: .. �O � • �� � s :: �� WAS 1 CTON Q O 1 'u N �:�. JR N�. � � J A z : .... ..... .:::::. � , MA�Y 7 AV E. = M �; �.:....;.� .....: �>� L��� Y � L�<C � � �> ::� ` �.» .�. � W O � ( ?I�� � �_3T .. ...� � , \ � y� 'MAY2ATA r ��-� L � D i1MiEli � y�-iT. � � � TOV�IN6 •..;•,•'::.:�:•`r: ; ST. �MIL/OAO L �� � w :.�w..�.�-::�� L •; � . ' • 1 � 0 � . ' � . . ' • � l �� • r 1� L y {���� � N AVE� ��� � �� LEGEND . � ~ � �.�J � � � � v •• STREET PAVING AND = � >'r•.•::::::�:: � � � � Q ��� � = p��R `'� LI6HTING IMPROVEMENTS �'i l�� ....;.;. a a I��,� � �� STORM SEWER �yJ � � Q U:v �,� INSTALLATION �Q C� � C� ^��� ❑ A_ AK. ��������` STORM SEWER u �� , 7u��uR ASSESSMENT BOUNDARY �ti �-7���1 f'�-1 f"1 P'—� 1�1.�1.r11 t~n STREETS TO BE IMPROVED Geranium Avenue from Woodbridge to Rice Jessamine Avenue from Galtier to Rice Cook Avenue from Galtier to Rice Lawson Avenue from Mackubin to Norton and from Western to Virginia and from Matilda to Rice Hatch Avenue from Western to Rice Front Avenue from Western to Rice * Topping Street from Mackubin to Western Atwater Street from Como to Rice Norton Street from Lawson to Cook * Municipal State Aid Virginia Street from Front to Lawson Street - no assessment Farrington Street from Front to Lawson for street paving Galtier Street from Front to Cook Marion Street from Front to Lawson and from Cook to Jessamine Woodbridge Street from Front to Lawson and from Cook to Geranium Albemarle Street from Atwater to Milford and from Front to Lawson and from Cook to Geranium Should you request a new storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer connection or water rnnn�rtir�n it �ei11 },c ���o�.��A ..� ...,�...,1 ...,n_ .�,... �,....,�..�s,... Tc --_-• _-- -----°� � � - �G�ao 7a- . _� � � NABY ORD�R , ' �Council File No. 89-1743—By ger J.Goswitz— In the Matter of construct g the Woodbridge/Front Area Storm Sewer Project.(Area is bounded by Ri St:,Geraniurn Ave.,Dale St.and Sycamore St.) , in Voting Wards 18c 5.' ' The Cot�il of the City of 3a t Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the abov+e improvement and having considered said report, hereby resoives: � , 1. That the `said report nd tiie same is hereby ap}sroved with no � alternatives,and that th estimated cost'thereof is$4,458,000,financed by Federal Grants and Loa $1,274,000;State Grants and Loans$1,052,000; Sewer Bonds$1,549,000; esota Department o#Trar�sportation Funds $523,000 and Assessme�t $60;000. 2. That a public hearing had on said improvement on the 21st da � Novemb 9:00 o cicek a.m.;in the Council Chambe!'Sro e ity a and Court House B ilding in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said publ c hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the arter, stating the time and piace of�hearfng, the nature of the improv ment and the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 18577 ,� Adopted by the Council Sept ber 28, 1989, �' Approved SeptemberB9, 19 . ( tober 7-14,1989) - �3 ��r�a�� Members: � ��� CITY O T PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � ,,,,�,,,,;,, . Janice Rettman m� �ru, OFFIC� OF TF3� CITY COIINCIL Tom Dimond f Date: November 15, 989 Com ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Counci From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air 1. Approval of minutes of Novemb r 1, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 12/5/89 Vacation: Petitio of 3M to vacate REANEY Approved 3-0 AVENUE from Mendo a to E. Seventh Street for the purpose o constructing a landscaped green pace and vehicle parking lot. 3. 11/21/89 Final Order: Imp oving the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bi uminous surfaced roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting s stem: Parts of Geranium, Jessami e, Cook, Lawson, Hatch, Front, Topping, A ater, Norton, Virginia, Farrington, Galti r, Marion, Woodbridge and Albemarle. All to be known as the WOODBRIDGE/FRONT REA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 4. 11/21/89 Final Order: For onstruction of the Approved 3-0 WOODBRIDGE/FRONT EA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Area is bounded b Rice Street, Geranium Avenue, Dale Stree and Sycamore 'Street. Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water service conn ctions if requested by property owners. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOO SAINT PAUL, T4INNESOTA 55102 •e � , 5. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Laid over to streets with a bituminous surfaced 12/6/89 roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern. style street lighting system: Parts of Alice Court, Alice Street, Cherokee Avenue, Hall Avenue and Robie Street. All to be known as the CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. 6. 12/5/89 Final Order: For constructing the Laid over to CONCORD/CONGRESS AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 12/6/89 Area bounded by Mississippi River on the north, King Street on the south, Orleans Street on the west and Eva Street (extended) on the east. Also, constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 12/5/89 Final Order: Improving the following Approved 3- streets with a bituminous surfaced 0, with roadway, concrete curb and gutters, amendment concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding and a lantern style street lighting system: Parts of Maryland, Magnolia, Ames, Rose, Barclay, Hazelwood and Mechanic. All to be known as the HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. (Public Works will be recommending that Ames and Hazelwood be deleted) . 8. 12�/5/89 Fina1 Order: For constructing the Approved 3- HAZELWOOD/MAGNOLIA AREA STORM SEWER 0, with PROJECT. Area bounded on the north by amendment Maryland from Barclay to 110 feet west of Herbert, by Magnolia from Johnson Parkway to Barclay, on the south by the RR right- of-way from Johnson Parkway to Hazelwood, all of Jessamine Lane, Ames Avenue from Jessamine to 150 feet west of Kingsford, on the west by Clarence from RR right-of- way to Magnolia and Barclay from Magnolia to Maryland, on the east by a line from Maryland to Ames approximately 130 feet west of Herbert to 150 feet west of Kingsford following a previously assessed storm sewer boundary. Also constructing sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners.