99-1201` ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aG a WHEREAS, the RiverCentre Authority (RCA) pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138, requires the Authority to submit an a annual budget to the Mayor and Clty Council, and 5 io ti ia 13 14 15 16 n �a is zo za � 23 2a 2s 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, the City may modify the budget the RCA has adopted for each year only with respect to those amounts proposed to be financed with General Fund revenues of the City, and WHEREAS, the RCA has adopted a budget at its' November 24, 1999 meeting subject to the approval oF the City Council, and WHEREAS, the RCA has submitted a balanced budget and the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.02 of the ci[y charter, does recommend the adoption of the submitted budget, now BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota 1969, the RCA budget for the fiscai year beginning January 1, 2000 as adopted by the RiverCent�e Authority is hereby approved. Adoption C rtified by Council Secretary: � By: � n ....�.� Approved by Mayor: Date �� f�� -� i By: RESOLUTION �AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Fi�ancial Se�vices Office BY Council File # qq •�a.b ` Green Sheet# 103128 Adopted by Council: Date � \S ��`�� � Approval Recommended by Budget Directot: g � YY� �� °�_ �� OEPAATME:IT/OFFICE/COUNLIL DAISMITIATED _l R �, �t FinancialServicesOffice 10-21-99 GREEN SHEET NO. 103128 CpNtACTPER$ON&PHONE a DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR �5 QTYCOIINQL Joe Reid 266 - 8545 � a'n' "rmwu�r Q c�n a.�rs� MU5lBEtlNCOUNQLAGENDABY(DATE) �3 FMAIJQN-SEROFF.D11t a6 FW.SEROFF.ACCfG. December 15, 1999 Qa Mwrox�ortassrsr Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnox rsEQUes�� Approve the Sain[ Paul RivecCenhe Authority proposed budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve(A)mRryeU(R) PERSONAL SERViCE COY7RACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING QlJESTIO�iS: PLA�W.IYGLObAfIST10N QVILSERViCECOMAll5510N l.Nazthicptrsov/fli[1leverworkCdWdttacovUBC[foYtLisdCPa[�rtltv[? QBCObLNITfEE _ YES NO w_SruF(Caeot'uy8ova) _ 2.Fluthispe[soNfumeverbemacityemployee? DISiRICi'COURZ _ YES NO sueeoz'rs wH�cx Cotmac oBhCm'e� 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill notnonnally possessed by any curtent city employa? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate shee[ and a[tach to green SLeeL) INIiIAIING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORlLNITY (Who. u'hat H'�. �R. �Y)" The Ciry has�the responsibility to approve the RiverCentre Authoriry budge[ for the year 2000. AOVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The RiverCentre Authority will have an approved plan for spending and financing. DiSADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED. None Di5A0VANTAGE50PNdtAPPAO�ED The City will not have complied with Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138. TOiALAM1IOi!NTOPTRANSACROM1 N/A COS1'/REVENUEBWGEiED(CLLtCL60NEJ VES NO PUNDINGSOORCE AC1lVIIV AUNHEA 9V1J - M XXX �XXXX FLNANCf AL l�.'EQItMAtlON: (EXPLA[N) SaiM Paul BYtlBet Olflce m:W5ER51BU0GETlt231ResolutlolareslRVrcntre00.WK4), xx��a-�v /. �'� _ J Z...i 12/09/99 09:37 FA% 651 265 4899 RIVERCEN172E �1002 RIVERCEM'RE �� aO 1 ' ' 2000 OPERATING BUDGET �� t 1999 1999 1998 1997 2000 Rolli�g Approved SeGion Adonted F re gudaet R�UjI� $€�.IdIS Reference Eventincome and Expense Atea Rentals S �,725,049 $ 1,074,8A9 $ 1,370,773 $ 1,�88,969 $ 758.347 A Service Income 7,454,895 7,248,038 '1,436,437 1,341,490 1,753,486 A Box Office Inwme 114,556 '127,469 103,44i 108,437 i53,73Q A Total Event fncome 2.794,502 2,450,356 2,912,651 2.638,896 2,065.563 Tofal Event Fxpense (4.827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,679) ('1,766,997) (1,807,064) A Net Event Ineome 966,9�6 853,842 1.1'17.972 871,899 256,499 Ancilfary I�come Food & Beverage Novelties Faciliry Fees Parking Total Ancillary lncome 67'1,267 487,239 653,869 1,152,263 923,758 54,372 45,29'I 35,526 65,70D 67,872 � 67,265 69,7a4 45,045 3�2,573 397,423 7,010,440 836,096 992,032 806,930 864,160 1,603,344 7,438,330 '1.726,472 2,327,466 2,252,553 B B 8 B Topl Event Income Otner Operating Ineome Parking Adverfising Sponsorships In•Kind or Ouldoor Marquee Interest Oifice Space Rent Mscellaneous Totd1 Other Income Adjusted Gross Income Indirect Eupenses DepartmentExpenses FxeCUtive Marketing Finance Operations Box Office Overhead Parking Ramp Total DeparimeM Expense Before ANocation Expenses Allocated to Evenls Net Indirect Expense Opeca<ing Cash Flow BeFOre Debt Service, Onedime Charges 2,T70,250 2292,172 2.644.444 3,199.365 2,511,052 1,430,805 1,234,438 1,337,8Q3 1,291,686 1,368,096 36,000 39.679 36,000 69,070 709,538 333,500 276,250 283,500 11,0�0 - 40,000 5'f2,565 140,000 7,500 30,000 120,000 597,866 120,000 203,783 175,891 137,687 81,661 8t,687 48,044 75,300 76,912 108,357 125,438 '142,187 113,226 2,16E,904 2,050,842 2.924,428 1,773,270 1,812,651 4,939.t54 4,343,014 4,968,87Z 4,972,574 4,323,103 253,736 240,898 306,965 290.696 264,404 464,476 512,046 517,928 496,560 344,682 184,005 762,098 162,346 "145,668 934,152 2,501,776 2,233.156 2,571,461 2,407,518 2,145,079 169,268 160,Ot6 161.235 179,247 228,346 1,576,748 1,625,639 1,622,392 '1,439,941 1,025,474 951,836 883,209 916,661 994.160 988,779 6,101,786 5,857,062 6,'f98,985 5,954,090 5,�30,9'I6 (1,827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,674) (1,766,997) (1,507,064) 4274,190 4,220,548 4,404,309 4,187,093 3,323,852 664,964 722,466 564,563 785,481 999,251 Less TI 8ontl Debf Svce 66U.000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 Less Ped. ConnectioNCiry EmAloyee Pkg 42,030 - 28,000 83,961 Less Equipment Lease (lydetest) 121,974 128,125 231,457 TotalDe6t5ervice 824,U04 788,125 891,457 688,000 743,967 Less Rebcation a`W Settlement Fxpenses 55,004 (23,641) 25,000 318,097 196,000 NHL Expenses 194,022 TotalOne-timeCharges 55,000 (23,841) 25,O�D 318,097 390,022 Oper.lacome Without Nnn-Cash ltems $ (214,Q39) $ (641,818) $ (351,894) $ (220 ,616) $ (13 4, 7 32) Non-cash items Write-off uf the remaining book value of Arena Assets 3,6D9,460 Depreciation 504,204 546,186 396,46'I 529,Q57 564,386 Net Operating Income �LOSS) $ (718.243) $ (7,'188,004) $ (748,355) $ (4,359,733) $ (699,718) C C C C C C C D E F G H J Section A 200D ADOPTED BUDGE7.xls ROLLING FOREGAST Page 1 of 1 12/9/i 999 636 AM ` ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aG a WHEREAS, the RiverCentre Authority (RCA) pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138, requires the Authority to submit an a annual budget to the Mayor and Clty Council, and 5 io ti ia 13 14 15 16 n �a is zo za � 23 2a 2s 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, the City may modify the budget the RCA has adopted for each year only with respect to those amounts proposed to be financed with General Fund revenues of the City, and WHEREAS, the RCA has adopted a budget at its' November 24, 1999 meeting subject to the approval oF the City Council, and WHEREAS, the RCA has submitted a balanced budget and the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.02 of the ci[y charter, does recommend the adoption of the submitted budget, now BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota 1969, the RCA budget for the fiscai year beginning January 1, 2000 as adopted by the RiverCent�e Authority is hereby approved. Adoption C rtified by Council Secretary: � By: � n ....�.� Approved by Mayor: Date �� f�� -� i By: RESOLUTION �AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Fi�ancial Se�vices Office BY Council File # qq •�a.b ` Green Sheet# 103128 Adopted by Council: Date � \S ��`�� � Approval Recommended by Budget Directot: g � YY� �� °�_ �� OEPAATME:IT/OFFICE/COUNLIL DAISMITIATED _l R �, �t FinancialServicesOffice 10-21-99 GREEN SHEET NO. 103128 CpNtACTPER$ON&PHONE a DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR �5 QTYCOIINQL Joe Reid 266 - 8545 � a'n' "rmwu�r Q c�n a.�rs� MU5lBEtlNCOUNQLAGENDABY(DATE) �3 FMAIJQN-SEROFF.D11t a6 FW.SEROFF.ACCfG. December 15, 1999 Qa Mwrox�ortassrsr Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnox rsEQUes�� Approve the Sain[ Paul RivecCenhe Authority proposed budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve(A)mRryeU(R) PERSONAL SERViCE COY7RACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING QlJESTIO�iS: PLA�W.IYGLObAfIST10N QVILSERViCECOMAll5510N l.Nazthicptrsov/fli[1leverworkCdWdttacovUBC[foYtLisdCPa[�rtltv[? QBCObLNITfEE _ YES NO w_SruF(Caeot'uy8ova) _ 2.Fluthispe[soNfumeverbemacityemployee? DISiRICi'COURZ _ YES NO sueeoz'rs wH�cx Cotmac oBhCm'e� 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill notnonnally possessed by any curtent city employa? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate shee[ and a[tach to green SLeeL) INIiIAIING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORlLNITY (Who. u'hat H'�. �R. �Y)" The Ciry has�the responsibility to approve the RiverCentre Authoriry budge[ for the year 2000. AOVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The RiverCentre Authority will have an approved plan for spending and financing. DiSADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED. None Di5A0VANTAGE50PNdtAPPAO�ED The City will not have complied with Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138. TOiALAM1IOi!NTOPTRANSACROM1 N/A COS1'/REVENUEBWGEiED(CLLtCL60NEJ VES NO PUNDINGSOORCE AC1lVIIV AUNHEA 9V1J - M XXX �XXXX FLNANCf AL l�.'EQItMAtlON: (EXPLA[N) SaiM Paul BYtlBet Olflce m:W5ER51BU0GETlt231ResolutlolareslRVrcntre00.WK4), xx��a-�v /. �'� _ J Z...i 12/09/99 09:37 FA% 651 265 4899 RIVERCEN172E �1002 RIVERCEM'RE �� aO 1 ' ' 2000 OPERATING BUDGET �� t 1999 1999 1998 1997 2000 Rolli�g Approved SeGion Adonted F re gudaet R�UjI� $€�.IdIS Reference Eventincome and Expense Atea Rentals S �,725,049 $ 1,074,8A9 $ 1,370,773 $ 1,�88,969 $ 758.347 A Service Income 7,454,895 7,248,038 '1,436,437 1,341,490 1,753,486 A Box Office Inwme 114,556 '127,469 103,44i 108,437 i53,73Q A Total Event fncome 2.794,502 2,450,356 2,912,651 2.638,896 2,065.563 Tofal Event Fxpense (4.827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,679) ('1,766,997) (1,807,064) A Net Event Ineome 966,9�6 853,842 1.1'17.972 871,899 256,499 Ancilfary I�come Food & Beverage Novelties Faciliry Fees Parking Total Ancillary lncome 67'1,267 487,239 653,869 1,152,263 923,758 54,372 45,29'I 35,526 65,70D 67,872 � 67,265 69,7a4 45,045 3�2,573 397,423 7,010,440 836,096 992,032 806,930 864,160 1,603,344 7,438,330 '1.726,472 2,327,466 2,252,553 B B 8 B Topl Event Income Otner Operating Ineome Parking Adverfising Sponsorships In•Kind or Ouldoor Marquee Interest Oifice Space Rent Mscellaneous Totd1 Other Income Adjusted Gross Income Indirect Eupenses DepartmentExpenses FxeCUtive Marketing Finance Operations Box Office Overhead Parking Ramp Total DeparimeM Expense Before ANocation Expenses Allocated to Evenls Net Indirect Expense Opeca<ing Cash Flow BeFOre Debt Service, Onedime Charges 2,T70,250 2292,172 2.644.444 3,199.365 2,511,052 1,430,805 1,234,438 1,337,8Q3 1,291,686 1,368,096 36,000 39.679 36,000 69,070 709,538 333,500 276,250 283,500 11,0�0 - 40,000 5'f2,565 140,000 7,500 30,000 120,000 597,866 120,000 203,783 175,891 137,687 81,661 8t,687 48,044 75,300 76,912 108,357 125,438 '142,187 113,226 2,16E,904 2,050,842 2.924,428 1,773,270 1,812,651 4,939.t54 4,343,014 4,968,87Z 4,972,574 4,323,103 253,736 240,898 306,965 290.696 264,404 464,476 512,046 517,928 496,560 344,682 184,005 762,098 162,346 "145,668 934,152 2,501,776 2,233.156 2,571,461 2,407,518 2,145,079 169,268 160,Ot6 161.235 179,247 228,346 1,576,748 1,625,639 1,622,392 '1,439,941 1,025,474 951,836 883,209 916,661 994.160 988,779 6,101,786 5,857,062 6,'f98,985 5,954,090 5,�30,9'I6 (1,827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,674) (1,766,997) (1,507,064) 4274,190 4,220,548 4,404,309 4,187,093 3,323,852 664,964 722,466 564,563 785,481 999,251 Less TI 8ontl Debf Svce 66U.000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 Less Ped. ConnectioNCiry EmAloyee Pkg 42,030 - 28,000 83,961 Less Equipment Lease (lydetest) 121,974 128,125 231,457 TotalDe6t5ervice 824,U04 788,125 891,457 688,000 743,967 Less Rebcation a`W Settlement Fxpenses 55,004 (23,641) 25,000 318,097 196,000 NHL Expenses 194,022 TotalOne-timeCharges 55,000 (23,841) 25,O�D 318,097 390,022 Oper.lacome Without Nnn-Cash ltems $ (214,Q39) $ (641,818) $ (351,894) $ (220 ,616) $ (13 4, 7 32) Non-cash items Write-off uf the remaining book value of Arena Assets 3,6D9,460 Depreciation 504,204 546,186 396,46'I 529,Q57 564,386 Net Operating Income �LOSS) $ (718.243) $ (7,'188,004) $ (748,355) $ (4,359,733) $ (699,718) C C C C C C C D E F G H J Section A 200D ADOPTED BUDGE7.xls ROLLING FOREGAST Page 1 of 1 12/9/i 999 636 AM ` ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aG a WHEREAS, the RiverCentre Authority (RCA) pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138, requires the Authority to submit an a annual budget to the Mayor and Clty Council, and 5 io ti ia 13 14 15 16 n �a is zo za � 23 2a 2s 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 43 WHEREAS, the City may modify the budget the RCA has adopted for each year only with respect to those amounts proposed to be financed with General Fund revenues of the City, and WHEREAS, the RCA has adopted a budget at its' November 24, 1999 meeting subject to the approval oF the City Council, and WHEREAS, the RCA has submitted a balanced budget and the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.02 of the ci[y charter, does recommend the adoption of the submitted budget, now BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota 1969, the RCA budget for the fiscai year beginning January 1, 2000 as adopted by the RiverCent�e Authority is hereby approved. Adoption C rtified by Council Secretary: � By: � n ....�.� Approved by Mayor: Date �� f�� -� i By: RESOLUTION �AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Fi�ancial Se�vices Office BY Council File # qq •�a.b ` Green Sheet# 103128 Adopted by Council: Date � \S ��`�� � Approval Recommended by Budget Directot: g � YY� �� °�_ �� OEPAATME:IT/OFFICE/COUNLIL DAISMITIATED _l R �, �t FinancialServicesOffice 10-21-99 GREEN SHEET NO. 103128 CpNtACTPER$ON&PHONE a DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR �5 QTYCOIINQL Joe Reid 266 - 8545 � a'n' "rmwu�r Q c�n a.�rs� MU5lBEtlNCOUNQLAGENDABY(DATE) �3 FMAIJQN-SEROFF.D11t a6 FW.SEROFF.ACCfG. December 15, 1999 Qa Mwrox�ortassrsr Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnox rsEQUes�� Approve the Sain[ Paul RivecCenhe Authority proposed budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve(A)mRryeU(R) PERSONAL SERViCE COY7RACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING QlJESTIO�iS: PLA�W.IYGLObAfIST10N QVILSERViCECOMAll5510N l.Nazthicptrsov/fli[1leverworkCdWdttacovUBC[foYtLisdCPa[�rtltv[? QBCObLNITfEE _ YES NO w_SruF(Caeot'uy8ova) _ 2.Fluthispe[soNfumeverbemacityemployee? DISiRICi'COURZ _ YES NO sueeoz'rs wH�cx Cotmac oBhCm'e� 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill notnonnally possessed by any curtent city employa? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate shee[ and a[tach to green SLeeL) INIiIAIING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORlLNITY (Who. u'hat H'�. �R. �Y)" The Ciry has�the responsibility to approve the RiverCentre Authoriry budge[ for the year 2000. AOVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The RiverCentre Authority will have an approved plan for spending and financing. DiSADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED. None Di5A0VANTAGE50PNdtAPPAO�ED The City will not have complied with Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1138. TOiALAM1IOi!NTOPTRANSACROM1 N/A COS1'/REVENUEBWGEiED(CLLtCL60NEJ VES NO PUNDINGSOORCE AC1lVIIV AUNHEA 9V1J - M XXX �XXXX FLNANCf AL l�.'EQItMAtlON: (EXPLA[N) SaiM Paul BYtlBet Olflce m:W5ER51BU0GETlt231ResolutlolareslRVrcntre00.WK4), xx��a-�v /. �'� _ J Z...i 12/09/99 09:37 FA% 651 265 4899 RIVERCEN172E �1002 RIVERCEM'RE �� aO 1 ' ' 2000 OPERATING BUDGET �� t 1999 1999 1998 1997 2000 Rolli�g Approved SeGion Adonted F re gudaet R�UjI� $€�.IdIS Reference Eventincome and Expense Atea Rentals S �,725,049 $ 1,074,8A9 $ 1,370,773 $ 1,�88,969 $ 758.347 A Service Income 7,454,895 7,248,038 '1,436,437 1,341,490 1,753,486 A Box Office Inwme 114,556 '127,469 103,44i 108,437 i53,73Q A Total Event fncome 2.794,502 2,450,356 2,912,651 2.638,896 2,065.563 Tofal Event Fxpense (4.827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,679) ('1,766,997) (1,807,064) A Net Event Ineome 966,9�6 853,842 1.1'17.972 871,899 256,499 Ancilfary I�come Food & Beverage Novelties Faciliry Fees Parking Total Ancillary lncome 67'1,267 487,239 653,869 1,152,263 923,758 54,372 45,29'I 35,526 65,70D 67,872 � 67,265 69,7a4 45,045 3�2,573 397,423 7,010,440 836,096 992,032 806,930 864,160 1,603,344 7,438,330 '1.726,472 2,327,466 2,252,553 B B 8 B Topl Event Income Otner Operating Ineome Parking Adverfising Sponsorships In•Kind or Ouldoor Marquee Interest Oifice Space Rent Mscellaneous Totd1 Other Income Adjusted Gross Income Indirect Eupenses DepartmentExpenses FxeCUtive Marketing Finance Operations Box Office Overhead Parking Ramp Total DeparimeM Expense Before ANocation Expenses Allocated to Evenls Net Indirect Expense Opeca<ing Cash Flow BeFOre Debt Service, Onedime Charges 2,T70,250 2292,172 2.644.444 3,199.365 2,511,052 1,430,805 1,234,438 1,337,8Q3 1,291,686 1,368,096 36,000 39.679 36,000 69,070 709,538 333,500 276,250 283,500 11,0�0 - 40,000 5'f2,565 140,000 7,500 30,000 120,000 597,866 120,000 203,783 175,891 137,687 81,661 8t,687 48,044 75,300 76,912 108,357 125,438 '142,187 113,226 2,16E,904 2,050,842 2.924,428 1,773,270 1,812,651 4,939.t54 4,343,014 4,968,87Z 4,972,574 4,323,103 253,736 240,898 306,965 290.696 264,404 464,476 512,046 517,928 496,560 344,682 184,005 762,098 162,346 "145,668 934,152 2,501,776 2,233.156 2,571,461 2,407,518 2,145,079 169,268 160,Ot6 161.235 179,247 228,346 1,576,748 1,625,639 1,622,392 '1,439,941 1,025,474 951,836 883,209 916,661 994.160 988,779 6,101,786 5,857,062 6,'f98,985 5,954,090 5,�30,9'I6 (1,827,596) (7,596,514) (1,794,674) (1,766,997) (1,507,064) 4274,190 4,220,548 4,404,309 4,187,093 3,323,852 664,964 722,466 564,563 785,481 999,251 Less TI 8ontl Debf Svce 66U.000 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 Less Ped. ConnectioNCiry EmAloyee Pkg 42,030 - 28,000 83,961 Less Equipment Lease (lydetest) 121,974 128,125 231,457 TotalDe6t5ervice 824,U04 788,125 891,457 688,000 743,967 Less Rebcation a`W Settlement Fxpenses 55,004 (23,641) 25,000 318,097 196,000 NHL Expenses 194,022 TotalOne-timeCharges 55,000 (23,841) 25,O�D 318,097 390,022 Oper.lacome Without Nnn-Cash ltems $ (214,Q39) $ (641,818) $ (351,894) $ (220 ,616) $ (13 4, 7 32) Non-cash items Write-off uf the remaining book value of Arena Assets 3,6D9,460 Depreciation 504,204 546,186 396,46'I 529,Q57 564,386 Net Operating Income �LOSS) $ (718.243) $ (7,'188,004) $ (748,355) $ (4,359,733) $ (699,718) C C C C C C C D E F G H J Section A 200D ADOPTED BUDGE7.xls ROLLING FOREGAST Page 1 of 1 12/9/i 999 636 AM