89-2064 WHITE - CtTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV -'DEPARTMENT � e NO. BLUE - MAVOR � o,�nci es tion ���� �`�� t l Presented By ~ � Re e`re o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pu lic Library was built in 1917 with a projected functional life 25 years; and WHEREAS, the building has r ached its capacity to house books and other media; and WHEREAS, the building does ot provide adequate public seating; and WHEREAS, the building also annot aceommodate new technology that is needed in modern librari s; and WHEREAS, a feasibility stud has shown that a renovation program for the library could solve the aforementioned problems and still preserve or enhance the bui ding' s historic and aesthetic character; and WHEREAS, no funding is curr ntly available for the project; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pub ic Library has provided important services for the employees nd residents of the State of Minnesota: o the Saint Paul Pu lic Library has, for almost 20 years, provided informat 'on and materials loan service via a contractual agree ent to over two hundred public libraries through ut greater Minnesota; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman B sche;n�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Passed by Counci] Secretary BY sy Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK CO�1flC11 /'� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CRNARV -'DEPARTMENT (� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. /���OG T� � ounci Resolution - � , ,; Presented By ��"'"� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date o these requests cu rently average 135 per operating day and cover a wide ange of topics; and o the Saint Paul Pu lic Library provides information support to the Mi nesota Correctional Facilities at Stillwater and Oa Park Heights through contractual arrangement; WHEREAS, the total cost of he Saint Paul Library expansion will be $15 million. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, hat the City of Saint Paul urges the State Legislature to provid bonding for $10 million of the $15 million required for the li rary renovation project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha the City of Saint Paul will be responsible for raising public and private funds for the remainder of the project co t. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � I.o� _� [n Favor GoswitZ �b;� a Against By Sonnen Wilson {�oV z � '� Form by Cit orn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified W • ed by Council Secre ary BY //� By �,cT'c' /�pprove b Mavor: Oate N� 2 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY 'UBItS�D �J E C � 1989 , . , ��t aa�� DEPARTMENTlOFFI(�JCOUNdL DATE INITIA D �yor 11/1 is9 GREEN SHEET No. 4��� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNdI Bonnie Balach 4323 �� �CITY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU7'INO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MQT.8ERV1�8 OIR. 11/21/89 ❑�u►va+ca+�ss�sru�T► ❑ TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION REGUESTED: Full Council approval of 1990 Legi lative items already approved by the City Council Legislation Committee 11/13/$9 RECOAAMENDATIONB:Approve py a Rejsct(R) COUNLML MMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO C06AMIS&ON _CML SERVICE COMMI8810N ANA�YBT PIiONE NO. _GB OOMMITTEE — OOMMENTS: _3TAFF _ _DI8TRICT COURT _ 8UPPORT3 WHICH Oa1NpL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,Whsn,WMro,Why): ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DI$ADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i 80URCE ACTIVITY NUM�R FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Q�(T/ � � �'� -- � v� � - :�� �� r ���.. :e�xs�:fi� } CITY OF SAINT PAUL "" '''" � OFFICE O THE CITY COUNCIL 4� ...� Date: November 22, 1989 JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President REC����n Members: ��'�(��g Jim Scheibel, Chair '� Committee-of-the- C`.��� CL�K't< Who 1 e COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATIO COMMITTEE l. Approval of the Minutes f the October 2, 1989, meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL 2 . Saint Paul Initiated Le islation: St. Paul Riverfront Es anade COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES Central Libra Ex ansi n Plan COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES Parks and Recreation: i uor Licenses A NEW ORDINANCE WILL BE DRAFTED BY JANE McPEAK. THE TITLE OF THIS HAS BEEN CHANGE TO 3/2 BEER AND WINE Urban Cor s Interns and PERA Contributions COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL S ecial Assessments Def'nition Chan e COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL Presumptive Legislation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL WITH AMENDED LANGUAGE Delin ent Water Char e COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A PROVAL CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s�ae Print on 100qo Recycled Paper THE COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION 3 . St. Paul Supported Legislation. � Combined Sewer Overflow Fundina COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Contaminated Lands COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Performance Bond Triqqer Recision COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS Metropolitan State University COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT TO ADOPT ST. PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATION chr