89-2058 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANGE CANARV - OEPARTMEN7 GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE -MAVOR File NO• D� . K ci l� ol��an �a 1 /�" - � Presented By ` ��` erre o -� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Ramsey County and t e City of Saint Paul are required by state law to obtain performa ce bonds in all contracts exceeding $2 ,000 that involve labor; a d WHEREAS, this $2 , 000 trigger was established in 1962 and has not been adjusted to account for changes in project costs; and WHEREAS, the bond trigger do s not give the City needed flexibility in calculating p oject risks and tailoring security measures to specific situati ns; and WHEREAS, the current statute is harmful to small businesses that can responsibly perform the ork but may not have the track record to obtain a performan e bond; and WHEREAS, this law is therefo e detrimental to the City' s efforts to help small businesses; an WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Bond Committee recommends that the City seek adjustment of the trigg r; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, t at the City of Saint Paul supports the efforts of Ramsey County to persuade the Legislature to adjust the $2 , 000 bond trigg r provided that clear, articulable and non-discriminatory stand rds for the waiver are substituted. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .� Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Retttnan s�ne;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson ��V 2 � � Form rov by City A rn Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Y•ssed by Council Secretary By _ ��� r� By ' A►pprov Mavor: Date I _ r � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY �161IS�11 D E� 2 19$9 � (����� DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATE �. or 11/�4/ 9 GREEN SHEET No. 52�8�TE CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �¢ITY WUNpL � nnie Balach 4323 N� �CITY ATTORNEY �GITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGI AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINfi �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.SERVICE8 DIR. 1 21 89 ❑"""v°R�"ssisr""n � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES (CUP AiLL. TION8 FOR 813NATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Full Council approval of 1990 Legisl tive items already approved by the City Council Legislation Committe� 1 /13/89 RE EN TIONS:�pprovb(N a Ry�ct(Fq EFJRE�EARCII REPORT _PLANNINO WMMISSION _pVIL SERVI�OOMMIS810N ��� �E�. _C�CONIMITTEE _ COAAAAEN78: _STAF'F _ —WB'TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WMlpi COUNpL OBJECTIVET INffIATINO PPoOBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Wlp.WMt,WMn.Whsrs.WI�: A�/ANTIUiES IF APPROVED: D18I1DNI11dTIlOES IF APPROVED: D�SADVANTApEB IF NOT IWPROVED: TOTAL ANOUNT OF TRANBACTION COST/REVENUE WDOETED(CIRC�E ONE) YES NO FUNp1Np S� ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANGAL tNFOR�AIITION:(EXPWN) �� ��- � �.�-� �' ' � .t'' CITY O SAINT PAUL ,:�:�:� ` . ; �':`�':." ' OFFICE O THE CITY COUNCIL �. Dat : November 22, 1989 JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President RECF���n ����� Members: ��� Jim Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the- C�.��� CLE4t't< who 1 e COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATIO COMMITTEE l. Approval of the Minutes f the October 2, 1989, meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A ROVAL 2 . Saint Paul Initiated Leg' slation: St. Paul Riverfront Es 1 nade COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP ROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES Central Librar Ex ansio Plan COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP ROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES Parks and Recreation: L or Licenses A NEW ORDINANCE WILL BE RAFTED BY JANE McPEAK. THE TITLE OF THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 3/2 BEER AND WINE Urban Cor s Interns and ERA Contributions COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP ROVAL S ecial Assessments Defi ition Chan e COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP ROVAL Presumptive Legislation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP ROVAL WITH AMENDED LANGUAGE Delinquent Water Char.qes COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AP OVAL CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 6l2/298-5679 8�46 Ptinted o 100o/a Recycled Paper THE COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION 3 . St. Paul Supported Legislation. � Combined Sewer Overflow Fundinq COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Contaminated Lands COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Per€e�nancE Bond Trigger ReCision COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS Metropolitan State Universitv COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT TO ADOPT ST. PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATION chr