89-2049 , WMITE - CI7V CLERK COVQCIl � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L �Q - �Q�g CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - � Counci Resolution _���; Presented Referred To C Committee: Date ��—�� �� Out of Committee By Date An administrative R solution establishing the rate of pay for Pay oll Clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of C mpensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay or the title of Payroll Clerk be set forth a� in Gradey2�'+, Section ID1, of the Cle ical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it -��i�-R��iT�-t�at-tk�#s-�e es�#en-s�ra��-�e.�e--���-a��#tr€e�e�-�- ��e-€#��-�e�-��e�-�€�e�-��ie-�a e�-a�sva��-�-��#e�'-��-��e---- �eee��#e�T RESOLVED, that this will include both AFSCME and Confidential Pa roll Clerks; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this reso ution will be retroactive to Jul 14, 1990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays _ ._ Dimond FFICE OF PERSONN ABOR RELATIONS �ng � In Favor Goswitz Rettman ��.s�. Scheibel � _ Against �' „ ..�. Wilson � 1 r.�+ MQR ` �`'�' Form App ve y C' Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P��by Co il Secre ry BY By A►ppro ed b Mavor: Date �1�� MAR � � � Appro by Mayor for Sub io to C�uncil gy /� ���J,E���C�—�'--� B ____�/r� ' P�AlIS�ED MAR 16 91 t . �.� . ..� � �-.� ! ::� �� WHITE :ea+,•-CITV CLERK � ..� „ , ((""� PINK� — FINANCE S � CANARV —DEPARTMENT GITY sO �SAINT PAUL FleciiNO. �� 4 Ir`` tJt'.J BLUE —.MAVOR /�{ C �� I � Counc Resolution �Presented � Referred To ' Committee: Date � � " �'� � Out of Committee By Date �a ad�istzstif�e lotio�r �tstilis�in� t� rat� Qi ps�r for ts1 12 Clort ig t� 8tiary . rl,� so� Rsc.a of �.tsoa� t,�.ol�tiog. , �,_.<:. ��,yyap, tbat the sst� ot � �x tLa� titis af Pajs�a►11 Clark � aet �ort� tn Grada 2#. �cti�a IDl, �f t� Cl.s St�dsrd �s� i�n t� islas3 pl� s�rd ��'" �at�s Qf Co■��aatia�� sad 1r� it � ' � sswi+�ii�w. -`�,,.; i�0[.Y�. C�at thi� viil itrcltq�t b�otA i�Ml� �dt� COOfl�otial I C1+rt'!ts awd b� it �.,�� � �E�4Y11D, t�t tbia t�t viil bf t+�ttrc�.'�is� fA 14, I99a. � \ , ����, COUNCIL MEMBERS . Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond �Z�� ��e � In Favor ' Goswitz `- Rettman � .r� scheine� Against �BY'-. - .. Sonnen \ Wilson a Adopted by Council: Date MAR 7 �99� Form Ap�rove�.by City Attorney �� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� '-` � ` Bl _,- A►pproved by Mavor:- Date Appraved by Ma r for Submission to Council _ By �3' � - fi r . � �a�y � CITY O SA1NT PAUL ' iiei�tl�t0 OFFICE O THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED Members: JANICE RETTMAN Janice Rettman, Chd�l�rjECOLLINS Councilperson MAR 0 6 1991 Roger Goswi tz �g��ative Assistant Paula Maccabee CITY CL-ERK �ATHYZIEMAN I.egislative Assistant COM ITTEE REPORT FINANCE, MANAGEME , AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE . FEBR ARY 25, 1991 1. Call to order; introduction of embers, staff, guests; announcement of si n-u sheet a roval of minu es of Februar 11 1991 meetin . Minutes were approved 3-0. ,_ . Resolution 89-2049 - establishi g the rate of Payroll Clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation esolution. (Referred from Council 11/21/89, laid over in Committ 12/4/89, 4/16/90 and 8/13/90) Approved, 2 votes in favor and abstentian, with reconunendation to amend to Grade 29 and that it include both AFSCME people and the confidential payroll person. Com�nittee agr d that it be retroactive for the pay periods covering the month of J 1 . 3. Resolution 91-8 - changing the ate of pay for Telecommunicator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation Resolution, (Referred from Council 1/3/91. Approved substitute resolution -0. Committee agreed that the new pay rate would be retroactive to F ruary 4, 1990. 4. Ordinance 90-1163 - amending Ch pter 5 of the Administrative Code pertaining to Finance Departmen organization. (Referred from Council 7/10/90, laid over in Committee 9/17/90) Committee recommended withdrawa at the request of the Finance Department. 5. Resolution 91-14 - authorizing eimbursement for attorney's fees associated with City of Saint P ul Municipal Election recounts. (Referred from Council 1/3/91) - Committee recorimended indefinit lay over until Councilmember Long can attend a meeting and provide mo e information on the issue. CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 AINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s�.aa Print d on Recycled Paper . .. _ . . _ . .,.__ . .. . ._.:. . . _.: ... .. ... _;. . --> , .. . . . . ., . ...,..� _ r_- �- --� ---- -- --�.._.__�, . -- ----. .. _ . -. _ - _ ; _ ���/��U�l DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �; _. PEO -- Zi2�/9i r`' GREEN SHEET� ..: � N° =�12433 � � CONTACT PERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTORNITI �TE . : �CITY COUNCIL� ORl ��I(IUIIU ` v �,�=�; Da n C O Y�Cl EE J O ASSIGN - �CITY ATTORNEY _'. �CITY CLEAK `� " NUMBER FOR ., ,�.T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING . a BUDGET DIRECTOR . �FIN.3 MGT.SERVICES DIR. • ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � . TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES - (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,'-� �' . . ,; . ,. -_ :. . . ,_, ; , : :.., : ACTION REQUESTED: ;_ _. , _ _. : - ,,. ,,... ,., ... ... ,_ ;, . :�, �: .> . - Amendment of Chapter 10 of the St.'Paul �.Administrative Code;' R2orgam zing � � : ' the Department of Planning and Economic DeVelopment� ,: - _ . _ � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contracf for'this department? '. -CIB COMMITTEE : ,',.YES NO . , ... _ — 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? , ; _STAFF _ , .YES NO _ . . _ . ; . ,. _DISTRICT CouR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employeeT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 ,YES NO ' ' Explaln all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whal,When,Where,Why): . .- -. : Mayor Scheibel instruct�d�that:;P.ED=6e'�r.eorganized:�to.�4.: - _ � - encourage financial partnerships in economic development, focusi.ng on job .retention, existing businesses and gap financing - . ._ . - ' - emphasize preservation of existing housing, homeownership, �partnerships for rehab program ,� and implementa�ion of the city-wide housing plan - _ , _ .� - continue corrprehensive/policy planning, small area planning,-zoning/land use � � ��:ANTAGES IF APPROVED: `�";:' . - . - = - PED can move forward to develop� required partnerships with business community - and neighborhoods, and s�rvice providers; PED_ can develop :community-wide . _ � . _ ; , partnersnips to provide more focused planning framework� for decision=making ��- .� .- ' for both local and city-wide issues. - � . , � < . .; : : :-: : . .t DiSADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � None . : � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Possibility of no improvement in working relationships with business community `_� and neighborhoods; continued inefficiencies related to current organizational structure. _ . . � r.�` TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) � YES NO � ; FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) • ..`1�/ � dc�e. r�� Q��Q� � . �3�� ,VTE — G��v CLE�iK C�l1I1C11 // K �, _ ���.tice . �'jITY OF SAINT PAUL �q ' �`7` .r��Rr — OF�"�+iMEtir File �O• � .VE — �n.rOa . . Council esolution � �t_ _nted By '� � ' � /i� .�i�y �/Referred To `` -e-"-`�'=-'- � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Reso tion establishing the rate of pay for Payrol Clerk in the Salary • Plan and Rates of Comp sation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Payroll Clerk be set forth 29 in Grade 2�, Section ID1, of the Cleric 1 Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it ��=�;°�„i�'--,T,--tkat-tkrs-reso�c =vn-si�a��-tai�e-Eff'�Zt-anti-b2'1n-'fa�� �,#,3.�-st.�e�..p�e�i�-a�ter-tke-passagc; approva�;-and-pni��.i�ati�n'of'thi� r�so-l�rt-i� RESOLUED that this will include h_AFSCME and Confidential Pa roll Clerks• and be it '� f FINALLY RESOLUED that this resolu '�on will be retroactive to Jul 14 1990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: y� Nays OFFICE OF PERSONNE ABOR RELATIONS Dimond �„g In Favor Coswiu �.E..,.�y Rettman Against B . $cheibel Sonnen �Ison Form App �e y C't�( Attorney � f�ted by Councii: Date � Certi(ied Passed by Council Secretary By � By pPP�o by Mayor for Subm io to CQuncil Approved by 1f avor: Oate '� 8v BY — ` '�� ,* ' ' ���`�°��9 DEPARTLAENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIA Personn 1 & Labor Relations 10/Q3 89 GREEN SHEET No. 5���� CONTACT PE HONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR.RR f� /D���89 �CITY COUNqL Sher e x4221 � �GTY ATTORNEY �cm cx�K MUBT BE ON COUNpL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINti �BUDQEr DIf�CiOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVIC�8 DiR. �MAYOR(OR A881ST � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACl10N RC-QUE8TED: Establish the rate of pay for the title P yroll Clerk in Clerical Grade 24. ������,_'.�.�:9 �oa��onnoNS:Mc►�c�a�1•�cR) CouNqL EI►RCH REPORT owiIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVIL$ERVICE COMMIS8�N �Y� � " _CIB COMMITTEE _ �g� STAFF _ ��U ll '� . v p� . . , + -. . . L J'i F 4�: ��s����Uf� � su�wHia+couNa�oaiecrrv�a �/Ip� �i"5 0��iCE INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,IS8UE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where,Why): The City uses a number of titles for the rocessing of department or large division payrolls. Primarily, the Clerk III, Clerk-typist II and Accounting Clerk II titles are assigned this responsibility. A study was requested by the Chief Accountant with the goal of developina one class for Payroll-type positions. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: A class will be established that describe the work of payroll oositions in the confidential unit. Hopefully, someday it will be able to be expanded to other City departments. RE�F"11/�� NOV14 DISAOVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: ' f'T•} � At this time, this is a single incumbent lass. The additional cost`i�of�L��t full year would be approximately $1,482.00. If exn nded to all eligible positions in the City, the cost could increase to $5,673.00 per ear and the total number of employees to eight. Council Research Center N OV 9 1989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: -"°- An employee will be underpaid by $1,482.Q annually. R�CEiVE� C CT �`� 19Y,� BUD�'�T :;.'��;:.��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION =1,482.�� d 1111 U d��_Y C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(dRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER fINANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� � °��t, s � . � . .y ���--ao� .:0.: CI Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Councilmember Robert Long, hair Finance, Management and Personnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Directo �,�,,�- ����� � DATE: October 31, 1989 RE: Estimated Budget Impact for R commended Change in Employee Salary Rates ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Pay ollCleik DATED: f0/ 89 Regrade Existing ;;�CX::;:::Cre te New Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs <::;XX::::;Change in osts General Fund 95 21 844 219 Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund Other: Other. Other: TOTALS 95 21 844 219 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: ;>:JfX::;;:Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In eneral Fund. Money Available In A Vacant Position In Aut orized Budget: Money Available By Underspending Appropr ations For Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget or Special Fund Is Attached Other: NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: ;:::rk'X;;:;::Increase Property Taxes By: $7,063 Increase Street Maintenance Assessments B : Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: Other: COMMENTS One incumbent con/idential position,Clerk Ill grade 23,step 8 Current Year Costs:assuming grade 24 and /ective date ol 11/18/89,((1051.14-1019.46J'3,) Next Year Costs:assuming 2.5��COL,(((105 .14-1019.46)"26)`1.025) Current Year Fringes at 21.777a.6 of salaries, ext Year Fringes at 26�.5 0/salaries cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson Department/Office Director: Rafe Viscasillas Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/PAY CLRK 31-Oct-89 > ` � - . • �����Q�y� � � �' S� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Personnel and Labor Relations Classification and Compensation Division 265 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102 612-298-4221 September 13, 1989 Dave Kigin, President Saint Paul Classified Confid ntial Employees Association 265 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Kigin: It has been determined that new class entitled "Payroll Clerk" should be established in the lassified service. I have attached a copy of the class specificati n for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this correspondence, if you wish to discuss this change. If I do not hear from you within that time-frame, I will assume agr ement and will proceed with the process. We will also be processing a esolution establishing the rate of pay at Grade 24 of the Clerical S andard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Reates of Compensation. If y u have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ��r�.�•-� � Sheryl Le, Personnel Manager Classification and Compensatio Division I hereby waive the time remain ng on this 20 day notice for the purpose of establishing this c ass specification. + �`^�"`- °` � �f g igin Da � . � � �g��6�� .( �_,1 .,, � � � ��FiE��:,F� � . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �u` E a'i'1� � OFFICE O THE CITY COUNCIL `� Members: JANICERLTTMAN Janice Rettman, Ch�bjECOLLINS Counc�7person Roger Goswi tz ��ative Assistant Paula Maccabee KATHY ZIEMAN I.egislative tlssistant COM I7TEE REPORT FINANCE, MANAGEME , AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FEBR ARY 25, 1991 1. Call to order; introduction of embers, staff, guests; announcement of si n-u sheet a roval of minu es of Februar 11 1991 meetin . Minutes were approv 3-0. 2. Resolution�2049 - establishi g the rate of Payroll Clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 11/21/89, laid over in Committ e 12/4/89, 4/16/90 and 8/13/90) Approved, 2 votes in favor and abstention, with reconmendation to amend to Grade 29 and that it include both AFSCME people and the confidential payroll person. Committee �en atively agreed tnat it be retroac�ive t� July 1990. A decision will be ade after further discussion w��th J„s�►- Shockley, Personnel Office. __.__�.._�.�.__---- 3. Resolution 91-8 - changing the ate of pay for Telecommunicator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation Resolution, (Referred from Council 1/3/91. Approved substitute resolution 3-0. Comrnittee agreed that the new pay rate would be retroactive to F br;aary 4, 1990. 4. Ordinance 90-1163 - amending Ch pter 5 of the Administrative Code pertaining to Finance Departme t organization. (Referred from Council 7/10/90, laid over in Committe 9/17/90) Comnittee recommended withdraw 1 at the request of the Finance Department. 5. Resolution 91-14 - authorizing eimbursement for attorney's fees associated with City of Saint P ul Municipal Election recounts. (Referred from Council 1/3/91) Committee recommended indefini e lay over until Councilmember Long can attend a meeting and provide m re information on the issue. CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 AINT PAUL,MINNFSOTf�55102 612/298-5289 Sa�46 Prin on Recyded Paper