89-2047 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAUL Council -/�J CANARV - DEPARTMENT � /�(�,"/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��T � Counc l olution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ll1 �/� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #96425) by Roy Berger DBA Automation, Inc. at 1196 E. 7th Stree for a General Repair Garage License, be and the same is here y approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � �� In Favor Goswitz Re��. � __ Against BY G..�� Wilson NOV � ��' ,g8(� Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - _ ,/_ Certified Pa: ed by Council Secreta y By �Q�L7"` � gy, �c�c-G .�;,IeGL!/`7ti' . �� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t�pproved iNavo • te -- � B _ � �`�-'C { Y y B �qpSYp ARA i.. �ud:.�""�rj� .. . �_ � �;� t . . _ . �� a�7 DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI TRATION DATE �-���o� / C -`��" � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �C� � �eV�i �� _ Home Address �� �5 � 7'�t c�'� Business Name � u '�U��-�'f�n Z►'� Home Phone c Business Address ) � �� � �`4'h �'� Type of License(s) �j�-Ylp✓G�f ��.[�i Business Phone �� � � D�73� ��G_�G �� Public Hearing Date - - License I.D. li I �`� a' at 9:00 a.m, in the Council Chambers, G 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � � 3 /� �6� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4f �J��' to Applicant rederal F3rearms �� JJ)t� Public Hc:aring DATE I1�SP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C UTER) CUMMENTS A rov�:d N t A roved � Bldg I & D �a f� �� �L. Health Divn. 1 ' N� �} ! __ � � Fire Dept. � � ! Q/C. � ��,�� , � Yolice Dept. I �Y`� I �� 5 ��� � I� � , O,� License Divn. � I� ����8`1 � C�l�. � City Attorney � � ���a�.��i� �� Date Received: Site Plan 1 I To Council Research � � 3' Lease or Letter I Date from Landlord t4�4 jY � � � � � � � - ������� � ; `' ' CITY F ST. PAUL . DEPAR'Ph�NT CfF FIl�AR ARD MAliAC:H�l41' SffitYYCES LICENSE Pffit�QT DIVISIO�i Theae stateaierrt forma are issued in d�ap icste. Pla�� aasaer all questioos ltiil�y aad completely. This applicstion is thor cl�ecked. Any falailication vill be csuse !or deaial. � �— %/ 19 �% 1. Applicatioa for L, i L r y,= � — (-��_�� •r l l�z � ��- (I.ioen�e) (Perait) 2. Naaie of appli csnt o �^ � c o' 3. If applicant is/haa been a married male, list maidea name '— L. Dnte of birth _ '� - f ? �5�6 Age � Place of birth �'� ,�4 c,� 5. Are you a citizen ot the United Stat s �/�^f Pativ�e �_turalized _ T_.._ 6. Are you a registered voter �O Where T. Hcme sddress � ' �h -�-�' Home telephoa !wr � 8. Preseat business addreas c� _ j`y �i�ss ��� '� ��3/_ 9. Including your present business/empl nt, What bnsiness/e�loys�at ha� yar follo�red for the past five years. Business/F�plvyment Address � `r� ���' � ' l/ �' � F ?'1`�, ' �e�'L,i �'�:� _ �/��Z 7 ti orCrd` ���r.�..p�/•r / 10. P4arried,/��� If ans�rer is "yea", liat nme and address ot apaue 11. ?�tave you ever been arrested for an of ense that haa resulted ia a cao�ietionllV'�� If ans�+�er is "yes", list dates of' ats, where, chargea, coavictiom aad sente�cea. Dste ot arrest 19 _ ' . Vli/'►L:Vi'i � '�'•�' � . VV�il�11V1, s� . . , Date �. arrest _ I9 Wh re CRARGr . CJNV ICTIOii g�� . . . � . _ . ���i ao�� 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name of spouae also) of all persani, corporations,� partnerships, asso istiona ar organizations wt�ich in aaar Wsy have: a. A mortgage interest in the censed premise, �� � � b. A security interest in tt�a 1 nsed premisea, licenae, or l�rniahings o! the licensed premise, l�L'�Z � c. A pramissory note for Punds 1 d for the aperstion o! the licenaed pramiae ZlS� �c//GOco /�vs — S�y./'Gu/ or the purchase o! 'the li cena , ����yr� S'Y�"/zi d. Financially contributed to th purchase of the premise or the licenae it- self L( �-rr r,. e. Ar�r other interest either dir ct or indirect, either financisl or otherwise � in the licensed premise or th license'itaelf, ��'�l -� Attach a copy hereto of an,y and all do nta referred to in this alYidavit. 1?. Give names and addresses of two rson�� residents ot St. Psul, Mim�eavta, aha can give information concerning y . AAI� ADD�iFS3 ' /�-� e� �`�k e�s� GG��csS �4 �' � z co 1-r •c � �``' f' {. 14. Addreas of premisea for �+hich Lic se or Permit is made �- //9'� ,� 77�h Addreas Y6 L Zone classificstia� ` /�u/� �-- <u���.-c 15. BetWeen s+hat croas streets, Which side of street �'ou � 16. Na�e under vhich this buainess rril be conducted /���o�i�S�•'on /`r c. 17. Buai�ss telephone manber 7 �/ lQ. Attach to thia application, a dets led deacription of the design, locstion, aad square footage of the premises to licensed 19• ?re premises noW occupied ��- � t business ���: Yc��� ��'c� H� loag_ f--- � . � . � . � � , . ���q ao�� . . 20.' List license . ich you currently hold, or ionoer�y held, or may have an intere in � �u ���r �. ,0 4 — _ .3 � � 7tti 21. Have�f the licenses liated b you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No . If anarer ia "yes", at dstes aad reasona: - 22. Do you have an interest of aqy t e in ar�y ot.ber busiaeas or buainess premises.y�� I.• answer is "yes", list business bnsiaess address aad telephone nt�ber._ 23. If business is incorporated, give da�e of incorporation ��z- - 198� � and attach copy of Articles of In arporation and miautes of first meeting. 2�. List all officers of the corporat on giving their names, oftice held� hame address, and home and business te ephone numbers: U�-�e '�r��_ ,r�" - t S. S��".i �- �'7`L _._..._� 25. If business is partnership, liet aer(s) address and telephone nt�bers: � Addreas 11el.lto. - 26. Is then ar�yone else who will have an intereat in this buainess o� premiees4 � It answer is "yes",, give name, h address tele�phcne rnmibers aad in rhst manner is tbeir intereat: ,- c ' ,• �� G�c, S � � 7 7 - S 6 3 _ i1��` s s .S� v c .. — �� � � C�`F' S�o , 27. Are yau goin�t to operate this busi ss pereonal�y�fC�f i! aat, who xill operste it: / A� Haoe addresa 2�e1.Ao. - � , , . � � , ����-�j �0�`7 1 � Are you going to have a Mana�er or asaistaat in this businessk� I2 ansrrer is . "yes", gfve name and ho:� address nd home telephone number: • Name Hcme dddress Z3e1.No. 29. Has arlyone yau have named in quest ons 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If anawer is "yes", list n of pers , dates of arrest, where, charges, couvic- � tions aad sentence � ' 30. I %'` ur�derstaad this premise me�y be in- specte � the police,� fire, health and other city officials at aabr and all times when the business is in opera ion. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ✓ bei Pirst duly sworn, deposea and says upon oa h t at he h read the Poregoing stat at bearing his sigaature and lmo►rs the contents thereof, and that the same is t e of his own lmo�+ledge exetpt as to those matters thereia stated upon information d belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed arid sxorn to befoze me i of Applicant thi s 1 CI day oP 19�i �_�� c`�. �r�v., �7.� Notary Public, ��unty, Minnesota , ,y..� ..,,.:,, '�fy cammission expires ,,�,✓ 07 �y y- ' � _ f .t �. :1 , w:t:Y. `!:� v�)iti;tY {,;?.11r-�ti� -il'r?a, , � 'c.'`� �)AKOiA '�'r'��ESO;a ; couNrv � „�,���on Exp�res Jan. 2, i 992 � i . – --.r.,.� --------- - .w.__�._ _ � T— , , . , � City of Saint Paul � J/ ��- , Department of Fi ance and Management Services �'`7�s Licen and Pennit Division 203 City Hall ��-ao�7 St. Paul Minnesota 55102•298-505g APPLIC TION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew Q 0 � . � X [� oa�e 9- 1 y �s� -� Code No. . Title of License From— �"I U 19�To Q' !`� 19�Q �;��u `j�f , ,, �°° `�c��� ���f��r - � ./1 -ApplieantlCompany Name • 100 `� 1..,.i ,'�1�-� ,/`ti�/�11 l -1�1 �� Buainess Name 100 �.j Cf LG' /'h G^' � Busineaa Addrosa Phon�Na 100 �� .'>:�}rr�E ... �� Mail to Address Phon�No. 100 `�_� —'� _ �/Y L "�jP r Ma apeNOwner•Name 100 !�S� � 7'f` ��`- f 2' - �, - 100 AtanayerlGwner•Home Addreas Pnorn No. 4098 Applieatfon Fee Received the Sum of 2' � .t� , , �I �oo ��—�rF�� ��f t� !—� i!f i�f I�i)�!i� '�'v s / j� T;.1(� p'd�/lT""f I � . Ma ged�Owne�•CItY.Stal�3 2iP Cods t00 Tot F t00 license Inspector —*�' � ��-s---""r —= By� �.c:%� /' Signaturo ol Appliwnt , ` Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiation Oate � I�surance: Company Name Poliey No. Expfratlon Oab � Minnesota State Identification No � 3 ! �� Sxial Security No. � Vehicle Information: - i Serial Number ats NumOtt _ Other . THiS IS A REC PT FOR APPLICATION - THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your appllcation for lice e will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisiona of the 2oninp ordinsnce and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fi Zoninq and/or Uce�ae Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGfi FOR L RETURNEO CHECKS p . , . . . � C � J � � : ��� $ y � _ �� � {-� ��� �.-o �. G c.�:;1.w � w I �'u�" � � • i/ . . . , ���'a�� DEPARTMENT/O NqL DATE INfM D Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5�4 5 2� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �pEpppTMEW'[p�RECTOR �CITY COUNqL Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 Nu�F �cirr nrro�ev �]CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU71N19 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ],1-1(-H9 �MAYOR(OR A881STANTI TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of an application for General Repair Garage License. Hearin Date: �.1-16-89 Notifi a i D : �0�3�,-89 RECOMMENDATION8:Approw(/y a ReJect(F� Cp(JNCIL MMITTEE/REBEARCH REPORT OPTI�IAL � —PLANNINO COMMIS810N _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PIiONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE — _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _D18TRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH COUNpL 08JECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsre,Why): Roy Berger DBA Automation, Inc. requests approval of his application for a General Repair Garage Lic nse at 1196 E. 7th Street. All fees and applications have been submitted. All required Divisions - Fire, License and Building have given heir approval . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAOES IF APPROVED: RECEIVEd �py081� CITY Cl.ERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPfiOVED: �auncii �tesearch Center NOV 3 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCfAI.INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W