89-2043 wr+ite - ciTr GLERK COUflC1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��0� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counci Resol tion �� � � Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #77230) for the transfer of a Gambling I�anager's License cu rently held by Alan Bloomquist DBA Lower Eastside Footb 11 Association at Flaherty's, 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same is h reby approved for transfer to Marlene J. Thilgen at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -�. �� [n Favor Goswitz �t� � Against By so..� wason N�V � 61989 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . � ' �� Certified Pa ed by Council Secretary BY � � By Approved Ylavor• Dat� , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By�� � ° V't" By PUBltS�D �`��'� �' � 19 9_ . ���i'�o��� UtVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINIS RATION DATE I D/J7 OGf � ID �Q ��j INTF,RDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by f Lic Enf Aud Applicant ���� � ( Q Home Address ��(Q ne�j� e �"!D� `Ruszness Name /�Home Phone ��� - qa 5 v r � Business Address '�h Q✓`} S Type of License(s) �qrn �, ,,,T_ Business Phone y T /� � ,.- —'�'�un5�e►-� Public Hearing Date � �� License I.D. 4{ 7� a3D at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council am ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t a0 1 Sg/7 llate Notice Sent; '/ Dealer 4� �!� to Applicant �o"r�T� Pederal Firearms 4� u q.. Public Hearing —� DATE IIvSPE TIUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS Approved No A roved � Bldg I & D � ,�[� , Health Divn. �(,� ' , Fire Dept. � � j ��� � I � Police Dept. I O ��^ � License Divn. � ��� ay��; 0�. City Attorney � lo��� ; oK Date Received: Site Plan N (9' To Council P.esearch ��-3 O'�� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord N . � . . `�- � � -- yc � �� , � 4 ! �, , �,���� %.�:.. ����?°�� C TY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF ZNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISIO OF LICENSE AND PERMITS . APPLICATION FO A CHANGE IN GAi�LING MANAGER The applicant must return th s application form, requested supporting documents and the required f es in person to Room 203 City Hall. Make an appointment with Christin Rozek, 298-5056, to bring in your application and to review Ci gambling rules. Date: 1) Full and complete name organization: — - — �- 2) Name of licensed locatio : /Q / CURRENT MANAGER INFORMATION 3) Name � L y! — � ' - First Middle Last 4) Address — � c,� Number St eet Citq Zip 5) City of Saint Paul Licen e # � � ��-� NEW MANAGER INFORMATION 6) Name = - UfI ,v f�/C_ — � First Middle Last 7) Date of Birth / — �/ 8} Address � � -�- ,� L.� / Number Str et Citq Zip 9) Phone l� � C Phone � y,��� —G� S ,j j Home Work IO) Member of organization s nce: /�7 L/l; , Month Year 11) Fidelity Bond: S% �-�' L..�- a• �� 2 Z' 7 Insurance Company Bond Number . - .� � � . � �'r��a o�� CHANGE IN GAMBLING MANAGER PAGE 2 State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramseq ) L : _ �— i — :� � /j'1.A .P/_r st/E TH/� :�� being duly sworn say that the are the��p��titioner(s) in the above application; that they have r ad the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof; that the s e is true of their own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn before m this ��!? day of �'l� ° r 19� � . __ Losna M, hi aainski �-'� � 1/ NOfARY VU6UC_MINNE50T� ` �� ' ' � RAMSEY COUNTY , MY commiuion e�cpires 12•492 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota My Commission Expires - 12) Attach a copy of the bon to this application. 13) Attach to this applicati proof of inembership in the organization for at least the most re nt two (2) years. 14) Gambling Manager applicat ons must be approved by City Council before managerial duties an begin. Allow 30-60 days for processing and investigat'on. This application is not a license to operate. You will be otified by letter of your hearing date before the City Council. We suggest that you attend the public hearing. 15) Attach a letter from the resident or CEO of your organization requesting the gambling m nager transfer and explaining the necessity for such a tran fer. 16) 1989 Gambling Manager tra sfer fees are: �� o-F I� ��SD �(< 3� � f �„b c ����� 7/89 � " . . ��a3o City of Saint Paul Department of Fi ance and Management Services ���� . Licen e and Permit Division � 203 City Hal1 St. Paul Minnesota 55102•298-5056 ; APPLIC TION FOR LICENSE '•. . CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew ; � � [ .-. / � , . Date �� r� 19— r Code No. Title of License From �—� 19�1'0 �a—�3 19�.. � a�10 '`.•- )Q ✓n i n.� `�'1�(l nS�/ S 1•� '� 1 � � �oo ,�'! G r �o;�� ,� . `n � �u� , , - AppifcanUCompany Name � ,00 �,b� ' - ` ;,;c;� ��, ' � • �,. C � 100 8uslnsss Name � 100 r�f T' 'f'� I �i j) P✓'�'L•1 5 i Businsss Address Phon�Na � '� `T y�'l V w �..e._- G �i� ;� 100 Maii to Address ' Phone No. ' 100 '�� �.'r' ��j.� ��L / ?% — � Manapsr/Owner•Name G�':� �•�+ �+ � , 1� v�, �Cr �� � '�"? ^� < </ J! 100 AtanageHGw�er•Home Addreaa Phon�No. _ 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 Recefved the Sum of �pp ' v .�j� ManaqerlOwner•City,Stat�3 Zip Cods t00 T tal 100 �� �r `� ` �.` � � / . ` -�� r : �r�. ,._,f/.i Llcense Inspector �' `-- By: � '�'� Signature ofApplicant Bond• Company Name Polfcy No. Expindon Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expintion Dat� - Minnesota State Identification No a�0 Social Security No. Vehicte Information: Serlal Number lat�Numbsr ` Other. THIS IS A RE EIPT FOR APPIICATION � THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for li ense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zo�iny ordinancs and completlon of the fnspectiona by the Health, re,Zoning andlor License Inspectora. � � $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS , � 7'�33�� � Zh� � � ; � !D /9 �9 � � � ' � ' a • � /�U I "a�'i�'�- � ./r � � DEPARTME FFlCEICOUNdL DATE INITIA D V Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5 4�1 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU OATE INITI ATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpI Christine Rozek-298-50�6 �� �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICES WR. 11-16-89 �MAYOR(OR AS818TANT) TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REOUE8TED: Approval of an application for ransfer of a Gambling Manager's License. Notification Date: 10-24-89 Hearin Da l.J.-],6-89 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(y or ReHct(R) COUNCIL MIT"1EElF�SEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI3810N _CIVIL SERVICE(�MMI8810N ��Y� PHONE NO. _qB COAAMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _BTAFF _ _as�icr oouar — BUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(Wlw,Whet,WMn,Whsro,Wh»: Marlene J. Thilgen DBA Lower Ea tside Football Association at Flaherty's, 499 Payne Avenue requests Counc 1 approval of her application for the transfer of a Gambling Manager's License currently held by A1an Bloomquist. All fees and applications have been subm tted. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, M rlene J. Thilgen will �manage the pulltab/ tipboard sales for the Lower Ea tside Football Association at Flaherty's. DISADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: �� NOV011�9 CITY CLERK DISADVANTA�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: Gouncil Research Center OCT 3 01989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORAM710N:(EXPWN) ��