89-2039 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII BLUERV - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �'�D�� Counci Resolution �'"�� _ - ��� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 54702) for a State Class B Gambling License by East Twins Babe Ruth at Gatsby's, 2554 Como Avenue, be and the same is he eby approved/denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays '�' Lo� [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman �,� Against BY � vt�lson NOV 16 1989 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • - Gq Certified Pas d by Council Secretar By �O -�6-a / BS -./ Approved Mavo • D �i � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _���\� BY P��t��ED ����` � � 1989 � , � , , . � ���a�� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.I)MINIST TION DATE v7Co 6 �l l �U a- � / INT�RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Pro essed/Recei ed by Lic Enf Aud 1 " p im Applicant �G�5�1 �IYIS �Dlc ���l Home Address J ��S�r r� Rusiness Name �Gt-�Sb w S Home Phone Business Address o� J 5 "f �Qm� ��J Type of License(s) Cr¢SS g — qk vr+��'�'S Business Phone Z hv QS�• ��'� Public Hearing Date �I A� g License I.D. 4{ � 'J�7 �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Cou cil hambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 �l� 3 $a 4 �3 � llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� � �Q- to Applicant /0—/��� Federal Firearms 4� �) �� Public He��ring T DATE TNSPECT UN REVIEW VERFIED (COMP TER) CUMMENTS A roved Not roved � Bldg I & D � N � Health Divn. ' � ' u ,�- � I Fire Dept. � � i � N I�' � ! Se�•� � 1 O � a- 8�� Police Dept. �� � f �L License Divn. � 1 � �3��,; o�C- City Attorney � � �� ����, � � Date Received: Site Plan A ) � � � � �' To Council Research � c� � Lease or Letter N I� Dat from Landlord f . , , � Citq f Saint Paul L���"ad� 9 Department of Fina ce and Management Services Division of Licen e and Permit Registration INFORMATION RE IIIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT POLLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in iquor Establishments - New Application) 1. Pull and complete name of organizati which is applying for license . ��9s� T � � .- ,. GC�i.J � �'� 7 �.i 7�p, .=� F.g G►c.¢_ 2. Does your organizatioa meet the defi tion of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of Secti 409.21 of the Legislative Code? �(/Q Attach to this application pertiaent inancial and/or organizational information to support your answer to this.question. NOTE: Oaly 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations under t e revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applicants 11 be selected randomlq bq the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held J�y 5�.?U.IA,(. J O umber Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this applicat on who will conduct, operate and mana e Gambling Games � � - �"'/`° Date of Birth / L/b (a) Length of time manager has been m mber of applicant organization �r�'I ��R�,,. 5. Address of Manager � ,�� �..r _ p�,/ � ` �.,�.� Number Streetr City Zip 6. Day, dates, and hours this applicatio is for S4N�SA �G �:ooA� �� ����v �-��/�P 7. Is the applicant or orgaaization orga ized under the laws of the State of MN? �_ 8. Date of incorporation � f /y' O 9. Date when registered with the State o Minnesota S',.v7� /4�() -� 10. How Iong has organization been in exi tence? �° 9 j/�,S 11. How Iong has organization been in exi tence in St. Paul? oZ G /�i}'� 12. What is the purpose of the organizati n? �d �., � l� (,?,�_� .. p„ /� • 13. Officers of applicant organization: Name � �•- S 7'� .r u v t Name r u /P Address ��;�^ �a,� �/ c � Address //6 g �AN c P/�c 2 Title '�'�P ;: DOB o� � 7 y� Title 7~Re s DOB �?- '7- �1 'r1 Name I/ ,� c r�R�� l"l, l�-� iP Name �i..r ,/'i`0 �7��r-� 77�C�Q � Address !�l �. � .Q,�2 Address � �� � . C,�oo � Title se � DOB /D /c��Je� Title . � DOB / i �/-%Ti . ��_ao�� 14. Give names of officers, or anq other persons who paid for services to the organization. ' Name Name Address Address . Title Title (Attach separat sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of names a addresses of all members of the organization. �N �'t�e 16. In whose custody will organization's ecords be kept? Name � � �� "'�h' Address �`�,�S"�I i:~.•rn .r�' �c?•�1 , I7. List all persons with the authority t siga checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name �i.�,►�� � Name i'ARA�Rf� J TS�/r tA Address / � �'d �,el�o Address //� � ��,vv_ p�i��e. Member of Member of DOB // - � 6 Organization? DOB 7 l Organization? �ip S 7'-�— Name � f�N ��'ft Name �_- Address 1 b J�-55q-n�.t�fc. Address Member of Member of /� DOB I 3� b`� Organization? � 1Jo DOB Organization? 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly u derstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operati n of Charitable Gambling games? �/p� 19. Will your organization's pulltab oper tion be operated/managed solely by members of your orgaaization? yes no � 20. Has your organization signed, or does it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with anq person r company to assist your organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording keepin ? yes no S( If answer is yes, give the name and a ress of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will such a cons ltant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a opy of said contract to this application. . 21. Operator of premises where games will e held: Name f,� c�l� Business Address �55 f. S$10`� Home Address ��Q M !� � � ., . . - (��-aa�� 22. a) Does qour organization pay or in end to paq accounting fees out of gamhling funds? yes � no • � . b) If you do pay accouatiag fees, t whom will such fees be paid? Name GV T ' Address ��'� � �/�'�l"�T��t���/d� . DOB Member of rgaaization? � (} c) How are the accounting fees cha ged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) ,�I�J f ! /c . d) What do you anticipate will be ur average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 4 � . /^ 1 `� fH 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant org ization for rent of the hall: , � pd 24. The proceeds of the games will be di bursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: t,� t '�? �'-r . �f � r,�? ��v� �. :' �)l/7 �/ '� �G� � � 25. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy bq the City of Saint Paul? � F � 26. Has your organization filed federal orm 990-T? � If answer is yes, please attach a copq with this application. If-an er is no,. explain why: Anq changes desired by the applicant assoc ation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. �i�s f Tua..v.s 1��r �.� f� Name Date �-� / 3"d'� Bq: Manager in charge of game b� J �iQG��-�/l gani tioa President or CEO . � ys7aa. • , � . • ty of Saint Paul ' Department of Fin nce and Management Services �ry ��Q 1 q > License and Pennit Division C� `7 01 I , 203 City Halt - St. Paul, M nnesota 55102-298-5056 . APPLICA ION FOR UCENSE : CASH CHECK CIASS NO. ew Renew f � �. � ' Date � 2� 19� Code No. , Title of License From �2 19'�To � 19 � 3 ' = 3�i �u s - a �b �N .�5 � > >oo �CU� �i���� 5 �u.� �u��; . Ll�,Q�i � / � APPlfeanf/Company Name ,00 / r : . (,(, V C�IC( l'�1.�J 100 Busfnsss Name � : �oo ,,2 �S'� Cc��n.� A�-�:.� • '� Business Addreas PAo��Na � ..a� ` 'V"C( 1.�.-�, �-'� >��, ,�� �� 100 Mail to Address Phone No. ,� 1►m �� �,• • ManaqsHOwner•Name . �� r. � 1 a5�1 �c�a���c:�� 100 AlanagenGwner•Home Addreg3 Phon�No. 4098 Applicatfon Fes 2 5� C ,�-J� r ( � � � Received the Sum of 100 ' J � ' U G(�. � � �"1�� 5��C1 : � , � MaeayedOwner•City,Slate 3 Zip Cad� 100 Tota 100 LiCense Inspector � By: ���Z Si9nature ot Appiieant BcSnd• Company Name Poiicy No. Expinlion Oate Insurance• Company Name. Policy No. Expiration Dat� Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No Vehicle information: � SKfal Number �att NumpK Other � THiS IS A REC IPT FOR APPLICATION � THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for Iice se will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zonln9 ; . ordinance and completion of the inapsctions by the Health, Fir Zoninp andlor Llcense Insp�ctors. � � , i - ' �15.00 CHARGE FOR L'L RETURNED. CHECKS . � Io-a -�9 � �•� c? . - �- : �.., -. . . ����ao�q TO BE COMPLETED BY ORGANIZATION PRESI ENT AND GAMBLING MANAGER I understand and will uphold Sai Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21 and 409.22 relating to pulltabs a d tipboards in bars. Further, I understand that my ja ar must meet city standards; that 10% of the net profit from pulltab sa es must be returned to the City-Wide Youth Fund on a monthly basis; th t monthly financial statements must be filed with the City; and that 51� of net proceeds must remain in St. Paul or be used to support St. Paul re idents. � �- Si ature - Manager �__� � Signat e - ganization Presiden s ����� rganiza ion ame ��.'� �s��' �A� L �'D�l o U �,Q4 / Gamb ing Loca ion Date Please retain the at ached ordinance for your records. � v (�'F�i����-�- DEPARTM[NTbFFICEICQUNGL OATE INITIA GREEN SHEET No. � �• �� Finance/License CONTACT PERSON�PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR iNITIAU DATE ❑GTY COUNGL INITIAUDATE Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 �p �dTY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON OOUNqI AOENDA BY(DAT� 11011TY�0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICEB aR. 11-16-89 p�u►Ya+roF,�ssisr�wn [2��p.un.ca, TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUE8TED: _ Approval of an application for a State Class B Gambling License. Notification Date: 10-17-89 Hearin Date: 11-16-89 RE AAENDA :Ml�ow W u►R�Me1(Rl NEPOpT _PLANNINO COMMI8SION _CIVIL 8ERV1�COMMI8810N ANALY8T� PHONE NO. _C�C�AMITTEE _ _8TAFF _ COMMENI'8: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB NMICFI OOUNGYI OBJECTIVE? IIWTIATIN(i PRO�EM,188UE,OPPORNNITY(Who.Whst�Wh�n.WMn.M�hy): Jim Faser on behalf of East Twins Babe Ruth requests City Gouncil approval of their application for a State lass B Gambling License at Gastby's, 2554 Como Avenue. Proceeds from he pulltab sales will be used for youth baseball . All fees and app ications have been submitted. /�DNANTAGEB IF APPHOVED: If Council approva1 is given, Eas Twins Babe Ruth will operate a pulltab booth at Gatsby's, 2554 C mo Avenue. as�v�wr�s��ovEO: t�,: � �� � ' C ����" . tT�►���� DIBADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Council Research Center. OCT 2 51989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN81►CTION = C08T/REYENUE WDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �