99-1198�R1GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date z a WHEREAS, the PoR Authority has requested the City to levy taxes totaling $1,450,000, and a � WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd. 4(Mandatory levies) e requires the City to levy an amount not more than .01813°fo of Market Values, and s �o 77 az WHEREAS, the State ofi Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd.6 (discretionary levies) �a authorizes the City to levy an amount not more than .00282% of Market Values, and �a 15 76 i� WHEREAS, the Port Authority has requested the City to adopt those levies, now therefore is �s � z� BE I7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the City of Saint Paul z2 corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and 23 za 25 zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County z� Department of Taxation in accordance with applicable laws. za zs a3 Description � ss City levy (Mandatory) for the Port Authority 36 s� City tevy (discretionary) for the Port Authority. aa ss City Levy for shrinkage of the above levies ao ai Totallevies az 43 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # �q - \14Q' 7�3i31 a3 Tax levy Pavable in 200o 1,314,634 100,000 35.366 $1,450,000 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: Joe Reid Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv� `''l� a � ' � 7 ..-� - Approved by Mayor: Dffi� I�� Z3 !�G! By: Adopted by Council: Date Q sz. \S ��99 1 Approval Recommended by Budget Director: B �.�yh� ✓L� CZ-�-�� DEPARTMENT/OFF3CP/CAUNCR. �A]E IMTIATED Flnancialsecviceso£ficQ 12-02-99 GREEN S E NO. 103131 ca�rncrrPSason,&mo� �]" nEenx,�nm�crox �s a�rrco,�m. Joe Reid 266 - 8545 y � crrrnrroxi+er 1� arv¢ewc r�.��qp MU5lBEONCOIJNCLLAGENDABY(DA]� Y� flNA+ICIALSER.OFFDIIf �".-.-h..� December 15, 1494 �i maros<oxassur 0 TOTAL # OF SYGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'ITRE) ACCfONRE�X1ESfED Appxove the Sai¢t Paul Port Authority taY levies by the City of Saiat Paul. a�co��nnoNS: ayp�w«n)mn�acpq PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIIST ANSWER THE FOLL(1WING QUESTIONS: _e(ANNWGCObOf!$SION _CSVdSEi[VICECOM�IISSION I.HdS/LLSp¢ISO➢/5[mCV¢twOrkCdWdClaCODhac[foribtSd¢p3it0Nt? CBWMNUT[EE YES NO _a_srnt'�(GrsPoticyaoa.� _ 2.Hasttispersod5rmeverbcenacityemployee? _nisra[ctcn[nv _ Y5S NO s[mPoars Muce coU�+caos�EC�ve+ 3. Does tLis person/firm possess a slall notnormallypossessed by aay cmre¢t city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answere on separate sLeet and aHach to gre¢n shee4) IM]]AiINGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORNMTY(WEO, Wha4�e0.��.�y) The City is requved by MSA. 469.053 subd 4 to levy a tax for the Port AuthoriTy at a rate of .01813°!0 of market value, (Mandatocy Levy) This lery cu�renUy is estimated to yield $1,345,000 . 1'he Ciry also certifys a lery under MSA 469.053 subd. 6(Discretionary Lery) that curzently estimated to yield $105,000. ADVANLpGESIFAPPROV£D The Ciry wil] be in compliance with State laws and the Port Authority will bave taY revenues for financing projects. nrsanvn*nnces�'aeexovEV� None DISADVAN'IAG650FNOTAPPROVEO: ' The City will not have complied with MSA 469.o53 subd 4 and 6. TOTAI,AMOUN'lOF1'ftANSACIION N� COSTIllEVENUEBUDGti'3ED(ClltCL80NE) XES NO FIRYDIlVGSOURCE ACTfVlfYNUh1BER FMANQAL INFOeh1ATLbN' (EXPLA W j SaintPauleutlget�u (M1:IUSERSIBUDGET11Z31yYL000knNadopNxlevypa.WK4) v�-uax i..- `2 �R1GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date z a WHEREAS, the PoR Authority has requested the City to levy taxes totaling $1,450,000, and a � WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd. 4(Mandatory levies) e requires the City to levy an amount not more than .01813°fo of Market Values, and s �o 77 az WHEREAS, the State ofi Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd.6 (discretionary levies) �a authorizes the City to levy an amount not more than .00282% of Market Values, and �a 15 76 i� WHEREAS, the Port Authority has requested the City to adopt those levies, now therefore is �s � z� BE I7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the City of Saint Paul z2 corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and 23 za 25 zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County z� Department of Taxation in accordance with applicable laws. za zs a3 Description � ss City levy (Mandatory) for the Port Authority 36 s� City tevy (discretionary) for the Port Authority. aa ss City Levy for shrinkage of the above levies ao ai Totallevies az 43 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # �q - \14Q' 7�3i31 a3 Tax levy Pavable in 200o 1,314,634 100,000 35.366 $1,450,000 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: Joe Reid Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv� `''l� a � ' � 7 ..-� - Approved by Mayor: Dffi� I�� Z3 !�G! By: Adopted by Council: Date Q sz. \S ��99 1 Approval Recommended by Budget Director: B �.�yh� ✓L� CZ-�-�� DEPARTMENT/OFF3CP/CAUNCR. �A]E IMTIATED Flnancialsecviceso£ficQ 12-02-99 GREEN S E NO. 103131 ca�rncrrPSason,&mo� �]" nEenx,�nm�crox �s a�rrco,�m. Joe Reid 266 - 8545 y � crrrnrroxi+er 1� arv¢ewc r�.��qp MU5lBEONCOIJNCLLAGENDABY(DA]� Y� flNA+ICIALSER.OFFDIIf �".-.-h..� December 15, 1494 �i maros<oxassur 0 TOTAL # OF SYGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'ITRE) ACCfONRE�X1ESfED Appxove the Sai¢t Paul Port Authority taY levies by the City of Saiat Paul. a�co��nnoNS: ayp�w«n)mn�acpq PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIIST ANSWER THE FOLL(1WING QUESTIONS: _e(ANNWGCObOf!$SION _CSVdSEi[VICECOM�IISSION I.HdS/LLSp¢ISO➢/5[mCV¢twOrkCdWdClaCODhac[foribtSd¢p3it0Nt? CBWMNUT[EE YES NO _a_srnt'�(GrsPoticyaoa.� _ 2.Hasttispersod5rmeverbcenacityemployee? _nisra[ctcn[nv _ Y5S NO s[mPoars Muce coU�+caos�EC�ve+ 3. Does tLis person/firm possess a slall notnormallypossessed by aay cmre¢t city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answere on separate sLeet and aHach to gre¢n shee4) IM]]AiINGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORNMTY(WEO, Wha4�e0.��.�y) The City is requved by MSA. 469.053 subd 4 to levy a tax for the Port AuthoriTy at a rate of .01813°!0 of market value, (Mandatocy Levy) This lery cu�renUy is estimated to yield $1,345,000 . 1'he Ciry also certifys a lery under MSA 469.053 subd. 6(Discretionary Lery) that curzently estimated to yield $105,000. ADVANLpGESIFAPPROV£D The Ciry wil] be in compliance with State laws and the Port Authority will bave taY revenues for financing projects. nrsanvn*nnces�'aeexovEV� None DISADVAN'IAG650FNOTAPPROVEO: ' The City will not have complied with MSA 469.o53 subd 4 and 6. TOTAI,AMOUN'lOF1'ftANSACIION N� COSTIllEVENUEBUDGti'3ED(ClltCL80NE) XES NO FIRYDIlVGSOURCE ACTfVlfYNUh1BER FMANQAL INFOeh1ATLbN' (EXPLA W j SaintPauleutlget�u (M1:IUSERSIBUDGET11Z31yYL000knNadopNxlevypa.WK4) v�-uax i..- `2 �R1GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date z a WHEREAS, the PoR Authority has requested the City to levy taxes totaling $1,450,000, and a � WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd. 4(Mandatory levies) e requires the City to levy an amount not more than .01813°fo of Market Values, and s �o 77 az WHEREAS, the State ofi Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Annotated Chapt. 469.053 subd.6 (discretionary levies) �a authorizes the City to levy an amount not more than .00282% of Market Values, and �a 15 76 i� WHEREAS, the Port Authority has requested the City to adopt those levies, now therefore is �s � z� BE I7 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby levy taxes on all taxable property within the City of Saint Paul z2 corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and 23 za 25 zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County z� Department of Taxation in accordance with applicable laws. za zs a3 Description � ss City levy (Mandatory) for the Port Authority 36 s� City tevy (discretionary) for the Port Authority. aa ss City Levy for shrinkage of the above levies ao ai Totallevies az 43 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # �q - \14Q' 7�3i31 a3 Tax levy Pavable in 200o 1,314,634 100,000 35.366 $1,450,000 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: Joe Reid Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv� `''l� a � ' � 7 ..-� - Approved by Mayor: Dffi� I�� Z3 !�G! By: Adopted by Council: Date Q sz. \S ��99 1 Approval Recommended by Budget Director: B �.�yh� ✓L� CZ-�-�� DEPARTMENT/OFF3CP/CAUNCR. �A]E IMTIATED Flnancialsecviceso£ficQ 12-02-99 GREEN S E NO. 103131 ca�rncrrPSason,&mo� �]" nEenx,�nm�crox �s a�rrco,�m. Joe Reid 266 - 8545 y � crrrnrroxi+er 1� arv¢ewc r�.��qp MU5lBEONCOIJNCLLAGENDABY(DA]� Y� flNA+ICIALSER.OFFDIIf �".-.-h..� December 15, 1494 �i maros<oxassur 0 TOTAL # OF SYGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'ITRE) ACCfONRE�X1ESfED Appxove the Sai¢t Paul Port Authority taY levies by the City of Saiat Paul. a�co��nnoNS: ayp�w«n)mn�acpq PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIIST ANSWER THE FOLL(1WING QUESTIONS: _e(ANNWGCObOf!$SION _CSVdSEi[VICECOM�IISSION I.HdS/LLSp¢ISO➢/5[mCV¢twOrkCdWdClaCODhac[foribtSd¢p3it0Nt? CBWMNUT[EE YES NO _a_srnt'�(GrsPoticyaoa.� _ 2.Hasttispersod5rmeverbcenacityemployee? _nisra[ctcn[nv _ Y5S NO s[mPoars Muce coU�+caos�EC�ve+ 3. Does tLis person/firm possess a slall notnormallypossessed by aay cmre¢t city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answere on separate sLeet and aHach to gre¢n shee4) IM]]AiINGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORNMTY(WEO, Wha4�e0.��.�y) The City is requved by MSA. 469.053 subd 4 to levy a tax for the Port AuthoriTy at a rate of .01813°!0 of market value, (Mandatocy Levy) This lery cu�renUy is estimated to yield $1,345,000 . 1'he Ciry also certifys a lery under MSA 469.053 subd. 6(Discretionary Lery) that curzently estimated to yield $105,000. ADVANLpGESIFAPPROV£D The Ciry wil] be in compliance with State laws and the Port Authority will bave taY revenues for financing projects. nrsanvn*nnces�'aeexovEV� None DISADVAN'IAG650FNOTAPPROVEO: ' The City will not have complied with MSA 469.o53 subd 4 and 6. TOTAI,AMOUN'lOF1'ftANSACIION N� COSTIllEVENUEBUDGti'3ED(ClltCL80NE) XES NO FIRYDIlVGSOURCE ACTfVlfYNUh1BER FMANQAL INFOeh1ATLbN' (EXPLA W j SaintPauleutlget�u (M1:IUSERSIBUDGET11Z31yYL000knNadopNxlevypa.WK4) v�-uax i..- `2