89-2030 . � wHPTe - Cirr CLERK COUQCII �) PINK - FINANCE I� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `�"0�� , Counc l Resolution � , �� i Presente By � � � �--.� Referred To � `�` Committee: Date ���/� ' `� � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Sect on 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for ppropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 177510, Adopte October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recom�nends that t e following additions be made to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 125 Purchasing's Consolidated Stores Fund 11001 - Office Supply Storeroom - 4205 Merchandise Sales 618,278.23 50,000 668,278.23 618,278.23 0� ,000 668,278.23 SPENDING PLAN 12 Purchasing's Consolidated Stores Fund 11001 - Office Supply Storeroom - 0533 Material for Resale 618,278.23 50,000 668,278.23 618,278.23 50,000 668,278.23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the C ty Council adopts the above additions to the 1989 Budget. Approved as to Funding: Approval Recommended: ✓i8� � . � Financ Director ��� Budget ir tor I _�,q.i7 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dlm� � t,o Goswitz ' _ In Favo � i+� Long R Rettman � _ Against BY �tso Son�� �.a�„� �-` ��C,c�v`� �8/�-0�0� �� W7.lsOri ��� 141989 Form Appr e by City tt ney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Ya�s� d y C c ry BY � U � " B5' - -�-'=��''�;. I#pprove / � • , � J� Appr v Mayor for Submi s' o Counci B��/���� �� _. - y �� QECN � 19 � . \ • ' �'I � v �� � �O .. DEPARTN�NT qL DATE INIT ED Fini�,1�TCE/Purchasing 10 20 89 GREEN SHEET No. fi7�$ '`OONTACT PERSON 8,MNONE' a��-�oc3 lDL PARTMENT WRECTOFl wm�u a�� �cm oouNa�. � T�""onre Brad Miller a� Linda �Camp � A7TORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST 8E ON COUNt�I A4ENDA BY(DATE) ROU BUDCiET DIRECTOR FIN.�MQT.SERVICES Dlii. �MAY�i(�i A8813TAN �ACCOUI1tlI1C3 ' TOTAL#►OF 8KiNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP!ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REGUEBTED: Amend 1989 Storeroom budget to permit �pu chase of additional materials for��1.����� City and County departments. R�V i �r 1989 �co�r�na+s:�va►�•w«�c� cou �u. _WJINNINO OOAM�AISSION _CINIL�i�MIM1�ON ANAL PHOI��� � _CIB O�AMITTEE _ 4.s —�� ; "�: OCT3 � 198� —as�icroouar — I OFFiCE pF T'HE DIRECTOR su�s w►,�c�u�oa�ECn�� CC�4RTM�.IU�1 OF F��iANCE �►I�� „t� � ��9��� : " �q�OR"S O�FI E I, h;VU iw irxru►nnb P�.�seue.o�owTUNm�wno.w�.vw,s�.wns►s.wny�: j Paper costs have increased substantially uring 1989. Paper is largest dollar volume item in Storeroom budget. Also, dema s or office supplies have increased over original projections. p,n , , • ���� � �/ � ,itJ�1.tA ,NL a�w ��� �A,c. � ��lvy� �- �(, , �K-e,.ccy.e .v� 'r"` �G� '�J C`�cA� 0 � � � � 'r�t ,�.2�.�.,�� � �. � A�'� ADVANTAGES If APPROVED: . �,, Must be able to purchase items to take�ca e of City and County office suppl� n s -�- through the end of 1989. All costs wi�.l recovered by billing charges to customers. ; � , ����v�� DISADVANTIUiEB IF APPROVED: , c1,�,� �LERK � ' RECEIVED ! 0 CT 2 6 1989 BUDGET OFFICE o�►ov�wr�oES�Har�ovEO: City and County departments will not ha�ve 'tems available that they need for normal operations. , i i TOTAL AMOUNT OR TRANBACTION s 50�000 r cos�n�vENUE eu�EU�cuxx�a� rES � �����Recove of costs from cust r A��Y N�� 11001 FlNAPICIAL II�ORAAI1T10N:(EXPLAIN) blI11I1�S I �W i �= ��-a e� �a ` ' ' e1��,I�gr;�� : CITY OF �AIN7` PAUL RECEIVE� OFFICE OF HE CITY COUNCIL �C�(�� Commi ee Report ��TY CLERK Finance Mana emen & Personnel Committee DECE BER 4, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of Novembe 13, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-1983 - approving $600,000 funding for Approved as amended the Neighborhood Crime Prevent on Grant Program for 1990-1991. (Referred from Cou cil November 7, laid over November 13) 3. Resolution 89-2010 - amending he 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $8,217 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Civic Organization Contrib tions for Indochinese Food Bank. (Referred from Cou cil November 14) 4. Resolution 89-2029 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved adding $1,749 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Utilities Investiga ion - Gas. (Referred from Council Novembe 16 5. Resolution 89-2030 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved adding �50,000 to the Financin and Spending Plans for Purchasing's Consolidated ores fund. (Referred from Council Novembe 16) 6. Resolution 89-2031 - amending t e 1986 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by dding $323,400 to complete roof replacement and b ilding tuckpointing of the Central Library. (Refer ed from Council November 16) 7. Resolution 89-2032 - amending t e 1983 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by dding $114,540 to . make the Groveland warming hous handicapped accessible for child care progr m and to make the Science Museum handicapped acce sible and for energy management improvements. (Refe red from Council November 16) C[TY HALL SEV TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 f•�.r•40