89-2029 WHITE` - CITV CLERK � ° � PI�NK - FINANCE � GANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII � BLUE - MAVOR File �0. o?a�.9 Counci Resolution �f�� -� � � �� Presente y � Referred To O Committee: Date ���f� ' � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Mayor, pursuant to Seetion 10 .07 . 1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available or appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommend the following changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------- ------- ------- FINANCING PLAN 725 - Publie Utilities Investigation - Gas 50210 NSP Gas Rates 9890 Use of Fund Balanee , Unreserved Undesignate -0- 1 ,749 1 ,749 SPENDING PLAN 725 - Public Utilities Investigation - Gas 50210 NSP Gas Rates 0536 Residual Equity Transfer Out -0- 1 ,749 1 , 749 NET CHANGE 1 ,749 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV , that the City Couneil approves these ehanges to the 1989 budget . Finaneing is Available: Approval Recommended �CTtNG etor of Finance 1t�1�-$�� Bu � get D ' ector . COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Goswitz �. [n Favor G �cZ Lon ��-'�,. �(iT!N f� � Rettman a Against BY ��� il� Scheibel Sonnen � 4911sOn oE� � �� Form A p ved by City Atto ey Adopted by Council. Date Certified Y• e Council S +ar BY l�� r-- t B� t - 1 A►pproved b . avor. �^� � 5 Appro d y Mayor for Sub iss'on t �ouncil gy ,���A(��'�'��'.`�v_'\s..�,. �� B � � D E C � � 1989 , `� .:_ ,� (��9 a aa� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNdL DATE II�MTIA � eT s� g GREEN S p '��► , No. S�N�„2 ° '� Finance & M nt Services/Acct �',;,,,> j; CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE �pEpARTMENT DIRECTOR �CI7Y COUNpL Lori Lee 292-6742 �� ATT��' ❑��RK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY(D/1T� ROU71N10 �BUDOET DItiECTOR PIN.d MOT.SERIACEB DIR. �������r � Chief Accountant TOTAL�Y OF SIGNATURE PA�iES (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR 81ONATUREj ACTION REQUESTED: . Approval of attached Council Rbsolution:> ��T N 6 1989 REOOMMENDATIONS:Apprrnre(IU or Reject( COU L MCREEIRE8EARCH REPORT OPT �E RVECE W�M �w""' RE P . _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL 9E ISSION _CIB WMMITTEE —?`. -1 2 19R9 °°�ME^�� 0CT 3 01989 _STAFF _ _DISTRICT OOURT _ suPPORrswHicwcouNa�oaiECrivE�1��R'� ()F�10E 41AAY(�R'S OFFICE INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Whsro,Why): To consolidate two trust funds transferri g fund balance from F725 Public Utilities Investig6.tion - Gas to F724 Utilities Rat Investigation Administratio� F725 has been inactive for ma.ny years and does not receive any continuing revenues. There is no reason to maintain this inactive fu d so the remaining funds are being transferred to F724 and F725 will be clos d. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: It will eliminate the need to maintain an inactive fund. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: None. �C�� p�� ' � LER� ���� G DISADVANTIkiES IF NOT APPROVEO: Accounting will need to continue to mainta n an inactive fund. �;�ur�cii I�e���!'ch Cen�ter, NOV � �`�'�`� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 1�749.OO (�gT/pEyENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO �N�a�� Fund Balance AC'rIVIri NUMe� 50210 FINMICIAL INFORMATION:(IXPLAIN) �� _ _ . . . . _ _ .. ..._ .._._ .... � _ _ �------._.... , . � G � � � � � � ��� ' ,,,,��-=��� CITY OF \'AIN7` PAUL � �ao�t ��.��� � RECEIVFn OFFICE OF HE CITY COUNCIL Commi e Re o ������9 p � CITY CLERK Finance Mana ement & Personnei Committee DECEM ER 4, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of November 3, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-1983 - approving $ 00,000 funding for Approved as amended the Neigh�orhood Crime Preventio Grant Program for 1990-1991. (Referred from Council November 7, laid over November 13) 3. Resolution 89-2010 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $8,217 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Civic Organization Contributi ns for Indochinese Food Bank. (Referred from Counci November 14) 4. Resolution 89-2029 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $1,749 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Public Utilities Investigatio - Gas. ed from Council November 1 ) 5. Resolution 89-2030 - amending the 989 budget by Approved adding $50,000 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Purchasing's Consolidated Stor s fund. (Referred from Council November 16 6. Resolution 89-2031 - amending the 986 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by add ng $323,400 to complete roof replacement and buil ing tuckpointing of the Central Library. (Referred from Council November 16) 7. Resolution 89-2032 - amending the 1 83 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by addi g $114,540 to . make the Groveland warming house ha dicapped accessible for child care program a d to make the Science Museum handicapped accessib e and for energy management improvements. (Referred from Council November 16) CITY HALL SEVEN'TEI LOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s•.�.. e