89-2023 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �//►///� //� 2 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL (/�j/�( �/ BLUE - MAYOR File NO. - ^� • �� � �� C nci Resolution ���; - 1 Presented By �f/'�"'t_`�,G,- -'2-`----- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #16100) for a Class C Gambling Location License by Two D, In . DBA North End Depot at 1638 Rice Street, be and the same is h reby approved�, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , / Dimond U� Lo� i [n Favo .6es.iet Rettman � �,�� __ Against By � wilson �V � f Form Appr ved by Cit� rney Adopted by Council: Date ' • Cert�fie d Pass d� ounci l Secr y B y /�' ' � B�, Ap ro by iVlavor: Date ��V � 5 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g BY �1181tg¢�D i•;u'J � � 1 .� � . � � � � . � 1,��aa�3 DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINIST TION DATE � �-� 0 / 1 �� � � INTERDF.PARTMFI�'TAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Pro ssed/Rece'ved y Lic Enf Aud � ,.� 5�9DU �o �o be r-� T a r � Applicant � Id�v � �nL_• Home Address Rusiness Name u(���1 C�Y�� � a� Home Phone � 3$ D 7� � Business Address �(r 38' �2�Le� �� Type of License(s) ��(55 C ' Business Phone �'D� � �a�a Vl� c�I CG-'1"cvn Public Hearing Date 1 � �� License I.D. 4� 1 (g � C� � at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Cha bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� c�5� 73 y3 llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� u 1/� to Applicant ��-- J'�� rederal Firearms �� �7 Public Hearing DATE INSPEC IUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved Bldg I & D ����I� I � �/L Health Divn. � �� ' � t i Fire Dept. � � j '�'��� � �/� Police Dept. ' � q/a� 1 I� �/L License Divn. J � �v 1'�f � � � I City Attorney � �o S�� ; D �- Date Received: Site Plan � p .p To Council Research �� /�- U Lease or Letter � D e from Landlord � �� u � . ��lOd � ty of Saint Paul /� Department of Fin nce and Management Services C����Qa'3 , License and Permit Division 203 City Hall St. Paul, nnesota 55102-298-5056 . APPLICA lON FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. ew Renew � � � Date 9 a� �g . � Code No. �, Title of License From ��^� 19�To ���! 19�5„G �.�9/ � � , ,� - � :', f. . ,00 °���-o ,� e� _ . ��1 App1lcantlCompan Name � �oo ���� • '•s C��� � � ���l�f.i ��-�-� � 100 8ualnesa Name ` ��� � ,00 /�0�1� Q.�-c�� �. � :�'ozba. Business Addresa Phona No. �oo /�ON3��-�� �• /7�,1 — 100 Mail to Address Phone No. 100 ManapeNOwner•Nams 100 100 AtansgeNGwner-Hom�Address Phon�Na. 4098 Applicatfon Fee 2 Sp ,; ' Received �ha Sum of . 100 ' �� � � � Q Mana9e wner• ,Slqte 3 Zip ' 100 To al 100 . j ; 1 /� „� . �iCense Inspector •-J (� gy: ! '�I� S goatwe o1 �cant — Bond: Company Name Poliey No. Expiratfo�Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expintion Oatt Mlnnesota State Identification No � .j � Social Security No. ' Vehicle information: Serial Number ate Numba Other. THiS IS A RE EIPT FOR APPLICATtON THIS IS NOT A LiCENSE TO OPERATE.Your application fot Ii �ense will either be granted ot rejacted subject to the provisions of the zoninp � ordinance and compietion of the inspsctions by ths Health, ire.Zo�in9 and/or Licsnse Inspectors. :•.�.., . � _. � $15.00 CHARGE F R ALL RETURNED CHECKS ���t ��ia� . �_, T,, � �� 9-.� � -�9 �� �� � ,� � • ' TO BE C MPLETED BY BAR OWNER C��a�Do7.3 Application No. Da e Received Bq . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' CHARIT LE GAIrBLING LOCATION Directions: This f�rm must be filled ut with a tqpewriter or by printing i�nk�,y the sole owner, by each partn r, by each person who has interest in �ce5� of . Sx in the corporation and or association in which the name of th�li�e will be issued. N �� N T.� THIS APPLICATION I SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC � y� �� ; .-� � � 1. Application for (name of license) � �-<--'� �r 1-/'��C_, N ° 2. Located at (address) _!�C= '� �' ►'�� _ �Jf" � . 3. Name under which business is oper ted ��"r�'' /:` 1:'[`1 ���' �'.,je''� �+ � • 4. True Name �f i�.'!�(_ G±� -� � � E� Phone ��`'j _.,j'",��,.� (First) (Middl ) (Maidea) (LasJt`/, r 1 /� ( e� / I � 5. Date of Birth / l� � Place of Birth %, �� (Mo�th, Day, Ye r) (.'--:� _ s�,�;7 _ � - �.: 6. Home Address �. `�' �� �1 'r!?7-` �. �. Home Phone `�~� 7� i'�' 7. Have qou ener been convicted of a q gambling violations? ��'j�` 8. List licenses which you currentlq hold at this location. ..�ji;'' _� �G_'S-� r�� ! �.`� ( r 7 ( �� „ -i- C�'/f.t �i,,�'l:'_ �`'�. D�' <� .tr�,�i'iE'._ `��-i.�c�tL� C�/f5: �f � � �; ��.� ��.ki�- � 4i ��. �i S�-�s ` — 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMB ING BOOTR FIILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR TERIAL SUBMITTID WZLL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLZCATION. • I herebq state under oath that I have nswared all of the above questians, and that the information contained therein ia true nd correct to the best of mq knowledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I have received no money or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, in connection with this license, from anq person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwiae, other than already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minaesota ) ) ss County of Ramsay ) � Subscribed and swo o before (Signa of Applicaat) a� � daq of 1 �l�,,,-` �� ��� � �,� Not PubYt , eq Couatq, Minnesot � •,,,,. Mq Commiasion expirea . . � .. , ���1�U�3 � �_. `� TO BE CO LETED BY BAR OWNER � _ , � � I underscand anc! will uphold the or inance amending Chlpcer �lA� ot che St. Paul Legislacive Co�le (Incoxica ing !iquor) . I further underscand thac failure t comoly may resulc in che st�spension or revocacion oti . , On Sale Lie}uor nd corresponding licenses. Signacure � � Est3blishm c 9� Oace Recurn co: License w Pe:�ni.c Oivision Rcom :U3. Cicy Ha11 St. Paul , MN SS1U2 Please retain the attached ordinanc for your records. 3�s6 . � � _ ��_��3 s� ►-_�vfi ��_v� ��� cou�-cl� g LTB�l� , �. R��TC i��0 L��� . �j���� p��T�A�za�r R�'CEIVED � �EP 2 � 1989 • !�1T'� �+� rn.• � f 1 . ...�� � _ � � ti�. � Dear Property Owner: L NorthEn ., � Application fo 'a Class C Gambling Location license. This license would llow the liquor establishment to lease space � to a charitabl organization (Minnesota Waterfowl) for the P U iL Q S�+ sale of pullta s and/or tipboards. �������Nfi Two D Inc dba rth End Depot �d���►a�( 1638 Rice Str t —.. November 14, 1989 9:00 a.�.. � �'�� �_`�C C�c7 Cauac� C�asoe�, 3ri ,:?oar C+�7 taL' - Cau:_ ausa 3y I.i^�sa a ?��c Di�sioa, De�ar--.�c oz =�cs a�: I �O __� S�*r* �ag�eaz rr:crs, �rsc� 2�3 C+�, c3L= - Cour_ �usa, �"' SaLL ?3aL. � oCa �08-��750 � � • i�,=,s daca aag be c�aa;e�. �r`�c� ut t�e censeat �d/er �:.e�:?=�,s o= c�e L.�c_asa �� �_=T = Di�r:s�oz. ?'= is s-sgQ_stad �:a� cou c�?= ��e C-L; CLe=t` s 0 L=� c_ ac Z°8-��?I ;= �ou •r'sa c�n==_-�==az. ,.- ._, ���-�Do?,� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/COUNp� DATE INI TE Fi nance/�i cense '' GREEN SHEET No. 5 7 52 CONTACT PERSOM 8 PHONE IMITtAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT dRECTOR D,CITV COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 � g c�rv�rroRr�r [3J' qTY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUT �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. 11-14-89 ❑M^Y�c����*� 0�,o.w�.ci 1 TOTAL#►OF 81QNATURE PAQES (CUP A L TION8 FOR 8tONATURl� ACflON REGUEBTED: ! Approva1 of an app1ica�ion fq'r Class C Gambling Location License. Notification Date: 10-5-89 ' Hearin Date: 11-14-89 RECO�MENDnTiONS:�vw�W a Aysc�(R) C01lN REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMIISSION _CIVIL SERVI�COMM18810N µ�YS, PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITfEE _ _STAFF _ OOMME • � _asrAicr couAr — � R�,��,, su�onTS w�nai oa,r�c�oe�ecnvE� i ; ;;^� �Nmnn��M,�,or�aTUNiTr�w�w,wna wn.�,,wn.►.,wny�: � �(�hc �/j� Two D, Inc. DBA North End Dep�t t 1638 Ri ce Street requests �i ty Counci] approval of its app1ication fpr Class C Gambling Location License. This license wi11 a11ow the 1iquor� es ablishment to lease space to a charitable organization (Minnesota Water�'ow Assn.) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. A11 fees and appl$ca ions have been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, Fire, Poltice and license have given their approval . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: ' If Council approva1 is given,� No th End Depot, 1638 Rice Street will be able to lease space to a charrta le organization for pulltab sales. � ; DISADVANTM�E8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: ' �ouncil Research Center ' OCT 12'1989 ; TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION COST/AEVENUE OUOOETED(CIRCLE ONlry 1/ES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) I