99-1197ORIGINAL Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aa � WHEREAS, the Mayor has propased budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2000, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and 3 a W HEREAS, the Ciiy Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 7, 1999, held a public hearing on s December 14, 1999, on the Mayor's Proposed 2000 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and s � WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's propased budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it e RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2000 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, » and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it �z �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the severat offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 2000 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute is appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. v �a FURTHEf2 RESOIVED, that the estimated fina�cing set forth in the 2000 adopted 6udgets is here6y approved; and 6e it 19 zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2000 budget for the Community Development Block Grant �und (100) arW GovernmenYal z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 2z differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted mutti-year budgets 2a commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 2000, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 2s z'r FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Cterk is directed to publish the 2000 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2a 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2000 Budgets in accordance s+ with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as az necessary. Requested by Department of: Administration Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � , �� — Approved by Mayor: Date �� 2� ��_"�(=; __ By: By: Joseph M. Reid Approvai Recommended by Diredor of Financial Services By: Form By: _ � �1 by City Attom . Ma for missio $di�M1 P3LL1 &pgH Office ( G �SHARE q°l -��g�l 104307 ,am,wa� 1` Adopted by Council: Date ��_� \%9°t l "� �ilT'PA&TT46!NSlOFFICFICQ[INCtl. DAlEINR1ATED �� i '�� ot�i�eofFi�ancta�SeNices 12/06199 GREEN SHEET NO. 104307 CONI'hCfPERSON&PHONE O D2PAR'fNhffNiDIRECLOR �4 CIIYfAUNN. Joseph Reid 266-8553 H � sF � a� crrrwrro�ev � crrrc�uc M[ISiBEONCbUNCdAGPNDAHY(DA'IE) �� � BUDGETDIItECTOR � FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIIL 12/15/99 3O M11A1'OR(ORASSIST 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUESiED Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual budgets RECO.NMENDATfONS: Appmv (n) o.ny«�(a) PIILSONAL SERVICE CONTRACl'S NN5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESITONS: _rvauwwccormmss�oN _crm,sxxv�cecoMnsss�a+ 1.Hastitisperson�fumevecwwked`mdecaconlmMfocthisdepartmenc? cmconmfrrt� YES NO srneF _ 2. Hu ihis person/tum everbeen a city employce`t utsraicrco�¢r YES NO sueronrs wii�cx co[mca oe.iecrrve? 3. Dces tttis person/5rm possess a s1dI1 not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO (Explain ail yes answers oo separate sheet and attach ro green sheet) IN[flAl]NGPROBLEM.ISSUE, �PPII&'[UN[CY (Wtw. Whay Whrn, Whae, WhY)� The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Tunelines are set by State Statute �d City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Council � foradoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 20Q0 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 ta7c levy. .wv�wrncas 8,�eeROVen: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DiSADVAMIAGESffAPPROVED: , N(A DISADVANTAGES OP NOT APPROVEU: The City will be without an adopted budget fo r2000. In accordance with the City Charter, the service prioriries, financing estimates and spending approprialions for 1994 would be carried forth into 2000 and become the 2000 budget. TOTALAMOUNfOFTRANSAClION R CQST/REVENUEBODGEiED(CptCLEO�`1E) YES NO �' FUNDLYGSO[RtCE ACTM'IYMtMBER PINANCIAL INP�RMATION: (E%PLAA� � PreOa�byNeSaintPa�IButlgetOfRCe(ReiE G.ISNARED�eUDGET123\YR2DOO�CAUNCIL\GSOOBDGTWK4 t210�199) 2000 Budget Process SZ/15/98 3:20 P�Lt Description A�rmafive Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Cifv Aftomey Add funtling related to law clerk Atld funding reiated to cierk typist ll CiKzen Services Move funding related to City FTE's relatetl to Lead program activities run antl fundetl by Ramsey County from the General Fund to special funds Funding for Property Code Enforcement related to seasonalinspectors, ClerklV, antl Typist 1 City Counci! Salary adjustment Office of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safet�Services Adjustment to financing estimate for medic fees Housing and lnformafion O�ce HIO moved to PED wiNout any change in Spendin9 or Financing Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contract for 12 months La6o� Relations No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budgei Libraries Sunday Service Hours at Riverview and St. Anthony Morning Service Hours at Arlington, Hamline, Rice, Riverview an0 St. Anthony Materials Budget License lnsnecfion and Environmenfal Protection No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Gomte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comfe-of-the-Whole (t211) Gomte-of-the-Whote (12J1) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comterof-the-Whole (12/S) Comterof•the-Whole (12/15) Blees email 12/10/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) comte-of-tne-wnoie (1v1s} `fg -��q� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debf Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 0�20�-Otl4 00200-0161 00200-0439 00200-0111 oozoaois� 00200-0439 27,275 1,525 8,261 25,367 1,418 7,683 ' 00256-0111 (55,000) i I I 00256-0111 102276 00001-0100, 0439 7200 05101-4070 (266,260) 09103-0558 (176,700) 00152-0558 9,000 03402-0111,0439 43,193 03402-0111, 0439 65,929 03401-�381 100,000 Financial Services - Budget SecGon file� TRAKCNCL.WK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 1 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOO.�1 Description Parks and Rec�eation Restore cut for sweeping select seasonal ice rinks Restore funding related to rec director cut ai EasNiew Restore funding related to rec director for senior rec programs Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Merriam Park River Trail Connection Reorganize Como Campus budgets. No new $. New activity for Forestry. No new $. Tree Maintenance Street Tres Maintenance Planninq & Economic Deve% HIO moved to PED vrithout any change in Spending or Financing with one half in Specified Contingency Po/ice Deuartmenf Railroad Island Weed and Seed grant Butlget restructuring within the Communications Center with no changes in the total funtling Pub/ic Works No Change to Mayor's Propased Budget Technoloqy & Management Servlces Health Fair Transter to Financial Forrns (FSO) for Payroll Check preparation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('f2/8) Comterof-the-Whole j12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhote (12/8) Comteof-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) (1 V24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18199)!74 Comte-of-the•Whole (1?115) DepuTy Chief Gartleli request Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) City Council (12115) Mullan email 12/10(99 Gene�a/ Govemment Accounts Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into the 2000 budget (CF 99 576, 99 945, 99 1048) Operation and Mai�tena�ce for the Science Museum Easf Builtling (4 months funding) Proceetls from the sale of the Science Museum East Builtli� Transfer from Information services for Payroll Check preparation SpeCified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Constmction Ciry Attomey, Improving Service Delivery Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remetliation Parks / Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and ice rioks PED - funding related to City Planner II Code Enforcement One half of Housing Infortnation (PED) contribution Prop�rty Taz Levy Financing No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bukget Other Financing Insu2nce Aid for police pensions Hotel Motel Tax - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Investment Earnings (@ 6%) Interest on Securities Lending Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) TMS Email 11/15/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ TMS Emai19l30l99 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) City Council (12!'15) MWlan emall 12/10/99 Comte-of•the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) �,`�- [�a� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Chanae from Mavor's -Adopted bv Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03770 03177 03100 03100 03120 03122 03194 03195 03197 O6xr�c-0558 04100 04302 01370 �9080 09900 09180 09580 09080 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 090�0-3424 00110-1401 00000-6602 09030-6609 23.794 SD,000 SO,OOD 170,OOD 70,D00 (47,532) (119.588) 167,120 (500,000) 500,000 88,350 30,000 30,000 0 0 11,760 (16,OQ0) 212,000 200,D00 200,000 �s,000 soo,000 51,371 35,000 46,516 48,500 100,000 88,350 25A,190 67,500 300,000 75,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCLWK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 2 a��!«7 20D0 Budget Process IZ/15/98 3:20 P�[f Councii`s Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendatiort Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance Actions to Cover FSO Director's Technical Changes Central Sevice Cost Co1lecGOns Comte-of-the-Whofe ('12/8) 00000-7399 (29.080) Fund Balance Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) 09900 9830 212,000 the 20�0 6udget (CF 99 57fi, 99 945, 99 7048) TMS Email 11l15l99 Adjustment to Fund Balance to Balance Technical Changes Comte-of-the-Whole (t?18) D0�00-9830 (19,92�) Actions to Gover Ci1y Council's Changes Use of Fund Balance Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) 03100-9830 170,000 Specified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Construction Comte-of-the-Whole (1118) 09061-9830 500,000 City Attorney, Improving Service Delivery Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 51,371 Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remediation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 35,000 Parks f Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and rinks Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09�61-983� 46,516 PED - City Planner II Comie-of-the-Whole (t2I8) 09061-9830 48,500 Cotle EMorcement Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) 09061�830 100,000 Use of Fund Batance to Baiance Comte-ofAhe-Whole ('12/15) 00000-9830 106,251 Balancing entry by FSO per CF 99-11 W Total, Cooncil's Changes 1,883,068 1,883,068 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budgef 161,724,065 167,724,065 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund B�dget 163,607,133 163,607,133 Ba/ance Indicator Cur�ent Statur. �alanced Butlaet o GeneralDebt Town Square Hotel Debt Reserve HoteVMOteI Revenue for Town Square Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comte-0f-the-Whole {12/15) asssa-oso+ ssssa-i4o+ (150,000) (150,000) ('150,000) (150,000) 53,424,551 53,424,551 Tofai, Councii's Changes Mayor's Proposed Debf Budgef Counci/'s Preliminary Debf Budget Balanceindicafor CunentStafus; Balanced Budoef 53,274,551 53,274,551 C Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 3 �q �I(�`7 2000 Budget Process IZ/15/9B 3:20 P�L! �escription Citv Attornev Add funding related to Legal Ass(stant I Council's Fiscal Ghanges Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted dy Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Adtl fi�a�cing relatetl to Legai Asst. I(drawdown of funtl balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Add funding related to 1 attomey and .5 legal asst. for 1!2 year, Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) financed by sWte g2nt recently reCeived. State grant revenue E�cpentlitures were shifted to 1999. So 2000 gr2nt spending/financing needs to be reduced Citizen Services Add funding related to City FTE's related to Lead program activities run and funded by Ramsey County City Council No Change to Mayor's Ptoposetl Sudget Financia/ Services Budget restructuring within Funtl 050 Hotel Motel Taxes - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Convention Bureau Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safe Services No Change to Mayors Proposed Butlget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12115) Housing (nformation O�ce HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or Financin< Comte-of-lBe-Whole (12/15) Human Rights Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contr2ct for 12 Months Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) i raries Materiais Budget - Friends match License /nsnecfion and Environmenta! Pr Correct spending object code which was inwrrect inthe Proposed Butlget. Parks and Recreatio New activity for each golf course. No new $. Results in better wst allocation. Special Services - Goif Special Services - Golf - Refectory Como Golf Course Highland 18 Golf CAU(se GF loan for Qesign of Highland Park Driving Range Highland 9 Golf Course Phalen Golf Course Golf Administration Add cost of light strings for Bright Lights/ City Nights. Paid for by downtown businesses. Merriam Park River Trail Connection Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) 10200-0114 10200-0161 �0200-0439 10200-9830 t0203-0114 1�203-�161 10203-0439 10202-0856 10202-7305 30256-0'111 30256-0439 fund 050 30108-0545 Fund O65 30150-0218,7299 � 33422-0361,6905 33351-0537 33351-0567 33353-0537 33353-0567 23112 23113 23117 23t18 23118 23119 23120 23121 23141 13100 25.294 1.414 7,661 34,369 38,543 2,155 11,673 52,371 (25,012) (25,012) 347,055 347.055 0 0 78.759 78.759 (685,206) (685,206) 9,000 9,000 50,000 50,000 (35,639) 38,639 (18,200) 18200 (2,751,050) �azo,000> 757227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 saa,oaa 55,000 10,000 (2,751.050) (420,000) 757,227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 544,012 55,000 10,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12I15l99 �3:37 PM Page 1 a��iiq7 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOOiH Description Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing P/anning & Economic Development HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or FlnanCinc Comteof-the-Whoie (1?lt5) CD66 Funding for COPP Comte-of-the-Whole (1?l15) retluce CDBG Contigency Police De� ent Transfer and revise Proposed budget from 34739 to 34193 Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Police memo (11N8/99) #1 Managementchange-fundingforcommander Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) Palice memo (11/19l98) #2 Management change - funding for wmmander Comfeof-the•Whole {12/8) Police memo ('I t!� 8f99) #3 Adjust grant funding for personnel Comte-of-the-Whole 1t2/8) Police memo ('11/18/99) #3 Revise spending with no change to total budget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18l99) #5 Eliminate Proposetl budget (funding ended) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) Police memo (11/18/99) #6 Roll over unused 1999 grant funding into 2000 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11/18/99) #7 Returned Ciry Pension Assets Fund Atljustmeni to match revised financing (per notice) Comterot•the-Whole (1218) Recru@mg - advertising and materials Comte-of-the-Whola (12/8) HEAT / FORCE Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Additional equipment Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Salary Savings due to likely hiring delay Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Changes to financing W 6alance 6utlget Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Pu61ic Health No Cnange to Mayor's Proposed Buclget Comte-of-the-Whole (12I15) Pub/ic Woik No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) RiverCentre separete budget adoption - not includetl here Techno/ogy 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budge[ Comte-of•the-Whole (12/15J Various Departments Wafer Utilitv separate budget adoption - not included here Total, Counci!'s Changes Mayoi's Proposed Specia/ Funds Budget Counci/'s P�eliminary Special Funds Budgef Ba/ance fndicafor Current Stafus: Ba/anced Budaet Fund 065 Funtl 100 CDBG Fund 100 CDBG 34139,34193 34067 34155 34155 34157 34145 34150 34080 34085 34085 34085 34080 34080,34085 685,206 35,000 (35,000) 0 7.937 7,937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.096) 83,009 300,000 50,000 (185,000) 778.872 178,908,450 179,687,322 685206 0 7,937 7.937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.�96) 248,009 778,872 178,908,450 779.687.322 0 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 2 ��ll�r� 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9& 3: ZO PrN CounciPs Fiscal Changes Capita! lmp�ovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of Rerqmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Planning & Economic Deve(opment City Sales Tar Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-6699XXX 931,000 931,000 Sales Tae Public Works �reat Northem Indust Pk & Fierce ButlerRoute Realignment Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) SU-55991 W (90D,OD0) MSA Great Northem Indust Pk & Pierce Butler Route Realignment Cncl Contingency 900,000 MSA Tolal, Counci('s Cfianges s3�,oao sst,000 Mayar'sProposedCi6 so,iti,000 so,i�i,000 Council'sPreliminaryClB at,oaz,000 e�,oaz,000 Balance �ndicator Current SWfus: Balanced Budaet 0 FlnancialServices-eudgetSection fils:TRQKCNGL.WK4 12/75/9903.38PM Page7 ORIGINAL Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aa � WHEREAS, the Mayor has propased budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2000, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and 3 a W HEREAS, the Ciiy Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 7, 1999, held a public hearing on s December 14, 1999, on the Mayor's Proposed 2000 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and s � WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's propased budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it e RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2000 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, » and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it �z �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the severat offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 2000 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute is appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. v �a FURTHEf2 RESOIVED, that the estimated fina�cing set forth in the 2000 adopted 6udgets is here6y approved; and 6e it 19 zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2000 budget for the Community Development Block Grant �und (100) arW GovernmenYal z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 2z differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted mutti-year budgets 2a commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 2000, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 2s z'r FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Cterk is directed to publish the 2000 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2a 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2000 Budgets in accordance s+ with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as az necessary. Requested by Department of: Administration Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � , �� — Approved by Mayor: Date �� 2� ��_"�(=; __ By: By: Joseph M. Reid Approvai Recommended by Diredor of Financial Services By: Form By: _ � �1 by City Attom . Ma for missio $di�M1 P3LL1 &pgH Office ( G �SHARE q°l -��g�l 104307 ,am,wa� 1` Adopted by Council: Date ��_� \%9°t l "� �ilT'PA&TT46!NSlOFFICFICQ[INCtl. DAlEINR1ATED �� i '�� ot�i�eofFi�ancta�SeNices 12/06199 GREEN SHEET NO. 104307 CONI'hCfPERSON&PHONE O D2PAR'fNhffNiDIRECLOR �4 CIIYfAUNN. Joseph Reid 266-8553 H � sF � a� crrrwrro�ev � crrrc�uc M[ISiBEONCbUNCdAGPNDAHY(DA'IE) �� � BUDGETDIItECTOR � FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIIL 12/15/99 3O M11A1'OR(ORASSIST 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUESiED Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual budgets RECO.NMENDATfONS: Appmv (n) o.ny«�(a) PIILSONAL SERVICE CONTRACl'S NN5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESITONS: _rvauwwccormmss�oN _crm,sxxv�cecoMnsss�a+ 1.Hastitisperson�fumevecwwked`mdecaconlmMfocthisdepartmenc? cmconmfrrt� YES NO srneF _ 2. Hu ihis person/tum everbeen a city employce`t utsraicrco�¢r YES NO sueronrs wii�cx co[mca oe.iecrrve? 3. Dces tttis person/5rm possess a s1dI1 not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO (Explain ail yes answers oo separate sheet and attach ro green sheet) IN[flAl]NGPROBLEM.ISSUE, �PPII&'[UN[CY (Wtw. Whay Whrn, Whae, WhY)� The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Tunelines are set by State Statute �d City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Council � foradoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 20Q0 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 ta7c levy. .wv�wrncas 8,�eeROVen: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DiSADVAMIAGESffAPPROVED: , N(A DISADVANTAGES OP NOT APPROVEU: The City will be without an adopted budget fo r2000. In accordance with the City Charter, the service prioriries, financing estimates and spending approprialions for 1994 would be carried forth into 2000 and become the 2000 budget. TOTALAMOUNfOFTRANSAClION R CQST/REVENUEBODGEiED(CptCLEO�`1E) YES NO �' FUNDLYGSO[RtCE ACTM'IYMtMBER PINANCIAL INP�RMATION: (E%PLAA� � PreOa�byNeSaintPa�IButlgetOfRCe(ReiE G.ISNARED�eUDGET123\YR2DOO�CAUNCIL\GSOOBDGTWK4 t210�199) 2000 Budget Process SZ/15/98 3:20 P�Lt Description A�rmafive Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Cifv Aftomey Add funtling related to law clerk Atld funding reiated to cierk typist ll CiKzen Services Move funding related to City FTE's relatetl to Lead program activities run antl fundetl by Ramsey County from the General Fund to special funds Funding for Property Code Enforcement related to seasonalinspectors, ClerklV, antl Typist 1 City Counci! Salary adjustment Office of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safet�Services Adjustment to financing estimate for medic fees Housing and lnformafion O�ce HIO moved to PED wiNout any change in Spendin9 or Financing Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contract for 12 months La6o� Relations No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budgei Libraries Sunday Service Hours at Riverview and St. Anthony Morning Service Hours at Arlington, Hamline, Rice, Riverview an0 St. Anthony Materials Budget License lnsnecfion and Environmenfal Protection No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Gomte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comfe-of-the-Whole (t211) Gomte-of-the-Whote (12J1) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comterof-the-Whole (12/S) Comterof•the-Whole (12/15) Blees email 12/10/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) comte-of-tne-wnoie (1v1s} `fg -��q� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debf Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 0�20�-Otl4 00200-0161 00200-0439 00200-0111 oozoaois� 00200-0439 27,275 1,525 8,261 25,367 1,418 7,683 ' 00256-0111 (55,000) i I I 00256-0111 102276 00001-0100, 0439 7200 05101-4070 (266,260) 09103-0558 (176,700) 00152-0558 9,000 03402-0111,0439 43,193 03402-0111, 0439 65,929 03401-�381 100,000 Financial Services - Budget SecGon file� TRAKCNCL.WK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 1 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOO.�1 Description Parks and Rec�eation Restore cut for sweeping select seasonal ice rinks Restore funding related to rec director cut ai EasNiew Restore funding related to rec director for senior rec programs Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Merriam Park River Trail Connection Reorganize Como Campus budgets. No new $. New activity for Forestry. No new $. Tree Maintenance Street Tres Maintenance Planninq & Economic Deve% HIO moved to PED vrithout any change in Spending or Financing with one half in Specified Contingency Po/ice Deuartmenf Railroad Island Weed and Seed grant Butlget restructuring within the Communications Center with no changes in the total funtling Pub/ic Works No Change to Mayor's Propased Budget Technoloqy & Management Servlces Health Fair Transter to Financial Forrns (FSO) for Payroll Check preparation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('f2/8) Comterof-the-Whole j12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhote (12/8) Comteof-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) (1 V24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18199)!74 Comte-of-the•Whole (1?115) DepuTy Chief Gartleli request Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) City Council (12115) Mullan email 12/10(99 Gene�a/ Govemment Accounts Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into the 2000 budget (CF 99 576, 99 945, 99 1048) Operation and Mai�tena�ce for the Science Museum Easf Builtling (4 months funding) Proceetls from the sale of the Science Museum East Builtli� Transfer from Information services for Payroll Check preparation SpeCified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Constmction Ciry Attomey, Improving Service Delivery Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remetliation Parks / Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and ice rioks PED - funding related to City Planner II Code Enforcement One half of Housing Infortnation (PED) contribution Prop�rty Taz Levy Financing No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bukget Other Financing Insu2nce Aid for police pensions Hotel Motel Tax - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Investment Earnings (@ 6%) Interest on Securities Lending Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) TMS Email 11/15/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ TMS Emai19l30l99 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) City Council (12!'15) MWlan emall 12/10/99 Comte-of•the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) �,`�- [�a� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Chanae from Mavor's -Adopted bv Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03770 03177 03100 03100 03120 03122 03194 03195 03197 O6xr�c-0558 04100 04302 01370 �9080 09900 09180 09580 09080 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 090�0-3424 00110-1401 00000-6602 09030-6609 23.794 SD,000 SO,OOD 170,OOD 70,D00 (47,532) (119.588) 167,120 (500,000) 500,000 88,350 30,000 30,000 0 0 11,760 (16,OQ0) 212,000 200,D00 200,000 �s,000 soo,000 51,371 35,000 46,516 48,500 100,000 88,350 25A,190 67,500 300,000 75,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCLWK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 2 a��!«7 20D0 Budget Process IZ/15/98 3:20 P�[f Councii`s Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendatiort Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance Actions to Cover FSO Director's Technical Changes Central Sevice Cost Co1lecGOns Comte-of-the-Whofe ('12/8) 00000-7399 (29.080) Fund Balance Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) 09900 9830 212,000 the 20�0 6udget (CF 99 57fi, 99 945, 99 7048) TMS Email 11l15l99 Adjustment to Fund Balance to Balance Technical Changes Comte-of-the-Whole (t?18) D0�00-9830 (19,92�) Actions to Gover Ci1y Council's Changes Use of Fund Balance Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) 03100-9830 170,000 Specified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Construction Comte-of-the-Whole (1118) 09061-9830 500,000 City Attorney, Improving Service Delivery Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 51,371 Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remediation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 35,000 Parks f Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and rinks Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09�61-983� 46,516 PED - City Planner II Comie-of-the-Whole (t2I8) 09061-9830 48,500 Cotle EMorcement Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) 09061�830 100,000 Use of Fund Batance to Baiance Comte-ofAhe-Whole ('12/15) 00000-9830 106,251 Balancing entry by FSO per CF 99-11 W Total, Cooncil's Changes 1,883,068 1,883,068 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budgef 161,724,065 167,724,065 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund B�dget 163,607,133 163,607,133 Ba/ance Indicator Cur�ent Statur. �alanced Butlaet o GeneralDebt Town Square Hotel Debt Reserve HoteVMOteI Revenue for Town Square Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comte-0f-the-Whole {12/15) asssa-oso+ ssssa-i4o+ (150,000) (150,000) ('150,000) (150,000) 53,424,551 53,424,551 Tofai, Councii's Changes Mayor's Proposed Debf Budgef Counci/'s Preliminary Debf Budget Balanceindicafor CunentStafus; Balanced Budoef 53,274,551 53,274,551 C Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 3 �q �I(�`7 2000 Budget Process IZ/15/9B 3:20 P�L! �escription Citv Attornev Add funding related to Legal Ass(stant I Council's Fiscal Ghanges Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted dy Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Adtl fi�a�cing relatetl to Legai Asst. I(drawdown of funtl balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Add funding related to 1 attomey and .5 legal asst. for 1!2 year, Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) financed by sWte g2nt recently reCeived. State grant revenue E�cpentlitures were shifted to 1999. So 2000 gr2nt spending/financing needs to be reduced Citizen Services Add funding related to City FTE's related to Lead program activities run and funded by Ramsey County City Council No Change to Mayor's Ptoposetl Sudget Financia/ Services Budget restructuring within Funtl 050 Hotel Motel Taxes - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Convention Bureau Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safe Services No Change to Mayors Proposed Butlget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12115) Housing (nformation O�ce HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or Financin< Comte-of-lBe-Whole (12/15) Human Rights Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contr2ct for 12 Months Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) i raries Materiais Budget - Friends match License /nsnecfion and Environmenta! Pr Correct spending object code which was inwrrect inthe Proposed Butlget. Parks and Recreatio New activity for each golf course. No new $. Results in better wst allocation. Special Services - Goif Special Services - Golf - Refectory Como Golf Course Highland 18 Golf CAU(se GF loan for Qesign of Highland Park Driving Range Highland 9 Golf Course Phalen Golf Course Golf Administration Add cost of light strings for Bright Lights/ City Nights. Paid for by downtown businesses. Merriam Park River Trail Connection Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) 10200-0114 10200-0161 �0200-0439 10200-9830 t0203-0114 1�203-�161 10203-0439 10202-0856 10202-7305 30256-0'111 30256-0439 fund 050 30108-0545 Fund O65 30150-0218,7299 � 33422-0361,6905 33351-0537 33351-0567 33353-0537 33353-0567 23112 23113 23117 23t18 23118 23119 23120 23121 23141 13100 25.294 1.414 7,661 34,369 38,543 2,155 11,673 52,371 (25,012) (25,012) 347,055 347.055 0 0 78.759 78.759 (685,206) (685,206) 9,000 9,000 50,000 50,000 (35,639) 38,639 (18,200) 18200 (2,751,050) �azo,000> 757227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 saa,oaa 55,000 10,000 (2,751.050) (420,000) 757,227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 544,012 55,000 10,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12I15l99 �3:37 PM Page 1 a��iiq7 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOOiH Description Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing P/anning & Economic Development HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or FlnanCinc Comteof-the-Whoie (1?lt5) CD66 Funding for COPP Comte-of-the-Whole (1?l15) retluce CDBG Contigency Police De� ent Transfer and revise Proposed budget from 34739 to 34193 Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Police memo (11N8/99) #1 Managementchange-fundingforcommander Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) Palice memo (11/19l98) #2 Management change - funding for wmmander Comfeof-the•Whole {12/8) Police memo ('I t!� 8f99) #3 Adjust grant funding for personnel Comte-of-the-Whole 1t2/8) Police memo ('11/18/99) #3 Revise spending with no change to total budget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18l99) #5 Eliminate Proposetl budget (funding ended) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) Police memo (11/18/99) #6 Roll over unused 1999 grant funding into 2000 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11/18/99) #7 Returned Ciry Pension Assets Fund Atljustmeni to match revised financing (per notice) Comterot•the-Whole (1218) Recru@mg - advertising and materials Comte-of-the-Whola (12/8) HEAT / FORCE Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Additional equipment Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Salary Savings due to likely hiring delay Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Changes to financing W 6alance 6utlget Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Pu61ic Health No Cnange to Mayor's Proposed Buclget Comte-of-the-Whole (12I15) Pub/ic Woik No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) RiverCentre separete budget adoption - not includetl here Techno/ogy 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budge[ Comte-of•the-Whole (12/15J Various Departments Wafer Utilitv separate budget adoption - not included here Total, Counci!'s Changes Mayoi's Proposed Specia/ Funds Budget Counci/'s P�eliminary Special Funds Budgef Ba/ance fndicafor Current Stafus: Ba/anced Budaet Fund 065 Funtl 100 CDBG Fund 100 CDBG 34139,34193 34067 34155 34155 34157 34145 34150 34080 34085 34085 34085 34080 34080,34085 685,206 35,000 (35,000) 0 7.937 7,937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.096) 83,009 300,000 50,000 (185,000) 778.872 178,908,450 179,687,322 685206 0 7,937 7.937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.�96) 248,009 778,872 178,908,450 779.687.322 0 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 2 ��ll�r� 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9& 3: ZO PrN CounciPs Fiscal Changes Capita! lmp�ovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of Rerqmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Planning & Economic Deve(opment City Sales Tar Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-6699XXX 931,000 931,000 Sales Tae Public Works �reat Northem Indust Pk & Fierce ButlerRoute Realignment Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) SU-55991 W (90D,OD0) MSA Great Northem Indust Pk & Pierce Butler Route Realignment Cncl Contingency 900,000 MSA Tolal, Counci('s Cfianges s3�,oao sst,000 Mayar'sProposedCi6 so,iti,000 so,i�i,000 Council'sPreliminaryClB at,oaz,000 e�,oaz,000 Balance �ndicator Current SWfus: Balanced Budaet 0 FlnancialServices-eudgetSection fils:TRQKCNGL.WK4 12/75/9903.38PM Page7 ORIGINAL Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date aa � WHEREAS, the Mayor has propased budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2000, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and 3 a W HEREAS, the Ciiy Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 7, 1999, held a public hearing on s December 14, 1999, on the Mayor's Proposed 2000 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and s � WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's propased budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it e RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2000 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, » and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it �z �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the severat offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 2000 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute is appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. v �a FURTHEf2 RESOIVED, that the estimated fina�cing set forth in the 2000 adopted 6udgets is here6y approved; and 6e it 19 zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2000 budget for the Community Development Block Grant �und (100) arW GovernmenYal z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 2z differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted mutti-year budgets 2a commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 2000, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 2s z'r FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Cterk is directed to publish the 2000 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2a 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2000 Budgets in accordance s+ with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as az necessary. Requested by Department of: Administration Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � , �� — Approved by Mayor: Date �� 2� ��_"�(=; __ By: By: Joseph M. Reid Approvai Recommended by Diredor of Financial Services By: Form By: _ � �1 by City Attom . Ma for missio $di�M1 P3LL1 &pgH Office ( G �SHARE q°l -��g�l 104307 ,am,wa� 1` Adopted by Council: Date ��_� \%9°t l "� �ilT'PA&TT46!NSlOFFICFICQ[INCtl. DAlEINR1ATED �� i '�� ot�i�eofFi�ancta�SeNices 12/06199 GREEN SHEET NO. 104307 CONI'hCfPERSON&PHONE O D2PAR'fNhffNiDIRECLOR �4 CIIYfAUNN. Joseph Reid 266-8553 H � sF � a� crrrwrro�ev � crrrc�uc M[ISiBEONCbUNCdAGPNDAHY(DA'IE) �� � BUDGETDIItECTOR � FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIIL 12/15/99 3O M11A1'OR(ORASSIST 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUESiED Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual budgets RECO.NMENDATfONS: Appmv (n) o.ny«�(a) PIILSONAL SERVICE CONTRACl'S NN5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESITONS: _rvauwwccormmss�oN _crm,sxxv�cecoMnsss�a+ 1.Hastitisperson�fumevecwwked`mdecaconlmMfocthisdepartmenc? cmconmfrrt� YES NO srneF _ 2. Hu ihis person/tum everbeen a city employce`t utsraicrco�¢r YES NO sueronrs wii�cx co[mca oe.iecrrve? 3. Dces tttis person/5rm possess a s1dI1 not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO (Explain ail yes answers oo separate sheet and attach ro green sheet) IN[flAl]NGPROBLEM.ISSUE, �PPII&'[UN[CY (Wtw. Whay Whrn, Whae, WhY)� The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Tunelines are set by State Statute �d City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Council � foradoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 20Q0 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 ta7c levy. .wv�wrncas 8,�eeROVen: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DiSADVAMIAGESffAPPROVED: , N(A DISADVANTAGES OP NOT APPROVEU: The City will be without an adopted budget fo r2000. In accordance with the City Charter, the service prioriries, financing estimates and spending approprialions for 1994 would be carried forth into 2000 and become the 2000 budget. TOTALAMOUNfOFTRANSAClION R CQST/REVENUEBODGEiED(CptCLEO�`1E) YES NO �' FUNDLYGSO[RtCE ACTM'IYMtMBER PINANCIAL INP�RMATION: (E%PLAA� � PreOa�byNeSaintPa�IButlgetOfRCe(ReiE G.ISNARED�eUDGET123\YR2DOO�CAUNCIL\GSOOBDGTWK4 t210�199) 2000 Budget Process SZ/15/98 3:20 P�Lt Description A�rmafive Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Cifv Aftomey Add funtling related to law clerk Atld funding reiated to cierk typist ll CiKzen Services Move funding related to City FTE's relatetl to Lead program activities run antl fundetl by Ramsey County from the General Fund to special funds Funding for Property Code Enforcement related to seasonalinspectors, ClerklV, antl Typist 1 City Counci! Salary adjustment Office of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safet�Services Adjustment to financing estimate for medic fees Housing and lnformafion O�ce HIO moved to PED wiNout any change in Spendin9 or Financing Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contract for 12 months La6o� Relations No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budgei Libraries Sunday Service Hours at Riverview and St. Anthony Morning Service Hours at Arlington, Hamline, Rice, Riverview an0 St. Anthony Materials Budget License lnsnecfion and Environmenfal Protection No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Gomte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comfe-of-the-Whole (t211) Gomte-of-the-Whote (12J1) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comterof-the-Whole (12/S) Comterof•the-Whole (12/15) Blees email 12/10/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12115) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) comte-of-tne-wnoie (1v1s} `fg -��q� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debf Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 0�20�-Otl4 00200-0161 00200-0439 00200-0111 oozoaois� 00200-0439 27,275 1,525 8,261 25,367 1,418 7,683 ' 00256-0111 (55,000) i I I 00256-0111 102276 00001-0100, 0439 7200 05101-4070 (266,260) 09103-0558 (176,700) 00152-0558 9,000 03402-0111,0439 43,193 03402-0111, 0439 65,929 03401-�381 100,000 Financial Services - Budget SecGon file� TRAKCNCL.WK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 1 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOO.�1 Description Parks and Rec�eation Restore cut for sweeping select seasonal ice rinks Restore funding related to rec director cut ai EasNiew Restore funding related to rec director for senior rec programs Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Merriam Park River Trail Connection Reorganize Como Campus budgets. No new $. New activity for Forestry. No new $. Tree Maintenance Street Tres Maintenance Planninq & Economic Deve% HIO moved to PED vrithout any change in Spending or Financing with one half in Specified Contingency Po/ice Deuartmenf Railroad Island Weed and Seed grant Butlget restructuring within the Communications Center with no changes in the total funtling Pub/ic Works No Change to Mayor's Propased Budget Technoloqy & Management Servlces Health Fair Transter to Financial Forrns (FSO) for Payroll Check preparation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('f2/8) Comterof-the-Whole j12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhote (12/8) Comteof-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) (1 V24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18199)!74 Comte-of-the•Whole (1?115) DepuTy Chief Gartleli request Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) City Council (12115) Mullan email 12/10(99 Gene�a/ Govemment Accounts Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into the 2000 budget (CF 99 576, 99 945, 99 1048) Operation and Mai�tena�ce for the Science Museum Easf Builtling (4 months funding) Proceetls from the sale of the Science Museum East Builtli� Transfer from Information services for Payroll Check preparation SpeCified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Constmction Ciry Attomey, Improving Service Delivery Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remetliation Parks / Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and ice rioks PED - funding related to City Planner II Code Enforcement One half of Housing Infortnation (PED) contribution Prop�rty Taz Levy Financing No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bukget Other Financing Insu2nce Aid for police pensions Hotel Motel Tax - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Investment Earnings (@ 6%) Interest on Securities Lending Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) TMS Email 11/15/99 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ TMS Emai19l30l99 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) City Council (12!'15) MWlan emall 12/10/99 Comte-of•the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12l15) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) �,`�- [�a� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Chanae from Mavor's -Adopted bv Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03770 03177 03100 03100 03120 03122 03194 03195 03197 O6xr�c-0558 04100 04302 01370 �9080 09900 09180 09580 09080 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 09061-0548 090�0-3424 00110-1401 00000-6602 09030-6609 23.794 SD,000 SO,OOD 170,OOD 70,D00 (47,532) (119.588) 167,120 (500,000) 500,000 88,350 30,000 30,000 0 0 11,760 (16,OQ0) 212,000 200,D00 200,000 �s,000 soo,000 51,371 35,000 46,516 48,500 100,000 88,350 25A,190 67,500 300,000 75,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCLWK4 12H5/99 03:37 PM Page 2 a��!«7 20D0 Budget Process IZ/15/98 3:20 P�[f Councii`s Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendatiort Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance Actions to Cover FSO Director's Technical Changes Central Sevice Cost Co1lecGOns Comte-of-the-Whofe ('12/8) 00000-7399 (29.080) Fund Balance Carry Over of 1999 Y2K Project funding into Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) 09900 9830 212,000 the 20�0 6udget (CF 99 57fi, 99 945, 99 7048) TMS Email 11l15l99 Adjustment to Fund Balance to Balance Technical Changes Comte-of-the-Whole (t?18) D0�00-9830 (19,92�) Actions to Gover Ci1y Council's Changes Use of Fund Balance Loan for Design of Highland Park Driving Range Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) 03100-9830 170,000 Specified Contingency Loan for Highland Driving Range Construction Comte-of-the-Whole (1118) 09061-9830 500,000 City Attorney, Improving Service Delivery Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 51,371 Fair Housing Standards Testing and Remediation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09061-9830 35,000 Parks f Public Works - Sweeper for sidewalks and rinks Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) 09�61-983� 46,516 PED - City Planner II Comie-of-the-Whole (t2I8) 09061-9830 48,500 Cotle EMorcement Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) 09061�830 100,000 Use of Fund Batance to Baiance Comte-ofAhe-Whole ('12/15) 00000-9830 106,251 Balancing entry by FSO per CF 99-11 W Total, Cooncil's Changes 1,883,068 1,883,068 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budgef 161,724,065 167,724,065 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund B�dget 163,607,133 163,607,133 Ba/ance Indicator Cur�ent Statur. �alanced Butlaet o GeneralDebt Town Square Hotel Debt Reserve HoteVMOteI Revenue for Town Square Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/15) Comte-0f-the-Whole {12/15) asssa-oso+ ssssa-i4o+ (150,000) (150,000) ('150,000) (150,000) 53,424,551 53,424,551 Tofai, Councii's Changes Mayor's Proposed Debf Budgef Counci/'s Preliminary Debf Budget Balanceindicafor CunentStafus; Balanced Budoef 53,274,551 53,274,551 C Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 3 �q �I(�`7 2000 Budget Process IZ/15/9B 3:20 P�L! �escription Citv Attornev Add funding related to Legal Ass(stant I Council's Fiscal Ghanges Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted dy Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Adtl fi�a�cing relatetl to Legai Asst. I(drawdown of funtl balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Add funding related to 1 attomey and .5 legal asst. for 1!2 year, Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) financed by sWte g2nt recently reCeived. State grant revenue E�cpentlitures were shifted to 1999. So 2000 gr2nt spending/financing needs to be reduced Citizen Services Add funding related to City FTE's related to Lead program activities run and funded by Ramsey County City Council No Change to Mayor's Ptoposetl Sudget Financia/ Services Budget restructuring within Funtl 050 Hotel Motel Taxes - related to Town Square Debt Reserve Convention Bureau Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/15) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safe Services No Change to Mayors Proposed Butlget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12115) Housing (nformation O�ce HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or Financin< Comte-of-lBe-Whole (12/15) Human Rights Southern Mn. Regional Legal Services Contr2ct for 12 Months Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) i raries Materiais Budget - Friends match License /nsnecfion and Environmenta! Pr Correct spending object code which was inwrrect inthe Proposed Butlget. Parks and Recreatio New activity for each golf course. No new $. Results in better wst allocation. Special Services - Goif Special Services - Golf - Refectory Como Golf Course Highland 18 Golf CAU(se GF loan for Qesign of Highland Park Driving Range Highland 9 Golf Course Phalen Golf Course Golf Administration Add cost of light strings for Bright Lights/ City Nights. Paid for by downtown businesses. Merriam Park River Trail Connection Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) (Per Sheila Reed, 11/22) Comterof-the-Whole (12/8) (11/24 P&R email to OFS) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) 10200-0114 10200-0161 �0200-0439 10200-9830 t0203-0114 1�203-�161 10203-0439 10202-0856 10202-7305 30256-0'111 30256-0439 fund 050 30108-0545 Fund O65 30150-0218,7299 � 33422-0361,6905 33351-0537 33351-0567 33353-0537 33353-0567 23112 23113 23117 23t18 23118 23119 23120 23121 23141 13100 25.294 1.414 7,661 34,369 38,543 2,155 11,673 52,371 (25,012) (25,012) 347,055 347.055 0 0 78.759 78.759 (685,206) (685,206) 9,000 9,000 50,000 50,000 (35,639) 38,639 (18,200) 18200 (2,751,050) �azo,000> 757227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 saa,oaa 55,000 10,000 (2,751.050) (420,000) 757,227 807,178 170,000 320,450 742,183 544,012 55,000 10,000 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12I15l99 �3:37 PM Page 1 a��iiq7 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9B 3:ZOOiH Description Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing P/anning & Economic Development HIO moved to PED without any change in Spending or FlnanCinc Comteof-the-Whoie (1?lt5) CD66 Funding for COPP Comte-of-the-Whole (1?l15) retluce CDBG Contigency Police De� ent Transfer and revise Proposed budget from 34739 to 34193 Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Police memo (11N8/99) #1 Managementchange-fundingforcommander Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) Palice memo (11/19l98) #2 Management change - funding for wmmander Comfeof-the•Whole {12/8) Police memo ('I t!� 8f99) #3 Adjust grant funding for personnel Comte-of-the-Whole 1t2/8) Police memo ('11/18/99) #3 Revise spending with no change to total budget Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11l18l99) #5 Eliminate Proposetl budget (funding ended) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1278) Police memo (11/18/99) #6 Roll over unused 1999 grant funding into 2000 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Police memo (11/18/99) #7 Returned Ciry Pension Assets Fund Atljustmeni to match revised financing (per notice) Comterot•the-Whole (1218) Recru@mg - advertising and materials Comte-of-the-Whola (12/8) HEAT / FORCE Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Additional equipment Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Salary Savings due to likely hiring delay Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Changes to financing W 6alance 6utlget Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Pu61ic Health No Cnange to Mayor's Proposed Buclget Comte-of-the-Whole (12I15) Pub/ic Woik No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Comte-of-the-Whole (12/15) RiverCentre separete budget adoption - not includetl here Techno/ogy 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budge[ Comte-of•the-Whole (12/15J Various Departments Wafer Utilitv separate budget adoption - not included here Total, Counci!'s Changes Mayoi's Proposed Specia/ Funds Budget Counci/'s P�eliminary Special Funds Budgef Ba/ance fndicafor Current Stafus: Ba/anced Budaet Fund 065 Funtl 100 CDBG Fund 100 CDBG 34139,34193 34067 34155 34155 34157 34145 34150 34080 34085 34085 34085 34080 34080,34085 685,206 35,000 (35,000) 0 7.937 7,937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.096) 83,009 300,000 50,000 (185,000) 778.872 178,908,450 179,687,322 685206 0 7,937 7.937 (8,523) 0 (79,934) 107,000 (285.�96) 248,009 778,872 178,908,450 779.687.322 0 Financial Services - Budget Section file: TRAKCNCL.WK4 12/15/99 03:37 PM Page 2 ��ll�r� 2000 Budget Process 12/15/9& 3: ZO PrN CounciPs Fiscal Changes Capita! lmp�ovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of Rerqmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Planning & Economic Deve(opment City Sales Tar Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-6699XXX 931,000 931,000 Sales Tae Public Works �reat Northem Indust Pk & Fierce ButlerRoute Realignment Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) SU-55991 W (90D,OD0) MSA Great Northem Indust Pk & Pierce Butler Route Realignment Cncl Contingency 900,000 MSA Tolal, Counci('s Cfianges s3�,oao sst,000 Mayar'sProposedCi6 so,iti,000 so,i�i,000 Council'sPreliminaryClB at,oaz,000 e�,oaz,000 Balance �ndicator Current SWfus: Balanced Budaet 0 FlnancialServices-eudgetSection fils:TRQKCNGL.WK4 12/75/9903.38PM Page7