89-2021 WNITE - C�TV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COURCII G7 �I/� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. • �D(/� I . c__�ou� i Resol�tion -� ; �; Presented By '�� / - �� '�� Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #39611) for a State Class B Gambling Cicense by Minnesota Waterfowl Association at North End Depot, 1638 Rice Street, be and the same is hereby approved�e�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lona [n Favo � Rettman ,� � Against BY -soeaou Wilson � � :� �� Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' - � CertiEied Pas•e� uncil et BY � �D -�' B � '�- , 5 Appr y Mavor. t ND � 5 j M Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By PU�LISlED Pd 0 V 2 � 1 8� . . . . �;��y�o,�r UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT A.DMINIST TION DATE � �� � / as 0 INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn roc ssed/Re eiv d by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � �hn e� �� WG,�I�'-t�✓� u 1'I Home Address �3 DD �pn/�Ql,�oU c� 12� Rusiness Idame QL �p(Z�, �N� �°pat Home Phone 9 3 � - 05 33 Business Address ��D 3$ (�C���`t Type of License(s) C�G�S Jg — Business Phone �ni1 PS�f1' �C'� Public Hearing Date �� j� g License I.D. �i ���� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �i � oZ 37�'`�"� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� �'� to Applicant ��'�"� rederal Firearms 4� �)� Public He�iring DATE ITSPEC IUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER} CCIMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � �� ; Health Divn. ' � � � �' i Fire Dept. � � i i �'�� I � � Yolice Dept. �OI2���i � 0 �. License Divn. � ��/L,��, � o � City Attorney � L����&� ! 0 �L Date Received: Site Plan � � �p � �� To Council Research Lease or Letter � n Date from Landlord �'� . - �__;• o - Sa:t �3u� ��a��` - Deoa��e^.c ot __�a s aad .anagemeac Sa:-r:c:s . J=•�isioa o= L:cs^. aad ?s�� �eg:st.at:on � - ._.;��R."�4T=0Y �QIII�T.� rnL'� �°==c.z_c.r .o� ��.�� �o cormcrc: ?�.��a/:'_��oa�zD s�,�s _:; 5�,�`� '3CL (Ciass 3 Ga3ol'_�g i.�cease � T'auor �staci�sa�eats - Ye•.r 3p�i�cac�on) ' L. .�1Z and c�pl=ca naae oE orgaa��ac: �raic� _s apol•���.3 �ar 1�caase r'(�`'/i�i'±a y±T'�i � , ' � ��� � w Ct��r'd � 2. Does ?our or;aa��aL'_oa �eet t4e de:� '��on oi a "Iarge" orgaaizac:on as ac�c'�.:ed �: t:�e ;Tevemcer. 1988 L��7ZS�OII o= Sec;: /+09.2I oi t:�e Lag+slaz:ve Code? �'� ?1tLaca Co c�is appl.�cac�on per��zeat f��aac�a2 aad/or or3aaizac�oaal i�ianac:�a c� supaor: your aaswer t� L'ais questf on YO'�': On1y 5 Iar;e orgaa=�ac�ons �ri1l be a?locr- ed to opea ouL' tac operat:oas under Se rer_sed c;t� ordiaance. If mors c�aa 3 oz3au:.- �ac�ons appiy, qc�al���ed apol�caat� '�I be se?ec�zd raadomly bp t�e C�tp Cou:c'__. 3. �ddrass ��raers games ��1? be held '( �`c� ��� �� �S'+5'/J 7 Yumoer St_eec C�cy Z:� !�. Yarse o= aanager s��.ing t:�is aool_ca �on :�ao •.ri?1 conduc�, ooera�_ aad �aaage Ga�oliz; Games � � f�/�. Data o= 3__�a ����'�5�� --7 , (a) La�gt'� oz t�e Waaager has beea e�cer oi apgL=c.iric or;anizat:on 7/Q�' , 5. �dress o= �Saaager �I7OD� ��1li� WCC /nn�v�n ���-�� �,,,� • Vumc e: S C�_°r � i�`�:Gl��tl, C�L'j Z�? 1� <,!CLe{ . v ( �" ;.`� � y �� '�, /D.� � `�1 .n.� ,. �x-�'l'. o. Dap, dacas, aad hours t:is ap�L'_cac; n :s :or �I'�— ����' ��•L� �l��C �����l i��l J 7. Is t:�e apol.'_canc or or;aa:�ac=on or; ized uader t:�e ?aws of t�e Staza oi `�:i? EP� 8. Dac� oi iacor�arat�on .� -�� �(1' � a. Daca �raen ragistar=d •.�it:� z!�e State i �iiaaesota �''/ � '�o � I0. HoW Ioag fias orgaziizat�on beea ia ' zaaca? :n � n __ � � "/ � (��'' � II. i�ow Iong has organi�azioa beea ia e_ 'steace ia St. PauL? ;�J 4� ► �i '7+� �` r IZ. GTiiac is the pu:�ose of t�e orgaaiza ion? �QC R-�.Q �/ 4,� �G1� 1''L.—�_'_ I3. Of:=cers a= appl.icant orgaaizatioa: Name �L.E'T Name , /111 W G'� • � L/ � _y..:�� �,,..���� - .�.� a�-�- Address 7 � a'�' /►J� No. Address �I �`L e n ' � '� ����1 Ti�1e-T'it�G����2 R� �'��" DOB ,3 '�Ci' C Tiz1e �f rG2. f�DOB �1'„ Jr^ _ �iame Si�1 a - . _ . Rame ^ r� �1 C-!�� . ^..� t � ' � W�� 1�II'C'. � �u� � - 3ddress' t la� 5T„ , ' �""'�. 3ddress DOB � !�-^ � �� G�' � 2 'Tit�e �r•cxS�r'?✓' U DaB ! �� - 7 T�t1e r� �'1..�� - y' � �. � _ �:, - - . ����oa� 14. �ive names oE oE�icers, or an;: o�her e:sons who paid for ser�rices to t;ie organization. ���v('1� ilame Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names. ) 15. Attached hereto is a list oE names an addresses of all members of the organizaticn. 16. In whose custody will otganizativn's ecords be kept? . r � � •� f Address ^ �.'f � ��`j�d/��1 /r /lc�' �y-: Name �;nrl�t..�l �-c,.r'�C w• / L'C � � 17. List alI persons with the authority t sign cbecics for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name ' //� C.� "/�1 Name ",'ct / �r 1/f l'� . Address ��LL.' ���/i.c�L:.�c°cY� C:c� Address ,��37 C� �/ �''�/�J^ �'�T �U�''' Ffember of �tember ot. DOB /�' �r .�' -5 Gn Organization? 3�. DOB ���� Organizationi - 5�4�� T Name Name Address Address Plember ot Kember of DOB Organization? DOB Organizatien? 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly nderstand the provisions oi all laws,, orciinances, and regulations governing the operat on vf Charitable Gambling games? �� 19. Wi11 your org�anization's pcslitab ope ation be operated/managed solely by members o� your organization? yes na /", 20. Has your organization signed, or doe it intend to sign, a consu?ting agreement or a managerial agreement with any person or comoany to assist your organization urith the pulltab sales and/or recording keepi g? yes no If answer is yes, give the name and ddress oF the person and/or company concracted. Name Address �— _ Name Address If answer is yes, how will. such a co sultant be paid? (percentage, flat Fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach copy of said contract to this applicacion. �- Z:. Operator of premises where games u►i be held: Name �1�._�C�,rro►�e __� - Business Address ��gr. x� �� �t . _ 'y _ ��� �`"^^��' ��j . � � Home Addres: �l�? ��p �/,e�l^ . �/ .� �� ^�17` ��// 9 ' ,.y • � 22. a) Does vour organization pay or inteci to pay accounting fees out of gamblin :�sctds .' y e S .� no ����Qp�� b) If you do pay accounting £ees, to w om wiil such fees be paid? Name � Address _.. ..__ e—� --- -- DOB Memoer oE Org nization? _ _ c) Hocr are the accounting fees caarge out? (flat fee. hourly, etc.) d) What do you anticipate Will be yo r average monthly deduction for accouncing Eees? . �-c' � , i �`�,j�/�' � � �'�c� � ^ v" .t,�-�� GL�.�.,..r� 23. Amount .of rent paid by applicant orga ization for rent oE the hail: � �-C`�' � , �1 Z4. The proceeds of the games will be dis ursed after deducting prize Iayout costs and operating e:cpenses for the fo1l��wing urposes and uses: ' / / � �; c`-C' n / �^cNn, Pi..:� � r t.G/c.,r �� lGl? �"f'i � �, �"C �J(/�`'•�I..f'`S � � � L � �C�.'F�' �' '� �H. ' �c�-� � 1 � 25. Has the premises where the games are o be held been certified for occupancp b�• tfie <.J -� City of Saint Paul? -1i 26. Has your organization filed federal f rm 990-T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If ans er is no, exptain why: � A �•7 � CV�. Ir � Any changes desired by the applicant assoc ation may be made only with Che consent oE the City Coc�ncil. , �' � L(.�L,,� r �CtCI� �C ganizacion Name r� l'— g — 1.9�wX•"c�c.r l � Date _(��� By� � —''-� - F anager in charge of ga:n . ■ � ��i`%� �'~� ■ Organization Pr idenc or CEO � ,�, CHRI;TI,yE A R;^.,r.H, , l�N07ARY PUBUC— r.;�.���. ; -. h;•i,.�.�ovTr > - RAMSEV���;';;Tv > ' MY Comm►ssion EX ,�P •'> t P _s Aug. 15. i9��i �' - . �' - ' :., � . - . , . ���~a��l TO BE C MPLETED BY ORGAN I ZATIOPi PRES I O JT ANO GAt-t8L IriG t1ANAGER � I understand and will uphold Sain Pau1 Ordinance 409 , Sections 409.21 and 409.22 relating to pulltabs an tipboards in bars. Further, I understand that my jar r must meet city standards ; that 10�� of the net profit from pulltab sal s must be returned to the City-Wide Youth Fund on a monthty bas1s; that monthly financial statements must be filed with the City; and that 51'� f net proceeds must remain in St. Paul or be used to support St. Paul residents . , , - � � � .� . Signature - Manager 'gnature - Organi ion Presiden ,�,► -��7L �c.�����I� c�=-1 s:��-�'����``'� `� rganization � ame � ���E✓'�/j Q l7 . � , , �—�--�— Gambling Location � Da e Please retain the a tached ordinance for your records. . P��-�oa� DEPARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNGL DATE IN TIA i � ce .�i ce se ' GREEN SHEET No. 5 7�J� � CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE' �p�V�TE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Chri sti ne Rozek 298—rJOrJ'C) ��ATT�N�' �CITY p.ERK MU8T BE�J COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(OATE) �BUDOET DIFiECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. 11-14-89 ❑tiu►voR ca+nssisr�an [� .1 TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAQE8 (CLIP NLL TIONS FOR 81�iNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of an application fo� a State Class B Gambling License, Notification Date: 10-5-89 � H a ' D 1 - - �co�Naa�s:�vr�•c�p R•t•«m► cou rrt��s�►r���arr � _PUWI�NNO OOAAA�N8810N _CML�N(�OOMMISSION ANALY PhONE 1�. _CIB COMMIITEE _ _STAFF _ OOMM . .?��� _DISTRICT COURT _ �f/�O 8UPPORT$WNICN COUNpL�IECTIVE7 �i O�j r T 1 � INITIATIN(i PR08LEM�ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�What�Whsn.WMn.WhY$ � �e V` ':e",� Scott Nelson on behalf of Min�es ta Waterfowl Association requests City Council approval of thei� a plication for a State Class B Gambling License at North End Depot, 1�38 Rice Street. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used for the im ro ement and protection of waterfowl habitat and the education of the publ�ic o the benefit of waterfowl and its habitat. All fees and applications hav� b en submitted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, �IMi nesota Waterfowl Association will operate a pulltab booth at North End �ep t, 1638 Rice Street. � OISADVANTAOES IF APPFiOVED: ' i DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPiiOYED: j Gouncil Research Center, OCT 121989 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION S C08T/REVENUE SIiDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YRS NO RUNDMKi SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMSER flNANC1Al INFORMATION:(EXPWN) WHITE - CITV CLERK COVIICIl /� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PA U L l��/ � + CANARV - DEPARTMENT ) BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � `�"`�� oun il esolu on Presented Re rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application(#6231 ) for a transfer of a Gambling Manager's ticense currently held by Scott Nelson DBA Minnesota Waterfowl Association at Dahir's Bar & Grill , 674 Dodd Road, be and the same 'is hereby approve for transfer to Bruce Bauer DBA Minnesota Water'fowl Association t the North End Depot, 1638 Rice Street. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Long In Favo _� Rettman ,�� � Against BY �em�ea Wilson �/ ^�+� j � Form Approved by City tto ey Adopted by Council: Date ' r�/ Certified Pass d unc'1 Se a By ' �/_� '�( gy, �� ' A►pprov y Mavor: D — . �` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ��� id u'J � � 19 9