89-2016 WHI7E - UTV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• ��O/� BLUE -MAVOR Community�Development C unC Resolution ' '�, � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Report on Neighborhood Empowerment to the Saint Paul City Council and the Task Force on Neighborhood/Communit Action, convened by the St. Paul Foundation, identified the need for neighborhood-bas d organizations to communicate, to share knowledge and experience and to build th capacity of Saint Paul citizens as they carry out their civic roles and responsibiliti s, and WHEREAS, a faculty task force from he College of St. Thomas has submitted a proposal to the Community Development Di ision of the Planning � Economic Development Department to facilitate a retreat for t e community organizers and representatives from the seventeen (17) Citizen Particip tion Districts, the newly elected Mayor and City Council and appropriate City depart ent staff, and WHEREAS, the faculty task force wo d secure all funds, and WHEREAS, no public funds would be quired; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council su orts the St. Thomas proposal to hold said retreat at Camp St. Croix, January 12-1 , 1990, for the purpose of enhancing citizen participation and improving communicati among the District Councils, elected officials, and City staff; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all persons lected on the November 7, 1989 ballot will be informed of this proposal in a timely m ner and asked to reserve the date for the purpose of this retreat. COUNCILME[�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Plannin Econom' velo ment Long In Favo -�� B �%. � Rettman � Against y -�, ., , „�,-.,�-, � -�,��. y�11 on NOV � �} �8 Form A ove y Cit Att ne Adopted'by laouncil: Date � `�! Certified Y-s e by Council Secretary BY ' By A►ppro y Mavor: Date �� � � Appro by Mayor for Su to Cotncil By �� t�d�'�� 2 � 198� - . . ���" G���-a��� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIA PED/Community Development Div. 10/27 89 GREEN SHEET NO. 5 2 8 4 IN TE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER30N 8 PHONE EpApTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Jerry Jenkins 3258 � ATTORNEY �cm c�wc MU8T BE ON OOUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNIO BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN. T.8ERVICEB DIR. p�,voR coR�esigr p ti�� � . o �9 TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ��`'1 ACT10N REQUESTEO: 7 ��� Signatures on the attached Council Resol tion. �:.1�'��� �` 9 � � .� �`���t�,���- i � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Rejsct(R) COUNLML MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PUWNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE CO MI$$�Qel ��YBT PHONE 1�. _qB OOMMfTTEE _ ��� COMMENTB: —sT� — _o�icr couRr — � � SUPPORTB WNldi COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 Nei hborhood Em owerment INITIAT1NNi PROBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUNiTY(Who,What,When,WMre,Wh�: In response to the Neighborhood Empowermen Report to the City Council and the St. Paul Foundation Task Force on Neighborhood/Com nity Action, faculty members of the College of St. Thomas have submitted a proposal to th Community Development Division of the Department of Planning F� Economic Development to faci itate a retreat for C.O. 's, representatives of District Councils, newly elected Mayor and City Council and appropriate City department staff. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The faculty task force will secure all fun s; no public funds will be required. The faculty members are trained facilitato s. Both the Neighborhood Empowerment and St. aul Foundation reports recommended more opportunities for District Council represe tatives to meet together to learn from one another Both reports recommended more training opp rtunities for citizen participation. DIBADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: None anticipated. RECEIVEt� c:d r�cil Research Center ��Og1� NOV 3 1989 CITY CLERK oisnov�wraaes iF�nPV�o: A lost opportunity. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a N/A COST/REVENUE BUD��TED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlWWGIIL.INFORAAATION:(EXPWI� �`�y P.O..F3ux (�t)I IH- .. • ������ _ �(;��IleKe �>f St. 'T'huma�5 ?l15 Summit Avcnuc tit. Paul, tilinncsc�t.i 55111� • • St. OI�1�.S Business Administration 612-6-�'-56�0 September 18, 1989 , William Patton, Deputy Direct r Department of Planning and Ec nomic Development City of St. Paul City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Patton: I am writting in foll up to our last week's meeting regarding St. Thomas conduct ng a retreat for District Council leaders. As we had discussed, both the recent St. Paul Foundation Study and Neighborhood Empowerment tudy point to the need of District Council leadership to engage in local planning to continue to foster citizen participation in St. Paul. The proposed retreat - -== would be designed to assist t e District Counc�ls -in qoal setting and problem solving on issu s concerned with enhancing citizen � �b��^� participation. The work of th retreat could possibly be presented G � to the mayor-elect and to the in-coming city council members. �Q� �� The retreat would be sc eduled for -9��°9-� ` �,(3 A faculy taskforce from St. T omas would design and facilitate the retreat. In addition, per our agreement, this St. Thomas taskforce jyy� would secure all funds necess ry to run the retreat. If the funds cannot be raised by St. Thoma , the retreat will not be held. We will be looking fo ward to working ��aith you and the District Council leadership. We will keep you informed on our progress in designing the re eat. You�s tru�y, _ �:- 1',. , �r . . � { y, u. � • Jack Miiitello, Ph. D. Director, Applied Research Group - in Business Administration J.-� _ . - . _,