89-2014 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO ASSESSMENTS Counci Resolution ROOM 218 CITY HALL ' � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date J�,[-���� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , That in acco dance with Section 77 . 07 dealing with Sewer Service Availability Charges , the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Service Availability Charges for the year 1990 to b held on December 5 , 1989 at 9 : 00 a.m. , in the Council Chambe s , and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of aid hearing; the publication of which is to be had at least sev n days before the hearing. cf. sac/1 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond F' ance and Ma gement vices ��g IR Favor .-evswitz xety��. '� Against BY Director �L�— —samren � ��i Wilson f�_yr� NQV � ,1� � Form Approvl�d by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` rp �I�� Certified Pa•s d'" y Council S t BY gy, , � tappr by Mavor. Date �' '^'� � � 1""" Appro by Mayor for n o ounci By p�lgtt� ���V � 5 1989 . � 6'sT" ���4���0�y° DEPARTMENTlOFFICEICOUNdL � DATE INITIA D Finance & Management Services 10/25/ 9 GREEN SHEET NO. SN�7� CONTACT PERSON 3 PNON �DEPARTMENT DIF�CTOR �CITY COUNCIL �_ � �CRY ATTOflNEY �CRY CLERK MUST�ON CaINpL IU�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. U MAYOR(OR ASSIST [��ouncil Re TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR 81QiNATURE) �cTiori�cwes�o: Set hearing date to consider increasing S wer Service Availability Charge (SAC) from $575.00 to $600.00 beginning January 1, 1 90. CHARGES TO BE REVIEWED BY PUBLIC WORKS R COMMITTEE RECOAAMENDATION8:Approw pq a Reject(F� COU MM EE/i�SEAF�FI _PUINNINQ COMMISSION _GVIL SdRVR:EL�1GfNSSION �YST PNONE NO. —q8 OOMMITfEE _ �.�AFF — O C T �""""�: -D1�"`�0°"'� - OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SUPPORTS WNICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE9��Y��S OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.a+PORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsro,Why): Letter from Metropolitan Waste Control Co ission informing government agencies of new SAC charge from $575.00 to $600.00 for 199 . The full SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. Therefore, passing the in reased charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. (Letter from MWCC attached) ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: The increase in SAC Unit Charges for the n year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the builder or property owner. However, if the City of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $17,000.0 in 1990 if t�re same number of SAC Charges are made as in 1989. D18ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Increase of $25.00 to property owner or bui der from rate in previous year. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT MPROVED: City absorb the increase - additional cost o the City of $17,000.00. �ounci! Hesearch Center N 0 V 3 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YE8 NO �N�a�� Sewer Availabilit .Ck�ar e SAC ACTMTr NUMSER 610-50018-0521 SAC FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� �j� �� /�i��!�.,1,=�= �`�v�h:`�-.f� ���_o�d,4( �✓�L.!� �.c.�('�' — /'a��=/��r;C� ��n,� • ��� 1�ietropolitan Waste Control Commission tcars Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 _ 612 222-8423 September 25, 1989 ��C�1���' ! (�!"CEIV�� � ' v� SEP 2S i989 ;�EP 271989 Pt�blic Vlla�lcs S��;e�t �=:,igr� CiIYC"�CRK � !' ALL CITY MANAGERS � RE: 1990 SAC RATES Thls Is to 1nfo�m you that the Metropolltan Waste Conrrol Commisslon has found It necess r-y to Increase the Sewer Service Availablllty Cha�ge (SAC�� �ate y S25 to 5600, effective January 1 , 1990 (Reso /ution Number 89-1 6) . The SAC rate for the commv- nities that do not have lnterc ptor sewe�s (those shared by two or mo�e communit/es) was Increa ed by S40 to 5430, a/so effect/ve Janua�y 1 , 1990. � SAC !s co/ /ected from users who a�e connecting to the sewer sys- tem for the fi�st time and from those whose use of the system has lncreased. The SAC funds colle ted pay for the debt incurred to expand and lmprove sewer facllJtles . These facll / t /es provlde the sewer collectlon and treat ent se�vlce stlpu /ated fo� your community !n the Metropolltan C uncll 's comprehenslve sewer pian . P/ease note: al ! SAC fees coll cted by the commun/ ty in 1990 are to be remitted to the Commissl n at the 1990 rate regardless of when the pe�mltting process beg n . The rate to be charged !s the rate !n effect at the tlme of p yment . If you have any questlons, /ease contact Sandra Se/by at 229-2118. Your cooperation in the past has been greatly app�eclated. Sincerely, ' � ��G-t GL_ n . V�rv Gordon 0 . Voss. � Chlef Adminlstrator GOV:SLS:kmw L-92089C cc: Building lnspectlons Depar ment Sandra Se/by, MWCC Equal Opportunit /Affirmative Action Employer �