99-1196ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # 0.�-��R4 104308 ai � Referred To: Committee: Date � z WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposed and recomme�ded the 2000 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, a and 4 s WHEREAS, the propased 2000 Generel and General Debt Service budgets has been reviewed and approved or amended by s Council, and 7 s WHEREAS, the property tau levy nseded to finance those budgets, with allowance for shrinkage, has been detertnined, 9 �o NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipation of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service �+ budgets for the fiscal year 1999 in accordance with sectio� 1�.04 of the City ChaAer, the City Council does hereby �z levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporete limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth betow, and 13 t4 is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County �s Department of Ta�cation in accordance with the applicable provisions of fhe City Charter and other laws, and n �a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the Budget Office to complete and forward any sfate forms required �a identifying these adopted levies; zo z� za 2A TS 26 2� Tax Levy Tax Levy % zs Description Pavable in 1999 Payable in 2000 h n e 29 so City levy for operations and shrinkage 64,086,349 64,683,502 0.93% 91 sz City levy for Debt Service 18,319,487 18,579,487 1.09% 33 aa Less state provided Hmstd. ILq. Cr. Aid (HACA) (20,012,573) (20,809,726) 3.98%a 35 as 62,393.263 62,393,263 0.00% 37 38 39 � 41 43 4M1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY: �--��. a . -A ..-�.-�____- Approved by Mayor: Date ��I Z 3 �� By: Requested by DepaRment of: Executive Administration By: Joseph M. Recommended by Director of Financial Services BY . � �� Form A oved y City Attorney: BY: Appro b a rfo bmis i� Preparo]by�he$aiirtPaulBUtlB��K� G\SHAI ,�,�� � Adopted by Council: Date �� � s ��` trt�ficeoeg ancalservices D 12106/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 104308 a� ; �'.� CONtACIPbR$ON&PHONE � DEPAR�A�`SDWFfiLOR Q CRYCOUNCQ. � Joseph Reid ��„ z� cnvnrro�wer s� rnvcT.ouc MUSTBEONCOUNCLLAGENDABY(DAl'L� �� � 8[IDG6TDIXEC[OR � FIN.kMGI.SERViCESDIR. 12/15/99 O �+wroz<oxnssara�7 O TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) arnoH xFa�sx�o Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual taY levy. AECOMISECIDAT[ONS. Appmve{A)ocNCjxt(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACLS M[IST ANSFVER THE FOLLOWING QUESTLONS: vv+r�mGCOM�vsSwN ervn,sanv�ceCO�.�vn�SSlon l.Hasttispzrson(Scmeve=workedimde=acontractfocttisdepazfineni? C� COMMII'IEE YES NO sr.u�'s _ 2. Has t6is person/Srm ever been a city employee? u�s'rwcrcouxr YES NO sUraoxrswwex coN.ca os�crrve+ 3. Does t}us persoNSrmpossess a sldll nrn normally possesudby any cunem eity emplayee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) A'1'RA'RNGPROBLEM.ISSUN.OPPORiUNf[Y(Who. Whaz, Wha, Whcrt, WhYY State law requires tt�e City of Saint Paul to certify the annual ta�c ]ery. ,�vavrnces u+aeexoveo The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DISADVANiAGES Q�'qPPROVCD N/A DISADVANTAGPS OPNOiAPPROVBD: The City will be without an adopted budget for 2000. TOTaLAMOUNfOFTRANSACITO[i $_. COSi/ItEVEt1[IEBi1DGEl'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FONDINGSONtC& ACTMiYN11MHER FINANQAL QJFORhL1TION: (FSPLAM) PreparedbytheSaintPaul6atlgetOffice(Read GlSHARED�BU0GET123\VR2000\COUNQL\GSOOLEVYYYK4 12/01/99) ` ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # 0.�-��R4 104308 ai � Referred To: Committee: Date � z WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposed and recomme�ded the 2000 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, a and 4 s WHEREAS, the propased 2000 Generel and General Debt Service budgets has been reviewed and approved or amended by s Council, and 7 s WHEREAS, the property tau levy nseded to finance those budgets, with allowance for shrinkage, has been detertnined, 9 �o NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipation of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service �+ budgets for the fiscal year 1999 in accordance with sectio� 1�.04 of the City ChaAer, the City Council does hereby �z levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporete limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth betow, and 13 t4 is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County �s Department of Ta�cation in accordance with the applicable provisions of fhe City Charter and other laws, and n �a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the Budget Office to complete and forward any sfate forms required �a identifying these adopted levies; zo z� za 2A TS 26 2� Tax Levy Tax Levy % zs Description Pavable in 1999 Payable in 2000 h n e 29 so City levy for operations and shrinkage 64,086,349 64,683,502 0.93% 91 sz City levy for Debt Service 18,319,487 18,579,487 1.09% 33 aa Less state provided Hmstd. ILq. Cr. Aid (HACA) (20,012,573) (20,809,726) 3.98%a 35 as 62,393.263 62,393,263 0.00% 37 38 39 � 41 43 4M1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY: �--��. a . -A ..-�.-�____- Approved by Mayor: Date ��I Z 3 �� By: Requested by DepaRment of: Executive Administration By: Joseph M. Recommended by Director of Financial Services BY . � �� Form A oved y City Attorney: BY: Appro b a rfo bmis i� Preparo]by�he$aiirtPaulBUtlB��K� G\SHAI ,�,�� � Adopted by Council: Date �� � s ��` trt�ficeoeg ancalservices D 12106/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 104308 a� ; �'.� CONtACIPbR$ON&PHONE � DEPAR�A�`SDWFfiLOR Q CRYCOUNCQ. � Joseph Reid ��„ z� cnvnrro�wer s� rnvcT.ouc MUSTBEONCOUNCLLAGENDABY(DAl'L� �� � 8[IDG6TDIXEC[OR � FIN.kMGI.SERViCESDIR. 12/15/99 O �+wroz<oxnssara�7 O TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) arnoH xFa�sx�o Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual taY levy. AECOMISECIDAT[ONS. Appmve{A)ocNCjxt(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACLS M[IST ANSFVER THE FOLLOWING QUESTLONS: vv+r�mGCOM�vsSwN ervn,sanv�ceCO�.�vn�SSlon l.Hasttispzrson(Scmeve=workedimde=acontractfocttisdepazfineni? C� COMMII'IEE YES NO sr.u�'s _ 2. Has t6is person/Srm ever been a city employee? u�s'rwcrcouxr YES NO sUraoxrswwex coN.ca os�crrve+ 3. Does t}us persoNSrmpossess a sldll nrn normally possesudby any cunem eity emplayee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) A'1'RA'RNGPROBLEM.ISSUN.OPPORiUNf[Y(Who. Whaz, Wha, Whcrt, WhYY State law requires tt�e City of Saint Paul to certify the annual ta�c ]ery. ,�vavrnces u+aeexoveo The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DISADVANiAGES Q�'qPPROVCD N/A DISADVANTAGPS OPNOiAPPROVBD: The City will be without an adopted budget for 2000. TOTaLAMOUNfOFTRANSACITO[i $_. COSi/ItEVEt1[IEBi1DGEl'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FONDINGSONtC& ACTMiYN11MHER FINANQAL QJFORhL1TION: (FSPLAM) PreparedbytheSaintPaul6atlgetOffice(Read GlSHARED�BU0GET123\VR2000\COUNQL\GSOOLEVYYYK4 12/01/99) ` ORIGINAL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # 0.�-��R4 104308 ai � Referred To: Committee: Date � z WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposed and recomme�ded the 2000 budgets for the City of Saint Paul, a and 4 s WHEREAS, the propased 2000 Generel and General Debt Service budgets has been reviewed and approved or amended by s Council, and 7 s WHEREAS, the property tau levy nseded to finance those budgets, with allowance for shrinkage, has been detertnined, 9 �o NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipation of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service �+ budgets for the fiscal year 1999 in accordance with sectio� 1�.04 of the City ChaAer, the City Council does hereby �z levy taxes on all taxable property within the Saint Paul corporete limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth betow, and 13 t4 is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the City Clerk to forward this resolution to the Ramsey County �s Department of Ta�cation in accordance with the applicable provisions of fhe City Charter and other laws, and n �a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the Budget Office to complete and forward any sfate forms required �a identifying these adopted levies; zo z� za 2A TS 26 2� Tax Levy Tax Levy % zs Description Pavable in 1999 Payable in 2000 h n e 29 so City levy for operations and shrinkage 64,086,349 64,683,502 0.93% 91 sz City levy for Debt Service 18,319,487 18,579,487 1.09% 33 aa Less state provided Hmstd. ILq. Cr. Aid (HACA) (20,012,573) (20,809,726) 3.98%a 35 as 62,393.263 62,393,263 0.00% 37 38 39 � 41 43 4M1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY: �--��. a . -A ..-�.-�____- Approved by Mayor: Date ��I Z 3 �� By: Requested by DepaRment of: Executive Administration By: Joseph M. Recommended by Director of Financial Services BY . � �� Form A oved y City Attorney: BY: Appro b a rfo bmis i� Preparo]by�he$aiirtPaulBUtlB��K� G\SHAI ,�,�� � Adopted by Council: Date �� � s ��` trt�ficeoeg ancalservices D 12106/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 104308 a� ; �'.� CONtACIPbR$ON&PHONE � DEPAR�A�`SDWFfiLOR Q CRYCOUNCQ. � Joseph Reid ��„ z� cnvnrro�wer s� rnvcT.ouc MUSTBEONCOUNCLLAGENDABY(DAl'L� �� � 8[IDG6TDIXEC[OR � FIN.kMGI.SERViCESDIR. 12/15/99 O �+wroz<oxnssara�7 O TOTAL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) arnoH xFa�sx�o Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2000 annual taY levy. AECOMISECIDAT[ONS. Appmve{A)ocNCjxt(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACLS M[IST ANSFVER THE FOLLOWING QUESTLONS: vv+r�mGCOM�vsSwN ervn,sanv�ceCO�.�vn�SSlon l.Hasttispzrson(Scmeve=workedimde=acontractfocttisdepazfineni? C� COMMII'IEE YES NO sr.u�'s _ 2. Has t6is person/Srm ever been a city employee? u�s'rwcrcouxr YES NO sUraoxrswwex coN.ca os�crrve+ 3. Does t}us persoNSrmpossess a sldll nrn normally possesudby any cunem eity emplayee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) A'1'RA'RNGPROBLEM.ISSUN.OPPORiUNf[Y(Who. Whaz, Wha, Whcrt, WhYY State law requires tt�e City of Saint Paul to certify the annual ta�c ]ery. ,�vavrnces u+aeexoveo The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. DISADVANiAGES Q�'qPPROVCD N/A DISADVANTAGPS OPNOiAPPROVBD: The City will be without an adopted budget for 2000. TOTaLAMOUNfOFTRANSACITO[i $_. COSi/ItEVEt1[IEBi1DGEl'ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FONDINGSONtC& ACTMiYN11MHER FINANQAL QJFORhL1TION: (FSPLAM) PreparedbytheSaintPaul6atlgetOffice(Read GlSHARED�BU0GET123\VR2000\COUNQL\GSOOLEVYYYK4 12/01/99) `