89-2004 � � �� � GTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE�iQ. ' — O FINAL ORDER ;,;; "�1,;�'', r: ; By 18571 File Na coastsmctio� of �t� Se��ath/Atto Strest irea St� Se�+�r 2roj�et. Voting �ty�lv�te�sd by Iat�retata 3S era tha ���ad aartb. Shepard lEoad oa tire W� so�eth as�d va the �ast b� Asc�ala �vsnae aad Suase Str��t. .� , � under Preliminary Order � ��O/ approved � �`/ �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has co ducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, jections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, theref re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby direc ed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the comp tion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same t the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COL�'jj�.RSON Adopted by the CouncIl: Date H�V � 9 �89 Yeas� �i�ys Lp� Certified P sed by Council retary it�ttaas �^ Sch�ibel k� In Favor Sonaen � ��}}sp�. Against Mayor �V � �t 1vo� PUBLt�D ti t�V � 81989 �L� N 0 V 2 5 198�, _ . . .. �.�-��� � RE 9/13/ 9 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE Pubiic Works Department Aug. 31, 1 89 GREEN SHEET NO. 1318 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �NITIAUDATE CITY COUNCIL �NITIAUDATE Paul St. Martin 292-628� ASSIGN �CITYATTOqNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE� /g pp�n�F� Ml1SC be in City Clerk��loffice AO ORDER ❑BU�'�DIRECTOR �FIN.BMGT.SEqVICESDIR. �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN� �'('p �n i 1 Research � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES .� (CUP ALL ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE7 ACTION RE�UESTED Construct a storm sewer system,water and sewer service nnections and reconnections, street improvements, repair sanitary sewers, and construct a lantern style lighting system in the Seventh-Otto Combined Sewer and Street Paving Project. File No. 's 18571, 18572 and 18569-3 pFrAMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a aeJecf(R) COUNCIL CO MITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVIISERVICECOMMISSION ANALYST PHONENO. _CIB CAMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS A DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ SUPPORTS YVHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI Neighborhoods. INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITf(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE.WHY): The Sewer Separation Program has been approved throug the Capital Improvement Budget Process. This is the fifth year of the Combined Sewer Separation Program. Many similar p jects have already been approved. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will reduce combined sewage overtlow to the Mississippi R ver during rains. RECEIVED SEP 131989 cirY c�trcrc DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This is part of the city's National Pollution Discharge Elimin tion System(NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with this work may resuft in penalties. � � . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION= COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO . FUNDING SOURCE ACI'fVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:fEXPLAIM * See Summary of Engineering Recommendations for fina cing information. . _ _ ��-i- ���� ST. PAUL,� CITY COUNCI - PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVE ENT CONSTRUCTION City Council District 4t2 District Planning Council �9 Dear Property Owner: � File No. 18571, 18572 L'�� and 18569=3 C�.��, To decide whether t proceed with construction of a storm sewer to P U R P O S E be known as the SEV NTfi/OTTO AREA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT bounded by I-35E on the wes and north, Shepard Road on the south and on AN D the east by Osceola Avenue and Sumac Street. Also, to decide on whether to proceed ith the street improvements and lantern-style lighting work in co nection with the SEVENTH/OTTO AREA SEWER LO C A T10 N SEPARATION PROJECT or the streetg listed on the reverse of this notice. Thurs , November , 989, at 9:00 A.M. H EA�IN G City Coun mbe s__Third Floor City Hall - Court House --------------- --------------------------------------------- Please note that th Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this i em and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Plea e bring any unresolved concerns thaC you may have to this meetin on Wednesday, November 1, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House t 9:00 A.M. If the Council appr ves this project, a portion of the costs will FINANCING be assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessmen s for this project area as follows: IN F O R MA TIO N ESTIMATED CONS RUCTION COSTS for Storm Sewe , Paving and Lighting $7,569,130 Engineering 1,454,320 Miscellaneous 189,950 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $9,213,400 ESTIMATED FIN CING: Minnesota Stat Aid 1990 $ 838,500 _ . . . - _ . , , ,,,,.,, �� �,,., 8uinsd �03 �uamssassE ou _ aaa.zaS pTy a�E�S Eaosauuty��� P2i P�sdauS o� y�� �saM - A� OZZO�� u�piM uz aaa3 0£ MoTag s�aa.z�S� ��L �SaM �� �S£-I - Ad OZZO udZopusg o� uos�BM - ZS NOZ'IIW pIE�SEg o� 0��0 - ZS NOZ'III� Ma�p o� �usssaTd - A� HOS �1M s�a$og o� �S£-I - Ad HOZ�ZQQIT� a�sTsd o� q�L �saM - ZS M IA a�� o� r��� zsaM - ZS ��l�I uos.za3�ar o� q�� �saM - zs yI�oa zn�� E�zo���� o� gSE-I - A�d Ol�iflf u�� �saM o� o��p - ZS �'I2IOZ IA Ma�p o� u��or,s�Bu� - A� S�f Mai� o� E��o���A - n� �xox�� nz sam8r o� t�dTopuEg - yS HOZ'II13 uo�us� o� B�io���A - A�' 2I333� �S� uos.za a o� a�s E t;�.IOMS�EL;� o� �S£-I - A�' 2i3333 �S 33 r �LIESEaT d o y��o0Z3I'I� o��p o� u�� �saM - yS S8� 02i o� �uss8a Td 3 � H L;�30MS�E[;� o� eC� _ ZS 3 �'2i �ussEa o� a�E Ed - ZS HZ2i0MSZdH�� Td T d - ZS HZ�IOMSZ�Ha Lj�.IOMS�EL;� o� udTopu� o� u�� �saM - ZS HZgOMSZtlFi� i;a30MS�Ei;� 30 �saM �08i - AV ZAI�S 'Id Ma�A o� uo� K�� �saM o� o��p - ZS NOSI�IF�� T�Y1 - A�' ���' d E�s°���A o� �uESSaId - A�' 9HO2IZSJ� o � � o � q� z X J � �i'i�` � � c GRA�E �p� ki BENHILL �J GRACE �� Mn�OT < �/iyN �q4, 7UNN0. $� I.S. 35E � � f a � EDGCUMBE JEFFERSON � P T �: i JUUET �-� � � � MONROE PALACE PALACE y� 3 � W � < Q � � �� ��� �. �' � � m � J�4MES �, a ..........:::::••.;•:•::: •::::.:� ••. � JAMES � 4 v � V RANDOLPH L RANDOIPH � � « a . . :.. .. .. . ... .. JUNO ; � ARMSTRON� �__ �......................:.. ... ..........• . •• WATSON F- ��� � Z " "'""""' TUSCARORA < � BAY D `rG�9 �� ��. a � ��J �' ��Q P Q SCHEFFE J'�` � 0 � ELEANOR ` � '� o � � �Q.`�` . O U = � � � S c�i �� � / � ° �� �,,�,� W ono z � U � � �isr � _ � q D , � NEW SEWER CONSTRUC110N �f � W/RESTORATION OF EX1517NG �'�� 9� �.c STREET OR ALLEY v �.��� Q.�P� � NEW S£WER CONSTRUCTION P� AND PAVING �LIGHT►tyC� G�' �P � � PAVING AND LIGNTING 1t�,� X PAVING OF INTERSECTION � aSTORM SEWER ASSESSMENT BOUNOARY , STREETS TO BE PAVED ' • ` RE .9/1 /89 �� � 4�41 o��T DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUN IL DATE INI A D Public Works Department Aug. 31, �sss GREEN SHEET No. 1318 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INRIAUDATE IN�TIAUDATE Paul St. Martin 29`2-62$0 r�GN ❑�PARTMENTDIRECTOR C�TYCOUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY(DATE� g �n�F ❑CITV ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK Mi1St be in City Clerk��lo�fice I70 �RDER ❑��"ETDIRECTOH �FiN.BMGT.SERVICESDIH. MAYOH(ORASSISTANT) ��CnttttCi� Research � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO Construct a storm sewer system,water and sewer servic connections and reconnections, street improvements, repair sanitary sewers, and construct a lantern style lighting system in t e Seventh-Otto Combined Sewer and Street Paving Project. File No. 's 18571, 18572 and 18569-3 pFrAMMENDATIONS:Approve�ly a aeject(R) COUNCIL MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �LYST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS A DISTqICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH Ca1NCll OBJECTIVE9 Neighborhoods. INITIATING PROB�EM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNIN(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE,WHY): The Sewer Separation Program has been approved thro h the Capital Improvement Budget Process. This is the fifth year of the Combined Sewer Separation Program. Many similar rojects have already been approved. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: Will reduce combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi iver during rains. DiSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPpOVEO: This is part of the city's National Pollution Discharge Elimi ation System(NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with this work may result in penalties. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i CO3T/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE � ACRVtTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIM ' See Summary of Engineering Recommendations for fin ing information. � fi :- . � � ��-�G�� Y 0�1ER � i CoimdI FfTe No. 8�-1?Ol—Hy Jamles tibel— In the Matter of construction o�f th Seventh/Otto'St�ieet.�rea.gtorm Sewer Project.Area is baunded tsy Inters�ate 5E'on the west and north;Shepard Road on the south and on the east by O�eol Ave. aad Sumac St. in Vot�g Ward 2: The Council oi the City of Sainx Pa having received the repo'rt ofthe Mayor upon the above improvement, atid ving considered said reporE, 'hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and t same i� heneby epproved -with no =. alternativ�,and that the esti ted cost thereo!is#b,033,000,financed b �a�R�! ,sewrr ll�►��� ; S3.l�0,� !'tlwsl t3t�ot �1� ,MYi �t�e Gi�! �M.M9;•st�le Iw� ,,��t�•�IIi9.+�lc��v�isZ'�I�e .�����II��l�: �r f� .,�. 'Z: That a pub�c be s�! g _ No�►aaber.19�N�- '.l�4�g�. the(?4��P���i���� 1 ,at�: �n.,#�t tbe ecwnci+l� a - t 3. That notice of said public �e g be given to the persons and in:thc> manner provided by the Charte , stating the time and:.plac�of hearing, the nature of the improvement d the total cost thereof as estirnated. File No. 18571 Adopted by the Council Septe�ber 1, 1989. Approved September 22, 1989. . , (September 30- tober 7, 1989) . . . �-�_a��. .� . . P A,BY QBDEB •. ,�,, , �Count�l File liTo. 89'-f701—B�.J Scheibel— In the�atter;vt c�uastruc� `�alf e-Sevent�/Otto Stzeet Area Storm Sewer P=ofect.Area is bounded by I�Sf a 35E on the west.and north,Shepard R,oad� . , on the south and on the east=by , la Ave.aad Sumac St: in Votiag War�i Z The Councfl of the�ity of Sai�uut ul haviag receivecl ths report a�the Mayor upon the above improvement, .an having considered said report, herebq resolves: ' 1. That the said repolt �ind he sarne is hereby approved v�ith no • alternatives,and that t1� ` ' sted cost thereof is�5,033,000,#iz�eneed b3* Minnesota Department o� sportation�669,000;Sewer�teveu�e�ds �1.200,000: Federal Granit �1 52,000; State Grant $6�,000; State Loan �,�;Sewer Repair F1un $332,000 and Assessments$t8Q.0(#(�.- . 2. That a pub�ir hearing b@ ha on said 3mprovement on the 9th day� November,1989 at 9:00 o'clx a.m.,in the Council Cha�mbers g�the City o �use in the�Y�y of Saint paiil. ` ' 3• That not� of�said Pub h ring he,given to the persons and in the mann�r�rovided by�he�a er, stat�ng the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv�m and the total cost thereof as eatimated. File No. 18571 Adopted by the Council Septeiiib 21, 2989. • APProved September 22. 1989i . (September 3 -October?, 1989) , _ �-�_��� � a PR,� A1tY ORDEIt Council File No. 89-1701—By Jam s 8chefbel— • In the Matter of construction o the Seventh/Otto Street Area Storm Sewer Project.Area is bounded by Interst te 35E on the west and north,�3hepard Aoad on the south and on the esst b1► ola Ave. �a s�a�st. �n vot�g v�a=a a. The Council of th�Cit�c ofS�ai�} _ aul having received the Fe'port oi the Mayor upon the above imgrovemenit, d having considered gaid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said rEpbrt an the s�de" is hereby ap td•�th no alternatives,and that the imated cost thereof is��;Sna�oed by Minnesota Departmeatfof ion�.00A;Sewer Revenue Bonds 51,200,000; Federal Grant. 1,452,000; State Grant �600,000; State Loan "i:`,:Z��@Qt,��!'�!�l1�' `�.11P_ 3�2,6�Ql1'mRt`1�Be9��4`���i�F:'�.�;�� 2. That a pub�ic hearing be ha on said imp�ove�n�t i�ri �he'8'E2[71 f�< h Novemb • QB9•at 9:0(l�o'¢loc a.m.,in the Cs�tuicii i.ni��)�7��7,, a an ourt House Suildi i�n t$e City o��aixi�.P�q� :�.:,. .�-��••;X�; . 3. That notice of said public he ring be given to tt�e p�raans aac�^hi�f�eaw.r� manner provided by the Gha er, sta4ing the time anc�place of.h�et!I�g, the nature of the improvemen and the total cost thereof as estitnatedl;= File No. 18571 • Adopted by the Council Septemb 22, 1989. Approved September 22, 1989: (September 3 October 7, 1989) ._ . � ��a�� 5. 11/9/89 Final Order: Co structing the Approved 3-0 SEVENTH/OTTO ARE STORM SEWER PROJECT. (Bounded by Inte state 35-E on the west and north, Shepa d Road on the south and on the east by 0 ceola Avenue and Sumac Street. Also, constructi g storm, sanitary and water service co nections if requested by the property own rs, for the SEVENTH/OTTO AREA STORM SEWER AND STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT 6. Resolution 89-17 5: Removing residential Approved 3-0 permit parking r striction on both sides of WILDER betwee Dayton and Selby, and both sides of MO RE between Laurel and Selby. (Referre to Committee 9/26/89) . (Laid over in Co mittee 10/18/89) . 7. Resolution 89-14 9: Authorizing District Approved Councils to use unds allocated for substitute neighborhood cle n-up projects in addition resolution to Neighborhood lean-up Day and that 4-0 District 15 Comm nity Council is authorized to ut lize its Neighborhood Clean-up allocat on for printing and distribution of olid waste reduction and recycling brochu e. (Referred to Committee 9/21/89) . (Laid over in Committee 10/18/89) . 8. Letter of DISTRI T ENERGY submitting rates Approved 3-0 to be charged to hot water customers effective Octobe 1, 1989. (Laid over in Committee 8/16, /20, 10/4 and 10/18/89) . 9. Ordinance 89-190 : An ordinance amending Approved 3-0 Chapter 161 of t e Legislative Code pertaining to SN W EMERGENCY ROUTES and establishing a p lot snow emergency plowing program. (Referred to Committee 10/19/89) .