89-1991 �' ��� � � City of St.Paul COiJNCIL F LE O. ' � PRELIMiNARY ORDER � , By '� File No. 18558E Voting Ward In the Matter of 3 Condemning and taking permanent utility easements for the FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL Sewer Separation Project , sub� ect o easements of record and existing structures on , under and across that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16 , Tow ship 28 North, Range 23 West , Ramsey County, Minnesota described as follo s : That part of Tract 1 (which is desc ibed below) lying southeasterly of a line 20 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the Southeast line of Lot 15 , Block 2 Edgecumbe Heights and No thwesterly of a line 10 feet North- westerly of and parallel to said Sou heast line of said Lot 15. TRAC 1 All of Lot 14 and the followin described portion of Lot 15 , Block 2 , Edgecumbe Heights Plat recorded as d cument number 292545 at the Office of the Registrar of Deeds , Ramsey Co nty , Minnesota. Commencing at the Northwest orner of Lot 15 , Block 2 ; thence southwesterly along the westerly line of said Lot a distance of 380. 15 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot , thence southeasterly along the South line of said Lot throu h a curve to the right of radius 310 feet a distance of 110 feet t South corner of said Lot ; thence easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 19 . 33 feet to the Southeast corner of said ot ; thence northeasterly along the easterly line of said Lot a di tance of approximately 180 feet to a point being the Southwest co ner of Lot 16 ; thence northerly a distance of 156 . 85 feet to a p int located by traversing from the Northwest corner of Lot 15 a d stance of 83 feet along the westerly line of said Lot , thence perpen icular to said Lot line to the left a distance of 82 feet ; thence no therly a distance of 114. 5 feet to a point located by traversing f om the Northwest corner of Lot 15 easterly along the North line o said Lot through a curve to the left with a radius of 1 , 176. 28 feet distance of 10 feet ; thence westerly along the above described North ot line to the point of beginning. Also , that part of Tract 2 (which ' s described below) lying within the following described lines : Commencing at the Southwest c rner of Lot 16 , Block 2 , Edgecumbe Heights , thence northeasterly a ong the west line of Lot 16 a distance of 200 feet ; thence northwester y along a line perpendicular to said lot line a distance of 10 feet to the point of beginning ; thence northwesterly along said perpendicular line a distance of approximately 25 feet to a poi t located at the intersection of said line with a line that is 30 fee East of and parallel to the west line of said Tract 2 ; thence norther y along said parallel line a distance of approximately 70 feet to a p int on the North line of said Tract 2 ; thence westerly along said Nort line through a curve to the right of radius 1176 . 28 feet a distan e of approximately 28 feet to the Northwest corner of said Tract ; thence southerly along the west line of said Tract 2 a distance of 1 4. 50 feet ; thence along a line through said last described point whic is perpendicular to the west line of Lot 16 to a point which is 20 f et west of' said West Lot line ; thence southwesterly along a line p rallel to the west line of Lot 16 a distance of approximately 75 fe t to a point being the intersection of i�aic� �i LVL6 1.� g[14 lo Lnroug a curve t0 th2 lett W�t$ a radius Of