89-1986 wNITE - Cirr CIERK COI1rtClI �` ���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL �����"��R°SO�'Fp�E CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO• Council esolution �"� � I 3', Presented By ��� Referred To Committee: Date ��.� -�-s�� Out of Committee By Date LOT SPLIT WITH V IANCE APPROVAL FOB MIK MAGGI WHEREAS, Mike Maggi, has sub�itted the attached proposed lot split for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Departtent ot Planning an Economic Develop�ent and Public Works have reviewed the proposed lot split 1 cated on the 850 Forest Street and $59 Duchess Street, as described on the at ached survey; and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets he requiresents of Chapter 67.304 of the Zoning Code, except for the minioum lo size for the single fae�ily residential district; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing befo e the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the city an notices were �ailed to each owner of affected property and property situat wholly or partly within 350 of the subject property; and WHEftEAS, a public hearing before the ity Council was held on October 12, 1989, where all interested parties were hea , the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning he lot split with variance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that he City Council accepts and approves the lot split located at 850 Forest Stree and 849 Duchess Street, with variance for minimum lot size for a single fam ly structure in a I-1 district; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy o thia resolution will be �ailed by the City Clerk to the applicant at 849 Du hess Street, St. Paul MN 55106, Planning Ad�inistrator and to the Zoning Admin strator. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPME�IT Dimond �� i.o� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman i} B �he1be� Against Y Sonnen '�iisew �V — 1 ��g Form Appr ve by City Atsstrgey Adopted by Council: Date ( / �,, Certified Pa;• il Se ry BY � ] ; `_ ; sy � A ro y Ylavor: Date � � Appr by Mayor for mis ion to Council 'UBttSf� ":�', , � 1989 PAU R. M�LAGAN & SON �.���,� � r � 233 ota Avcnue WkST ST.PAU4,�11NN.SS I 1N - . ,. • �i�i�i�i�����V Minnewca RcgisccreJ 1.anJ Sun•cyors .. Dt ����� � 1 Hereby Certify t at this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervisio and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of innesota. Surveyed For......M�k�. Mmgg,�..'......:.........._............ ...... PAUL J.McGINLEY, R.L.S. ..........._. ...................... ........... Dat._....t�.r.ai..l;....�...4.,.....�,9�.�....................._...�.......�.:......�._. . Sca�a....�......iz�,�,�],...-....Z.O.....���.t_..............._._._�_.... . .....�...._.._....�..�.._. .....�. � � N.REGISTRATI O. 16099 � Propo ed Description . . ' ' arce 1 A . _ . The west 65.00 feet of Lot 5 Blo k 4, "Auditor's Subdivision No. 7 St. Paul Minn", according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorde , Ramsey County, Minnesota. . _ __ . . Propos d Description _ _ � P rce 1 B � That part of Lot 5, B1ock 4, "Aud tor's Subdivision No. 7 St. Pau1 . Minn'; according to the recorded lat th�reof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey Co nty, Minnesota, which lies east of the .west 65.00 feet thereof. � � 3 " � . o � �._ .. . z � ��; '� � :: . �, APP.PDX• CRAYE D �P / !� / NG A �PEA � p '�'�>> � 6.'j� '� a � ��9 M ( _ 4 ° � R.6 cc� ., ;,;. � � N •,;. �ft71UN0 /�E�IN . . A�PE Z Slt7RY STl/l•fC'n B�'• :: ? SIO�PY .S7GfC'CO B[OC. �s� /y, � R` 1 i ��p y/' ',� a �� $4e3 \ r�'�.. 09 � . • , \. � � � � `• S � � � �. Po�ce/ A �,, o .• Pa�ce/ B _ O o� �'•, o o E�c-r,� � � � � '. s^SV . !/NE . � v , � (AP �q'JXJ �. „ _ . � �, � j �117P OF CANC. �PE/ W.4Ll '` , O . , , ; ` v.�•Gb X r'C.iGVN C/NK NCE �.QZ �� . . I . . . . . . .~ I , . _ _. � De�ofe4 �/¢"ii»� ,oi,ae sef N / 99 _ � � �r-.��., ,.� ���l`�� r�,_;�:,;�,�� Al Olson � City Clerk's Office 0�1��1 1��� LOT SPLIT STAFF REPORT 386 City Hall ' �� 1 CITY CLERK FILE #SBD 363 1. APPLICANT: Mike Maggi DATE OF HEARING: 10-12-8° 2. IACATION: 850 Forest Street and 59 Duchess Street (between railroad tracks and Sims Avenue) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Proposed Desc iption) Parcel A: The west 65.00 feet of Lot S, Block 4, Auditor's Subdivision o. 7 St. Paul, Minnesota; Parcel B: That part of Lot 5, Block 4, Auditor's ubdivision No. 7 St. Paul, Minnesota according to the recorded plat the fore on file in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies east of the west 65.00 feet thereof. 4. PRESENT ZONING: I-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67. 304. , 67 .703. 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DAT : 10-10-89 BY: Charles L. McGuire A. PURPOSE: To consider a lot split with ariance to permit division of the parcel into two separate legal descript ons. A variance is required because the sing e family home requires a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. The proposed lot split with variance requests a lot size of 3,321 square feet, for a varianc of 1,679 square feet. B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site has two uildings on a single lot of record. The building with the address of 850 Fore t Street is a two story commercial building that is currently being use as a ar. The building with the address of 849 Duchess Street is a two story building that is a single family home. The adjacent properties to the north, east south and west are developed for parking or industrial use. C. MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS: Minimum lot size required for a single family home in I-1 district, is the minimum requirement set in the R-4 requirement of 5,000 square feet. The commercial structure does ot require any minimum lot size. D. CURRENT WIDTH AND AREA: The current width o the lot is 50.00 feet and both buildings are on this single lot which has a ot size of 6,571 square feet E. PROPOSED WIDTH AND AREA: The proposed lot wid h for both new lots would be 50.00 feet. Parcel A (commercial structure) w uld retain the lot size of 3,250 square feet. Parcel B (residential structure) ould obtain the lot size of 3,321 square feet. File SBD #363 Page Two F. REOUIRED FINDINGS: 1. The requested lot split meet all requirements of Section 67. 304 of the zoning code except the minim lot size requirement for a single family residential home. 2. The City Council may grant a v riance from the subdivision regulation when compliance would create an unu al hardship, based on such findings of Section 67.703 of the zoning ordinance. These findings and the applicant's ability to meet them with the current prop al are as follows: a) The intent of the subdivision chapter is met. The intent of this chapter is o provide for a orderly, economic, and safe development of the land. This 'ntent can be met with the proposed lot split. b) The granting of the variance wil not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare or injurious t other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the propert is located. The lot split will have virtually o impact on the adjoining properties. c) The conditions upon which the reque t for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other properties. The property contains both a commerci 1 structure and a residential structure which is unique to this pro erty. The request is to separate the two structures into two separate legal descriptions. d) The special conditions and circumstanc do not result from the actions of the applicant. The current condition use is legal nonco forming. The lot split would no� change this condition. e) Unusual hardship to the owner would resul , as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the e regulations was carried out. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findi gs, staff recommends approval of the Lot Split with Variance. RECEIVED MPLICJITION FOR SUBDIVISION RE EM AU� 71989 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING SUBDIYISION REVIEH ! ��' � .����:�=s��.�._�__ __==�=�s=�s���s.�s.�..�����_�___ , . . �� / % PROJECT NAME . � � , t ( / DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT � � ! � ! V ,` PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION � �-' r�/ ��i l � G(cc �t'��_ � � ��� LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY � '� ���'C ��i%C°— �"� ,/,/, . APPLICANT /r1� E; � . l CONPANY ADDRESS l�� � � �' � (ZIP) �� PHONE � �� �r �� TYPE OF DIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT �_ PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS Five or More Tracts) , r -�'/� � .�-- �,- �'�!� APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE � f G � i DATE -� ✓ � �; �-�_ �r FEE PAIO $ �C' -� ' � CITY AGENT��_.-.,�------ �_ sssssa:sxaaasaa=as=nac=ss==on_=__=a=ss=a�aaa ssx=s=aaassa=ma=zsma�=a�aaaaza�a=z=azmss==_o OFfICE USE ONLY PLNG DIST � LAND USE � � ZONING - i HISTORY �����'�4. TAX MAP � � PLANS DISTRIBUTED �- 7"�S� RE RN BY - . - �"��" �� REYIEWEO BY C NTS RECElVED (continue on back) ssssa=saasasss==ns=ag==c=a=a=a==cc=cc=aa=sxa=m===�ccs=a c==a=aaa=c=sa=ssasa===asaa�aaxa=xc FOR STAFF USE ONLY Legal Notice Published City Council Hearing Date Approved/Denied 7/1/85 � ♦ 7I)O�wAw�t ri.fTlT./AYL,111NM.1f11/ �' . �. 1'�lf UR� .w.mw-..+�..+11w..,.. X��—,%'-�"����.� . ' of �rbep ,b.�.��h�tl��+�Y.P�a npat W..P�epand er ms a waa : my dirat apwision�nd thu 1�a�duiy Repqaed Land Surrepor uodu We iaw�of[he Suu of Yinnewa. Srrwysd Fo __2'iike Mi�gi._.. ---,--- MUL1.McCWLEY.RLS. D.t.--BRri1 4, ..14$4....._ Sed•_1_. -..20 .fetei_ . C�....P2h'l`�..ly. N.REWSTMTI .1�099 Propoaed Deacription Parcel A The vea 65.00 feet of Lot 5 Block 4, "Auditor'e Subdivision No. 7 St. Pau Minn", according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the offi e of the Couaty Recorder, Rameey Couaty, riinneaota. Proposed Description Parcel B That part f Lot 5, Block 4, "Auditor't Subdivisioa No. 7 St. Paul liinn", acc ding to the recorded plat thereof on file in [he office of the Coun y Recorder, Ramsey County, Mianesota, vhich liea eaat of the weat 5.00 feet thereof. i i i g � 3 � �� � �'ti � .,. � �kc APP.PDX- CRAYEL pIP/Y/NG A�PEA C_ � f � 6S.A0 � 6�.f'7 �7 �� �j �° - «+. . i `� i�w ID'OE � ( 1 S2K✓dluciro dMa^� � .: �i t /f/ � _ t� 7 i104Y 11GtY0 alAC• �� � wi /� ��'� � -��.,':. �f \ � ` � y� Po�ce/ A o Po�ce/ B � y . . . , dN0 flEG s � ` S-SYY. !/A'E ,' . � p/i�Pprl � 7 nw a•a++r..Arr w.ru O . 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NORTH EN D 7. THOPIAS—DALE 8. SUMMIT—U"dIVERSITY 9. JEST SEVEP�TH 10. OMO 11. AMLINE—MI DWAY 12. T, ANTHOP�Y 13. ERRIAM PY..—LEXINGTOrd HAMLINE—S"7ELLING HAMLINE 14. ROVELAND—MACALESTER . 15. IGHLAND 15. UMMIT HILL � 17. OWNTOIJP� 'r ��°t� � ���� ���� ��D 63 � � ��z � �. • • � • . �, �� �� �� ' � ��� r !-'� � '�� � • • . .. • • I. . . � • • • W��'�� � � • • V`:��' • • y � � �• o � � ii ' nA�n�A�n�l n �A�ir;� .. ... . .. . . • . � . . .� r,�� Q : �����r�� � rr�� �� � o• . i � � - � ��'� + • e- � �� • - - . ••! : .'; �. 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SBD #363 Representati ves of 1 anni ng Di stri ct 5 PAGE PURPOSE Lot split with variance LOCATION 850 Forest and 849 Duchess between railroad tracks & Sims Ave. PETITIONER MIKE MAGGI H E A R I N G Thursd y, October �, 1989 9:0o a.M. Citv C uncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House QUESTIONS Zoning Chuck �1cGuire, 228-3364 Contac the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Develo ent Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4 h Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal D scription: On file Notice sent 9/15/89 . . . s � ��4 CtT= OA '+ . 4 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° ����;���,,, ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `�m ���� �� � �o' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Sheet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 786� 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED � September 6, 1989 SEP o 71989 CITY CLEftli Mr. Albert B. Olson, City lerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510 Dear Mr. Olson: This letter is written to onfirm the hearing date for a final plat: Applicant: Mike M gi File Number: SBD #36 Purpose: Lot split ith variance Legal Description of roperty: 850 Forest and 849 Duchess between R.R. Tracks and Sims Avenue In order to allow time for he mailing of appropriate notices, please schedule � the hearing date as soon as possible after 1Q�5-$9. Our preference would be 10-5-89. I will phone you within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, � ' ��� Daniel K. Bayers Zoning Section cc: file SBD #363 cc: Mary Jean � � � � �: �'�. .a , , • N ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The St. Paul City Counci will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Mike Magg' for a lot split with variance for property at 850 Forest and 849 Du hess between the railroad tracks and Sims Avenue, on Qctd�er 5:,K3 9 at 9:04 A:M. in the City Council Chambers. . Dated September 7, 1989 .. Albert B. Olson City Clerk . (September 16, 1989) � . . �,5� �-��i�� DEPARTM[NTlOFFICEIWUNCIL DATE INITIATED PED/PLAPINI"l� DI�!ISI�M 1n�24 R9 'Gi EEN $HEET NO. ��� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INIT�AU DATE MITIALlOATE ��P NT DIRECTOR �CRY OOUNpI Charles L. Mc�uire - ?.28-3�6n �� marr Rr�v �cnvc��nc MUST 8E ON COl1NpL AtiENDA BY(DAT� NOUTNIO �iBU DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.SERVK�S DIR. As soon as �racti cal . ►�►Y �oR,,ss�s� �a TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PA3ES 1 (q.IP ALL L.00ATIO S FOR SKiNATURE� �- AC110N RC-0UEBTED: Adont resol uti on to formal%ze Counci l acti on t en �ctober 12, 19RQ, O CT 2 41989 �ITY �������;�w�:�� �co��Na►,�oNS:�va►�•w��M c�n couNCa �t nEPOAr o�noNn�. _PLANNINf�(bAAMIS810N �w�Vl(�COAAMISSION ANALYST PMONE.NO. q8 COMMITTEE ��,� 0 CT 2 � ���: ' —���«,� _ �'P�"'""*'CO1NqLA�O'R'S OF�ICE irxn�►naa PROe�.issue.ovPOr�vNmr�wrw,wna�.wiwr�.wn«s.wny�: Resolution formalizincr action recommended y staff and taken 6v Council followinn a �ublic hearin� on (lcto6er 12, 1989, ADVANTAQES IF APPFlOVED: DISIIDVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: RGC�.,I , ,, ��1�,9 CITY CLEt,2K DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPF�VED: Councit Research Center . OCT 2 5 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COaT/REV@NNH BUD�TED(CIRa,E ON� VES NO F1lNpINp SOURC� ACTIVITY NUMBER Flt�UWGMAI INFORMATION:(EXPt/Ul� dw