89-1982 wHiTE — Cirr CLERK COUrtCII PINK — FINANCE CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAiTL BLUE — MAVOR File NO. �/� — � Council Resolution q Presented B � 'v� Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Public Housing Agency (PHA) of t City of Saint Paul has requested that the Office of Personnel and Labor Relations provi e the PHA with examination and certification services, and WHEREAS, The City can provide these services ithin existing personnel constraints, and WHEREAS, The PHA is willing to remburse the C'ty in an amount not to exceed $4000 per year, and WHEREAS, The City retains the right to refuse to provide the exam services if this interferes with providing quality service for City departments, and WHEREAS The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are ava�lable for appropriation revenues in e cess of those estimated in the 1989 budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following c anges to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN ___Budget____ ___Changes___ ___Budget____ 030 PERSONNEL OFFICE SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND 30163 Personnel Services 30163-4099 Fees-N.O.C. 0 4,000 4,000 30163 All Other Financing 0 0 0 All Other Fund Financing 12,180 0 12,180 ------------- ------------- ------------- 12,180 4,000 16,180 SPENDING PLAN 030 PERSONNEL OFFICE SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND 30163 Personnel Services 30163-0221 Postage 0 200 200 30163-0294 Testing Services 0 1,000 1,000 30163-0299 Other Misc Services 0 800 800 30163-0369 Other Office Supplies 0 2,000 2,000 30163 All Other Spending 0 0 0 All Other Fund Spending 12,180 0 12,180 ------------- ------------- ------------- 12,180 4,000 16,180 NET CHANGE + 4,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: ---��� -- -��=_�_�__��---- COUNCIL MEMBERS Req sted by epartment o Yeas Nays � ���AJ�� � ) p+� Dimond !1 /'��`-- �ng In Favor �►, � �r� coswitz Rettman a ersonnel Office sche;bel _ Against SFA�$..�TK� Sonnen •m�.,__ �'rrveee—� �Oy _ 7 Form Appr ve by City t rne Adopted by Council: Date � �'� Certified P•s e b uncil r By By� - � / � �✓ App ov d, Mayor or ion to Council t#pproved avor. Date — � �__ -�,�'''�_�. �} !�l�- .:^" � `� 1989 - �Lii.�J . ...:`y'� .. . . �` ��, � � ���i-i��� PUBLIC HOUSING GENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � PHA 350 Gilbert Building • 413 Wac uta Street • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 • Phone (612) 298-5668 � April 24, 1989 Mr. Rafael A. Viscasillas Personnel Director City of Saint Paul 265 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Letter of Agreement for Consult nt Services Contract No. 89-74 Dear Mr. Viscasillas: The following terms are mutually agr ed upon by the City of Saint Paul ("City") and the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul ("PHA"): 1. The City shall formulate, o assist the PHA in formulating, selection services for the positions f : A. Work Order Mechanic A B. Maintenance Mechanic 2. The PHA may utilize such da and materials produced in number 1, above, as it sees fit, but e City in no way warrants or guarantees the results from PHA usage. 3. In compliance with Minnesota Statute 13.34 (the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act), both pa ties acknowledge that materials produced under number 1 abov are protected as non-public data. As a result, the PHA shall not di close to any other employer, directly or indirectly, the contents of ny of the materials furnished hereunder � to ensure that future usage f such materials is not compromised. 4. The PHA shall remit a sum to be determined on a time and materials basis for services performed by the City, as priced in the attached schedule of charges. The tot 1 amount for all services performed under this agreement shall not exc ed $4000. S. All tasks related to number , above, shall be completed by July 1, 1989. 6. Either party may terminate t is agreement without cause upon five (S) days written notice of one t the other and payment will be made to the Ci for services render to that point. In that event the PHA a retain copies and all terials developed to that time and paid f by the PHA. ��- . � � 1�-c-c� , � ,^- � /Z /`,4 City int Paul Date PHA Development Direc or Date }/ Personnel Director ��� ?/��-��.nn A-�� �/�7�v . PHA 0 erations & Finance Director Date Attachment , _ �r���/��"at 4-24-89 SCHEDULE OF CHARGES OR SERVICE AND MATERIAL , I. Staff Time: A. Professional: $25.00 per hour This includes such items as ob analysis, consultation, test construction, test administr tion. B. Administrative Support Staf $12.00 per hour Data entry and word processi g are included in the staff time charges. II. Computer Time: $12.00 per hour This includes such items as Mac ine Scoring and processing and printing of reports. III. Initial Copy of Previously cons ructed examination $500.00 including any validation eviden and other supporting material if availabl . IV. Additional copies of examinatio material printed $0.05 per page in City office: V. Postage for information sent to andidates: at cost . VI. Miscellaneous supplies and mater als at cost . . . C������`�vTS DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJOOUNdL DATE INRIATED Office of Personnel & Labor Rel 10-18�•89 GREEN SHE NO. 5�� CONTACT PER80N d PNONE pEpARTMENT DIRE RTOOUNpL German don Alvarado - 298-4221 �� CIIY AITORNEY _ �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUi1N0 BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) 0 y�25Lnc,i tS2 TOTAL M OF 81QNATURE PAGES � (q.IP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIQNATURE� ACTION REQUE8TED: Approve additional spending authority inanced with revenue from Public Housing Agency (payment for testing services) . REOOMMENDATIONB:AqNOV!(/Q w RsJOCt(F� COUNqL COM ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL @ r4 ANALYBT PHONE . �-s .- �•-�-F- _PLANMINQ COAAMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: N _DISTRICf COURT _ o� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 �� � � �{ri y `� ��5.j�� 8� iamnnru;�,ISBUE,�PORTUNITV(Who,Whet,Whsn,Whero,Wh�: The Public Housing Agency requested the O.f.f�ce of Personnel and Labor Relations to perform certain testing ser.��ices on rei b�.ixsable basis. Personnel agr_ees providing that it does not interfere with serF�ici g Cif�� depar.tments. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: We will assist the Public Housing Agenc in complying with a court order Secondly, we will increase the revenues of the Ci y slightly DIBADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: None. We wiZl carefully monitor the wo k load to ensure it does not interfere with service to the City departments . �•CE�VE� (�'►�11�.q CITY CLERK pBADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: We will not be able to manage �he money roperly nor to provide the.services to an agency that services an impertant public fun�tlon . Council Research Center ocT ae�s�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s �O,OOO COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(q1�LE ONE) � NO FUNDING80URCE Ptlblic Housin A enc ACTIVITYNUMOER 30163 FlNANqAL INFOAMATION:(EXPWN) d�, WMITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File N0. 89-1983 Substitute Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council, thr ugh citizen input from public hearings with neighborhood groups and district council has identified a high priority need for an enhanced citywide effort and funding reg rding Neighborhood Crime Prevention efforts; and WHEREAS, the City Council rec 'zes that neighborhood organizations, in partnership with the Saint Paul Police D artment, know the neighborhoods best and can provide effective crime prevention se 'ces tailored to particular neighborhood needs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that it is the City C uncil's intent that approacimately $400,000 be targeted for a Neighborhood Crime Prev ntion Grant Program over a two-year period with $200,000 being available for grants i 1990 and $200,000 in 1991 from the following fund sources: CDBG and General Fund esources; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the e funds will be allocated once grant criteria and eligibility guidelines have been establ shed and recommended to the City Council by the Planning Commission. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman -p �� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �E� � :3 igU� Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya- b C unci ecret BY By A►pproved� � avor D _ '� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council f �l BY � DEC 2 31989 _ ._ . ;. . . . y ���� �' j,,,,,,��sy„ CITY OF 'AIN7` PAUL i�« E fw�� � RECF���cn OFFICE OF T E CITY COUNCIL DEC0719g9 Committ e Report CITY CLEKK Finance Mana ement Personnel Committee DECEMB R 4, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of November 3, 1989, meeting. Approved .w�++�'�° .��,,,�,,.,,.,.,-�-�.,, ,,,..:,-��.�.,.:;,„ ..,, ��.. ,. . � -. _ ., _, . _ - . eso ution �9-1983 - approving $ OO,OOO funding for Approved as amended � the Neighborhood Crime Preventio Grant Program for ' `�.� 1990-1991. (Referred from Council November 7, laid � over November 13) .__ _. -.�,.�_...._n:_.�. _ � _ _ ___. . . _ _ 3. Resolution 89-2010 - amending th 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $8,217 to the Financing a Spending Plans for Civic Organization Contributi ns for Indochinese Food 6ank. (Referred from Counci November 14) 4. Resolution 89-2029 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $1,749 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Public Utilities Investigatio - Gas. (Referred from Council November 1 ) 5. Resolution 89-2030 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $50,000 to the Financing a d Spending Plans for Purchasing's Consolidated Sto es fund. (Referred from Council November 1 ) 6. Resolution 89-2031 - amending the 1986 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by ad ing $323,400 to complete roof replacement and bui ding tuckpointing of the Central Library. (Referre from Council November 16) 7. Resolution 89-2032 - amending the 1983 and 1989 Approved Capital Improvement Budgets by ad ing $114,540 to . make the Groveland warming house andicapped accessible for child care program and to make the Science Museum handicapped access ble and for energy management improvements. (Referr d from Council November 16) CITY HALL SEVENT FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 S. .t6