89-1981 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII //�� G]�/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAiTL File NO• •�I��`� " BLUE - MAVOR � .0 cil esolution � , �� � � Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 64598) for the transfer of a Class A Gambling License by M dway Skating Club currently located at 1060 University Av nue, be and the same is hereby approved for transfer to 733 P erce Butler Route. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond I.o� [n Favor Goswitz (� Rettman sche;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �V —� �.'70� Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Yas ouncil cretary By � '/G '� gy, ;/� Appr by iVlavor: D QY —;; � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBtlS�D ����0 U 1 � 198 � . � . ���—l4�1 DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADMINISTRA ION DATE '� �� �i � v �. g� INT�.RDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn roc ssed/Rec 'ved by Lic Enf Aud �� L-14� ,�- SPieSS Applicant !"1 i L�J 5 nti�( 'p Home Address � � �(o � l�'l��o lcc✓�ud � '" � —� / S-I"Pac...l, �1 n 55/v S Business Ivame � � [�/,�,+_p_� S ���nti �,!(.� Home Phone susiness Address _ �] 33 �er�_� #��� Type of License(s) C�SS A �li.+'n b�� ni Business Phone L► C�.t.,��- -�-,�C�n 5 r� �oC�-�'+-���� Public Hearing Date � I � License I.D. 41 (� �J��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Ch mbers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� N�'4 llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� IV��' to Applicant I'ederal Fi_rearms 4� u��' Public He�.iring DATE IIvSPEC UN REVIEW VEKFIED (CO TER) CUMMENTS A roved Not roved � Bldg I & D + u(,� ; Health Divn. � uI� � � Fire Dept. � l ; u�/� I Police Dept. � ! S,�,r,� rd�,Z j 5 loll �l p� License Divn. ' to',�'� � Dl� City Attorney � l� �� � i �tL Date Received: Site Plan u �} �0� �['� To Council Research Lea�e or Letter Date from Landlord p '2 �5 • • ' C ity � Saint Paul "� " -—/7Q r Finance and Management Se vicesiLicense & Permit Division INFORMATION REQUIRED WZTH APPLICaTION FOR ERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITA.BLE GAMBLI:IG GA.KE Iv SAI.(T PAUL (To be used with the following New A & C application, renew A & C Licenses, and new and renew B in Private C ubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organizatio which is applying for license . Midwa Skatin Club Inc. 2. Address where games will be held 733 Pierce Butler Road St. Paul r'Il�1 55104 umber Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applicat'on who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Gar A. S iess Date of Birth 9/4/50 (a) Length of time manager has been mber of applicant organization 22 years 4. Address of Manager 2464 Ma lewood ive St. Paul MN 55109 Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicati n is for Saturday 11/4/89 - 10/31/90 6. Is the applicant or organization org nized under the laws of the State of MN? Yes 7. Date of incorporation 2 15 49 8. Date when registered with the State f Minnesota 2/24/49 9. How Iong has organization been in ex stence? Since 1945 L0. Iiow long has organization been in ex stence in St. Paul? Since 1945 11. What is the purpose of the organizat on? To Qive financial aid. coaching. and to romote s edskatin for local nat onal and international c tition I2. Officers of applicant organization: Name Bruce Ba Name na�ri� Hacter Address 5 89 k rjl�j Address '�55R .TArrv St_� WhitP RPar TakP NllV Title president/TYeas DoB Title Vi�_P p,-PCid n D�B LE,[11 f42 Name Steven Ahl ren Name Address 1563 Fulham St. Lauder 1 Address Title Secretary DOB 3 23 48 Title DOB 13. Give names of officers, or any othe persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Dale Bo d Name Address 1307 Willow Circle Ros e Address 5 113 Title Gamin Treasurer Title (Attach separ e sheet for additional names.) . . ��,��� 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names an addresses of all members of the organizatien. 15. In whose custody will organization's ecords be kept? Name Dale F. Bo d Address 1307 Willow Gircle, Roseville NIN 55113 16. List all persons with the authority t sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: ��Name Dale F. Bo d Name Address 1307 Willow Circle Roseville Irll�1 Address Member of 55113 Member of DOB 9/27/45 Organization? yes DOB Organization? Name Name Address Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your organization pay or int d to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes X no b) If you do pay accounting fees, to hom will such fees be paid? Name Dale F. Bo d Address 1307 Willow Circle, Roseville, NllV 55113 DOB 9/27/45 Member of 0 ganization? Yes c) How are the accounting fees char ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) Flat fee for weekl activit • hourl rate for annual tax return and annual licence renewa . 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly nderstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operat on of Charitable Gambling games? Yes 19. Attached hereto on the form furnishe by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes all receipts, expens s, and disbursements of the applicant organiza— tion, as well as all organizations o have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepare , and verified by Address who is the of the appiicant organization. Nam 20. Operator of premises where games wi l be held: Name NELS WOLD C�iapter 5 Business Address 208 Veterans Se ce Bld St. Paul I�1 55155 Home Address � . � � � . . . (,��-��r 'L1. �,mount of rent paid by applicant organ'zation for rent of the hall: rpc�r /I o U ir' 150.00 r � session 22. The proceeds of the games will be dis rsed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following rposes and uses: Indoor ice rink rental skatin and arm-u suits, training equipment, meet entry �� ees, trave expenses or coac es a s ters to out-o =town meets, uropean trave e nses for skaters in world meets• traini e nses for skaters in Wes� Allis, WI, an Lake P acid, NY; awar s or ters, ees or e s ting rac , scholarshi s for ualified skaters nd financial aid for Novice program. 23. Has the premises where the games are o be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Yes 24. Has your organization filed federal f rm 990-T? No If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If ans er is no, explain why: Bin o and ull-tab income is not ta ble r ublic la 95-502 and 513(f) of the IRC. Any changes desired by the applicant assoc ation may be made 'only with the consent of the City Council. Midway Skatine Club, Inc. Organization Name . Date %d ��/�� By: Man ger n cha e of game �if,tc�� c7 gGtu� lU/� � Organization President or CEO ^ + I � ,- - � .. - � ti � - 9 �e �� i� � - - � ti � � „ �e � S � :e r. � ro � . � : (� � �' -z � � � ti 9 t� .� n 3 •e i ; r. •- '; _ = _ � � 3 3 i T �e � 3 D ? ,� .1 a .. r- �o � = n e a T s � r�+ 9 a + � y � � ' 3 � s � 3 ^ _ � � : r. 3 n ,, � = � � �... o � ; a ' � ( � � 3 I � � z � a a . � �j�j • 3Z ,Qj I � � � ('� � 3 Z � n � r► 7 � � � �� t .. � rf 3 Z � � � � 1S � Z , � � � , � .t my �l 1 3 ' ''" �� � o 'c� �p � �; s I �. y1 �` � Z� �r, "� � � c a � � = � rY a O - � �.. �,z � � �w � � I � ip n r� �O '� � 3 � N< � � S ,9 � � �1 � = , _ � � .� � = ;�� A N +� � �'f "1 S a � = a n � � ; ` � � ��' :. � � ^ . � .., _ , 9 - f� � a� � � �_ ' � � ' n .. _ . _ ^ ._ T " 1 I ,�. a s e � C C T a a _ = : r. � � n � 1 1 _ ' � i , � _ � � 7 � �V � 1 z � I� A 1 7 1^ 1� q Q a � �V! � , � I � � � ^ a .. I t � . 7 .. . . .. . ���9� Cit of Saint Paui Department of Finan e and Management Services ���1���� , License a d Permit Division City Hafl St. Paul, Min esota 55102•29&5056 APPUCATI N FOR LICENSE : . CASH CHECK CLASS N0. N � Renew - - � ca o a �y � Date �� " '�` 19� / Code No. Title of Licenae From ��— � 19�To �Q/'3� 19� �qa G S - �� S � . . � ) �1 �� �� � G r rl lr►G� �,yf �j� Appll ntlCompany Na e � �^ 100 (� • n �P,� �'t ��lk�o.� ' � �3 7'r P r�4. �s�-��P�_ �� 100 Busfnsss Name ' �oo �T � -�A r,c � �� rl 8usinesa Address � Phon�No. 100 100 Mail to Address Phone No. � ,00 C-�G� A- S ��ss Manaper/Own r•Name 100 a �I� �� �I a� �Q c�o o d D� ' 100 AlanayerlGwner•Home Addroas Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 Received the Sum of O100 S i - q��1 i� � SS�U � �� �p O ManagedOwner•City,State 2ip Cods 100 Tot 100 . �� , � + � Ucense InspeCtor By: ` ��' qnatwe o(Appiicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expintion Datt Insurance• Company Name Polfey No. ExpinHon Oat� Mtnnesota State Identification No: Social Security No. Vehicle information: S�rlal Numb�t at�Numbet Other � THIS IS A RE IPT FOR APPUCATION � TH1S IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your applfcation tor lic nse will either be 9ranted or rejected subject to the provisions oi the zoni�q ordinance and eompletlon of the inapections by the Health, Fi e,Zo�iny and/or Licsnse inspectors. . $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS e�7��/`' ���-'�v �0�60 � . �e. `�4'�7�t f�� . {. IV u �a.�,c. rB rnt,c,�,�, . . � � ; � � �v� /0-ia �9 �•� � ,P . _ ���..,�xi DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5 7.6 9 IMITIAIJ OATE INITIAUOATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV COUNdL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-505 ��� �y ATTORNEY qTY CLERK MUST 8E ON OOUNpL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINp ' BUOOET dRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT,SERVIC�3 Dlfi. �u►vop coR�ss�sr�n m Cou nc i 1 R TOTAL#�OF 81ONATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L TIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACT10N REGUE8TED: Approval..of an application for', th transfer of a Class A Gambling License. Hearin Date: 11-2-89 Notification Date: REOO�ENa►TIONB:MP��+W a►�(pl COUNdL REPORT OPTIONAL - - _PIANNIN(i COMMIBSION _CIViI 8ERVIG�COMMISSION ��YST PMONE NO. —C�WMMITTEE _ _8TAFF _ COMMENT8:: _DI8TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORT8 WFF�CH WUNpI OBJECTIVE? INITIATINQ PROBLEM,{SSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,WMn,Whsrs,Wh»: Gary A. Spiess on behalf of the M dway Skating Club. requests Council approval of his application to;tr nsfer a Class A Gambling License from 1060 University Avenue to 733 f�ie ce Butler Route. All fees and applications have been submitted. IIDNANTAOEB IF APPROVED: � �c��n pCT231�J8.9 CI�Y CLEKK DtBADVANTA0E8 IF APPFIOVED: DISADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROVED: Cou�c�� Research Cente� ' OCT 191989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE sUDOETED(CNiCLE ONEj YES NO fUNDINQ SaJRCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN)